... classics of literature and philosophy.”4 The 13 14 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS combination of these two problems caused many of the students to complain to the ... establishment of these criteria formed the A-portion of the. .. became the C-portion of the syllogism and the main evidence that contributed to the awarding of the contract ... each of these criteria, some of which are shown in Figure 2-1a, the presenters of the proposal used referenced facts and the opinions of experts to assign a cut-off value The
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 05:20
... philosophy.”4 The 13 14 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS combination of these two problems caused many of the students to complain to the head of the department ... establishment of these criteria formed the A-portion of the. .. became the C-portion of the syllogism and the main evidence that contributed to the awarding of the contract ... anchor the mathematics When listening to presentations of mathematical derivations,... the discovery of the first superconductor that had a temperature above the boiling point of
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 1 ppsx
... of teaching evaluations of a university professor 10 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Implicit in the opinions held by an audience of a presentation are the biases of ... who... CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS A second advantage of making a presentation is that a presentation allows the speaker the opportunity to observe the reactions of the ... videotaping loses one of the main advantages of presentations, namely, the interaction with the audience Another issue with timing is the attention span of the audience
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 2 doc
... the classics of literature and philosophy.” 4 The 13 14 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS combination of these two problems caused many of the students to complain to the head of the department. ... truth. The unexpected realization of truth then makes people laugh. At the beginning of a presentation in which 20 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS people do not know the speaker, the audience ... statement became the C-portion of the syllogism and the main evidence that contributed to the awarding of the contract Statistics are another form of logical evidence, and their power
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 3 docx
... Understanding the purpose of a presentation is important, because the purpose affects how you craft the speech. 38 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Presentations to Inform. For presentations ... from assessing the intentions of the speaker The audience gathers much from the eyes of the speaker in terms of emphasis When the speaker’s eyes are on the page, the audience ... 32 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS municate? Part of the problem was language; he often intermixed German and English, neither of which was his native tongue, Danish. 7 Another part
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 5 doc
... credit for the idea. One example was his argu- ment for the chain theory to explain the structure of pro- teins. That theory went against the cyclol theory, which 82 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ... than they would if they tried to follow every step. Note that a speaker does not have to give the audi- ence all of the necessary background in the introduction 74 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ... long as the audience can see the rela- tionship of that section to the remainder of the talk. In What Order Will the Subject Be Presented? The last of these introductory questions—how the subject
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 8 doc
... presenter has limited the number of details and arranged those details to allow enough white space. 16 136 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS every detail, which tests the patience of the audience. ... However, if the audience does not have the time to follow the derivation, then you should clarify for them what you expect them to gather from the display of the mathematics. For instance, in showing ... tion on the dwindling numbers of Siberian tigers, images to include might be a photograph of a tiger in the wild, a map showing the range of tigers fifty years ago as op- 142 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 9 ppt
... professor about the error. The professor then picked up the transparency and turned it right side up, but it was still backwards. The audience chuckled. On the third try, the professor placed the ... to the hull; the crew had not practiced filling or lowering the lifeboats; earlier in the evening, the wireless operators of the Titanic had chastised the wireless operator of the California, the ... and maximum speeds, the new professor pulled the medicine ball to one wall of the room and climbed on top of a stepladder. With his back against the wall, the professor held the medicine ball to
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 10 ppt
... on the slides and to spend time rehearsing the presentation. Unfortunately, the student continued tink- ering with the slides up to the hour of the presentation. 176 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ... control of the situation. The lights, the arrangement of your speaking space, and even the arrangement of the seating for the audience—all of these are part of your domain. So often I see presenters ... remain passive about these elements, much to the detriment of their presentations. For instance, because many speakers do not rearrange the front of the room, they often find themselves in awk-
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 11 pps
... alarms, or the reac- tions of other audience members—only for the way that I reacted to those incidents. 200 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Another time that he had to give a seminar for the ... had her 196 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS graduate students give presentations that she should have made herself. 5 Overcoming your nervousness to the point of sim- ply making the presentation ... good. 198 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS If you have done your preparation, then the struc- ture, speech, and visual aids of your presentation should be ready. What is left are the little
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 12 pot
... Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers (New York: 1949). 226 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Critical Error 4 1 Karen A. Thole, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Vir- ... Museum, November 2001) 228 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS 12 Richard P Feynman, “What Do You Care What Other People Think?” Further Adventures of a Curious Character (New ... 1989) 230 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS 10 Aimee Lalime, “Singular Value Decomposition in the Efficient Binaural Simulation of a Vibrating Structure,” master’s thesis presentation
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The Craft of Scientific PresentationsCritical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to AvoidMichael docx
... classics of literature and philosophy.”4 The 13 14 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS combination of these two problems caused many of the students to complain to the ... establishment of these criteria formed the A-portion of the. .. became the C-portion of the syllogism and the main evidence that contributed to the awarding of the contract ... each of these criteria, some of which are shown in Figure 2-1a, the presenters of the proposal used referenced facts and the opinions of experts to assign a cut-off value The
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 13 ppt
... knowledge that could have confused the picture: the other causes of high blood pressure, for example; the other part of the kidney problem; the names of the various parts of the kidney’s cir- culatory ... Chameleons can hurl their tongues even farther than salamanders, shooting them twice the length of their bodies in less than a second [by means of a ring of muscle] Rings of muscle aren’t mandatory ... but they aren’t as effective in the kidneys. Part of the problem lies in the kidneys’ unusual design. Blood enters the organs via arteries and then fans out into microscopic capillaries. There,
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Ideas Into Words Mastering The Craft Of Science Writing
... calculated all kinds of things with this theory. The first thing I calculated was the rate of disintegration of the muon and the neutron. They should be connected to- gether, if this theory was right, ... is available from the British Library. would go no further—“30 percent; we cannot say more than 30 percent”—till they were sure I had the message. Then they would shut the of ce door. “But let ... going to be all of them, or al- most all. This is going to be awful!—an old-fashioned epi- demic like none of us has ever seen!” The better the scien- tist, the larger the scruple and the more he...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:47
Mastering the craft of science writing part 17
... trigger their adrenaline. So they often thrive as staff, goaded on by the rest of the group (not to mention the boss). Gregarious types may not need goad- ing but wilt in a life that leaves them ... and fer- tilize and weed. There is work to be done. But the work pays off biggest when the plants are right for the soil and micro- climate of the particular garden. Is there some subject or writing ... would arrive at the of ce and see that, actually, the work was not so bad. So I’d patch and polish (always fun, the exercise of craft) , then start a new segment on that momentum. The next day I...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Mastering the craft of science writing part 4
... off by 7 percent.” Then I remember the 9 percent. It was like a prediction for me: I went home and got this theory that says the neu- tron decay should be off by 9 percent, and they tell me the next ... “un- sure,” even when they are sure (in the ordinary sense), because their idea of truth is so lofty. Also, they feel responsible not to scare the public. I well remember from the early 1980s not ... part, the best scientists agree on the current best theory, which they recognize because, well, it fits. It an- swers the most questions with the greatest precision and the fewest loose ends. There’s...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
... tamper with the laws of nature to suit the needs of the story. The archetype of this requirement is Tom Godwin's " ;The Cold Equations," in which the laws of nature are the background of the ... chandeliers of Louis XIV's palace at Versailles; and they think they know what the inside of a jail looks like. But what does the reader know of the ammonia seas of Titan, the largest moon of the ... suit. His world was cut off now and circled by the dark rocks. The only sounds he knew were the creakings of the suit’s joints, the electrical hum of its motor, the faint whir of the helmet’s air blower,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 1 pdf
... past the point where I paid it any mind. So I sat and waited while she finished. Finally, she pulled out the page, gathered it together with one or two others and, still not looking up, passed them ... did—no knitted brows, just the blank screen of her face, the outside world absent. For a moment, the room lay still. Until, abruptly: “Oh, yes, Foreword For my father, who would have been so ... blank ©2003 The Johns Hopkins University Press Foreword © 2003 Robert Kanigel All rights reserved. Published 2003 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 987654321 The Johns...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 2 pdf
... interest in it. Science writers and editors needn’t start off knowing much science. Some of the best of them do, but some of the best of them don’t. They must, though, be able to learn sci- ence, be ... one way or the other, sitting beside her at her desk, the manuscript on the sliding desk tray between us, I learned. I can attest to the wisdom of the writerly injunctions you’ll find in these pages ... intelligent questions, and shake off the high intimidation quotient of a dense, jargon-laden article in the Proceedings of the National Acad- emy of Sciences. Elise was a member of this breed; she was...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Mastering the craft of science writing part 3 docx
... Attitude 5 terial as they do with the readers. Indeed, their curiosity and its fruits are a large part of what the reader senses, of what lets the reader trust them—a process that begins with the first sentence. When ... . . See you at the bar?” Ten minutes later, while the grousers were presumably at the bar, I walked by the room of exchange copies—and there was John Bethell, combing through other people’s magazines ... interesting about how the world works, and then another something, and another, and an- other. For the rest of your working life, you will get paid to talk to people and pass along the great stuff...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
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