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molkentin-the book of qt 4-the art of building qt applications

molkentin-the book of qt 4-the art of building qt applications

... headerfilesfor itslibraries. Each of thesefilescontains theinterfacedescriptionsofall of theclassesofalibrary ;the name of theheader filematches th enameofthe library.Thus,inthe examples so far,which haveonly used ... anothertopicfor which knowledge of thecontents of theQtlibrariesisofparticularinterest. Besidesthe headerfilesfor individualclass definitions,whose filenames matchthe namesofthe classesthey describe,Qtalsoprovides ... andaslotinadestinationobject .The first twoarguments specifytheobject sendingthe signal andthe signal that wewanttobindtothe receivingslot. Thelasttwoargumentsspecifytheobject that is therecipient of the signal,and thereceivingslot....

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:56

442 455 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

... recycled paper Qt 4 Qt 4 THE ART OF BUILDING Qt APPLICATIONS DANIEL MOLKENTIN THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 đ MOLKENTIN 1 Basics,Tools, and First Code Several Qt classeshaveQObject ... forother objects. It’s akindofeventinterceptor.Chapter 7provides more details of events. 35 Daniel Molkentin TheBook of Qt 4 TheArt of BuildingQtApplications đ Munich SanFrancisco Contents 10 TheGraphicsLibrary ... displaythe same changeable value. Theaim is for allthree widgets to alwaysdisplaythesamevalue.Ifthe user changes thevalue via theslider ,the value mustalsobeadjusted in thespinboxandinthe label. Thesameappliestothe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 388 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

... framework. These can be found in theWidgetBox,which theprogram normallyplaces on theleft side of thescreen.Tocreateanewlabel, welook for theDisplayWidgets group(at thebottomofthe box)and pull theLabel ... generates theC++ fileui_mydialog.h from mydialog.ui,using uic. Thelatter contains theinterfacedescription of the code that implements thedialog. (Weexplainthisfile andits useinthe rest of the code for theapplicationprogram ... now ByteConverterDialog decEdit textChanged() setText() hexEdit textChanged() setText() binEdit textChanged() setText() decChanged() hexChanged() binChanged() We can connect thesignals andslots of theline-edit widgets from theByteCon- verterDialog to thesignals andslots of theByteConverter class, for example, the hexChanged()signalofthe decEdit object...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 377 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

... sedonaMainWindow theuserfriendlinessofthe software. Theyshould thereforebeprovided as amatter of course in thedesignofuserinterfaces.Withthe acceleratorsinplace ,the design viewof th eeditorshouldcorrespondtothatshowninFigure4.3. To ... pro- gramming.Secrecyenforcesabstractionbyonlygranting theclass membersaccess to theirownmethods. Theinternaldetails of theclass arethus “cut off” from theother classes, andyou can change theinternaldesignofthe classwithout havingtoadjustthe ... areasofthe window,orposition them floatingover themainwindow.Iftheyaredocked, thelatter haveasplitter (see Chapter 5.3onpage 150), withwhich theusercan fine-tune thesizeratio of thedockwindowto themainwindow,ifnecessary.Dockwindowsalsohavea handle...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 308 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

... ClickSplitterHandle::mouseDoubleClickEvent()wefirstdetermine thealignment of thesplitter.Weobtainthe positionofthe splitter,using theQSplitter::indexOf() method. This is also thepositionofthe widgetlyingtothe rightof(or directly beneath) thesplitter. Forreasons ... given as the rstargu- ment,thenthe dialog willnot be modal .The nexttwoargumentsare thedialog heading andthe startdirectory. TheQDirclass provides static methods for retrievingthe paths to themostim- portant ... weleaveit outbyspecifyingQMessageBox::NoButton. Thestatuscode returned byQMessageBox::question() corresponds to thevalue of thebuttonchosenbytheuser. To checkwhether theuserhas answered theques- tion withYes,wecomparethe return...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 274 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 5 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 5 pptx

... parametersspecifythepointer to theparentwidget, thehead- ing, andthe user query.Thisisfollowed bythelistofstrings to be displayed.Then comesthe indexof thelistele ment that thedrop-downwidgetdisplaysatthe ... eventwiththe ID of theupdate- Timer, usingthe postEvent()method of QCoreApplication. As thetargetwespecify thecurrent widget(in this case, this)aswedolater on for theevents generated by thetimersthemselves. In ... displaysthe best quality .The program that receives thedropthen iterates throughthe listofMIMEtypesand selectsthe datafor the rstMIMEtype that it can handle. We make useofthispropertyto includethe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 266 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 6 doc

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 6 doc

... entryusingthe <table>tag. Each rowof thetable consists of twocells,one of which contains thenameofthe address book field (the key)and theother ,the matching value.Bothofthemwillbeshowninthe tooltiponlyif ... QModelIndex&parent)const { Q_UNUSED(parent);; } Viewsthatuse ouraddressbook modelcan discover thelabelingofthe rowsand columns via theheaderData()method. To do so,theymustspecifythenumeric positionofthe section of ... theleftofthe datasets willdenote thedataset number.For horizontalorientation weuse theentries from the rst dataset in thelist, which as weknowcontains thecolumn names: // addressbook/addressbookmodel.cpp...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 326 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 7 pot

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 7 pot

... wecreateanewmatrix. Since thecenter of thedesir ed rotation is notthe currentzeropoint (origin) of the coordinate system,but thepoint at thecenter of thesquare, wefirstmovethe center of oursquaretothe zeropoint of ourcoordinate ... nowconnect theclicked()signalofthe Screenshot!buttontothe slot that prepares thescreenshot,and thesignalofthe Printbuttontothe slot that enables theconfiguration of theprintingparameters. Then wecallgrabDesktop(), ... drawour piechart.Wereservethe space remaininginthe width for thekey.Weobtain thecorresponding rectanglebyfirst copyingthe measurements of thewidget, with rect(), andthensubtractingthe width of pieRectfromthissquareonthe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 281 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 8 doc

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 8 doc

... to theother ,the producerplacesitinaqueue, from which theconsumertakesthemout. As asharedresource, thequeue mustbeprotected byamutexbeforeitisaccessed byeither theproducerorthe consumer. If theconsumerworks ... LOGGERTHREAD_H In theconstructor wespecifythefilename for the le butdonot openit. In run() weonlystartthe eventloop of thethreadvia exec(). append()opens the le for each incoming message,writes thecontents of ... quicklythan theproducer, it is possible that thequeue willbecomeempty.Ifthe producerworks faster than theconsumer, thequeue mayfillup. In either case, oneofthe two threads hastosleep :the consumeruntil...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 397 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 9 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 9 docx

... displayit.Figure13.1showshowtheapplicationis constructed :The lineeditwaits for theaddressofthe fe ed ,the contents of which aredisplayed byaQTextViewon theleft-hand page.Onthe rightwesee thearticle selected from thelistinaQTextBrowser. Figure ... elements. If theyreach theend of thecontainer andare advancedpastthe final element, theythen point to anonexistentelement.Ifyou then tryto acc essthe element pointed at bytheiterator ,the result ... Translations in theProgram Loading thecorrect translationwhenthe program starts is thetaskofthe QTrans- latorclass.Itwillsearchfor thetranslation files in theworking directoryof the applicationifitisnot...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 271 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 10 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 10 pptx

... iterators, oneofwhich marksthe beginning of theareainthe first datastructure containing theelementstobecompared,and theother,which marksthe endofthisarea. Thethird parameter is an iterator on theseconddatastructu ... output:("one","two","three") return0; } qCopyBackward()isalmostidentical to qCopy(), butexpectsthe positionofthe last elementtobecopied as thethird parameter,ratherthanthe first.Itinserts thevaluestobecopied from thespecifiedelementsofthe second containerfrom back ... i.value(); } return0; } With thehelpofthe indexoperatororbyusinginsert(), wefill up thedictionary mapwithvalues. Theargument in brackets or the rstargument to insert() is the key,for which,inthiscase, weuse valuesofthe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

37 376 0