... new issue markets On the other hand, secondary markets deal in securities already issued or existing or outstanding The primary markets mobilize savings and supply fresh or additional capital to ... While treasury bills market, call money market, and commercial bills market are examples of money market, stock market and government bonds market are examples of capital market Keeping in view ... Indian Capital Market and Financial System frame rules and regulations for financial futures trading on the stock exchanges with the objective to protect the interest of the investors in the market
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2019, 08:44
... requested to increase capital buffer used in the future stress as this gap expands For the capital market? ??s regulation framework, the first step is to confirm the time point of stock market crisis Table ... Schularick and Taylor (2012) [25], and Drehmann and Juselius (2013b) [15] use the Areas Under the Curve of ROC (AUC) as crises early warning model If the early warning effects are randomly predicted, the ... use the quarterly, semiannual and annual volatility data to construct the illiquidity option and set the short, mid-term and long term frequencies by 2months, 5months and 11months to avoid the
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2020, 04:08
The Government Intervention And Investment Decision: Evidence From Vietnam
... investigates whether the government intervention affects the investment decision and the efficiency in investment allocation amongst Vietnamese listed firms for the period from 2009 to 2016 The regression ... This makes the real investment of firms deviated from the optimal investment level and hence, they ineffectively allocate their capital investment We add an interactive variable with the coefficient ... institutions, the government seems to foster their investment and sales growth To put it in a nutshell, the evidence relating to the positive relationship between the state ownership and firm investment
Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2020, 12:53
Schweser Note for the CFA 2013 Level 3 - Book 2 - Institutional investors, Capital market expectations, Economic concepts, and Asset allocation
... DC plan, the employee makes the investment decisions and in a sponsor directed DC plan, the sponsor chooses the investments In either case, the employee bears the investment risk and the amount ... establish the investment goals and constraints; rather, the employee decides her own risk and return objectives Therefore, the employee bears the risk of the investment results Consequently, the investment ... Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand), and the second layer would be the Southeast Asian equity market as a whole Other layers would be composed of other markets that are correlated with the Southeast Asian
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 14:50
Enhancing the efficiency of capital mobilization of the bank for the investment and development of vietnam – chuong duong branch
... ensuring solvency and the ability to provide capital for loans, banks must mobilize a stable source of capital, with a reasonable capital structure and cost the capital is low and the capital size ... mobilized capital, and at the same time strengthen the Bank's position, reputation and brand among all classes of people reside This is a tool to firmly shape the image of the Bank in the hearts ... kept stable, the value of the domestic currency and interest rates on the market will be maintained The new market stabilized and customer confidence in the bank was enhanced At the same time,
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2022, 11:09
The capital market Purpose of the capital market For long term investment Capital market participants
... The capital market Purpose of the capital market For long-term investment Capital market participants Federal and local governments Corporations Largest purchasers : Households Capital market ... Households Capital market trading Occurs in either the Primary Market or the Secondary Market Primary Market Secondary Market Organized exchange Over -the- counter exchange Organized securities ... a debt owed by the issuer to the investor Par, face, maturity value of the bond is the amount that the issuer must pay at maturity The coupon rate is the rate of interest that the issuer must
Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2022, 15:13
6 improving the analysis of capital use of visicons investment and construction joint stock company
... CHAPTER THEORETICAL BASIS FOR THE CAPITAL USE ANALYSIS OF A COMPANY 1.1 General theory on the capital use analysis of a company 1.1.1 Concept and objectives of the capital use analysis ... Improving the database for the capital use analysis of Visicons JSC., 56 Nguyen Phuong Linh CQ56/09.01CLC Bachelor Thesis Academy of Finance 3.3.2 Improving the methods for the capital ... CHAPTER CURRENT SITUATION OF THE CAPITAL USE ANALYSIS OF VISICONS CONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY 34 2.1 Overview of Visicons Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company
Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2023, 12:33
International Capital Flows and Boom-Bust Cycles in the Asia Pacific Region +
... consumption and investment in four different periods - the whole period, the 1980s, and the 1990s with and without the Asian crisis period. The output volatility is relatively low with a standard ... investment. .. period and the other without it (dropping 1997:3-1998:2) We relate the capital flow shocks identified in the model to the financial market liberalization and the global ... countries, and the increase in output is mostly due to a boom in consumption and investment The findings, especially for the case of the. .. countries in the future Since the Asian
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:27
The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It Matters for Financial Development
... Infrastructure and Efficient Financial Markets 14 The Role of Government as Issuer 24 Conclusion: The Example of Thailand 28 References 33 V The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It ... prefer The fourth stage introduces the government sector and the international sector Savings and investment without financial markets or institutions In order to understand the role of the financial ... secondary market by tracking the spreads quoted by dealers The smaller the spread and the larger the size of the transaction that dealers are willing to undertake at the quoted spread, the more
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40
Strategic Financial Management; Part I Introduction and The Investment Decision
... Inadequacies of IRR and the Case for NPV 38 2.5 Summary and Conclusions 40 Capital Budgeting and the Case for NPV 41 3.1 Ranking and Acceptance Under IRR and NPV 42 3.2 he Incremental IRR 44 3.3 Capital ... Divisibility and NPV 44 3.4 Relevant Cash Flows and Working Capital 46 3.5 Capital Budgeting and Taxation 47 3.6 NPV and Purchasing Power Risk 49 3.7 Summary and Conclusions 51 360° thinking Discover the ... 1.4 Decision Structures and Corporate Governance 15 1.5 he Developing Finance Function 16 1.6 he Principles of Investment 20 1.7 Perfect Markets and the Separation heorem 22 1.8 Summary and Conclusions...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 15:59
Thuyết trình tài chính doanh nghiệp THE STOCK MARKET AND CORPORATE Investment A Test of Catering Theory
... investing, the market s tendency to overvalue the investment project may more than compensate for the loss from the value destroying investment 1 Investment Decisions and Mispricing The overinvest ... the subsequent change in abnormal investment, Ia, across the high and low quintiles, Our regression controls for the market, size, and book-to -market factors of Fama and French (1993) and the ... maturity projects), the higher the weight on the share price under symmetric information The FOC of the manager’s problem3 is as follows: Investment Decisions and Mispricing The optimal investment level...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2015, 11:45
Investment decisions and the cost of capital
... 17: Investment Decisions and the Cost of Capital Objectives: After studying the chapter, you should understand: the concepts of capital budgeting and cost of capital some simple techniques for the ... equation: the the IRR IRR isis the the discount discount rate rate that that renders renders the the NPV NPV of of the the project project equal equal to to zero zero 13 P, P, nn and and the the expected ... techniques for the appraisal of investments some financial models used to estimate the cost of capital Capital Capital and and Capital Capital Budgeting Budgeting Capital: is the stock of assets that...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 20:08
silva et al - 2014 - earnings management and economic crises in the brazilian capital market
... consolidated its pillars The inflation control, currency stability, and GDP growth, among other factors, corroborated for the development and leverage of the Brazilian capital market The Brazilian Stock ... domestic market capitalization greater than the sum of the others (Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Bermuda and Mexico markets capitalization sum $1,173,438.1 million) and 11th in the world (WFE, ... either by its ability to use instruments capable of recognizing and timely measuring the impact of crisis in the financial position of the entity and, whether by the omission (in- al), using the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:48
Information content and policy implications of stock splits, new evidence from the saudi arabian capital market
... content and determines the magnitude and the direction of relationships among them The third study concentrates on investigating the changes made to the market structure and whether or not the stated ... billions The largest sector by market capitalization is the banking sector, which at the end of this year was capitalized at SR 176.2 billion, 30% of the total market capitalization The second ... 28.8 % of the market traded value The least sector in value traded was the agricultural sector with 8.5 billions, 1.4% of the market The total number of outstanding shares of the entire market as...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 16:34
The Decision to Invest in Child Quality over Quantity: Household Size and Household Investment in Education in Vietnam
... year and holidays, if either school year or holidays, and if neither), expenditure on tutoring,32 and the number of hours in the past year and the number of years to date spent on tutoring Of these ... (16a) by rewriting the dependent variable in equation (1) in log format before taking the ratios of the two investments, and then removing the log format of the ratio of the two investments for ... (i.e., below the province and district levels) and higher than the village level There are approximately 9,100 communes in the country (GSO 2012) The respondents for the community module of the VHLSSs...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 09:55
Tài liệu The Office Market, and the Labor Market docx
... d5 pay the same for land as CBD workers living there, but have a shorter commute Hence their wage must be less by the difference in commute: (d5 – d1 ) versus (d2 – d5 ) • Note that land rents ... Workers in the region? What about Headquarters? [Shilton] C Market boundary Land Value Yes if zoning creates one! “Laissez Faire” R “Excess Demand” C R Zoning Barrier Land Value Is there a separate ... Sub Center Land Rent and Commuting in a city with both a CBD and a suburban Sub Center Land rent rf r(d) r(d) commute d1 d6 d1 d5 d2 d3 d4 MIT Center for Real Estate Why firms leave the CBD for...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu The housing MarkeT and Canada’s eConoMiC reCovery ppt
... single mothers and their children, Aboriginal persons, and other low- and moderate-income families and individuals The creation of new affordable homes has also had a significant impact on the economy, ... affordability of this part of the housing system The Housing Market and Canada’s Economic Recovery Barriers to Rental Market In light of collapsing ownership markets in Britain and the United States, many ... Although the short-term CEAP measures were highly successful in helping the Canadian economy weather the storm caused by the global financial crisis, recent turmoil in the Eurozone, and the continued...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20