... chapter, which is used to provide input training patterns for the neural network Clustering For each input pattern x, a winning neuron i ∗ is obtained in time t using a similarity criteria based ... problem: partitioning in the spatial domain and partitioning in the spectral domain: r r The spatial-domain partitioning option divides the hyperspectral image in multiple blocks, in a way that the ... constituent spectra in a scene These endmembers are assumed to interact following a linear or non-linear spectral mixing model, and such models can be used to identify land cover within a fine spatial...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20
... safety-related conditions including hospitalized infections, myocardial infarction, stroke, gastrointestinal perforation, gastrointestinal bleeding, and fractures [5-14] In validation studies, most ... algorithm included increase in biologic dose compared to the starting dose, switching to a different biologic, adding a new non-biologic disease modifying agent in rheumatic diseases (DMARD),including ... States since 2003 We linked VARA participants to the national the Medical SAS files present in the administrative database from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) from 2002-2010 to obtain medical...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
An efficient genetic algorithm for the p median
... with the following two properties: Every gene must be present in the initial population Since the GA iterates by creating new combinations of the genes in the original gene pool, an incomplete gene ... Solving Large p-Median Problems.” Papers in Regional Science 71, 307–329 Dibble, C and P.J Densham (1993) “Generating Interesting Alternatives in GIS and SDSS Using Genetic Algorithms.” In GIS/LIS ... the average of the individual similarity indices Given the way we generate the initial population, the starting similarity index is 33.3 As figure indicates, the similarity index over iterations...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2013, 08:38
A new algorithm for enumeration of minimum cutsets of graph by branch addition
... set made for minimum cutset enumeration, should not include input node Every minimum cutset must be divided graph to some subgraphs and each subgraph must be containing at least an input node For ... 5, 8} can not be a minimum cutset In order to solve this problem, each of subgraphs, which are resulted from the deleting branches of the cutsets from the main graph, remain graph must be checked, ... John Y Lin Charles E Donaghey, "A Monte Carlo Simulation to Determine Minimal Cutsets and System Reliability," in Proc 1993 IEEE Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium S Hasanuddin Ahmad,...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:35
Reliability evaluation algorithm for complex medium voltage electrical distribution networks based on the shortest path
... reliability indices of selected load points in Fig are shown in Table and the system reliability indices are shown in Table Table Load point indexes of EDN shown in Fig 1 (f/yrl Load point rLhr1 ... structure are given in [3-51 The reliability indices of selected load points in the RBTS-BUS6 are shown in Table Table 1: Load point reliability indexes in RBTS-BUS6 Load I (fiyr) Doint Casestudy The ... opening switch, it includes the case of opening the same switch with different paths The same approach is applicable to the shortest path from SN to the source node In Fig 1, supposing the line...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:39
A dynamic programming algorithm for RNA structure
... how many interactions (if any) occur for the nucleotides inside, in contrast with a blank inner space which indicates that the fragment inside is known to be unpaired The wavy line in vx indicates ... represent the length (in number of nucleotides) of the RNA Secondary interactions will be represented by wavy lines connecting the two interacting positions in the backbone chain, while the backbone ... surfaces and irreducible surfaces (IS) Figure The wx and vx matrices Roughly speaking a surface is any alternating sequence of continuous and wavy lines that closes on itself An irreducible surface...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:07
Tài liệu Dollar Cost Banding - A New Algorithm for Computing Inventory Levels for Army Supply Support Activities pdf
... existing lines or to add new lines Transition savings include credit from turn-ins generated by reductions in the inventory levels of existing lines or by the elimination of existing lines Savings ... and kind of resources available—financial, personnel, time, etc Resource metrics for inventory management are shown in Table 2.2 The financial constraints involved in transitioning the SSA from ... supply chain and inventory determination processes at several Army installations A customer’s order can be filled from one of several inventory points: (1) inventory held in the maintenance technician’s...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Improved Redundancy Elimination Algorithm for Underspecified Representations" pdf
... Thater, 2006) in that it eliminates more splits from the chart It is an improvement over earlier algorithms for enumerating irredundant readings (Vestre, 1991; Chaves, 2003) in that it maintains underspecifiedness; ... semantics as dominance constraints In Proc 10th EACL J Niehren and S Thater 2003 Bridging the gap between underspecification formalisms: Minimal recursion semantics as dominance constraints In Proc of ... there is a configuration C of G in which R(F1 ) dominates R(F2 ), then F1 is a possible dominator of F2 , and in particular ch(F1 , F2 ) dominates R(F2 ) in C By applying this rather abstract result,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An alternative LR algorithm for TAGs" docx
... Deterministic left to right parsing of tree adjoining languages In 28th Annual Meeting of the A CL, pages 276-283 S Sippu and E Soisalon-Soininen 1990 Parsing Theory, Vol II: LR(k) and LL(k) Parsing, ... turned into a parser by attaching information to the stack elements from ~4 At reductions, such information is gathered and combined, and the resulting data is attached to the new element from ... required lie in the closure function, which needs an extra case (much like the corresponding operation in context-free LR parsing), in adding a third type of goto function, and in adding a fourth...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "ADP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation" docx
... promising method to satisfy the position coverage constraint is the introduction of an additional parameter into the recursion formula for DP In the following, we will explain this method in detail ... spontaneously spoken dialogs in the domain of appointment scheduling (Wahlster, 1993) German source sentences are translated into English In Table the characteristics of the training and test sets are ... ending in the coordinates i in el and j in / f J, if the last word ei is e and if c positions in the source string have been covered This quantity is defined recursively Leaving a word ei without...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Algorithm for Simultaneously Bracketing Parallel Texts by Aligning Words" ppt
... problem in Chinese word segmentation In Proceedings ofROCLING-93, 119-141 LIN, YI-CHUNG, TUNG-HUI CHIANG, & KEH-Ym SU 1992 Discrimination oriented pmbabilistic tagging In Proceedings of ROCLING-92, ... the input tree to attach singletons as closely as possible to couples, but remaining consistent with the input tree in the following sense: singletons cannot "escape" their inmmdiately surrounding ... remaining productions in T' can still derive any string-pair derivable by T (removing a production cannot increase the set of derivable string-pairs) Let (E, C) be any siring-pair derivable from...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Efficient Generation Algorithm for Lexicalist MT" ppt
... signs in the bag are not eventually incorporated in tile final result, but in the naive algorithm, the intervening computation may be intractable In the algorithm presented here, we start from ... (node in this case) and during conjunction or adjunction we introduce a new one (node in this case) thus maintaining the same number of nodes in the tree I J Figure : is adjoined next to inside ... (only in figure 4) which dominate the node corresponding to the new combination (node 7) must be marked undetermined - - such nodes are said to be disrupted 263 Figure 5: A conjoining move from...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 22:20
... best results This is not surprlsing, since there is Do significant difference in the degrees of certainty corresponding to z scores of and beyond The last improvement in the performance of the algorithm ... obvious stage in further improving the algorithm This problem has of course been, and is being, investigated Difficulties arise from the fact that frequencies of possible correspondences in any given ... correspondences are involved, but remain excellent when mainly one-to-one correspondences are present Thus for instance Sakao and Tolomako (Espirltu Santo, Vanuatu) were given as sharing 38.91~ cognates...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
... text reading has the advantage of including blanks between words Figure shows an example of the morpheme extraction process for Japanese text Because of the disadvantage inherent in reading difficulty ... in reading difficulty involved in all symbols being strung together without any logical break between words, the morpheme dictionary, including more than 50,000 morphemes in Japanese, is searched ... authors' investigation results, indicating that the morpheme extraction process requires using more than 70 % of the morphological analysis process time in conventional Japanese parsing systems,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Best-First Search Algorithm for Generating Referring Expressions" pot
... boolean combinations of attributes (including negations) are composed into a distinguishing description This is done by successively collecting single attributes, combinations of two attributes, three ... (1 point), affecting the ordering of boolean combinations accordingly E.g, av b v c precedes —iclv but a v b precedes (they are scored as equal) In addition, efficiency in exploring the search ... Referring Expressions In Artificial Intelligence 26, pp 1-33 Appelt, D., and Kronfeld, A 1987 A Computational Model of Referring In Proc of IJCAI-87, pp 640-647 Dale, R 1988 Generating Referring...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Generalized Hebbian Algorithm for Incremental Singular Value Decomposition in Natural Language Processing" potx
... approaches infeasible It is also of interest in the context of adaptivity, since it has the potential to adapt to changing input The learning update operation is very cheap computationally Assuming ... long This has the effect of introducing an implicit learning rate, since the vector only begins to grow long when it settles in the right direction, and since further learning has less impact once ... removing from the training update any projection on previous singular vectors, thereby ensuring orthgonality Let us assume for the moment that we are calculating only the first eigenvector The training...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
... PAST] in the constituent structure in Fig.4, for example, originates from the lexical specification of "gave" in Fig.5, and not from productions, and therefore does not appear in any items in Fig.7 ... prevent wrong items from being predicted and consequently incorrect reduce actions from entering into an ACTION table Given a grammar that consists of four productions in Fig.9, the final CLOSURE procedure ... LR parsing algorithm for grammars with atomic categories involves no category matching during parsing In Fig.l, catego~;ies are pushed onto the stack only for the purpose of constructing a paa'se...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Earley Parsing Algorithm for Range Concatenation Grammars" potx
... range constraint vector of a clause c captures all information about boundaries forming a range, ranges containing only a single terminal, and adjacent variables/terminal occurrences in c An RCG ... parsing In Proceedings of IWPT 2001, pages 66–77, Beijing, China K Vijay-Shanker, David Weir, and Aravind Joshi 1987 Characterising structural descriptions used by various formalisms In Proceedings ... Marcus Kracht 1996 Semilinearity as a Syntactic Invariant In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, Nancy References Daniel Radzinski 1991 Chinese number-names, tree adjoining languages, and...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Algorithm For Generating Referential Descriptions With Flexible Interfaces" pdf
... Referring In Proceedings of the lOth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 640-647, Milano, Italy Robert Dale 1988 Generating Referring Expressions in a Domain of Objects ... presentation by explaining the pseudo code, thereby pointing to the corresponding parts in the schematic overview In companion with the variables and functions explained in separated tables, ... processing, the algorithm maintains a constraint network N which is a pair relating (a) a set of constraints, which correspond to predications over variables (properties abstracted from the individuals...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
... handled using the above definitions, as the resulting semantic structure contains information introduced by the determiner On the other hand, a lexical NP such as Harry will bind a variable in the ... the same principal functor in their semantics Much of the time however, the principal functor is simply the conjunction operator A more sophisticated indexing strategy involves calculating the best ... 187-194 Zeevat H., Klein, E and Calder, J (1987) An Introduction to Unification Categorial Grammar In Haddock, N.J., Klein, E and Morril, G (eds.) Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20