... Justication for the increasing importance of medicinal and ornamental functions of the forest in the future is key to a better understanding of the local perception of the village’s development. The future ... spp.). They were then paid a further VND 450,000 for the rst year and VND 250,000 for each of the next two years under the terms of the forest protection contract (for comparison, the average ... rattan, home gardens and the collection of war wreckage. Some of the villagers were in the army during the war against the USA, and they still receive compensation from the government. Two villagers...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20
... reported on another part of the Reuters system, the FXNB page. The stochastic element in such cases is the actual announcement, not the timing of it. In general, the majority of the US announcements ... at the same time there is some small increase in the volatility of the market the spread increase can be attributed to the traders, fear of central bank interventions. The busiest period of the ... with the exception of the average spread in Yen the exogeneity of the other variables is rejec- ted. The Basmann (1974) test for the overidentified restric- tions does not reject the null hypothesis...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 15:52
scientific american special edition - 2003 vol 13 no1 - the edge of physics
... results, predictions the success of which has confirmed the va- lidity of the theory. In particular, the principle of renorm- alizability, together with various symme- try principles of the Standard ... tails of how they are realized. Similarly, the properties of a qubit are independent of its specific physical representation as the spin of an atomic nucleus, say, or the polarization of a photon of ... tracts of terra incognita. One effort to bridge the gaps between the simple and the complex is work on a comprehensive theory of entanglement, analogous to the theory of energy embodied in thermodynamics. COPYRIGHT...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:26
photographs from the edge of reality true stories about shooting on location, surviving, and learning along the way
... consumption. As the plane crested the top of the building, I knew the images were getting good, and by the time the plane reached the top of the frame—and thus also the top of the Capitol dome—I ... from the Edge of Reality 34 John is currently serving his second term as the president of the White House News Photographers Association and has served on the boards of the local chapters of the ... miss me in the crush of movement and the flurry of activity as the photog- raphers rushed the field. Photographs from the Edge of Reality 30 The most important photographers to go onto the field...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:21
Putting a New Spin on Groups The Science of Chaos docx
... this idea of leaving the con- scious sphere and journeying into the unconscious realm to the center of the psyche or self was the very act of individuation—a model of discovery ... dynamics. 10 As men- tioned earlier, the mathematics of dynamics form one of the cornerstones of chaos and self-organizational theories. CHAOS TERMINOLOGY Sensitive Dependence ... could see the therapists bringing to life interpretations of their theories. Bowen's idea of differentiation of self, 9 the ability to separate oneself from the powerful ...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Spatio-temporal pattern of bog pine (Pinus uncinata var. rotundata) at the interface with the Norway spruce (Picea abies) belt on the edge of a raised bog in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland" doc
... part (LV1) to the driest one (LV3). The basal area of Norway spruce increased from the wettest subplot towards the drier ones at the edge of the bog. For the living bog pines, the maximum basal ... is about 5.5 °C; the mean of the coldest month (January) is ca. –4 °C, and the mean of the warmest month (July) is ca. 13 °C [16]. In the herbaceous layer of the wettest part of the transect (LV1, ... period of paludification. The living Sphagnum layer does not show the usual alternation of hummocks and hol- lows as do mature bogs. On the centre of the bog (LV1 and LV2), the moss carpet of the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21
The great book of best quotes of all time - Abhi Shamar
... crossing the river. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Nobody has ever expected me ... Aurobindo " ;The Bhagavad-Gita is an empire of thought and in its philosophical teachings Krishna has all the attributes of the full-edged montheistic deity and at the same time the attributes of the ... harmony. that’s why Quotes become very essential thing in life. whether, you need motivational Quotes or funny Quotes or Quotes of your idols. in my book the great book of best Quotes of all time”...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 09:33
from cosmos to chaos the science of unpredictability aug 2006
... gives a rough measure of the spread of the distribution around the mean. As a rule of thumb, most of the probability lies within about two standard deviations either side of the mean. Let us consider ... and there should be a large number of them. Note also that the distribution of the sum of a large number of a independent Gaussian variables is exactly Gaussian. There are an enormous number of ... a measurement of something, that is, the numerical value of some variable or other. It might be the temperature at a weather station, the speed of a gas molecule, or the height of a randomly- selected...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:04
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Method for Assessment of Segmentation Success Considering Uncertainty in the Edge Positions" pptx
... degree of the position of a found edge to the fuzzy set which describes the position of an ideal edge; in other words, the match value of the found edge and the ideal edge. Fuzzy logic fits the desirable ... the list of pairs, Length(PL) is the number of pairs in the pair list, PL Es[k] is the found edge in the kth position of the pair list, and PL Ei[k] is the ideal edge in the kth position of the ... happen when the position of the detected edge is within the influence area of the position of a real edge, and also when that real edge is closer to the de- tected edge than any other one. The metr...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo toán học: "A note on the edge-connectivity of cages" pdf
... v)andd(u, X). The length of a shortest cycle in a graph G is called the girth of G. Clearly, adding edgestoagraphG might decrease the girth of G.IfG is obtained from G by adding edges, we use the term ... edges in such a way that k-regularity is maintained and the girth of the resulting graph is at least g. 2 Edge- Connectivity of (k; g)-Cages Since the (k; 3)-cage, K k+1 and the (k; 4)-cage, the ... induced subgraph (or edge- induced subgraph) is one that is induced by some subset of vertices (or edges). The subgraph obtained from G by deleting the vertices in V together with their incident edges is...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 07:21
Securities Trading in the Absence of Dealers:Trades, and Quotes on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
... features of the TSE that the display termi- nal at a member’s lead, office shows the size of the orders underlying a warning or special quote. Thus, a trader who was part of the offer side of the ... of instances. It is useful to categorize sequences of longer than one event accord- ing to whether the duration of the sequence is longer than 1 minute (the time resolution of the data). Of the ... 2 and 10 ticks). 853 The intraday price limits are often triggered within the day by the arrival of orders of opposite sign. For a stock in the price range of the example the maximum price variation...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 12:51