the chessmen of mars summary

The Chessmen of Mars doc

The Chessmen of Mars doc

... of Mars, with Dejah Thoris, his mate, led in the dancing, and if there was another couple that vied with them in possession of the silent admiration of the guests it was the resplendent Jed of ... replied another of those upon the roof of the palace, "for it will not be long from the moment her cables part be- fore her crew dons the leather of the dead; but yet, Tanus, I believe they will ... into the water on either side of marble steps. A glass dome let in the sun-light, which flooded the interior, glancing from the polished white of the marble walls and the procession of bathers...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

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John Carter and the Giant of Mars pptx

John Carter and the Giant of Mars pptx

... bars of the cage smacked against the cement wall of the pit, John Carter's arms shot out with the quickness of a striking snake. His fingers closed in a grip of steel about the ankle of the ... necks. They sat at a table where they had been eating, and the food was still before them. They had been the prisoners, the slaves of the rulers of the long-dead city. The dry, motionless air combined ... and lowered them so that the cage tops were a little below the surface of the ground inside the pit. Then he refastened the ropes and stood for some time on the brink looking down on the helpless...

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The Gods of Mars doc

The Gods of Mars doc

... Tarzan of the Apes (1912) • A Princess of Mars (1912) • John Carter and the Giant of Mars (1940) • A Fighting Man of Mars (1930) • The Master Mind of Mars (1927) • Swords of Mars (1934) • The Warlord ... Warlord of Mars (1918) • The Chessmen of Mars (1922) • Thuvia Maid of Mars (1920) • Synthetic Men of Mars (1939) Copyright: This work is available for countries where copyright is Life+50 or in the ... surface of the coin. The card might represent the section of the wall that turned and the silver dollar the section of the floor. Both were so nicely fitted into the adjacent portions of the floor...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

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The Warlord of Mars pptx

The Warlord of Mars pptx

... of the Apes (1912) • A Princess of Mars (1912) • John Carter and the Giant of Mars (1940) • The Gods of Mars (1918) • A Fighting Man of Mars (1930) • The Master Mind of Mars (1927) • Swords of ... companion when the lesser thern had quoted the words of Thurid and scoffed at them: "And what think you of the ridicu- lous matter of the light? Let the light shine with the intensity of three ... up the center of the stream, which was much narrower than the Iss. As they came nearer I heard the voices of Thurid and the Father of Therns raised in argument. "I tell you, Thern," the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

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Tài liệu Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit docx

Tài liệu Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit docx

... and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit 20 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE AND THE HEALTH OF THE PUBLIC In addressing the issue of involving ... publication, Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the 2009 Summit, provides an account of the discussion and presentations of the two-and-a-half day summit in Washington, ... NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 14:20

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The Master Mind of Mars potx

The Master Mind of Mars potx

... reposed the bodies of the ape and the man, each of which possessed half the brain of the other. Here I was forced to leave Valla Dia for the time, that I might hasten to the office and perform the ... wastes of interplanetary space. There was an instant of extreme cold and utter darkness, then—But the rest is in the manuscript that, with the aid of one greater than either of us, I have found the ... the minutest detail the nerve or tissue structure of the body. I learned also the secret of the few drops of solution which, added to the rewarmed blood before it is re- turned to the veins of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

132 611 0
Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

... togetherwithanexamination of keyuncertaintiesandlimitations;andaseries of conclusionsandinsightsgainedfrom the analysis.ItisimportanttorecallthatthisRIA restson the analysisdonein2008;nonewairqualitymodelingorotherassessments werecompletedexceptthoseoutlinedabove. The supplementincludesapresentation of the benefitsandcosts of attainingvarious alternativeozoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsin the year2020.Theseestimates onlyincludeareasassumedtomeet the currentstandardby2020.Theydonotinclude the costsorbenefits of attaining the alternatestandardsin the SanJoaquinValleyandSouthCoast airbasinsinCalifornia,becauseweexpectthatnonattainmentdesignationsunder the CleanAir Actfortheseareaswouldplacethemincategoriesaffordedextratimebeyond2020toattain the ozoneNAAQS. InTableS1.1below, the individualrowestimatesreflect the differentstudiesavailableto describe the relationship of ozoneexposuretoprematuremortality.Thesemonetizedbenefits includereducedhealtheffectsfromreducedexposuretoozone,reducedhealtheffectsfrom reducedexposuretoPM 2.5 ,andimprovementsinvisibility. The rangeswithineachrowreflect twoPMmortalitystudies(i.e.PopeandLaden). Rangesin the totalcostscolumnreflectdifferentassumptionsabout the extrapolation of costsasdiscussedinChapter5 of the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIA. The lowend of the range of netbenefitsisconstructedbysubtracting the highestcostfrom the lowestbenefit,while the highend of the rangeisconstructedbysubtracting the lowestcostfrom the highestbenefit. The presentation of the netbenefitestimatesrepresents the widestpossiblerangefromthis analysis. TableS1.2presents the estimate of totalozoneandPM 2.5 ‐relatedprematuremortalities andmorbiditiesavoidednationwidein2020asaresult of thisregulation.  S2‐2  rate of ozonereductionseeninpreviousairqualitymodelingexercisestoestimate the additionalemissionsreductionsneededtomeet the lowertargets. The details of the approachareexplainedbelow,butformostareas of the analysisweusedsimpleimpact ratiostoproject the ozoneimprovementsasarate of NOxemissionsreduced.Use of non‐site‐specific,linearimpactratiostodetermine the non‐linear,spatially‐varying, ozoneresponsewasanecessarylimitationwhichresultsinconsiderableuncertaintyin the extrapolatedairqualitytargets.   ... $47,000 a Estimatesareroundedtotwosignificantfigures.Assuch,totalswillnotsumdowncolumns.  S.2.4.4 Summary of TotalCosts   TableS2.9presentsa summary of the totalnationalcosts of attaining the 0.055ppm and the 0.060ppmalternativestandardsin2020.This summary includes the engineeringcosts of the modeledcontrolstrategy(presentedin the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIAChapter5 4 ), the additionalsupplementalcontrols,aswellas the extrapolatedcosts.ConsistentwithOMB CircularA‐4,costsarepresentedata7%discountrate.  7 The midrangeestimateconsists of usinganMvalue of 0.24for the estimation of the averagecostperton of controlbygeographicarea.Foracompletelisting of averagecostpertonbygeographicareaseeAppendixS2a. S2‐10  FigureS2.2:Map of ExtrapolatedCostCountiesfor the 0.060ppmAlternateStandardand EstimatedPercentageNOxControlsNeededtoMeetthatStandardin2020   S2.3 ... The costs of identifiedcontrolmeasuresaccountsforanincreasinglysmallerquantity of the totalcosts of attainment.Thisisamajorlimitation of the costanalysis.Weassume amajority of the costs of attaining the tighteralternativestandardswillbeincurred throughtechnologieswedonotyetknowabout.Thereforecostingfutureattainment baseduponunspecifiedemissionreductionsisinherentlydifficultandspeculative.  The uncertaintiesandlimitationssummarizedabovearegenerallymoreextensivethan thosefor the 0.075ppm,0.070ppm,and0.065ppmanalyses. The tablebelowcontrastsour level of confidenceineach of the keyresults.  TableS2.1:Keyuncertaintiesandlimitationsin the analysisfor 0.060ppmand0.055ppm Analyticalquestion...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

89 333 0
The Value of Comprehensive Credit Reports: Lessons from the U.S. Experience Summary pptx

The Value of Comprehensive Credit Reports: Lessons from the U.S. Experience Summary pptx

... either the likelihood a loan is repaid (and thus, the cost of a loan) or the availability of credit. These results highlight the distinct tradeoff between 1) limiting the collection and use of ... models explain the evolution of credit bureaus and the lending markets they support? Japelli and Pagano (1999) provide one of the very few attempts to test the predictions of the theoretical models ... retail experience but not the experience of other financial institutions. Tables 5 and 6 display the results of the retail-only simulations. As in the previous discussion of the negative-only simulation,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

32 373 0


... who attended the session with you, with the caveat that the honesty of their opinions (and the useful- ness of those opinions) will depend on the relationship you have with them and the power differential ... involved in the speech — the members of your audience. Spread the Word Much of the mileage you’ll get from your speech is word -of- mouth — from your own mouth to the listeners in the room, and from their ... receiving the information. The common approach looks only at the first two elements, with a focus on the point of view of the sender (the person speaking) and the material being pitched. Whether anyone...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20

8 325 0
Summary of Ph.D thesis: A study on the embankment caculation method reinforced by geotextile in the construction of highway in Vet Nam

Summary of Ph.D thesis: A study on the embankment caculation method reinforced by geotextile in the construction of highway in Vet Nam

... form on the basis of elastic theory for the case of plane strain problem . In the case of reinforced embankment , to determine the state of stress - deformation of the embankment below the horizontal ... is also the slope of this curve. 3 – In the thesis, the author proposes the dangerous sliding surface of reinforced embankment slope which is in the shape of ellipse. The center of the ellipse ... In the first step to finding solutions is the initial displacement of the system , the stiffness of geotextile to build the stiffness matrix is the slope of the first straight line from the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:44

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Summary phd thesis in philosophy roles of the government in the integration of economic growth with ecological environment protection in vietnam nowadays

Summary phd thesis in philosophy roles of the government in the integration of economic growth with ecological environment protection in vietnam nowadays

... economic integration with the work and region. Therefore, the participation of the government in the economy and society in the new period is essential. However, apart from the advantages, the roles of the government ... focuses on the role of the Government in the integration of economic growth with ecological environment protection. 3.2. Scope of the Study The thesis clarifies the integration of economic growth ... phase of promoting industrialization and modernization in Vietnam from 1996 to present. 4. Theoretical basis and research methodology of the thesis 4.1. Theoretical basis The thesis bases on the theoretical...

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summary of dissertation delimitation of the jurisdiction to deal with administrative complaints and the jurisdiction of courts to deal with administrative cases in vietnam

summary of dissertation delimitation of the jurisdiction to deal with administrative complaints and the jurisdiction of courts to deal with administrative cases in vietnam

... of of the head of organ, organization at direct higher level of the fisrt complaint settlement person if these disputes are not under jurisdiction of court. Thirteenth, decentralization of ... and the courts. On the other hand, annual report of People’s Supreme Court, People’s Supreme Procuracy and results of social surveys of previous studied on the petition status, results of ... effect recently. Good points of these laws, especially the contents, methods of legislation and successful application of these law into practice indicate the effort of Communist Party, State...

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