the art of scalability january 2010 attica

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 1 pdf

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 1 pdf

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... and executed on the frontlines with many of the nation’s top businesses These two are the best of the best With The Art of Scalability, they have created the ultimate step-by-step instruction book ... impact on the scalability of your organization, your processes, and (as a result) the scalability of your product, platform, or systems They are at the heart of everything you and the core of everything ... business needs to grow These guys have been there on the front lines of some of the most successful Internet companies of our time, and they share the good, the bad, and the ugly about how to...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 2 pps

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 2 pps

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... responsibility create vacuums of activity and failed scale initiatives • The CEO is the chief scalability officer of the company • The CTO/CIO is the chief technical scale officer of the company • Key scale ... someone other than the CEO approve his or her scalability vision or scalability plan Consultants to the scalability vision are the CTO’s peers the people who rely on the CTO for either the availability ... availability of the product or the back office systems that run the company These people need to be consulted because the systems that the CTO creates and runs are the lifeblood of the business...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 3 potx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 3 potx

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... or endorsement of either the ITIL or COBIT Rather, we try to summarize some of the most important aspects of the parts of these systems as they relate to managing incidents and their associated ... at least part of the problem, and we believe that the very best leaders believe that they are the source of most problems It absolutely may be the case, and often is the case, that other people ... challenges are generally not the fault of the processes themselves, or even due to having a process; rather, they are due to the fit between the process and the team You see this often with technology,...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 4 pps

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 4 pps

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... If the risk analysis measures the product of the probability of failure multiplied by the effect of failure, benefit would then analyze the probability of success with the impact of success The ... of the change, and the contact information of the person making the change • The intent of change management is to limit the impact of changes by controlling them through their release into the ... considered and the tasks associated with those hypotheses, and the timeline for completion of the current set of actions, as well as the development of the next set of actions Other members should...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 5 pptx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 5 pptx

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... and architecture of key features The three of them worked the rest of the afternoon to rough out the process, including who should be permanent members of the board (the three of them) and who should ... between the frequency of an observed event and the size of the event Another power law is Kleiber’s Law of metabolism, which states that the metabolic rate of an animal scales to the 3/4 power of the ... lots of discussion with the VP of engineering, Mike Softe, the issue was escalated to Johnny Fixer, the CTO He decided to pull the feature from the release and redesign it properly As part of the...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 6 ppsx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 6 ppsx

An ninh - Bảo mật

... 19.1, where the legs are speed, cost, and quality, whereas the area of the triangle is the scope of the project If the triangle is small, the scope of the project is small and thus the cost, time, ... perform the calculations on them The formula is to multiply each score in the body of the matrix by the weight of each factor and then sum these products for each tradeoff producing the total ... beyond the normal traffic, often to the breaking point of the application, in order to observe the behaviors • The eight steps of stress testing are as follows: Identify the objectives of the test...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 7 potx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 7 potx

An ninh - Bảo mật

... tasks T HE Y-A XIS OF THE C UBE The Y-Axis of the Cube The y-axis of the cube of scale represents a separation of work responsibility by either the type of data, the type of work performed for ... example, the z-axis may be more predominant and in others the Y appears to be the most predominant split This is all part of the Art of Scalability. ” Referring back to the introduction, the determination ... class of purchase as criteria, and the product of these values result in 100 unique classifications Each of these classifications contains roughly 1/100th of the people, with the exception of the...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 8 doc

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 8 doc

An ninh - Bảo mật

... “availability” of the string of lights was the product of the availability (1 the probability of failure) of all the lights If any light had a 99.999% availability or a 0.001% chance of failure and there ... only part of the reason that engineers don’t pay enough attention to the impact of synchronous calls The second part of the problem is that developers typically only see a small portion of the ... cause problems within the line of communication back to the end customer The more calls we make, the higher the probability of failure The higher the probability of failure, the more likely it is...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 9 docx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 9 docx

An ninh - Bảo mật

... an increasing volume of cars, the profit of those cars in aggregate start to offset the cost and finally overcome it The factory starts to become accretive when the cost of the factory is lower ... data necessary to run the site) and 50% of the copies of each of the other sites (16.5% of the data necessary to run the site for a total of an additional 33%) Let’s discuss the math behind our ... three of these rules, hence “Three Magic Rules of Three.” The first rule has to with the costs of data centers, the second has to with the number of servers, and third has to with the number of...
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the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 10 ppsx

the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 10 ppsx

An ninh - Bảo mật

... hypothesis and a null hypothesis The hypothesis would be that the means of the data sets (v3.1 to v3.0) are the same and the null or alternative hypothesis would be that they are not the same The ... beneath the availability of the adserving systems and the registration systems In other words, the device availability impacts the availability of these services, but the availability of the services ... to the engineers the results of the tests and analysis AllScale.com gathers the engineers responsible for the various parts of the code that make up the upload and report services and present their...
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