the ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files

What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is the ability to read, understand, and act on health care information. pdf

What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is the ability to read, understand, and act on health care information. pdf

... and the TOFHLA. ã The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Flesch Reading Ease Score count the number of sylla- bles per word and words per sentence. The Reading Ease Score takes other readability measures ... They were also four times more likely to talk to their doctors about getting the vaccination. 7 The most helpful written materials for all users, especially poor readers: 4-6, 8 ã Emphasize the ... provided to them. 8-11 ã But none of these can document whether a particular patient understands the one form they need at the moment. This leaves it up to the person requesting the data, the provider conducting...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

18 878 0
The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

... secondbymanagingabook 36 of bonds.  The formermethodclearlyindicatesthatbrokersareincentivized to increaseflowin the market. Profitsaremadebymakingasmallamountofmoneyoneachtransactionbybuying and selling bondsbetweencustomers. The moretransactionstheycomplete, the moremoneytheymake hence,theyareincentivi zed to increasetheir“dealflow”withtradeideas and research.  The secondprincipalwaytheymakemoneyisthrough the warehousedbondsheldbytraders. The traderconstructsaportfoliothattheybelievewillbenefitfrom the waytheyexpect the market to move.Thisissometimescalleda“backbook” or “proptrading” and ca nrequirealargeamountof “assetsatrisk”oftenincludingderivativepositions. The sizeofpositionthatatraderholdsisclearly dependenton the broker’scapitalrequirements.  Brokersusuallyhavethreecoreteams: the salesteam, the tradingteam and the researchteam. The salestea mis the teamon the phone to clientstrying to drumupbusinessbysuggesting transactions and passingon the bestpricesfrom the tradingteam.  The tradingteam’sroleis to make or givepricesonallbondsthattheycoverat the most commerciallycompetitiveratestakin gintoaccounttheirinventoryofbonds and theirviewon the market.Theynotonlytalk to theirsalesteambut to othertradersintheircompany(from the swaps, government,corporate and otherderivativedesks),interdealerbrokers,futuresexchanges and even tradersinotherbrokeragecompanies.  The resear chteamgeneratesresearchoneconomics,companies,interestrates,yieldcurves 37  and othersubjects to generatesales.Thereareoftenquestionsregardingtheirimpartialityaheadof newbondissuanceasthereisanincentivefor the research to bepositiveabout the newbonds. Indeed,thesequestionsextend to researchproducedwhen the bondshaveentered the secondary marketsasbrokerstend to like to maintaingoodrela tionshipswith the issuer.  Therearenumerousbrokersin the market.However, the brokerswith the mostinfluencein the Sterlingmarketsare the socalled“GEMMs” 38 − the GiltEdgedMarketMakers.Inparticular, the mostimportantbrokersin the UKmarketare the likesofRoyalBankofScotland,Barclays and HSBC. Theseare the keyhousesforbothissuing and tradingnotonlyUK‐denomina ... Brokersare the Glue Brokersare the gluethatbringstogether“issuers and investors”in the primary financialmarkets and “buyers and sellers”in the secondarymarkets.Ratherthananinvestorhaving to findanother investor to buy or sellbonds to, theygo to abrokerwhopurchasesbondsimmediatelyfromthem and takes the riskofon‐sel lingthem.Iftheycan’timmediately, or don’twant to, sellthem,theywill warehousethemuntiltheyhavefoundanotherend‐investor to sellthem to. Thisalsoworksin reverseinthattheywillalsosellbonds to aninvestorbeforetheyhaveactuallybought the bo nds.    30 MerrillLynchMunicipalMasterIndexon the 11 th March2010. 31 MerrillLynchUSCorporate and GovernmentMasterIndexon the 11 th March2010. 32 The UStaxationsystemisdifferentinanumberofwaysthanthatin the UK.Inrelation to munibonds though,both the federal and statecandeducttaxfromanindividual’sincome.Munibonds,aswellasbeing exemptfromfederaltaxareoftenexemptfromstatetaxif the holderresidesin the state. 33 6.7%*(1‐40%)=4% 34   35 Seesection3.4.3onassetbackedsecurities 18  ... the date the investorgetstheirmoneyback.Thereareanumber ofsubtletiesaround the maturitydate,butmostbondshaveasinglefixeddate . The furtherin the future the maturitydate (the “longer” the bond), the morerisky the debtasthereismoretimefor the issuer to getintotrouble.Indeed,somebonds(including the famouswarloanfrom the UK Government)are“undated”,whichmeansthat the issuerneverhas to repayth edebt.Undated, or perpetual,bondsoftenhavefeaturesthatallow the issuer to payback the debtundercertain circumstances:thesearecalled“calloptions” and give the issuer the right,butnot the obligation, to payback the lender 4 . 2.3....

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38 503 1
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... Consultancy Lumiknows 27 In order to get to the future first, there is no need to excel competitors trying to get the same prize because the number of prizes may be the same as the number of runners. G. ... are limitations. The foundations have to be customer values and customer decisions on the distribution of their disposable income. Peter Drucker, Management Challenges for the 21 st century. â ... walls at the sides and back. Objects—pictures, documents, songs, sticky notes, program icons—can be moved freely around the desktop or stuck up on the walls. BumpTop is a natural for a touchscreen,...

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... wishes me to bring to your Assembly’s attention the necessity of their taking the necessary steps for the incorporation of the N.S.A This step, he feels, is of a vital importance to the further ... convinced, are in store for them if they Dear and valued co-worker: I am truly gratified and delighted to receive so many evidences of the zeal, the loyalty and the devotion with which the believers ... grateful for the plans you have conceived for the reception, and organisation of the work, of Martha during her visit to your shores. The community of the believers in Australia and New Zealand is...

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... icon by the forum name in the forum listing. For more information about how to use the Wrox P2P, be sure to read the P2P FAQs for answers to questions about how the forum software works, as ... Long, for reaching out to me and for convincing Wrox to give me a chance; to project editor John Sleeva, copy editor Paula Lowell, and technical editor Doug Vann, for all your efforts editing the ... “your” error on the Book Errata page, go to .shtml and complete the form there to send us the error you have found. We’ll check the informa- tion and, if appropriate,...

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... with the device. Simply pull off the power adapter from the USB end of the cord and plug it into an open USB port on your computer. Then plug the other end into the Dock Connector at the bottom ... that the cost of the iPad, either online or at another retail store, is always the same. There’s no markup when you purchase the iPad 2 somewhere other than an Apple store, and the online store ... out the one you want, and then take it home. To date, most U.S. Apple stores have caught up with the huge demand for these devices, and usually have them in stock, although it is still sporadic....

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Báo cáo khoa học: N-Glycosylation is important for the correct intracellular localization of HFE and its ability to decrease cell surface transferrin binding pptx

... transferrin into acidic endosomes where the iron is released and transported into the cytoplasm via the Nramp2-DCT1 iron transporter. Apo-transfer- rin and TfR1 are recycled to the cell surface ... of glycosylation is highly variable, therefore, and even in cases where it is important, the effect may be either direct or indirect. In this study, we set out to explore the importance of HFE glycosylation. ... (POCI/SAU-MMO/ 61129/2004) and the Health Research Board (RP/ 2006/294) to J.V.F and Health Research Board Grant (RP/2005/107) and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Investigator Grant (05/IN.3/13859) to MMC. The authors...

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Báo cáo khoa học: The Rab5 effector Rabaptin-5 and its isoform Rabaptin-5d differ in their ability to interact with the small GTPase Rab4 doc

... [28]. For construction of the myc- Rab4Q67L expression vector, the Rab4Q67L cDNA from pPC97-Rab4Q67L was excised and cloned between the SalI and NotI sites into a pBK-CMV vector engineered to con- tain ... Amplified sequences were cloned between SalI and SmaI sites in the pBluescript SK II(+) vector, se- quenced, and subcloned into the pPC86 vector between the SalI and NotI sites. pPC86 plasmid expressing ... subcloning of the SalI-NotI fragment into the pPC86 vector. Deletion mutants of Rabaptin-5d and Rabaptin-5c in the pPC86 vector were constructed in a similar way. To construct plasmids for expression...

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