ten phrases that make you sound like a local

Digital photography 99 easy tips to make you look like a pro

Digital photography 99 easy tips to make you look like a pro

... “ziplock”-type plastic bag, a haze (UV) filter, and a sunshade (always a good idea anyway because it protects your camera’s lens) Lay the bag flat and place the sunshade on the bag so that exactly half the ... cleaning Make a Raincoat for Your Camera A camera raincoat is a homemade waterproof covering for your camera that allows you to shoot in inclement weather without exposing your camera to adverse conditions ... fit all digital cameras and they can cost as much as the camera The next best thing is a raincoat made from a plastic bag How Do I Make a Raincoat for My Camera? You will need a 2-gallon “ziplock”-type...

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2017, 19:17

289 140 0
Ten tips to make you more productive in excel

Ten tips to make you more productive in excel

... blank cells, click on any one of them and press F11 to create a chart on a separate sheet or press Alt+F1 to create a chart on the current tab NEXT SLIDE There you have it–10 tips that you can ... Format an Entire Column to get more useful stats in the Status bar If you have columns with text headers and data in them, you don’t have to just select the data or numbers to apply a formatting ... with the same formatting, you get better stats in the Status bar NEXT SLIDE TIP 10 Create a chart without selecting a group of cells If the cells that you want to use to create a chart are surrounded...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 00:54

13 146 0
do you smoke like a chimney smoking quiz ires27

do you smoke like a chimney smoking quiz ires27

... English Banana.com Test Your Research Skills Do You Smoke Like a Chimney? Answers: c) c) f) c) a) c) b) f) c) 10 b) For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! ... tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 19:13

2 222 0
Tài liệu 6 Powerful Tips That Will Make You A Success! doc

Tài liệu 6 Powerful Tips That Will Make You A Success! doc

... listening to the radio, what a waste! Imagine how much extra information you could learn by listening to educational audio cassettes instead! Any form of transportation that is used daily such as ... Machine Make it your goal to learn as much as you can about your field of interest, and never assume you know everything Have an open mind and study people who have already achieved success at ... more than this you will shorten your lifespan So get up early and instead of watching TV or reading newspapers, spend the first 30-60 minutes of your day reading something educational and related...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 11:37

3 352 0
steal these ideas! marketing secrets that will make you a star (đánh cắp ý tưởng)

steal these ideas! marketing secrets that will make you a star (đánh cắp ý tưởng)

... waivers, generation after generation, that appeals to women as much as men, and works across all levels of race, income, and nationality Marlboro has created such a strong universal image that the cowboy ... Church Started by a Man Who Had Six Wives, Forgiveness Goes Without Saying” This print ad ran about ten years ago as one of a series that was created to turn around rapidly falling church attendance ... an annual basis with a “world pass.” This pass was an actual goldcolored plastic card that entitled you and a companion to fly anywhere on Pan Am’s extensive worldwide system, first class, free...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 11:58

208 1,8K 2
Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adop1

Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adop1

... the above reasons, we can conclude that our teachers always help us to become a good person by teaching us scientific and social knowledge Therefore, all students in the world should love and ... scientific and social knowledge Therefore, all students in the world should love and respect our teachers ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:20

2 488 1
Tài liệu 18 Web-Marketing Concepts That Make a Difference pptx

Tài liệu 18 Web-Marketing Concepts That Make a Difference pptx

... to; and if they see you, you are instantly forgettable You' ve got to have an identity, a personality, an image—and there is no better way to create that identity than with a video of a real person ... audience really wants It's not about you, it's about them 12 Think personality not banality Does your Web site just lie there like a lox: you know, that cold, dead fish that often comes with a bagel? ... businesses can't stand to make a definitive statement about who they are and what they Why is that? Afraid they'll lose a customer, I guess; but if people don't understand exactly what you do, and why...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

6 469 0
Tài liệu Introduction to Requirements – The Critical Details That Make or Break a Project doc

Tài liệu Introduction to Requirements – The Critical Details That Make or Break a Project doc

... the organization The way to see through an organization is by documenting – creating a paper-trail – of all the transactions that occur Today, institutions utilize their information systems and ... transparency should be the dream of every executive; transparency will bring about the ultimate goal of executives having access to “any data, on any part of the business, from anywhere, and at ... goals Typical physical systems have a relatively small number of such values Typical software has a large number of requirements, and the emphasis is shared between performing the numerical quantification...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18

9 507 0
Tài liệu Introduction to Requirements – The Critical Details That Make or Break a Project pptx

Tài liệu Introduction to Requirements – The Critical Details That Make or Break a Project pptx

... the organization The way to see through an organization is by documenting – creating a paper-trail – of all the transactions that occur Today, institutions utilize their information systems and ... transparency should be the dream of every executive; transparency will bring about the ultimate goal of executives having access to “any data, on any part of the business, from anywhere, and at ... goals Typical physical systems have a relatively small number of such values Typical software has a large number of requirements, and the emphasis is shared between performing the numerical quantification...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18

9 418 0
Tài liệu Managed Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement - A range of funds that allows you to create an investment portfolio that suits your individual needs ppt

Tài liệu Managed Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement - A range of funds that allows you to create an investment portfolio that suits your individual needs ppt

... available to you and can help you make decisions regarding these options Role of your financial adviser Your financial adviser may play a large role in implementing your financial plan and can ... appointing a financial adviser to transact on your behalf, you are giving that adviser, and any person acting on behalf of that adviser, authority to transact on your account(s) online You can choose ... in affected funds of any material change as soon as practicable Taxation considerations are general and based on present taxation laws, rulings and their interpretation as at 12 March 2012 You...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20

52 578 0
Phone Sales Tips - Making the Telephone a Tool that Brings You Sales Success docx

Phone Sales Tips - Making the Telephone a Tool that Brings You Sales Success docx

... applies to both a live call and a voicemail message (By the way, when you re leaving a voicemail message, make sure you state your phone number slowly and clearly twice!) Voicemail Messages That ... return the call to find out more In addition, it is critical to understand that if you re going to leave a message like that, make sure you have some great questions you can ask right away when the ... you are calling somebody you have at least a minimal relationship with, then go ahead and leave a message When to Visit a Customer Although it’s never easy to know exactly when to visit a potential...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

15 498 0
5,000 Hypnotic Words & Phrases That Sell Like CRAZY

5,000 Hypnotic Words & Phrases That Sell Like CRAZY

... days, etc.) activate your activated by activation fee active company active market active participation actor like actress like actual case studies actual people ad claims ad like adapt to adaptable ... agreement ahead of ahead of the game ahead of the pack aided by aim at aiming for air conditioned air cooled air heating air like air proof air sealed air tight airborne alarmed that alarming alarming ... be true altar your altered by alternated alternating alternative strategies always adding new products amazed amazement amazing amazing ability amazing advertising tips amazing amount amazing collection...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:31

117 462 3
Fixed Deposit Accounts: Accounts that give you a fixed rate of interest for a defined term. potx

Fixed Deposit Accounts: Accounts that give you a fixed rate of interest for a defined term. potx

... sites Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) illustrates what the interest would be if interest was paid and compounded each year Our AER calculation assumes that the account is held for a year and that the ... was paid and compounded each year Our AER calculation assumes that the account is held for a year and that the interest rate remains constant Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT) - Accounts are ... Mortgage Saver / HeadStart / EasiSaver Accounts Not available for new applicants Available online All balances Instant Access Account e0.01 - e50,000 e50,000.01 + Gross*% 2.50 1.00 Regular Saver...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

5 433 0
c++ without fear a beginner's guide that makes you feel smart

c++ without fear a beginner's guide that makes you feel smart

... than b."; Keyw ord The advantage of a programming language is that it follows rules that allow no ambiguity C++ statements are so precise that they can be translated into the 1s and 0s of machine ... passive information in a program (its data) and the part of the program that performs actions (its code) compiler The language translator that takes C++ statements (that is, C++ source code) as ... view An application is a program that a user runs to accomplish some task A word processor is an application; so is an Internet browser or a database manager Even a compiler (defined in a moment)...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:32

620 1,4K 0
not just a living the complete guide to creating a business that gives you a life

not just a living the complete guide to creating a business that gives you a life

... significant financial assistance to a college student, which he was at the time If Jeremy can make a business from a fantasy role-playing card game, it's hard to say what might not make a viable ... distance Just make sure that you have a reasonable chance of clearing the gap Maintaining a Lifestyle Focus Once you get into the world of business, it can be seductive Although you may have started ... years from now as you look back on a long career as a successful lifestyle business owner At that point, you can say, "Yes, based on the fact that I ran this operation for twenty years and made...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:25

250 407 0
50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 1 potx

50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 1 potx

... invaluable half-hour team sessions that many companies and their managers hold on a daily or weekly basis One idea is to put onto the agenda of each team session: “Feedback—what can I better as ... a successful boss has to It is aimed at any boss who needs to motivate other people on a daily basis This could be a team leader in a bank, a department manager in a retail store, a middle manager ... book on a daily basis, over a period of 10 weeks (50 working days), then you will have such a motivated team of people that you will the biz and achieve the results you want for your organization...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21

13 286 0
50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 2 pdf

50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 2 pdf

... Page 16 PERSONALIZE RELATIONSHIPS You cannot motivate your team unless you treat each individual as a human being This means personalizing your relationship with each one You can call it whatever ... clear, succinct, and acceptable, the probability is that the team leader has a good cause that will encourage the team’s spiritual and emotional energies to move forward Cause is related to reason, ... pursue a cause It thus becomes our aspiration (a word that relates to the direction of the spirit) Nelson Mandela had both an aspiration and a cause: to end apartheid and unify South Africa It...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21

13 566 0
50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 3 pot

50 little things that make a big difference to team motivation and leadership phần 3 pot

... is said that you train a dog to bark and train a child to use the potty Gardeners train plants to go up a trellis Railway trains go along lines and if you want your people to go along the same ... small—it is imperative that employees are informed immediately, ideally face to face THE BIZ STEP As a team leader set yourself a personal standard: “The first to know after me is my team—and that ... waiting times and I can take action on this ✔ I learnt that Ouagadougou is the capital of Burkina Faso and that we have an office there ✔ I learnt about myself—some people think I’m too negative...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21

13 247 0