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The art of software testing second edition phần 1 pdf

The art of software testing second edition phần 1 pdf

... So, the purpose of this updated edition of The Art of Software Test- ing is the same as it was in 1979: to fill these knowledge gaps for the professional programmer and the student of computer ... itself. Therefore, we will start our discussion of soft- ware testing with these issues before we delve into the more techni- cal nature of the topic. The Psychology of Testing One of the primary ... testing. They, too, took a more transient approach to the topic. Myers’s The Art of Software Testing, on the other hand, gave the industry a long-lasting, foundational guide to one of the most...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 442 1
Tài liệu The Woman Beautiful or, The Art of Beauty Culture pdf

Tài liệu The Woman Beautiful or, The Art of Beauty Culture pdf

... to them by correct living and the necessary facial massage. The skin of the face wrinkles exactly for the same reason and by the same mechanism that the skin of an apple wrinkles. The pulp of the ... soap are necessary. The shock of cold water immediately closes the pores, and they then retain all the impurities that they should cast out. The temperature of the water for the daily tepid bath ... out over the ears will not only add grace to the forehead but lighten the heaviness of the lower part of the face. A bow of ribbon or any other perky little headdress will detract from the straight...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 20:20

51 548 0
The art of software testing

The art of software testing

... yet undiscovered error. 20 The Art of Software Testing Figure 2.2 The Surprising Errors Remaining/Errors Found Relationship. 01.qxd 4/29/04 4:32 PM Page 20 The Art of Software Testing Second Edition Glenford ... on these sections during the computer-based testing processes (one of the testing principles of Chapter 2). 26 The Art of Software Testing 01.qxd 4/29/04 4:32 PM Page 26 infeasible. Perhaps, then, ... than the actual process itself. Therefore, we will start our discussion of soft- ware testing with these issues before we delve into the more techni- cal nature of the topic. The Psychology of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 22:36

255 776 3


... 1-6 shows the layout of the flags within the lower 16 bits of the EFLAGS register. Figure 1-6: Layout of the FLAGS register (lower 16 bits of EFLAGS) Of the eight flags that are of interest ... how the 80x86 stores bytes, words (2 bytes), and double words (4 bytes) in memory. The memory address of each of these objects is the address of the first byte of each object (that is, the ... Note that the while loop, like its high-level-language counterpart, tests for loop termination at the top of the loop. Therefore, it is quite possible that the statements in the body of the loop...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

764 1,1K 1


... agree with the severity of architecture s offense as according to Ruskin, the point is made clear: we approach architecture with a set of expectations, and if these are violated then we often feel ... applying the aesthetic criteria of a proverbial horse to that of a man by attempting to aesthetically appreciate a restaurant within the shell of a distillery? To extend the metaphor, the reassigned ... intermediate form, say of the architectural centaur, and in such cases, neither the aesthetic criteria of man nor horse seems appropriate. I explore further consequences of this issue in the sections...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

10 459 0
The Art of Software Testing ppt

The Art of Software Testing ppt

... description of the correct output of the program for that set of input data. 14 The Art of Software Testing 01.qxd 4/29/04 4:32 PM Page 14 An Error Checklist for Inspections An important part of the ... of Software Testing 01.qxd 4/29/04 4:32 PM Page 18 So, the purpose of this updated edition of The Art of Software Test- ing is the same as it was in 1979: to fill these knowledge gaps for the professional ... itself. Therefore, we will start our discussion of soft- ware testing with these issues before we delve into the more techni- cal nature of the topic. The Psychology of Testing One of the primary...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 02:20

255 490 1
A Pragmatic Introduction to the Art of Electrical Engineering pdf

A Pragmatic Introduction to the Art of Electrical Engineering pdf

... that the voltage has the shown polarity. The point is that by having a reference, you will be able to tell by the sign of the readings the true polarity. Of course, flipping the leads of the ... equation. In the case of loop1, the equa- tion contains terms for the voltage source, R1 and R2. It is: Note the sign of the first term. As we go around the loop, we hit the negative end of the supply ... at just the right voltage. The reason this idea is so bad is that the I-V curve, and thus the required voltage, vary depending upon the particular LED, the temperature, the phase of the moon,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 09:22

141 772 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 3 pps

The art of software testing second edition phần 3 pps

... two other properties: 1. It reduces, by more than a count of one, the number of other test cases that must be developed to achieve some predefined goal of “reasonable” testing. 52 The Art of Software ... toward the program rather than the programmer. In other words, errors are not viewed as weaknesses in the person who committed them. Rather, they are viewed as being inherent in the difficulty of the ... outcomes, but they cover only two of the four decision outcomes (both of them cover path abe and, hence, do not exercise the true outcome of the first decision and the false outcome of the second...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 366 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 4 pptx

The art of software testing second edition phần 4 pptx

... expression in the program were 60 The Art of Software Testing 01.qxd 4/29/04 4:32 PM Page 60 instance, perhaps the MTEST program of the previous section fails if the product of the number of questions ... titles. The next input conditions are the presence of correct- answer records and the number -of- questions field on the first answer 62 The Art of Software Testing Figure 4.4 Input to the MTEST ... vertically on the left side of the sheet of paper; the effect nodes are listed vertically on the right side. The semantic content of the specification is carefully analyzed to interconnect the causes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 359 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 5 ppt

The art of software testing second edition phần 5 ppt

... cases invoked, for the most part, the same set of causes, different values for the causes were selected to slightly improve the yield of the test cases. Also note that, because of the actual storage ... with several of the testing principles in Chapter 2. Identifying the expected output of each test case is an inherent part of the technique (each column in the decision table indicates the expected ... way of managing the combined elements of testing, since attention is focused initially on smaller units of the program. Second, module testing eases the task of debugging (the process of pinpointing...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 377 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 6 pptx

The art of software testing second edition phần 6 pptx

... management system, or 124 The Art of Software Testing Figure 6.1 The software development process. 02.qxd 4/29/04 4:36 PM Page 124 it to the output of the prior stage (the statement of objectives) and feeding ... H is the BONUS module of Figure 5.2, it might be impossible, because of the nature of intervening module D, to create some of the seven test cases of Figures 5.5 and 5.6. 114 The Art of Software ... dur- ing the communication and translation of information. This view of software development is illustrated in Figure 6.1, a model of the development cycle for a software product. The flow of the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 400 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 7 pps

The art of software testing second edition phần 7 pps

... produced at the exact point of the error, so it doesn’t show the program’s state at the point of the error. Program actions between the time of the dump and the time of the error can mask the clues ... area of program testing is of interest to you, research the concept of inductive assertions. The goal of this method is the development of a set of theorems about the program in ques- tion, the ... processing time—which is frequently the case if the software is accessing a remote system—then a message should be displayed informing the user of what is going on. 136 The Art of Software Testing 02.qxd...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 417 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 8 pptx

The art of software testing second edition phần 8 pptx

... half of the number of students, rounded up to the next integer. In other words, if you think of the grades as being stored in a sorted table, the program is printing the entry number of the middle ... not induce another error somewhere else in the application. The Probability of the Fix Being Correct Drops as the Size of the Program Increases Stating it differently, in our experience the ratio of errors ... was the state of the program at this point, then this must have been the state of the program up here,” you can quickly pinpoint the error. With this process you’re looking for the location in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 334 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 9 potx

The art of software testing second edition phần 9 potx

... segment the testing of an Internet applica- tion into discrete entities, you can do the same when testing the pres- 202 The Art of Software Testing Figure 9.2 Detailed view of Internet application architecture. Clients Internet Credit Card Processing Shipping Companies Bank Account Services Hosted ... versions of the same browser as well. Vendors often improve some feature of their browser with each release, which may or may not be compatible with older versions. 204 The Art of Software Testing 03.qxd ... Internet- based applications due to the large number of elements you cannot control and the number of interdependent components. Adequately 196 The Art of Software Testing 03.qxd 4/29/04 4:37...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

26 496 0
The art of software testing second edition phần 10 pot

The art of software testing second edition phần 10 pot

... 142 Sieve of Eratosthenes, 190 Software development, vs. test- ing, 127 Software development cycle, 123, 124 Software documentation, 125 Software errors: causes, 124, 125 preventing, 125 Software ... external specification, 124 Software prediction, 140 Software proving, 140 Software reliability engineering (SRE), 140 Software requirements, 125 232 Index bindex.qxd 4/30/04 9:55 AM Page 232 Software testing: vs. ... type of system testing of the application with large volumes of data to determine whether the application can handle the volume of data specified in its objectives. Volume testing is not the same...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

21 389 0

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