the c programming language exercise 1 9

The C# Programming Language phần 1 ppt

The C# Programming Language phần 1 ppt

... 3 49 10 .12 Destructors 352 11 Structs 355 11 .1 Struct Declarations 355 11 .2 Struct Members 356 11 .3 Class and Struct Differences 357 11 .4 Struct Examples 362 12 Arrays 367 12 .1 ... 10 .4 Fields 290 10 .5 Methods 299 10 .6 Properties 317 10 .7 Events 327 10 .8 Indexers 333 10 .9 Operators 338 10 .10 Instance Constructors 343 10 .11 Static Constructors ... Types 367 12 .2 Array Creation 3 69 12 .3 Array Element Access 3 69 12 .4 Array Members 3 69 12 .5 Array Covariance 3 69 12 .6 Array Initializers 370 13 Interfaces 373 13 .1 Interface Declarations 373 13 .2

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

10 419 0
The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 9 pdf

The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 9 pdf

... time clock might be declared: e xt er n c on st v ol at il e c lo ck ex te rn co ns t vo la ti le cl oc k; Two successive reads of c lo ck might give different results cl oc k A.8 Classes See Chapter ... direct-abstract-declarator: direct-abstract-declaratoropt ( parameter-declaration-clause ) cv-qualifier-seqopt exception-specificationopt direct-abstract-declaratoropt [ constant-expressionopt ] ( abstract-declarator ... nested-name-specifier template template-id base-clauseopt class-key: class struct union member-specification: member-declaration member-specificationopt access-specifier : member-specificationopt member-declaration:

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

102 1,1K 0


... Considerations 18 5 18 6 18 7 18 8 19 0 19 1 Exercises 14 INTER-OPERATION INVOCATION SELECTION MECHANISM 19 3 19 4 14 .1 Selection Method Expression 14 .2 View Statement 19 7 19 7 14 .2 .1 ... 3 51 Contents xiii References 355 Index 3 59 This page intentionally left blank List of Figures 2 .1 6 .1 8 .1 8.2 8.3 11 .1 11 . 2 11 .3 12 .1 12 .2 13 .1 13 .2 14 .1 15 .1 15 .2 15 ... number 2 19 57 97 98 10 3 16 0 16 3 16 5 17 5 17 5 18 7 18 8 19 5 212 215 217 220 2 21 228 248 264 264 xvi List of Figures 19 .1 20 .1 D .1 D.2 Simulation component interaction pattern

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 338 0
The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 6 pptx

The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 6 pptx

... synthesized from a less-than operation ma p, sh _m ap (? ?17 .1. 4 .1) This is because of the call of e q() in the loop that looks through elements with the eq same hash value This loop is crucial ... crucial to the performance of the lookup, and for common and obvious key types such as s tr in g and C- style strings, the overhead of an extra comparison could be sigst ri ng nificant I could have ... nificant I could have used a s et En tr y> to represent the set of values that have the same hash value se t cl as s al lo ca to r cl as s al lo ca to r

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

102 899 0
The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 7 pptx

The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 7 pptx

... It encapsulates many cultural differences Locales are implicitly used by the I/O system and are only briefly described here § 21. 8 C I/O: The p ri nt f() function from the C library and the C library’s ... destination/source The C+ + Programming Language, Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup Copyright ? ? 19 97 by AT&T Published by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc ISBN 0-2 01- 8 895 4-4 All rights reserved Section 21. 1 Introduction ... standard input (c in and error output (c er r) To use other co ut ci n), ce rr devices or files, streams must be created and attached to those files or devices The mechanisms for opening and closing

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

102 835 0
The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 8 pdf

The C++ Programming Language Third Edition phần 8 pdf

... L? ?c- char-sequence’ c- char-sequence: c- char c- char-sequence c- char c- char: any member of the source character set except the single-quote, backslash, or new-line character escape-sequence universal-character-name ... h-char h-char: any member of the source character set except new-line and > q-char-sequence: q-char q-char-sequence q-char q-char: any member of the source character set except new-line and " pp-number: ... fear that the redundancy necessary for consistency checks will unduly enlarge data structures Such fear is usually misplaced because most actual testing code and redundancy can, if necessary,

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

102 876 0
The C# Programming Language phần 2 pptx

The C# Programming Language phần 2 pptx

... Part I, ? ?C# 1. 0,” includes Chapters 1? ? ?18 and describes the C# 1. 0 language, as delivered in Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003. Part II, ? ?C# 2.0,” includes Chapters 19 –23 and describes the four ... , and a constructor. Assuming that the source code of the example is stored in the file acme.cs , the command line csc /t:library acme.cs compiles the example as a library (code without ... .cs . Assuming that the “Hello, World” program is stored in the file hello.cs , the program can be compiled with the Microsoft C# compiler using the command line csc hello.cs which

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

10 340 0
The C# Programming Language phần 3 pot

The C# Programming Language phần 3 pot

... 0 18 ,446,744,073,7 09, 5 51, 615 Floating point 32 float 1. 5 × 10 –45 to 3.4 × 10 38 , 7-digit precision 64 double 5.0 × 10 –324 to 1. 7 × 10 308 , 15 -digit precision Decimal 12 8 decimal 1. 0 × 10 ... that occur during execution of a block, and the try-finally statement is used to specify finalization code that is always executed, whether an exception occurred or not. The checked and unchecked ... Page 17 Friday, October 10 , 2003 7:35 PM 1. Introduction 18 1. Introduction 1. 6 Classes and Objects Classes are the most fundamental of C# ’s types. A class is a data structure that combines

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

10 359 0
The C# Programming Language phần 4 pdf

The C# Programming Language phần 4 pdf

... 1. 6 Classes and Objects 19 1. Introduction 1. 6.2 Accessibility Each member of a class has an associated accessibility, which controls the regions of pro- gram text that are able to access the ... by the class Constructors The actions required to initialize instances of the class or the class itself Destructors The actions to perform before instances of the class are permanently discarded ... Friday, October 10 , 2003 7:35 PM 1. 6 Classes and Objects 21 1. Introduction In the following example, each instance of the Color class has a separate copy of the r, g, and b instance fields, but there

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

10 299 0
The C# Programming Language phần 5 pps

The C# Programming Language phần 5 pps

... 1. 6 Classes and Objects 29 1. Introduction 1. 6.6 Other Function Members Members that contain executable code are collectively known as the function members of a class. The preceding section ... Indexer continues Page 29 Friday, October 10 , 2003 7:35 PM 1. Introduction 30 1. Introduction 1. 6.6 .1 Constructors C# supports both instance and static constructors. An instance constructor ... List { const int defaultCapacity = 4; Constant object[] items; int count; Fields public List(): this(defaultCapacity) {} public List(int capacity) { items = new object[capacity]; } Constructors

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

10 245 0
An Instroducyion to the C Programming Language and Software Design

An Instroducyion to the C Programming Language and Software Design

... 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 7 10 9 10 9 10 9 11 0 11 0 11 2 11 3 11 4 14 Generic Programming 14 .1 Basic Generic Design: Typedefs, Macros, and Unions 14 .1. 1 Typedefs 14 .1. 2 Macros ... 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 6 11 6 11 7 11 7 12 1 12 3 iv 15 Data Structures 15 .1 Efficiency and Time Complexity 15 .2 Arrays 15 .3 Linked Lists 15 .4 Circular ... 12 6 12 6 12 7 12 7 12 9 13 1 13 1 13 2 13 5 16 C in the Real World 16 .1 Further ISO C Topics 16 .2 Traditional C 16 .3 Make Files 16 .4 Beyond the C Standard

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 17:10

153 139 0
IT training the c programming language (1st ed ) kernighan  ritchie 1978 02 22 (badly formatted)

IT training the c programming language (1st ed ) kernighan ritchie 1978 02 22 (badly formatted)

... vector ll0 arithmetic conversions 39, 18 4 arithmetic operators 37, 18 8 arithmetic, pointer 90 , 94 , 96 , 11 3, 12 9, 18 8 arithmetic types 18 3 array, character 18 , 25, 99 array declaration 20, 19 5 ... Listing Directories Example - A Storage Allocator 14 3 15 9 15 9 16 0 16 2 Getc 16 4 16 5 16 9 17 3 C Reference Manual t 79 Introduction Lexical conventions Syntax notation What's in a name? 17 9 r83 Objects and ... 13 3, 14 0, 15 7, 17 3, 210 alloc function 97 , 17 5 allocator, storage 96 , 13 3, 13 6, 210 ambiguity, if-else 52, 2 01 anachronisms 212 + addition operator 37, 18 8 c address operator 89, 18 7 \ backslash character

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 14:27

236 63 0
IT training  the c programming language (2nd ed ) kernighan  ritchie 1988 04 01 2

IT training the c programming language (2nd ed ) kernighan ritchie 1988 04 01 2

... Output 1. 5 .1 File Copying 1. 5.2 Character Counting 1. 5.3 Line Counting 1. 5.4 Word Counting 1. 6 Arrays 1. 7 Functions 1. 8 Arguments - Call by Value 1. 9 Character Arrays 1. 10 External Variables and Scope ... A .10 External Declarations A .10 .1 Function Definitions A .10 .2 External Declarations A .11 Scope and Linkage A .11 .1 Lexical Scope A .11 .2 Linkage A .12 Preprocessing A .12 .1 Trigraph Sequences A .12 .2 ... string cs to string ct; return ct char *strchr(cs ,c) return pointer to first occurrence of c in cs or NULL if not present char *strrchr(cs ,c) return pointer to last occurrence of c in cs or NULL

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 14:34

289 119 0
BÁO CÁO BÀI TẬP LỚN NỘI DUNG DỊCH TÀI LIỆU The C++ Programming Language Fourth Edition

BÁO CÁO BÀI TẬP LỚN NỘI DUNG DỊCH TÀI LIỆU The C++ Programming Language Fourth Edition

... chúng Chương 19 : Toán tử đ? ?c biệt, c? ?ch x? ?c định sử dụng toán tử (VD: [], (), ->, new), “Đ? ?c biệt” chỗ chúng sử dụng c? ?ch kh? ?c với toán tử số h? ?c logic Đ? ?c biệt, chương c? ?ch định nghĩa String Class ... tượng c? ??u tr? ?c phân c? ??p lớp: Chương 17 : Xây dựng, Hủy bỏ, Sao chép Di chuyển trình bày nhiều c? ?ch kh? ?c để kiểm soát vi? ?c khởi tạo đối tượng lớp, c? ?ch chép di chuyển đối tượng c? ?ch cung c? ??p '' hành ... th? ?c Class + Menber Funtions (Hàm thành phần); Default Copying (Bản m? ?c định); Access Control (Kiểm soát truy c? ??p); class and struct (Lớp c? ??u tr? ?c) ; Constructors( Khởi tạo); explicit Constructors(

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2022, 19:11

65 8 0


... complete their withdrawals.) (f) the One-Lane Bridge Problem (Exercise 9. 17 ) (g) the Bus Problem (Exercises 9. 18 and 9. 19 ) The CSP solution can use a manager process, but the other ... sum For the above CCR program, the BB resource and the BBMain class are placed in separate files Because each contains CCR constructs, each must be translated by the CCR preprocessor to ... will set the focus (for the. .. in another process Correspondence means that an input command in one process names the other process, an output command in the second process names the first

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

40 314 0
The C programming language.

The C programming language.

... (9 of 30) [5 /15 /2002 10 :13 :14 PM] Chapter 1 - A Tutorial Introduction to print this sequence of characters } \n represents the newline character The first ... */ (3 of 23) [5 /15 /2002 10 :13 :20 PM] Chapter 1 - A Tutorial Introduction 1. 9 Character Arrays The most common type of array in C is the array of characters. ... value of the character in the machine's character set. For example, in the ASCII character set the character constant '0' has the value 48, which is unrelated to the numeric value...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 17:10

295 758 1
The C# Programming Language Fourth Edition ppt

The C# Programming Language Fourth Edition ppt

... 420 8 .9 Jump Statements 4 29 8 .10 The try Statement 438 8 .11 The checked and unchecked Statements 443 8 .12 The lock Statement 443 8 .13 The using Statement 445 8 .14 The yield Statement 4 49 ... 677 16  16 .1 Causes of Exceptions 683 16 .2 The System.Exception Class 683 16 .3 How Exceptions Are Handled 684 16 .4 Common Exception Classes 685 17  17 .1 Attribute Classes 688 17 .2 ... xv About the Annotators xvii 1  1. 1 Hello, World 3 1. 2 Program Structure 4 1. 3 Types and Variables 6 1. 4 Expressions 13 1. 5 Statements 16 1. 6 Classes and Objects 21 1.7 Structs 50 1. 8...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

862 2,6K 0