teachers limitations in exploiting teaching materials and teaching aids

advances in nanoengineering. electronics, materials and assembly, 2007, p.328

advances in nanoengineering. electronics, materials and assembly, 2007, p.328

... WSPC/Advances in Nanoengineering 9in x 6in introduction INTRODUCTION Giles Davies School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering University of Leeds, Leeds, UK You see things; and you say “Why?” ... WSPC/Advances in Nanoengineering Introduction 9in x 6in introduction a vast range of disparate science and technology, and is inherently a multidisciplinary field However, the focus of nanoscience and technology ... pair within a tubule By combining heptagons and pentagons in the predominantly hexagonal carbon framework, August 30, 2007 9:42 WSPC/Advances in Nanoengineering 9in x 6in ch01 H Terrones and M Terrones...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:38

327 1,4K 0
Exercises in building construction materials and methods by edward allen

Exercises in building construction materials and methods by edward allen

... Detailing 125 17 Glass and Glazing 127 17.1 Selecting Glass and Glazing .128 18 Windows and Doors .129 18.1 Selecting Windows and Doors 130 19 Designing Cladding ... Selecting Interior Finishes 141 22.1 Selecting Interior Finish Systems .143 23 Interior Walls and Partitions 145 23.1 Detailing Wall Finishes .147 24 Finish Ceilings and ... by involving you in the kinds of work that building design professionals architects, engineers, and drafters every day in the course of designing buildings and getting them built You will find...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2016, 16:14

160 2,7K 0
Including Married Adolescents in Adolescent Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Policy docx

Including Married Adolescents in Adolescent Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Policy docx

... Radeny, Nancy Yinger, Zipporah Kittony, and Karin Ringheim 2002 “Protecting and empowering girls: Confronting the roots of female genital cutting in Kenya,” in Nicole Haberland and Diana Measham ... leaders in the community; retraining of practitioners of genital cutting; and in some instances—legal action against purveyors of FGC or parents (such as recent cases in Tanzania and Ghana).58 New initiatives ... doing nothing in response to concerns about HIV, single girls drew on a wider range of protection strategies, including having only one partner, using condoms, stopping all sex, or not initiating...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

40 644 0
Teachers' difficulties in teaching English listening skills to the 11th -grade at Daimo High school, Hanoi and some suggested solutions = Khó khăn của giáo viên

Teachers' difficulties in teaching English listening skills to the 11th -grade at Daimo High school, Hanoi and some suggested solutions = Khó khăn của giáo viên

... Clarifying the practices of teaching and learning ELS in grades 11 in DM school - Finding out the difficulties teachers and students in grades 11 in DM school have had to undergo - Suggesting some ... interpretation and integration of incoming information with prior knowledge and experience In Rubin‟s point of view (1995:7), “listening is conceived of as an active process in which listeners select and interpret ... situation of teaching and learning ELS at this school? - 19 - 2.4 Data collection instruments In order to obtain in- depth, rich data and information for investigating the situation and the difficulties...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

61 1,1K 2


... especially teaching speaking skills to the non-major students in university We really want to examine how much language games are used in teaching English in general and teaching speaking skills in particular ... using language games in teaching speaking process………… 34 The effectiveness of using language games in teaching speaking process… …35 The importance of using language games in teaching ... of teachers towards the use games in teaching speaking process (question 2) The purposes of using language games in teaching process (question and 4) The frequency of using language games in teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2016, 18:35

88 669 3
Analyzing common errors of vietnamese students in studying chinese complements and designing teaching materials

Analyzing common errors of vietnamese students in studying chinese complements and designing teaching materials

... aim at modifying the defects in classroom teaching The research results may apply to the actual teaching and can also be useful references to the researches in teaching Chinese in the future ... 大 學 應用華語文學系 碩士學位論文 越南學習者習得華語補語的偏誤分析 及教材設計 Analyzing Common Errors of Vietnamese Students in studying Chinese Complements and Designing Teaching Materials 指導教授: 黃麗儀 博士 研 究 生: 黃素娥 撰 中華民國一○○年七月 中文摘要 ... comparisons in other languages that make difficulties in learning and using learners Therefore, Chinese complements are always the difficult grammar point for foreign students Considering these...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2017, 22:53

197 378 0
Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at hagiang medical secondary school

Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at hagiang medical secondary school

... communicatively and their own solutions III.2 Suggestions III.2.1 Suggestions for overcoming the difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively a Training and retraining teachers in CLT b Redefining students’ ... 10: The teachers aim in teaching grammar Table 11: The teachers ways of teaching grammar Table 12: Teachers opinions on CLT Table 13: The teachers problems when adopting CLT in teaching grammar ... I.1 Grammar and its status in language teaching I.1.1 Definition of grammar I.1.2 The status of grammar in language teaching I.2 An overview on language teaching methods in teaching grammar I.2.1...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:45

20 984 2
Tài liệu The Cinema in the Teaching of Medicine: Palliative Care and Bioethics pptx

Tài liệu The Cinema in the Teaching of Medicine: Palliative Care and Bioethics pptx

... messages and educating the population and they can serve immensely in vocational training with adequate methodology Thinking about history in the cinema is related to how we think in medicine: what ... http://www.usal.es/~revistamedicinacine/numero_1/version_ingles/ing_1/ed_ing_1.pdf 2.- Menéndez A, Medina RM Cine, Historia y Medicina Seminario de la asignatura de Historia de la Medicina Conecta [serial on the Internet] ... Vivian Bearing (Emma Thompson) main character in Wit when informing her, asking her for her informed consent for tests and subjecting her to experimental treatment as well as the suffering that...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

10 768 0
Báo cáo " Advantages and disadvantages of using computer network technology in language teaching " pptx

Báo cáo " Advantages and disadvantages of using computer network technology in language teaching " pptx

... investments for training in this area, which is beyond the current capacity for schools in EFL contexts Moreover, searching for materials online can be sometimes time- consuming and frustrating ... e.g the Internet and the WWW offers teachers and learners vast amount of materials and communication possibilities to enhance their language teaching and learning For the successful integration ... real communication in the target language, including composing and exchanging messages with other students in the classroom or around the world” (Oxford, 1990, p 79) By involving in an email exchange...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

6 1,2K 3
a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

... Amount of instructional time in experiment Information about what other literacy instruction participants were receiving, including whether or not the interventions included spelling instruction ... Details of instructional time and of instruction received by the intervention groups, cont Author, date Information about what other literacy instruction participants were receiving, including whether ... different approaches impact on the application of phonics in reading and writing, including beyond the early years? What proportion of literacy teaching should be based on the use of phonics?    Is...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:22

85 571 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Skin cancers in albinos in a teaching Hospital in eastern Nigeria - presentation and challenges of care" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Skin cancers in albinos in a teaching Hospital in eastern Nigeria - presentation and challenges of care" ppt

... JF: Skin cancer in the South African Bantu Br J Cancer 1953, 7:45-47 Lookingbill DP, Lookingbill GL, Leppard B: Actinic damage and skin cancer in albinos in northern Tanzania: findings in 164 ... skin cancer Dermatol Clin 1991, 9:751-755 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-8-73 Cite this article as: Opara and Jiburum: Skin cancers in albinos in a teaching Hospital in eastern Nigeria - presentation and ... interaction between clinical and social factors in heightening the solar exposure risks of the albino: He says “Myopia and other ocular defects retard the progress of many albinos in school and they eventually...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:22

6 290 1
Báo cáo y học: " Seropositivity of Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus dual Infection among blood donors in Nyala Teaching Hospital" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Seropositivity of Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus dual Infection among blood donors in Nyala Teaching Hospital" pot

... Devi KS, Singh NB, Mara J, Singh TB, Singh YM: Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus among hepatic disorders and injecting users in Manipur-A preliminary report Indian Journal ... published data indicating that dual infection of HBV and HCV was never detected in Northern Sudan[15] So dual infection of HBV and HCV is uncommon in Nyala and may be in the large Sudan due to the ... (6.25%) and HCV seroprevalence of low level (0.65%)[14] Dual infection of HBV and HCV in Nyala when compared with studies conducted in other parts of Sudan, there is afew published data indicating...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

2 348 0
reading in esp teaching and learning

reading in esp teaching and learning

... problems in teaching and learning English in linguistics In short, the data show that there are both strong points and weak point in the teaching and learning of reading skills to students of linguistics ... for reading, kinds of reading, reading skills and reading in ESP teaching and learning will be discussed 1.1 Reading redefined In the reading class, what the teacher understands about reading will ... 2 identifying and analyzing strong points and weak points of ESP teaching and learning reading skills in Department of Linguistics and Vietnamese Studies at USSH - VNU; exploiting the advantages...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2014, 01:11

72 458 0
An investigation into the use of translation method in vocabulary teaching and learning at Tran Nhan Tong High School, Hanoi = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng phương ph

An investigation into the use of translation method in vocabulary teaching and learning at Tran Nhan Tong High School, Hanoi = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng phương ph

... Method in vocabulary teaching and learning There are numbers of researches on the effectiveness of Translation Method in second language teaching in general, and in vocabulary teaching and learning ... Method in vocabulary teaching and learning field, not second language learning in general; therefore, the observation mainly happened in reading, language focus and writing periods The summary In ... treatment Three instruments were used in the study: testing instruments, reading materials, and teaching instruments In order to choose the study‟s materials, the authors conducted a preliminary test...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:40

57 1K 0
The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh  problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

... From the teachers and students’ points of view; poor teaching and learning materials/ equipment, limited teaching and learning time, and unvaried teaching techniques used in class brings about ... a Increasing teaching and learning time b Contacting various teaching approaches, techniques and activities c Teaching pronunciation strategically d Using authentic materials e Increasing teachers ... time and better conditions in teaching and learning pronunciation Research question two: What are teachers and students’ problems in teaching and learning pronunciation? Teachers problems in teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

54 775 1
Teachers' attitudes toward the uses of the computers in language teaching at Ha Nam teachers' training college = Thái độ của giáo viên đối với việc sử dụng máy

Teachers' attitudes toward the uses of the computers in language teaching at Ha Nam teachers' training college = Thái độ của giáo viên đối với việc sử dụng máy

... of attitudes, findings from prior studies around integration of computers in language teaching and teachers attitudes toward computers in language teaching and factors affecting teachers computer ... computer uses in English language teaching at HNTTC and exploring some main factors affecting the teachers uses of computers in their teaching Then teachers attitudes from the questionnaires and their ... productivity of teachers, (4) essential skills for the Information Age, and (5) support for new teaching techniques (cited in, Samak, 2006) Using IT and especially computers in teaching is gaining immense...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

59 905 0
Teachers' difficulties in teaching reading skills to grade 10th students at Nha Nam High school, Bacgiang province= Khó khăn của giáo viên trong việc dạy kỹ năn

Teachers' difficulties in teaching reading skills to grade 10th students at Nha Nam High school, Bacgiang province= Khó khăn của giáo viên trong việc dạy kỹ năn

... becomes worse In this situation, the teachers need to take a serious look at the teaching and learning of English in general and the teaching and learning of the reading skills in particular ... predicting information, sampling, deducing meaning or other reading techniques like skimming, scanning, inferring This understanding enables the students to actively take part in the reading process and ... faced by the teachers in the reading teaching process These problems will be included in the following section - the discussion of the findings 3.2 Discussion of the Findings Basing on the data...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

61 1,1K 1
Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively to social work students at Vietnam Youth Institute

Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively to social work students at Vietnam Youth Institute

... even in mocking and astonishing way Last but not least, the teachers should be trained and retrained in CLT PART III: CONCLUSION In conclusion, the study has found out what are the students and teachers ... CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS 3.1 The difficulties faced by the teachers at VYI in teaching grammar communicatively and their own solutions + Deficiency in strategic and sociolinguistic competence ... faced by the teachers at VYI in teaching grammar communicatively and their own solutions? I.4 Scope of the study The study is concerned with finding the teachers difficulties in teaching grammar...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

10 799 3