the design and development of imidazothiazolechalcone derivatives as potential anticancer drugs

DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION A Practical Perspective of the Design, Construction, and Test of Medical Devices docx

DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION A Practical Perspective of the Design, Construction, and Test of Medical Devices docx

... known as maximally flat) is nearly flat in the passband and rolls off smoothly and monotonically. In addition, it has virtually no ripple in either the passband or the stopband. For these reasons, ... a finite period of time and then drifts back to the original baseline. The time required for the return of normal operational conditions of the biopotential amplifier after the end of the saturating ... occurs and the current jumps to its maximal value. As the thick- ness of the AgCl layer deposited increases, the reaction rate decreases and the current drops. This process continues, and the current...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:20

478 527 2
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System

The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System

... sequen- tially, then writes 100 Mbytes randomly to the existing file, then reads 100 Mbytes randomly from the file, and finally reads the file sequentially again. The bandwidth of each of the five phases is shown ... cleaning the segment and chooses the segments with the highest ratio of benefit to cost. The benefit has two components: the amount of free space that will be reclaimed and the amount of time the space ... contrast, SunOS kept the disk busy 85% of the time during the create phase, even though only about 1.2% of the disk’s potential bandwidth was used for new data. This means that the per- formance of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

15 1,4K 0
Tài liệu The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service doc

Tài liệu The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service doc

... [16]. In the single process case, we determined the best-case supplier-to-consumer latency was 60 secs. In each case, as the number of suppliers and/ or consumers increased, the latency increased as ... adjustment of the this pointer (for multiple inheritance), lookup of the method offset in the virtual method table, and final calculation of the address before invoking the method. However, these steps ... priority tasks hold the CPU for excessive periods of time. The negative values next to the end times of supplier and consumer show the number of secs the dead- lines were missed. In other words,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

20 738 0


... mass increase and nutrient uptake of the plant. Each leaf and spikelet is attached to a 'node' at the base of the stem where the vascular tissues of the leaf enter the stem. These nodes ... bases, so the oldest parts of a leaf are the tip of the blade and the top of the sheath. Where the blade and sheath join, there are structures called the ligule and the auricles (Figure 2.3). ... growth and development of the crop and the reasons for particular management practices. The grain The grain is the unit of reproduction in cereals as well as the economic product. Grain is the small...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

86 710 0
The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System * docx

The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System * docx

... set of records over which the aggregate is computed is defined by the moving window of the OVER clause. In this case, the window spans the last 24 hours, but in general, the bounds of the ... difference between the 24-h?ur moving average of the high price of Stockl, and the high price of Stock2 at the most recent hour when the volume of Stock2 traded was greater than 25,000. The answer ... Expmt. 5 that the Stock1 sequence was replaced by lOOK-lOflds-lOOdens). We varied the size of the aggregation window from 10 to 100; as the window size increases, so does the cost of the common...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

12 569 0
API - 2510A - Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities

API - 2510A - Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities

... addresses the design, operation, and maintenance of LPG storage facilities from the standpoints of prevention and control of releases, ịre protection design, and ịre-control measures. The history of ... overheating and loss of strength (see Figure 1). b. The surface area of the vessel that may be exposed to ịre is the surface area of the vessel above the level of the liquid contents at the vesselÕs ... determination of the distance between the vessel and the center of the pool ịre at which the maximum incident heat òux to the vessel shell surface will be at the critical value of 7000 British thermal...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 14:07

44 2,8K 0
the design and implementation of geographic information systems

the design and implementation of geographic information systems

... ways. ◆ There is a consistent look and feel to output. In the process of design and implementation of this kind of database it is necessary to set standards and requirements on what the output from the ... people and their needs and ends up with applications in the hands of people who do the work .The entire system exists to support them and their tasks. The applications come next in the hierarchy ... well-designed enterprise GIS. The process of design and implementation of an enterprise GIS is complex and can take up to a year or more depending on the size of the organization and the amount of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:38

273 1,3K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " On the understanding and development of modern physical neurorehabilitation methods: robotics and non-invasive brain stimulation" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " On the understanding and development of modern physical neurorehabilitation methods: robotics and non-invasive brain stimulation" pdf

... superiority of one type of therapy over another could not be distinguished, and therefore that the specific choice of therapy was diffi- cult to justify over another type of treatment. This concept has ... orthopaedic, and impact recovery of motor control, we know that therapies cannot be passive and patients must be engaged. Perhaps part of the 'magic' in the hands of the individual therapist ... stroke recovery This thematic series emphasizes the understanding and development of modern neurorehabilitation methods, and outlines some ways to quantify plasticity and recovery of function. However,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

4 453 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

... when the coefficients of at least j scales exceed their thresholds, i.e. and where K baseline are the samples corresponding to the baseline MMG signals and γ is the threshold-scaling fac- tor. The ... occipitofrontalis muscle of the forehead with an elastic strap, as shown in Figure 5. The sensor was placed 1 cm above the eyebrow, above the inside corner of the right eye. Once the sensor was affixed, participants ... Events included in the baseline signal The performance of the detection algorithm is pro- foundly affected by the choice of thresholds, and hence, the baseline signal that encompasses the artefact expected...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 501 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

... for recognizing the fundamentally different families of meas- urement models and the functional relationship between the measured items and the latent construct they presume to measure. The choice of measurement ... self- report measures of the construct of interest. The Disability Index of the Health Assessment Question- naire [20] has the look of a scale based on a MCI model (see Table 1). First, the items ... to assess the ability of MCI items to estimate the construct of interest. The valid selec- tion of MCI items ought to be based on assessment of the discriminative or predictive power of candidate...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

12 523 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt

... time is spent in the PPP negotiation phase with the UMTS carrier. On the other hand, in restoring a backhaul link, the mesh gateway can first complete the IP negotiation phase and then it can switch ... from the gateway and going toward the edges of the network. A multiradio conflict graph model [30] is used to estimate and model the interference within the network and also between the network and ... multiradio/multichannel deployments. The selection of the Wireless NIC to be deployed in our testbed has been driven by the need to configure and control as many low-level (physical) parameters as possible. The selected Atheros-based...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

17 523 0
Design and development of a medical parallel robotfor cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Design and development of a medical parallel robotfor cardiopulmonary resuscitation

... two portions and placed at its two extremities. Let m p , m s , and m l denote the mass of the moving platform, a nut and a leg, respectively. Then, the equivalent mass of the nut and the moving ... limits of the actuated P joints and rotational limits of the passive U joints and assume that the interference and collision problems can be avoided by restricting the motion limits of the mechanical ... inside the reachable workspace, and all of the singular configurations are identified by means of the screw-theory approach. Furthermore, the optimal design is implemented based on a mixed index of the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2014, 09:54

9 473 0