the corporate governance of banks

Corporate governance of uae financial institutions: A comparative study between conventional and Islamic banks

Corporate governance of uae financial institutions: A comparative study between conventional and Islamic banks

... mean the absence of any role of these mechanisms in the corporate governance of the banks This finding emphasizes the importance of internal governance mechanisms vis-à-vis the external governance ... principles of corporate governance The study investigated the influence of the disclosure on corporate governance in major Australian banks Findings revealed the subjectivity of financial reports and the ... the need for more research studies in the GCC countries in the field of corporate governance of the banking sector This study explored CG in banks, by analyzing the characteristics of CG in the

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 22:24

42 62 0
The Corporate Governance Role of the Media Evidence from Russia

The Corporate Governance Role of the Media Evidence from Russia

... features of our sample of 98 observations: whether there was coverage in the international press; and, the type of outcome The variable ‘coverage in the international press’ takes on the value if there ... where the instrument for the log of the number of articles in the FT and WSJ is the percentage of Hermitage portfolio invested in a company at the end of 1998 Newsworthiness is measured as the ... and the Wall Street Journal in the period from t-1 month to t+2 months around the date of the alleged violation In the third column the dependent variable is one plus the number of articles in the

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 07:27

56 1 0
basel committee guidance on corporate governance for banks [basel]

basel committee guidance on corporate governance for banks [basel]

... Basel Committee Guidance on Corporate Governance for Banks Eurasian Corporate Governance Roundtable Task Force on Corporate Governance of Banks in Eurasia Janet Holmes, Senior Legal ... corporate governance as one element of depositor protection Provide guidance to banks on sound corporate governance and proactive practices Evaluate banks implementation of corporate ... complexity and risk profile  Not part of Basel II  Guidance applies regardless of whether a country has adopted the Basel II framework 4 Who is Responsible for Good Governance in Banks?  Primary

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:48

19 212 0
cohen et al - 2004 - the corporate governance mosaic and financial reporting quality

cohen et al - 2004 - the corporate governance mosaic and financial reporting quality

... important participant in the governance process. We do not suggest that extant research has not looked at the role of the auditor but rather that the role of the auditor in the governance process ... actors in the corporate governance mosaic: (1) the board of directors and the audit committee; (2) the external auditor; and (3) the internal auditors. The final section provides a summary of areas ... to complement the current research by also investigating the substance of the interactions in the corporate governance arena. For example, although the emphasis in corporate governance research

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

80 467 0
0521877997 cambridge university press the future governance of citizenship jun 2008

0521877997 cambridge university press the future governance of citizenship jun 2008

... Morgan (University of Bristol) Since 1970 the Law in Context series has been in the forefront of the movement to broaden the study of law It has been a vehicle for the publication of innovative scholarly ... left blank The Future Governance of Citizenship In much of the citizenship literature it is often considered, if not simply assumed, that citizenship is integral to the character of a self-determining ... page viii 1 The cartography of citizenship 12 The nationality model of citizenship and its Critics 45 Shades of togetherness, patriotism and naturalisation 66 The institutional design of anational

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2020, 20:01

240 65 0
The corporate governance, supplier network and firm supply performance

The corporate governance, supplier network and firm supply performance

... mechanisms The external governance mechanism of the corporate governance is the external control offered on the firm through the board of directors Whereas the internal control mechanism consists of ... economies, the sound corporate governance in the form of an effective code of corporate governance is the pre-condition of increasing investment from the institutional investors (Basheer, 2014) The ... Conceptual framework The stakeholder theory of corporate governance, the agency theory, and the resource-based view are used as underpinning theory for the development of the following research

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2020, 03:26

12 21 0


... resolutions/decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders (including the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted in the the form of written comments): Page of 10 Signature Not ... sách Công ty./List of affiliated persons of the public company as specified in clause 34, Aritical of the Securites Law and transactions of affiliated persons of the Company with the Company Danh ... cáo)./Transaction between the company and the company that member of the Board of Management members of the Supervisory Board, Director (CEO) has been a fouding member or member of the Supervisory Board,

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2021, 22:31

44 4 0
Corporate governance of listed companies

Corporate governance of listed companies

... its  role  of? ? supervising  the? ? BOM  and  the? ? CEO  in  the? ? daily  management  of? ? the? ? company.   1.2.2.? ?The? ?roles? ?of? ?BOM and members? ?of? ?BOM in? ?corporate? ?governance.   The? ? internal  governance? ? ... framework  relating  to  the? ? corporate? ? governance? ? of? ? listed  companies.  Part  III  assesses  the? ? corporate? ? governance? ? of? ? listed  companies  in  the? ?light? ?of? ?the? ?implementation principles identified by OECD in relation to investor  ... constitutes  the? ? regulatory  framework  for  corporate? ? governance? ? in  Vietnam?  2.1.? ?The? ?Enterprises Law 2005:? ?the? ?most fundamental? ?of? ?corporate? ?governance? ?regulation  The? ? main  sources  of? ? corporate? ?

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2022, 13:45

82 3 0
The Transnational Governance of Synthetic Biology Zhang, J.Y.

The Transnational Governance of Synthetic Biology Zhang, J.Y.

... - 22 - The art of governance and governance as an art It is perhaps necessary to clarify here the distinction between ? ?governance as a form of art’ and ‘art as an element of governance? ?? The latter ... transparency in the process by which decisions are reached, demonstrating genuine consideration of all perspectives On the basis of the previous analysis of the features of synthetic biology and the subsequent ... of social authorities 20 5.4 Implications for international governance 21 The art of governance and governance as an art 23 6.1 What is the subject of artistic governance?

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 22:03

38 3 0
Recommendation to the Secretary of State on the Future Governance of the Primary School in Fairfields and Whitehouse_Annex A

Recommendation to the Secretary of State on the Future Governance of the Primary School in Fairfields and Whitehouse_Annex A

... area of the school and there is no sibling on roll at the school There is already a sibling at the school who is expected to be on roll at the school at the time of admission and the place of residence ... and visitors The layout of the site has made the most of the topography of the land and existing trees and hedgerows Externally, the building will comprise of an interesting mix of brick and ... they move to the development The Trust will need to be open to the idea of admitting further children in open year groups throughout the course of the academic year Catchment area Initially the

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2022, 00:10

10 2 0
Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate governance of chinese fund management companies

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate governance of chinese fund management companies

... Issues of Corporate Governance 23  2.4  Theories of Corporate Governance 24  2.5  Effectiveness of Board of Directors 33  2.6  Corporate Governance in Asia 35  2.7  The ... Analysis  of? ? the? ? Impact  of? ? Corporate? ? Governance? ? on  the? ? East  Asian  Financial Crisis', SSRN 246030.  ‐‐‐‐  2002,  'A  cross‐firm  analysis  of? ? the? ? impact  of? ? corporate? ? governance? ? on  the? ? ... Ritj refers to the return for fund i in FMC j, where return is calculated by AUM at the end of the year minus AUM at the beginning of the year, then divided AUM at the beginning of the year Continuous

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2023, 12:28

203 10 0
Basel ii and the risk management of banks in vietnam,graduation thesis

Basel ii and the risk management of banks in vietnam,graduation thesis

... on the basis of the application of basic principles of effective Basel II and the risk management of banks in Vietnam 52 Graduation Thesis Bui Le Ngoc Quynh – K16ATCA banking supervision of the ... activities of Vietnamese commercial banks, the thesis "Basel II and the risk management of banks in Vietnam" has completed the following contents: Basel II and the risk management of banks in Vietnam ... to consider the risk of each type of shares of each company can only be made when the list of commodities on the market must represent all sectors of the economy The issue of information disclosure

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2023, 00:12

70 4 0
Ebook Innovations and institutions: An institutional perspective on the innovative efforts of banks and insurance companies

Ebook Innovations and institutions: An institutional perspective on the innovative efforts of banks and insurance companies

... of risk assumption and risk shifting The insured person assumes part of the risk, paying the first $100, $250, or $500 of a claim The majority of the risk for a large claim is shifted to another ... kind of insurance is available The cost of different kinds of insurance and the way the costs vary among companies will be the key factors in their plan Finally, this couple needs to research the ... protection If that’s the case, they could purchase additional coverage or change the kind of coverage they have Another alternative would be to adjust their budget to cover the cost of additional insurance

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2024, 21:19

291 0 0
group assignment corporate governance topic report on corporate governance of amazon inc

group assignment corporate governance topic report on corporate governance of amazon inc

... AssignmentCORPORATE GOVERNANCETOPICReport on Corporate Governance of Amazon, Inc.Trang 2Table of ContentTable of Content 2I Introduction 4II Corporate Governance Policies 5A Amazon Corporate Governance ... intheir governance of the company Moverover, the lead independent director isappointed by other independent directors to promote the independent leadership ofthe Board.● The board represents the ... representing shares of the corporation shall bear a legend onthe face of the certificate, or on the reverse of the certificate if a reference tothe legend is contained on the face, that reads whether this

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2024, 16:15

33 0 0
lin and liu - 2010 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

lin and liu - 2010 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

... adopt the number of SB members as a proxy for the monitoring strength of the SB The fewer SB members a listed firm has, the weaker the internal corporate governance is, vice verse Therefore the ... researchers, and government of? ??cials gradually accept the view that the best practices of corporate governance require the separation of the roles of CBoD and CEO Such a corporate governance 121 device ... the purpose of “opinion shopping” in order to mitigate the negative impact of the unclean audit report on the firm's stock price in the market, and on the self-interests of the management or the

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43

11 586 0


... of the area and then return to Wollongong where they can undergo their rehabilitation either as a day patient or an inpatient, allowing them to be close to home and family. The hospital offers ... options is something which Hudsons Coffee has implemented in the hospital stores. Hudsons Coffee offers every customer the benefits of being part of the Hudsons Coffee Rewards Club where every transaction ... Pindara. Both of these midwives are part of the Pindara Graduate midwife programme and will facilitate their recent midwifery training by rotating through the clinical areas of the unit over the next...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

12 821 0
The Corporate Governance Lessons from the Financial Crisis docx

The Corporate Governance Lessons from the Financial Crisis docx

... 7 In the second half of 2008, banks around the world relying on wholesale financing experienced marked distress following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Many of these banks have either merged ... and then considers the responsibility of the board and why its oversight appears to have failed in a number of cases. Other aspects of the corporate governance framework that contributed to the ... levels of risk by following the letter rather than the intent of regulations In some cases, banks have taken on high levels of risk by following the letter rather than the intent of regulations...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

30 437 0
The Future Governance of Citizenship Part 1 docx

The Future Governance of Citizenship Part 1 docx

... world. Chapter 3 continues the discussion on the theme of ‘making a virtue out of the necessity’ of nations and examines proposals to overcome the limitations of the nationality model of citizenship by ... I will at least succeed in the remaining objectives. Plan of the book The structure of the subsequent discussion reflects the themes of ideological and structural change, theoretical inn ovation ... forces, on the other, scholars wondered whether the modern nationality model of citizenship had outlived its usefulness. For although these developments did not precipitate the eclipse of the nation-state,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

21 318 0