teaching strategies in the classroom

Motivatonal strategies in the language classroom   dornyei zoltan

Motivatonal strategies in the language classroom dornyei zoltan

... attitudes Increasing the learners' expectancy of success Increasing the learners' goal-orientedness Making the teaching materials relevant for the learners Creating realistic learner beliefs Maintaining ... determine the kind of activities they will be motivated to pursue in the future In Figure 2, I listed the main motives that in uence the learner's behaviour/thinking during the ... and involve students in the negotiation of the ®nal mark 26 Build your learners' con®dence in their learning abilities by teaching them various learner strategies Teach students learning strategies

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 15:33

163 562 0


... profoundly aware of the various effective teaching strategies, not only in the English for Academic Purposes classroom but in the TESOL world in general These teaching strategies have their advantages ... learning process The author of this thesis focuses on effective vocabulary teaching strategies in the English for Academic Purposes ESL classroom Drawing on findings obtained from observing three ... vocabulary teaching strategies that will expedite the learning process of my learners I am aware that the level proficiency of the class determines how the teacher will implement specific teaching strategies

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2016, 19:50

60 747 0


... a moon at the top of the left side of the paper Draw a witch riding a broom in the sky near the moon Draw seven stars in the sky Write your name on the fence under the cat 104 TEACHING TECHNIQUES ... the card while the student is watching, sounding it out as you write and then repeating the word Give the card to the student and have him or her read the word The students keep their words in ... TEACHING TECHNIQUES 93 TEACHING TECHNIQUES Tell me, I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand Ancient Chinese Proverb 94 TEACHING TECHNIQUES THE NATURAL APPROACH IN THE CLASSROOM

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2016, 19:52

18 306 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ a study on teacher’s politeness strategies in the EFL   classroom

Luận văn thạc sĩ a study on teacher’s politeness strategies in the EFL classroom

... utterances in the EFL classroom 61 4.1.3 Other findings 63 4.2 Discussion 67 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 73 5.1 Summary of the findings 73 5.2 Implications of the findings ... teacher’s politeness strategies used in the classroom 44 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the research area and outlines the background and the rationale for the current study It ... semi-structured interviews The data analysis was based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987) The results revealed that the teacher employed certain types of politeness in her teaching English,

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2021, 20:39

130 8 0
(SKKN 2022) The implementation of motivational teaching strategies in EFL classrooms at high school level

(SKKN 2022) The implementation of motivational teaching strategies in EFL classrooms at high school level

... motivational teaching strategies in EFL classrooms? How teachers apply motivational strategies in their teaching practices? How teachers’ motivational teaching strategies affect students’ classroom ... how best to this Offering students a choice of activities, involving them Promoting in making decisions regarding the timing of an activity, autonomy having them use the Internet or research (e.g., ... Asking the class questions to which the teacher does not already know the answer, including questions about the students’ lives The students are mingling, working in fluid pairs, or working in

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2022, 10:26

41 10 0
Teaching Culture in the Foreign  Language Classroom

Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom

... to incorporate culture in the classroom A list of these clusters includes: Street greeting, excusing self, leave taking, forms of address, greeting according to hours of the day, asking or giving ... during a job interview in the TC In other words, what Koreans applying for a job in the U.S or a U.S company in Korea may need to know during a job interview Many actions are similar with the ... learning, it should make a positive contribution to learners' overall achievement in the foreign language classroom 84 Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom III The process of teaching

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 11:13

14 6 0
A study on cultural obstacles to the teaching and learning of speaking skills in the classroom of grade 10 at nguyen tat thanh high school

A study on cultural obstacles to the teaching and learning of speaking skills in the classroom of grade 10 at nguyen tat thanh high school

... of the contribution of other factors involved in speaking 1.3 Cultural factors in the teaching and learning of speaking skills in classrooms 1.3.1 What cultural factors influence on the teaching ... with others The concept include a group’s way of thinking, feeling, and acting, and fixed patterns for doing certain things According to Thompson (1990:132), ? ?the pattern meaning embodied in symbolic ... different values In this paper the author would like to emphasize the influence of cultural factors on the teaching and learning of speaking skills in classrooms, so the definition below should

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:00

38 1,2K 0
The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

... ‘[a]lthough meanings are ? ?in the mind,” they have their origins and their significance in the culture in which they are created’. And he adds, ‘human beings do not terminate at their own skins; they are ... others. Not only does this concept include a group’s way of thinking, feeling, and acting, but also the internalized patterns for doing certain things in certain ways….not just the doing of them. ... interpret and account for the values, assumptions, and beliefs infusing the literary texts of the target culture is instrumental in defining and redefining those obtaining in the

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 18:05

25 1,4K 0
d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

... is a fascinating city." " live there." a So interesting people b Such interesting peoples c Such interesting people... thinking / going/ to come / want / go / traveling b will think / going / to ... traveling c am thinking / going / come / want / to go / traveling d am thinking / going / coming / want / go / traveling > a 22 What warm climate! a the b a c such d none is correct b 23 -The ... 31 There are three kinds of solar eclipses: one is total, another is annular, and a the another is partial b the partial is other c other is partial d the other is partial > d 32 I think

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

43 554 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_2 pdf

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_2 pdf

... one refers to the common supply shock. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 3 units, as there is in 1 A . And there is an increase in 2 B of 3 units, as there is in 2 A . Step ... refers to the supply shock in Europe. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 3 units and an increase in 1 A of equally 3 units. Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe ... and let initial inflation be zero as well. Step one refers to a decline in the demand for European goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units and a decline in 1 B

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 358 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_4 ppt

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_4 ppt

... goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units, a decline in 1 B of 3 units, an increase in 2 A of 3 units, and a decline in 2 B of 3 units. Step two refers to the outside ... some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in America The endogenous variables are the rate of unemployment in Europe, the rate of unemployment in America, the rate of inflation ... mixed shock in Europe. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 6 units. Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe goes from zero to 6 percent. Inflation in America

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 338 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_6 pdf

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_6 pdf

... In terms of the model there is an increase in B1 of 3 units, as there is in A1 And there is an increase in B 2 of 3 units, as there is in A 2 ... deficit in each of the regions ... refers to a decline in the demand for European and American goods In terms of the model there is an increase in A1 of 3 units, a decline in B1 of 3 units, an increase in A 2 of 3 ... goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units, a decline in 1 B of 3 units, an increase in 2 A of 3 units, and a decline in 2 B of 3 units. Step two refers to the outside

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 401 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_7 pot

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_7 pot

... In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 3 units, as there is in 1 A . And there is an increase in 2 B of 3 units, as there is in 2 A . Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation ... goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units, a decline in 1 B of 3 units, an increase in 2 A of 3 units, and a decline in 2 B of 3 units. Step two refers to the outside ... mixed shock in Europe. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 6 units. Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe goes from zero to 6 percent. Inflation in America

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 305 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_8 doc

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_8 doc

... percent. Let initial inflation in Europe be – 3 percent, and let initial inflation in America be zero percent. Let the initial structural deficit in Europe be zero percent, and let the initial structural ... shock in Europe. We assume equal weights in the loss function. Let initial unemployment in Europe be 3 percent, and let initial unemployment in America be zero percent. Let initial inflation in ... percent, and let initial inflation in America be zero percent. Let the initial structural deficit in Europe be zero percent, and let the initial structural deficit in America be the same.

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 319 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_2 pptx

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_2 pptx

... one refers to the common supply shock. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 3 units, as there is in 1 A . And there is an increase in 2 B of 3 units, as there is in 2 A . Step ... shock in. .. a decline in the demand for European and American goods In terms of the model there is an increase in A1 of 3 units, a decline in B1 of 3 units, an increase in A ... does inflation in America... shock in Europe In case A monetary interaction produces zero inflation in Europe In case B monetary interaction lowers inflation in Europe On the other

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

31 237 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_3 doc

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_3 doc

... bearing on the rate of inflation in Europe, and B2 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in America The endogenous variables are the rate of unemployment in Europe, ... units, as there is in 1 A . And there is an increase in 2 B of 3 units, as there is in 2 A . Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe goes from zero to 3 percent, as does inflation ... shock. In each of the regions, let initial unemployment be zero, and let initial inflation be zero as well. Step one refers to the common mixed shock. In terms of the model there is an increase in

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

31 241 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_4 pot

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_4 pot

... goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units, a decline in 1 B of 3 units, an increase in 2 A of 3 units, and a decline in 2 B of 3 units. Step two refers to the outside ... is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in Europe, and B2 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in America The endogenous variables are the rate ... mixed shock in Europe. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 6 units. Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe goes from zero to 6 percent. Inflation in America

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

31 243 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_7 potx

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_7 potx

... In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 3 units, as there is in 1 A . And there is an increase in 2 B of 3 units, as there is in 2 A . Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation ... goods. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 A of 3 units, a decline in 1 B of 3 units, an increase in 2 A of 3 units, and a decline in 2 B of 3 units. Step two refers to the outside ... mixed shock in Europe. In terms of the model there is an increase in 1 B of 6 units. Step two refers to the outside lag. Inflation in Europe goes from zero to 6 percent. Inflation in America

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

31 245 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_9 ppt

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_9 ppt

... what determines the rate of consumer inflation in Germany, and what in France? Further issues are real depreciation, nominal and real interest rates, the growth of nominal wages, the growth ... growth on inflation. The focus is on producer inflation, currency depreciation and consumer inflation. For instance, what determines the rate of consumer inflation in Europe, and what in America? ... together with suitable initial conditions, proves to be very powerful. Further topics are inflation and disinflation. Take for instance inflation in Germany and price stability in France. Then

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 251 0
Corporate and Marketing Strategies in the High-Tech Industry

Corporate and Marketing Strategies in the High-Tech Industry

... another. In the software industry, the swift growth of the German SAP relied on the increasing acceptance of its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software as the governing standard for running ... unable to match each other’s investments, like in the micro- processor industry or in the software industry. For instance, in 2002, Intel invested more than $200 million in more than 100 companies ... con- tracts, hiring from the industry, alliances, joint ventures, and acquisition. We address each option in its own section in the following. 2.4.1 Relabeling Relabeling is the purchase of finished...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:20

42 685 1