... conceptualized and conducted the interviews, transcribed and performed the major parts of the analysis and writing process MV has contributed substantially with regard to the methodology, analysis and writing ... the data in and of itself as the basis for taking relevant action at the farm They may skip the process of systematic analysis of data and give advice based on their immediate evaluation of the ... files becomes essential before any quantitative analysis can be conducted and interpreted Intra- and inter-observer agreement about the manifestations and criteria for treatment must be estimated...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
... raised if the database cannot be changed for any reason The Database property of the Connection object is updated dynamically and returns the current database for an open connection or the name ... those for SQL Server, Oracle, and OLE DB The ChangeDatabase( ) method is used to change the current database for an open connection It takes a single parameter that specifies the name of the database ... to use in place of the current database The name of the database must be valid or an ArgumentException will be raised If the connection is not open when the method is called, an InvalidOperationException...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16
Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet pptx
... adjuvant therapy for cancer with no negative side effects when administered properly Other Antioxidants There are many more substances that will have some benefit for cancer therapy Most of these ... effects for women undergoing radiation therapy for carcinomas of the uterine cervix [175], for patients undergoing radiation therapy for head and neck cancers [176], and for colorectal cancer patients ... cancers of the mouth and pharynx, esophagus, lung, stomach, and colon and rectum; evidence of probable risk reduction was found for cancers of the larynx, pancreas, breast, and bladder [1] Many...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21
calculating the weights for an adaline using the delta rule - codeproject
... boxes for the input, and one for the output, plus one button to set everything going All the code of any interest is in the event handler for the button C d l n V e : O B t o G ( and one other ... this function takes the data from the edit boxes and handles the iteration process, passing the data for each of the four input patterns to the a a i e d l n function in turn The weights are adjusted ... of the variables passed 'by reference', and declare all of them, other than the ones you specifically want to manipulate, in the calling function (i.e., d 0d 1as d as 'c n t w, w, w) o s ' The...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:10
Báo cáo y học: "Violence and post-traumatic stress disorder in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the protocol for an epidemiological and genetic survey" ppt
... million inhabitants) is the biggest and richest Brazilian city It is the most important Brazilian industrial and, commercial and financial centre, where the most important companies are headquartered ... health The primary aim of this survey is to study the exposure to urban violence and the effects of this exposure on the mental health in the two Brazilian major urban areas Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro ... (LAMIC) The African and Latin American regions have nearly three times more homicides than suicides while in European and South East Asian regions suicide rates are twice as high than the homicide...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school
... skill Secondly, the questions in the questionnaires and the interviews may not cover all the important information for the study Moreover, the answers of the teachers and students to the questionnaires ... that the teacher is the manager of the activity and must plan it, organize it, start it, monitor it, time it and conclude it The teacher is active and, remaining sensitive to the atmosphere and ... of an acceptable level: this means that the language used by teachers and learners to express their ideas and thoughts is understandable to others Thus, from the characteristics of spoken language...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary
... rearranging the letters of another word amalgamation mixture analgesic pain-soother The Words 13 Quiz (Antonyms) Directions: Choose the word most opposite in meaning to the capitalized word Answers ... vessel annihilate destroy angst anxiety, dread annotate to add explanatory notes 14 Vocabulary 4000 annul cancel apocryphal of doubtful authenticity annular ring-shaped apoplexy stroke anodyne ... Asia candid frank, unrehearsed Cassandra unheeded prophet candor frankness castigate criticize canine pertaining to dogs castrate remove the testicles canon rule cant insincere speech The Words...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 9
... supersede supplant subsidize financial assistance supervene ensue, follow substantiate verify supervise oversee substantive substantial supine lying on the back subterfuge cunning, ruse supplant replace ... arrogant svelte slender supererogatory wanton, superfluous swank fashionable superfluous overabundant swarthy dark (as in complexion) The Words 91 Quiz 33 (Matching) Match each word in the first ... scavenger stalwart pillar, strong, loyal stanchion prop, foundation stamina vigor, endurance stanza division of a poem stanch loyal stark desolate The Words 89 startle surprise stratagem trick,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 10
... manageable titian auburn traduce slander titillate arouse tranquilize calm, anesthetize titular in name only, figurehead transcribe write a copy toady fawner, sycophant transfigure transform, exalt ... bet waggish playful waive forego wallow indulge wan pale, pallid, listless wane dissipate, wither want need, poverty, lack of wanton lewd, abandoned, gratuitous warrant justification wary guarded, ... These categories amply point out the fundamental desire that people have to express themselves and the cleverness they display in that expression; who would have believed that the drab, mundane...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 11
... the same meaning as the sum of the meanings of their parts In fact, on occasion words can have the opposite meaning of their parts For example, by word analysis the word AWFUL should mean “full ... Word Analysis Word analysis (etymology) is the process of separating a word into its parts and then using the meanings of those parts to deduce the meaning of the original word Take, for example, ... stop.” This is not the literal meaning of INTERMINABLE (endless), but it is close enough For another example, consider the word RETROSPECT It is made up of the prefix RETRO (back) and the root SPECT...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 12
... enacted the Marshall Plan to rebuild Germany (A) after the war, they enacted the Marshall Plan to rebuild Germany (B) after the war, the Marshall Plan was enacted to rebuild Germany (C) after the ... Word Analysis 13 INTROSPECTIVE Analysis: Meaning: 14 IMMORTALITY Analysis: Meaning: 15 BENEFACTOR Analysis: Meaning: 16 DEGRADATION Analysis: Meaning: 17 DISPASSIONATE Analysis: Meaning: 18 APATHETIC ... that stands for a noun, known as the antecedent of the pronoun The key point for the use of pronouns is this: • Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in both number (singular or plural) and...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 13
... less tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates that the country is being less tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country ... indicates that an action was completed before another past action It is formed using had and the past participle of the verb He had prepared thoroughly before taking the SAT c Used to form the future ... across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwest, Ansel Adams began his photographic career in 1945 (C) Having traveled across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwest, in 1945 Ansel...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 14
... account to the state for your crimes Adapted to /for/ from: Adapted to means “naturally suited for. ” Adapted for means “created to be suited for. ” Adapted from means “changed to be suited for. ” The polar ... of the verb b Used to form the past perfect tense, which indicates that an action was completed before another past action It is formed using had and the past participle of the verb c Used to form ... One another/Each other: Each other should be used when referring to two things, and one another should be used when referring to more than two things The members of the basketball team (more than...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 15
... tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant of and therefore that Choice (A) has two flaws First, the subject of the sentence the rise is singular, and therefore the ... tolerant, and therefore that indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates that the country ... after the war, they enacted the Marshall Plan to rebuild Germany (B) after the war, the Marshall Plan was enacted to rebuild Germany (C) after the war, the Marshall Plan was enacted by the United...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 16
... weakens the sentence Choice (D) is the answer since it uses the correct idiom graduate from Choice (E) changes the meaning of the sentence and does not correct the faulty idiom The studio’s retrospective ... Choice (A) is incorrect because the simple past were does not express the fact that the homes had been built before the fire destroyed them 156 Vocabulary 4000 Choice (B) merely rearranges the ... retaining the simple past were Choice (C) is the correct answer because it uses the past perfect had been to indicate that the homes were completely built before they were destroyed by the fires Choice...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 1 pptx
... easier to remember Many common words appear in the list of words, but with their less common meanings For example, the common meaning of champion is “winner.” A less common meaning for champion is ... in the word list: Matching, Antonyms, Analogies, and Sentence Completions The Matching quizzes, review words that were just introduced All the other quizzes contain words from any part of the ... support or fight for someone else (Think of the phrase “to champion a cause.”) This is the meaning that would be used in the list As you read through the list of words, mark any that you not...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 2 pptx
... vessel annihilate destroy angst anxiety, dread annotate to add explanatory notes 14 Vocabulary 4000 annul cancel apocryphal of doubtful authenticity annular ring-shaped apoplexy stroke anodyne ... Asia candid frank, unrehearsed Cassandra unheeded prophet candor frankness castigate criticize canine pertaining to dogs castrate remove the testicles canon rule cant insincere speech The Words ... each word in the first column with its definition in the second column Answers are on page 101 ANATHEMA A hard ANNIHILATE B curse ANOMALOUS C gully APATHETIC D suffocate ARCHAIC E antiquated ARDUOUS...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 3 docx
... The Words 23 Quiz (Antonyms) Directions: Choose the word most opposite in meaning to the capitalized word Answers are on page 101 DERISION: (A) urgency (D) diversity ANTIPATHY: (A) ... Vocabulary 4000 Quiz (Antonyms) Directions: Choose the word most opposite in meaning to the capitalized word Answers are on page 101 UPSHOT: (A) consequence (B) descent (C) annihilation (D) termination ... consolation comfort, solice console comfort consolidate unite, strengthen consonant harmonious consort spouse consortium cartel conspicuous obvious contravene oppose contretemps unfortunate occurrence...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 4 ppt
... fountainhead, set of type forage search for food foray raid forbear abstain, restrain oneself force majeure superior force foreboding ominous foreclose exclude forensic pertaining to debate foresight ability ... short-lived ergo therefore The Words 37 erode wear away evade avoid err mistake, misjudge evanescent fleeting, very brief errant wandering evangelical proselytizing erratic constantly changing evasive ... exorbitant expensive exorcise expel expanse extent of land expansive sweeping The Words expedient advantageous extroverted outgoing expedite hasten extrude force out expel drive out exuberant joyous...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20