... then the equilibrium price of the stock should shift according to the direction of the trade Because of the anonymity of these `insidersa, the price impact of a trade, and thus the depth of the ... NUM}SPR "the log of the number of trades occurring at large spreads VOL}SPR "the log of the aggregate volume transacted at large spreads PJUMP "the log of the absolute price change over the duration ... informational asymmetry, and low liquidity With the availability of transaction-by-transaction data for high frequency markets such as the NYSE, the time between trades has become another statistic...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 12:07
... Sulawesis and Minangkabaus from Sumatra They spoke different varieties of Malay Munshi Abdullah in his travel accounts contrasts the ‘pure Malay language’ (Andaya & Andaya 119) spoken in the state ... gradually replaced vernacular transcriptions What makes a characteristically Singapore or Malaysian novel is the use of any of these strategies to iii represent the speech of a character The artistic ... of the characters The mode of first-person narration on the other hand demands the characteristics of the spoken rather than the written word, where the vocabulary and syntax characteristic of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30
Coupled continuum equations - the dynamics of sandpile surfaces
... sandpile surfaces Finally, we present as an example of the use of these equations, a study of the dynamics of aeolian sand ripples [216] 11.3 Case A: the Edwards–Wilkinson equation with flow The first ... Firstly, the impact of a constant flux of saltating grains knocks grains out of the ‘bare’ surface, causing them to hop along the ripple surface and land in the layer of flowing grains This is the underlying ... leads naturally to bistable behaviour at the angle of repose, and its cutoff at the angle of maximal stability [72] It is able to predict the preferred ripple wavelength, the wave speed and the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
Tài liệu Banks’ exposure to interest rate risk, their earnings from term transformation, and the dynamics of the term structure pptx
... from balance sheet data, and yet the data analysis poses econometric challenges The challenges arise owing to the characteristics of the dataset: The panel is highly unbalanced On average, there ... rate risk (See, for instance, Sierra and Yeager (2004)) The main problem of these approaches is that they yield a rather imprecise estimate of a bank’s actual exposure, because the data from the ... exposure data in a given month vary, the composition of the sample in a given month may also change systematically For instance, it may be the case that there is a cluster of observations of banks...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Special RepoRt The Dynamics of Public Trust in Business— Emerging Opportunities for Leaders ppt
... by Activating Core Values In Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, the new President, who campaigned as the candidate of change, called for a return to fundamental values It turns out that the change ... whether these instances of malfeasance were the result of a few bad apples” or a rotten barrel A survey from July 2002—one year after the Enron scandal began to unfold and the same month Sarbanes-Oxley ... groups, and the media—can change the paradigm of the business and society relationship from that of a battlefield of competing values to that of a roundtable where partnerships and actions based...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein stabilization by compatible solutes Effect of diglycerol phosphate on the dynamics of Desulfovibrio gigas rubredoxin studied by NMR docx
... and a maximum value of 0.087 p.p.m (Phe30) The displacement of 15N chemical shifts follows a similar pattern, with an average value of 0.031 p.p.m and a maximum value of 0.607 p.p.m (Ala48) These ... water saturation during the relaxation delay of 2.0 s A series of 1H15N correlation spectra was acquired to measure the 15N relaxation constants R1 and R2, and heteronuclear 1H15N NOE using the ... evaluated prior to analysis The software package R1R2_DIFFUSION [31,40] was used to translate the centre of mass of the mean structure of the NMR ensemble [28] to the origin of coordinates, and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Intermonomer cross-linking of F-actin alters the dynamics of its interaction with H-meromyosin in the weak-binding state ppt
... orientation was practically the same for all actin samples within the limits of experimental error The standard deviations are 0.025 mT H par k and H per k mean that the longer axis (k) of the actin ... to obtain an actin pellet, which was aligned on the surface of a flat cell The hyperfine splitting constant ( 2A zz) was measured parallel and perpendicular to the orientation of the actin filaments ... combined in a molar ratio of : at a total concentration of mgÆmL)1 Such ‘mixed’ G-actin was incubated in the dark with an eightfold molar excess of ABP or ANP in the presence of transglutaminase (0.5...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20
The Dynamics of Viral Marketing ∗ pot
... network See the works of Bailey [Bai75] and Anderson and May [AM02] for reviews of this area The classical disease propagation models are based on the stages of a disease in a host: a person is ... Although the data gives us a detailed and accurate view of recommendation dynamics, it does have its limitations The only indication of the success of a recommendation is the observation of the recipient ... 45 The Dynamics of Viral Marketing category Anime and Manga Educational Fitness Animation Kids and Family Special Interests Mystery and Suspense Art House & International Science Fiction and Fantasy...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20
the dynamics of social welfare policy sep 2003
... an effort to Americanize them Although many of these laws and practices were later reversed, U.S social policies had already done irreparable damage Legalized Slavery and Segregation The legalization ... pressures of containment and change have made social work, like the welfare state, an arena of struggle Reflecting the mandates of the profession and the historic legacy of activism among social workers, ... government often ignored the treaties, appropriated the lands for distribution to white settlers, and annihilated the Native Americans To facilitate the expansion of the railroad, the 1871 Indian Appropriation...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:17
university of the west indies press the earliest inhabitants the dynamics of the jamaican taino jul 2006
... Lithic The Bahama Channel area includes the Bahama Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands and central Cuba; the Jamaica Channel area, Jamaica and southwestern Haiti; the Windward Passage area, eastern ... portrayed as a “black hole” and as lacking any prior systematic research But that characterization of Jamaican archaeology is false The Institute of Jamaica, the Archaeological Society of Jamaica, the ... Dijkhoff and Jay Haviser of the International Association of Caribbean Archaeology for their assistance I am also grateful to the Institute of Jamaica, the Jamaica Bauxite Institute and the Archaeological...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49
the mit press adaptive governance the dynamics of atlantic fisheries management nov 2008
... even a cross-sectional database of these indicators On the other hand, the simplicity of this approach also has its merits, particularly insofar as it allows a focus on specific threads within a ... response have an intuitive appeal in many arenas, they are operationalized here only in the realm of international fisheries management Furthermore, the cases themselves are drawn from a single ... organizations The simplicity of the approach has a certain appeal for scientists, particularly in an area where first-hand data on abundance are difficult to collect Decision makers have also embraced MSY,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo hóa học: " Beyond satisfaction: Using the Dynamics of Care assessment to better understand patients'''' experiences in care" pptx
... the patient, the area that the patient rated highest in terms of satisfaction with care available, and the area the patient rated lowest in terms of satisfaction with care available If more than ... ranged from 4% in the area of Substance Use to 16% in the area of Specialty and Inpatient Hospital Care (see Table 3) Overview of analysis of the Dynamics of Care We conducted a series of analyses ... had seen a social worker or other patient supporter, such as a patient advocate; and 7% had a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or rehabilitation therapist on their health care team...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effect of climatic factors on the dynamics of radial increments of Norway spruce, European beech and sessile oak" potx
... increments as well as temperatures in March of the actual year Regarding negative parameters of the temperature in September of the previous year and August of the actual year we can state that their ... year and especially in May and July of the actual year is significant According to negative parameters mainly in July and August of the previous year we can state that the effect of their average ... December and January For 10% and 45% of trees the correlation of precipitation in September and August of the actual year was also significant The correlation between annual increments and average...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Transcript and metabolite analysis in Trincadeira cultivar reveals novel information regarding the dynamics of grape ripening" potx
... initial values for the parameters, the E and M steps are iterated until the estimates are stable The stable values are the MLEs of the unknown parameters Note that the QTL position within a marker ... simulation studies and validated by an example of QTL mapping for poplar trees [18] The algorithm has been packed to a newly developed package of software, 3FunMap, derived to map QTLs in a full-sib ... case, the peak of the LR landscape (shown by an arrow) beyond the threshold surface (indicated in grey) shows the positions of two epistatic QTLs The names and positions of markers at each group are...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Transcript and metabolite analysis in Trincadeira cultivar reveals novel information regarding the dynamics of grape ripening" ppsx
... expression of a MYB transcription factor known to coordinately activate the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway [89] The possibility that ABA can induce sugar uptake and accumulation as well as increase the ... oxaloacetate and malate, malate dehydrogenase may be involved in malate synthesis, which occurs mainly pre-véraison and malate degradation at post-véraison Several isoforms of malate dehydrogenase operating ... References Yadav M, Jain S, Bhardwaj A, Nagpal R, Puniya M, Tomar R, Singh V, Parkash O, Prasad GB, Marotta F, et al: Biological and medicinal properties of grapes and their bioactive constituents: an...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Intervening in global markets to improve access to HIV/AIDS treatment: an analysis of international policies and the dynamics of global antiretroviral medicines markets" potx
... purchase large amounts of ARVs with a mix of national and international funds, and not report their national purchases to the GFATM or WHO Based on publiclyavailable information, we estimate that ... 2nd line ARV transactions removed Final analytic dataset of ARV market intelligence with 12,958 ARV transactions Figure Description of analytic data set Waning et al Globalization and Health 2010, ... miscellaneous The PEPFAR purchases are actually purchases made by the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS), a consortium organization that purchases ARVs on behalf of PEPFAR In our data sources,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: "Assessing the effects of multiple infections and long latency in the dynamics of tuberculosis" ppt
... cured of TB The parameters μ and a are the natural and additional constant mortality rates and j is the overall input rate, which describes changes in the population due to birth and net migration ... increased, say above a factor P’ (p’ = 1/P’), this amount can overcome the immune response and lead to primary TB In terms of parameters we have ϱs=P’ϱ, and we assume again that that all other factors ... disease presents a very long period of incubation, larger than the average survival time of the host (μ-1), then it seems reasonable that super-infection changes the dynamics: the dynamical trajectories...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo y học: " Coordination of the dynamics of yeast sphingolipid metabolism during the diauxic shift" pptx
... software system Quantitative analysis was based on the calibration curves generated by spiking an artificial matrix with the known amounts of the target analyte synthetic standards and an equal ... equal amount of the internal standards (ISs) The target analyte/IS peak areas ratios were plotted against analyte concentration The target analyte/IS peak area ratios from the samples were similarly ... in the membrane of internal organelles and the plasma membrane As such, published microarray data contain a hidden wealth of information, and often specific aspects of cell regulation are of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21