... learners listen to recording of themselves Let learners listen to recording of themselves Teaching Writing Teaching Writing Ask learners to produce a variety of text types Ask learners to produce ... learners need to listen too Find out what your learners need to listen too Teach learners the strategies needed to control they input they get Teach learners the strategies needed to control they ... Teaching Pronunciation Teaching Pronunciation Learn how to describe pronunciation Learn how to describe pronunciation Record your learner’s...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:28
Teaching English Intonation to EF1
... the intonation of English to non-native speakers of English. It is proposed that a framework of English intonation should include four major intonational features: intonation units, stress, tones, ... these tones; fall, low-rise, high- rise, and fall-rise. Tones are assigned to intonation units in relation to the type of voice movement on the tonic syllable. Finally, all intonation units have to ... likely to receive a tonic accent than material that has already been mentioned. The topic of a sentence is less likely to receive the tonic accent than the comment that is made on the topic.' Furthermore,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:04
a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
An investigation into learning and teaching english vocabulary at cua lo hihg school and some suggested activities to help students learn better
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08
Teaching english grammar to tenth graders through speaking activities luận văn thạc sĩ giáo dục học
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:49
Teaching english speaking skills to the tenth form students at dinh chuong duong high school problems and prroposed solutions
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:49
... and intonation: Learners of English often find it difficult to pronounce English words, to stress the right syllables, to follow the stress-timed rhythm and intonation patterns of spoken English. ... actors, the director, the editor, the scriptwriter, the cinematographer…ect.) who not only try to fulfill their duties, but also share the responsibilities, help and encourage their peers to ... students seem to keep silent all the time. Some strategies have been carried out such as talking to them to find their problems, choosing interesting topics, monitoring frequently to help and...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:58
Báo cáo " A brief comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners " pptx
... compared several intonational features of Vietnamese and those of English, and provided some implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners. Tones and intonation are important ... comparison of Vietnamese intonation and English intonation and its implications for teaching English intonation to Vietnamese EFL learners Luu Thi Kim Nhung* Faculty of English, Hanoi National ... attempt to briefly compare Vietnamese intonation and English intonation as well as highlight some problems Vietnamese speakers are likely to have in learning English intonation due to the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes ppt
... students were not learning how to communicate, how to take ownership of English, to tolerate the ambiguities of language learning. They couldn't use the language to say what was on their minds. ... designed to evaluate what you have taught. By the same token, you expect the students to be prepared for each lesson, to behave in a manner that does not interfere with class learning, and to respond ... continues in teaching practice with peer teaching, team teaching, and group feedback sessions. Sometimes Peace Corps support is offered informally, when getting together offers the chance to share...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20
Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners doc
... Trainer Guide Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners Introduction to the module: Adult learners of English have many reasons for wanting to write. Many need to write to carry out ... brainstorm about a topic, with the teacher writing lists and word meanings. • Students can retell stories to partners and ask each other questions about the stories. Teaching Writing to Adult English ... module is to prepare teachers of adult English language learners to teach writing. is is broadly defined as teaching learners to communicate their ideas effectively in writing and to develop...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
How to communicate effectively with foreign colleagues in foreign organizations and companies.doc
... survey to find out how good their English skills are. For those people having studied English since they began to go to work, they may have to face a lot of difficulties. It is a fact that English ... be due to the fact that English remains as a barrier to them. Explaining means to clarify something in more details and more simply. Interpreting is to expound or in other words, to repeat ... (47.23%) were good at English. Together with the English language ability, the duration of working in foreign organizations and companies is also a contributory factor to the effectiveness of...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:44
Teaching english spelling a practical guide
... might like to adjust the vocabulary according to the level of your class. 1 Write the following pairs of words on the board for the students to copy into their notebooks. Students have to differentiate ... of many bones 4 Precious stone 14 A can 5 Received 15 It blows air 6 Policeman 16 To tear 7 Earth and water 17 A colour 8 It covers the floor 18 Place to sleep in 9 To go bad 19 Quickly in and ... photocopy it and hand out to each student. © Cambridge University Press 2000 1 Dictate one word from each line. Ask the students to underline the word they hear. 2 Another way you might like to...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 16:59
French learn to communicate in 24 hours
... introduce prêter (preh-tay), to lend *regarder (ruh-gahr-day), to look at, watch *réparer (ray-pah-ray), to repair rester (rehs-tay), to remain, stay *retourner (ruh-toor-nay), to return (to a place) *téléphoner ... anyone who wants to understand and be understood: to communicate as effectively as possible. Remember that dictionaries just give you words without teaching you how to put them together to form logical, ... (post office) pohst le tour (tour) la tour (tower) toor Some nouns are always masculine or feminine no matter the sex of the person to whom you are referring: COUNTDOWN TO FRENCH 20 02 (015-028)...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 11:13
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