test driven development with asp net mvc 4

apress foundations of atlas, rapid ajax development with asp.net 2.0 (2006)

apress foundations of atlas, rapid ajax development with asp.net 2.0 (2006)

... under ASP. NET 2.0 Introducing ASP. NET 2.0 Server Controls To better understand Atlas and its architecture, it’s best to understand ASP. NET 2.0 server controls These are a fundamental part of the ASP. NET ... runtime, the ASP NET engine takes this and uses its built-in Calendar control to generate the HTML Similarly, VS NET uses the Calendar control within ASP. NET to create the visual representation within ... 647 1fmfinal.qxd 5/10/06 11:23 PM Page i Foundations of Atlas Rapid Ajax Development with ASP. NET 2.0 Laurence Moroney 647 1fmfinal.qxd 5/10/06 11:23 PM Page...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:41

335 361 0
core web application development with asp .net 2.0

core web application development with asp .net 2.0

... TreeView 42 7 Using Other Data with the TreeView Control 43 1 Responding to TreeView Events 43 5 Summary 44 2 Exercises 44 2 Key Concepts 44 3 References 44 4 Contents PART II WORKING WITH DATA 44 5 Chapter ... REPRESENTATION 44 7 Introducing Data Binding 44 8 How to Use Data Binding 44 8 What Can Be a Data Source? 44 9 Using Collections 45 0 Collection Interfaces 45 1 Using the Common Collections 45 3 ArrayList 45 6 ... CORE ASP. NET Chapter INTRODUCING ASP. NET 2.0 Why ASP. NET? Static Versus Dynamic Web Content Competing Dynamic Server Technologies ASP. NET Advantages NET Framework Components of NET Framework 10 NET...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:29

1,1K 991 0
Test drive ASP NET MVC

Test drive ASP NET MVC

... ASP. NET Web Forms and ASP. NET MVC work on top of This supports customers’ existing needs with the older ASP. NET Web Forms and their future needs with ASP. NET MVC Although ASP. NET MVC shares many of ... Makes ASP. NET MVC Special? Microsoft offers two web presentation frameworks: ASP. NET Web Forms and ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET itself is the common set of libraries and features that both ASP. NET Web ... Started with ASP. NET MVC In this chapter, you’ll get your feet wet by exploring the basics of the ASP. NET MVC framework You’ll find out how ASP. NET MVC works differently than traditional ASP. NET You’ll...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:52

280 504 1
Tài liệu Intro to ASP.net MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

Tài liệu Intro to ASP.net MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

... C# on the left and then select ASP. NET MVC Web Application Name your project "MvcMovie" and then click OK In the New ASP. NET MVC Project dialog box, select Internet Application LeaveRazor as ... and it did! ASP. NET MVC invokes different controller classes (and different action methods within them) depending on the incoming URL The default URL routing logic used by ASP. NET MVC uses a format ... Intr to ASP ro o P .NET MV w T VC with Visu Studio (Be ual S o eta) Rick A Anderso and S on Scott Ha anselma an orial will teach you the basics of building an ASP. NET M e n MVC Web Summary:...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

118 1,5K 14


... Pipeline Optimizing ASP. NET 2.0/3.5 Before Going Live Optimizing Queries in the ASP. NET Membership Tables Optimizing the ASP. NET 2.0/3.5 Profile Provider Before You Go Live ASP. NET Production Challenges ... ASP. NET 2.0 with AJAX Programming ASP. NET Programming ASP. NET AJAX Programming C# 3.0 Programming NET 3.5 dotnet.oreilly.com is a complete catalog of O’Reilly’s books on NET and related technologies, ... Portal with ASP. NET 3.5 Other Microsoft NET resources from O’Reilly Related titles NET Books Resource Center C# 3.0 Cookbook™ C# 3.0 Design Patterns C# 3.0 in a Nutshell Learning ASP. NET 2.0 with AJAX...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24

310 488 1
Tìm hiểu ASP.NET MVC và xây dựng siêu thị trực tuyến

Tìm hiểu ASP.NET MVC và xây dựng siêu thị trực tuyến

... CHƯƠNG 2: TÌM HIỂU ASP. NET MVC VÀ LINQ TỔNG QUAN VỀ ASP. NET MVC 1.1 .ASP. NET MVC gì? 1.1.1.Mô hình MVC Tham khảo asp. net mvc microsoft MVC viết tắt chữ đầu Models, Views, Controllers MVC chia giao ... 44 3.10.Cấu hình định tuyến 47 4. 1.Tổng quan module 49 4. 2.Các vấn đề cần quan tâm xây dựng module: .49 4. 3.Sơ đồ chức 52 4. 4.Các bảng liệu ... đặc tính ASP. NET MVC • Tách rõ ràng mối liên quan, mở khả test TDD (test driven developer) Có thể test unit ứng dụng mà không cần phải chạy Controllers với tiến trình ASP. NET dùng unit testing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 11:42

123 1,9K 40
Tìm hiểu và xây dựng ứng dụng web siêu thị trực tuyến với asp.net mvc

Tìm hiểu và xây dựng ứng dụng web siêu thị trực tuyến với asp.net mvc

... CHƯƠNG 2: TÌM HIỂU ASP. NET MVC VÀ LINQ TỔNG QUAN VỀ ASP. NET MVC 1.1 .ASP. NET MVC gì? 1.1.1.Mô hình MVC Tham khảo asp. net mvc microsoft MVC viết tắt chữ đầu Models, Views, Controllers MVC chia giao ... 44 3.10.Cấu hình định tuyến 47 4. 1.Tổng quan module 49 4. 2.Các vấn đề cần quan tâm xây dựng module: .49 4. 3.Sơ đồ chức 52 4. 4.Các bảng liệu ... đặc tính ASP. NET MVC • Tách rõ ràng mối liên quan, mở khả test TDD (test driven developer) Có thể test unit ứng dụng mà không cần phải chạy Controllers với tiến trình ASP. NET dùng unit testing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 13:44

123 999 5


... the ASP. NET MVC forum, where members of the ASP. NET community are frequently able to provide informal support: http://forums .asp. net/ 1 146 .aspx Upgrading an ASP. NET MVC Project to ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET ... side-by-side with ASP. NET MVC However, you must uninstall ASP. NET MVC Preview or ASP. NET MVC Beta before installing ASP. NET MVC RC Software Requirements The ASP. NET MVC run-time components require ... ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET MVC can be installed side by side with ASP. NET MVC on the same computer, which gives you flexibility in choosing when to upgrade an ASP. NET MVC application to ASP. NET MVC To manually...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2013, 13:25

10 479 4
Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

... State Management Rendering HTML Authoring ASP. NET MVC Views Using Web Forms Syntax A Word of Caution Summary 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 50 54 55 56 Working with Data ... Integration Tests 343 344 345 345 345 347 348 Table of Contents | ix Acceptance Tests What Is an Automated Test Project? Creating a Visual Studio Test Project Creating and Executing a Unit Test Testing ... of ASP. NET MVC Microsoft ASP. NET MVC is a web application development framework built on top of Microsoft’s popular and mature NET Framework The ASP. NET MVC Framework leans heavily on proven developmental...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 10:24

492 4,3K 336
Tìm hiểu ASP.NET MVC và xây dựng siêu thị trực tuyến VỚI ASP.NET MVC

Tìm hiểu ASP.NET MVC và xây dựng siêu thị trực tuyến VỚI ASP.NET MVC

... CHƯƠNG 2: TÌM HIỂU ASP. NET MVC VÀ LINQ TỔNG QUAN VỀ ASP. NET MVC 1.5 ASP. NET MVC gì? 1.5.1 Mô hình MVC Tham khảo asp. net mvc microsoft MVC viết tắt chữ đầu Models, Views, Controllers MVC chia giao ... 24 1. 14. Đặc tả sơ lược module . 24 1. 14. 1.Module hồ sơ thành viên . 24 1. 14. 2.Module lấy ý kiến khách hàng 24 1. 14. 3.Module thương mại 24 1. 14. 4.Module ... 1 .4. 5.Tầng trình diễn (UI hay Views) 10 CHƯƠNG 2: TÌM HIỂU ASP. NET MVC VÀ LINQ .12 1.5 .ASP. NET MVC gì? .12 1.5.1.Mô hình MVC 12 1.5.2.Một vài đặc tính ASP. NET...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 21:05

123 1,2K 3
70-511 microsoft windows applications development with microsoft .net framework 4

70-511 microsoft windows applications development with microsoft .net framework 4

... Validation Contents 42 9 Handling the Focus xii 42 7 43 1 Form-Level Validation 43 3 Providing User Feedback 43 4 Implementing IDataErrorInfo in WPF Applications 43 6 Chapter Enhancing Usability 44 7 Lesson 1:  ... Columns 41 2 Adding Tables and Columns to DataGridView 41 3 Deleting Columns in DataGridView 41 3 Determining the Clicked Cell in DataGridView 41 4 Validating Input in the DataGridView Control 41 4 Format ... Working with Data Grids and Validating User Input 40 7 CHAPTER Enhancing Usability 44 7 CHAPTER 10 Advanced Topics 49 3 CHAPTER 11 Testing and Debugging WPF Applications 521 CHAPTER 12 Deployment 545 ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:30

655 539 0
mcts 70-515 web applications development with microsoft .net framework 4

mcts 70-515 web applications development with microsoft .net framework 4

... Understanding ASP. NET MVC Applications 832 The ASP. NET MVC Architecture 833 The Structure of an ASP. NET MVC Application 837 Running Your First ASP. NET MVC Webpage 839 Lesson Summary 845 ... Applications 41 9 Web Deployment Projects 42 5 Web Setup Projects 42 7 Deploying Web Applications by Using the Copy Web Tool 43 9 Precompiling and Publishing ASP. NET Websites 44 1 Installing ASP. NET on IIS 44 2 ... 44 2 Lesson Summary 44 6 Lesson Review 44 7 Case Scenarios 44 8 Case Scenario 1: Debugging 44 8 Case Scenario 2: Troubleshooting 44 8 Case Scenario 3:...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:30

999 540 0
Sự khác biệt giữa ASP.net MVC và ASP.net WebForm

Sự khác biệt giữa ASP.net MVC và ASP.net WebForm

... so sánh tính ASP. net WebForm với ASP. net MVC Các tính ASP. net WebForm Kiến trúc chương Kiến trúc mô hình WebForm –> Kiến trúc sử dụng việc phân trình Bussiness –> Database ASP. net MVC chia chương ... TDD ( Test Driven Developer) Có thể test unit ứng dụng mà không cần phải chạy Controllers với tiến trình ASP. net dùng unit testing framework NUnit, MBUnit, MS Test - Có khả mở rộng, thứ MVC thiết ... events - Việc kiểm tra (test) , gỡ lỗi (debug) với ASP. net WebForm phải chạy tất tiến trình ASP. net, thay đổi ID Controls ảnh hưởng đến ứng dụng Đối với MVC việc sử dụng unit test thẩm định dễ dàng...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 14:47

4 593 6
Professional ASP NET MVC 1 0 (wrox programmer to programmer)

Professional ASP NET MVC 1 0 (wrox programmer to programmer)

... 846 19ffirsw.indd 3/3/09 8:30:50 AM Professional ASP. NET MVC 1.0 Table of Contents Chapter 1: NerdDinner Chapter 2: Model View Controller and ASP. NET Chapter 3: ASP. NET > ASP. NET MVC Chapter 4: ... http://tinyurl.com/aspnetmvc The complete book Professional ASP. NET MVC 1.0 is copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing Inc and may not be redistributed without permission.” Page 46 of 186 The default ASP. NET MVC ... http://tinyurl.com/aspnetmvc The complete book Professional ASP. NET MVC 1.0 is copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing Inc and may not be redistributed without permission.” Page 40 of 186 We can use NET s regular...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06

196 518 1
Programming microsoft ASP NET MVC covers ASP NET MVC2 and microsoft visual strudio 2010

Programming microsoft ASP NET MVC covers ASP NET MVC2 and microsoft visual strudio 2010

... 44 3 Aspects of Testing 44 7 Table of Contents Unit Testing in ASP. NET MVC 45 4 Testing Controller ... valid) at http://www.dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/AnArchitecturalViewOfTheASPNETMVCFramework aspx The taste of ASP. NET MVC was ­ ittersweet for me Overall, ASP. NET MVC seemed like b an entire ... of them (ASP. NET MVC) can help you write better code, faster This may not be the case today with ASP. NET MVC 2, but it likely will be the case with ASP. NET MVC or I don’t think that ASP. NET Web...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06

590 467 2
Reporting with ASP.NET Web Forms.

Reporting with ASP.NET Web Forms.

... create a new ASP. NET web site Figure 5-2 shows the code that’s produced and the files inside Solution Explorer 8 547 ch05final.qxd 8/30/07 4: 01 PM Page 149 CHAPTER s REPORTING WITH ASP. NET WEB FORMS ... http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537623.aspx 149 8 547 ch05final.qxd 150 8/30/07 4: 01 PM Page 150 CHAPTER s REPORTING WITH ASP. NET WEB FORMS Let’s assume we hosted this web site with the local IIS Now, what ... Figure 5- 24 The Net Income Comparison report 177 8 547 ch05final.qxd 178 8/30/07 4: 01 PM Page 178 CHAPTER s REPORTING WITH ASP. NET WEB FORMS Business Case We know how important healthy net income...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

80 448 0
Test-Driven Development and Impostors

Test-Driven Development and Impostors

... the test again, it succeeds: test_ many_urls_should_print_first_results¯ (test. acceptance_tests.AcceptanceTests) test_ no_urls_should_print_nothing¯ (test. acceptance_tests.AcceptanceTests) test_ should_get_one_URL_and_print_output¯ ... (test. acceptance_tests.AcceptanceTests) ok test_ should_get_one_URL_and_print_output (test. acceptance_tests.AcceptanceTests)¯ FAIL 9810ch07.qxd 6/3/08 2:08 PM Page 189 CHAPTER s TEST- DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPOSTORS test. test_application .test_ list_from_item ... IMPOSTORS test. test_application .test_ list_from_item ok test. test_application .test_ list_from_feed ok test. test_application .test_ list_from_url ok test. test_application .test_ feed_from_url ok ======================================================================...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 09:20

58 416 2
Module 1: Working with ASP.NET

Module 1: Working with ASP.NET

... 1: Working with ASP. NET ASP. NET Features Topic Objective To describe the main features of ASP. NET Lead-in ASP. NET includes many features that make ASP. NET a preferred tool for Web development ... with these features in detail After discussing the main features of ASP, ask students to compare it with ASP and come up with a comprehensive list of differences between ASP and ASP. NET ASP ASP .NET ... Working with ASP. NET # Introducing ASP. NET Topic Objective To introduce the topics included in the section Lead-in Before you start using ASP. NET, you should have an overview of ASP. NET and its...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 00:15

44 455 0