... in the purified DNA + MCM4 /6/ 7 A B + Tag 0 (μ M) 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 HQ 0 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 % 17 -mer 17 -mer/M13 0 (μ M) HQ 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 Tag MCM 0 (μ M) HQ 0.43 12 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 0 1. 4 4.3 14 43 % + ... (μ M) % 0 (μ M) 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 HQ 17 10 50 nt + Polα-primase A B 0 (μ M) HQ 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 % 12 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 0 Fig. 3. Effect of heliquinomycin on the RNA priming activity of the DNA ... inhibited the ATPase 0 (μ M) HQ 0.43 1. 4 4.3 14 43 66 9 440 kDa (4 /6/ 7) 2 (4 /6/ 7) Fig. 4. Effect of increasing concentrations of heliquinomycin (HQ) on the formation of the MCM4 /6/ 7 complex....
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
The Discovery of Type II Superconductors Part 6 doc
... Materials, 19 (10 ): 13 73 -13 76. Superconducting Properties of Carbonaceous Chemical Doped MgB 2 12 1 Fig. 11 . SEM images of MgB 2 (a), Mg 1. 15 B 2 (b), MgB 2 +10 wt % SiC (c), Mg 1. 15 B 2 +10 ... Physical Review B, 71( 1): 012 504. Buzea, C. & Yamashita, T. (20 01) . Review of the superconducting properties of MgB 2 . Superconductor Science & Technology, 14 (11 ): R 115 -R1 46. Dou, S. X.; ... Superconductor 12 2 Fig. 12 . (Color online) Ambient Raman spectra of MgB 2 , Mg 1. 15 B 2 , and Mg x B 2 +10 wt % SiC (x = 1. 00, 1. 15, 1. 20, 1. 25, and 1. 30) fitted with three peaks: ω 1 , ω 2 ,...
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... area of a few hundred meters along the river or whether there is an impact in the entire river system downstream of the discharge. The likely answer depends, for example, on the size of the ... management because they enable: ã The forecasting of impacts of the development of water bodies. ã The linking of data on pollution loads with data on water quality. ã The provision of information ... and the retention time in the receiving water bodies, the degradability of the pollutant, and the occurrence of sensitive species in the receiving water body. In addition, the duration of impact...
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... to measure the success of a campaign, a proven approach is not the number of times a particular audience received a particular message, but rather the quality of the message and the target ... Komisarjevsky serves on the boards of a number of not-for- profit organizations and is a trustee of EQ Advisors Trust. Mr. Komisarjevsky also served in the U.S. Army from 1 967 to 19 72 as a captain, ... understanding of the public makes it an art. The need to have a strong grasp of the corporate mission is underscored by behavior. The public relations professional must understand the messages...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 6 ppt
... [On the continuity of the gaseous and the liquid state]. Dissertation, Leiden (18 73). . Johannes Diderik van der Waals (18 37 923) 16 1 doves adjust the duration of the posturing, so that the ... Wissenschaften, Bd. V .1. p. 550. critical points. Hermann Walter Nernst (1 864 19 41) 17 1 Nernst reassures us concerning the emergence of further thermodynamic laws: The 1st law had three ... strengthened the law on the grounds of statistical thermodynamics by demanding that the entropy of all crystalline bodies tend to zero for Tĺ0. 11 Thomas Alva Edison (18 47 19 31) , the greatest...
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Analyzing the Grammar of English Third Edition phần 6 docx
... Compare: 11 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 13 111 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 13 1 4/2/07 6: 12 :43 PM4/2/07 6: 12 :43 PM Chapter 5 1 16 While other persons and numbers can also have four different forms (1. sg., 3.pl.) ... gender.” 11 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 11 811 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 11 8 4/2/07 6: 12 :30 PM4/2/07 6: 12 :30 PM 12 7 4. The chickens were killed on the chopping block. 5. Marsha plucked their feathers, then ... theirs Figure 5d The English Personal Pronoun System 11 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 13 011 3 -14 2.Teschner.05.indd 13 0 4/2/07 6: 12 : 41 PM4/2/07 6: 12 : 41 PM Chapter 5 13 4 9. They helped themselves to a...
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 6 pot
... 13 -20: Detecting the position of the mouse 2 46 Chapter 13 node to the end of the list of the parent’s children. If our parent is the body of the document, that puts the div at the end of the ... this: purchases = tshirt :1: 14/jeans :1: 30 If you then bought another T-shirt, the cookie would look like this: purchases = tshirt :1: 14/jeans :1: 30/tshirt :1: 14 A more complete version of addToCart() would ... along the colon. It then loads the first part of the element into the_ property and the second part into the_ value. The first time through the loop, the_ property is "name" and the_ value is "thau"....
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
... in Chapters 15 and 16 ) . If the response is not an XML document, responseXML will contain the value null. To put the results of the query into the div in a in Figure 14 -4, change the body of ... when the user presses ENTER while the cursor is in the text box (thereby submitting the form). In either case, the function getTranslations() is called with the contents of the text box. The ... webserver: either the web page named in the href attribute of the link, or the results of a program or script named in the action attribute of the <form> tag. Once the request is sent, the browser...
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... 97 54 Law of 16 June 19 93 Concerning Punishment of Grave Breaches of the International Geneva Conventions of 12 August 19 49 and of Protocols I and II of 8 June 19 77 Additional Thereto,as amended by the ... 3) [2000] 1 AC 14 7 at 19 9 per Lord Browne-Wilkinson. 61 In Re Grand Jury Proceedings, John Doe, No. 700 , 817 F 2d 11 08 (United States Court of Appeals of the 4th Cir cuit, 19 87). 62 See also ... strong support for the poten- tial role of national courts, against the background of the principle of ‘complementarity’ found in the Statute of the ICC. But the judgment of the House of Lords has also...
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