task 2 identify topic and task
... www.ieltsbuddy.com - Free online IELTS Advice 2) Identify the Task Once you have identified the topic for your essay, you need to identify the task The task is the part of the question that tells you what ... answering the question This comes from rushing and not taking enough time to identify the task properly Other Question Types The previous question was fairly easy, so to identify the task was ... the most important things you will have to when you analyze the essay question because 25 % of your grade for the essay is based on Task Response’ - how you have responded to the task How I identify...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 02:24
... spent the least amount of 3 623 $ on dinner on Monday compared to the other days of the week and 4350$ on Friday, which was the highest number in the category At the weekend, the difference in the ... fluctuation; meanwhile, the figure for Lamb, Beef and Chicken changed dramatically from the year of 1979 to 20 04’ is the summary of the main trends of the four lines 21 22 - Detail paragraph Starting ... more than 25 0 grams for each person a week in 20 03 and stopped in 20 04 with a small decline Describe how the consumption of the other types of food over the Note: - Try not to describe the lines...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2016, 20:37
Identify the tense 2
... 12 She stays with her grandparents (Simple present tense) 13 I am working on a new project (Present...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:44
... will be the poor in our society that will be affected more if we not spend enough on these things because they are the ones more dependent on such services However, this does not mean that the arts ... see music and theatre performances so it is important that the government assists such institutions so that they can continue to provide entertainment to the public To sum up, there are clear ... www.ieltsbuddy.com – Free Online IELTS Advice Comments The essay gives a clear thesis at the beginning This makes it clear that the writer partly agrees with the statement i.e it is not a waste of money,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 02:24
Writing task 2 band 8 - 9
... students feel about school: the teachers, the staff, the facilities, the subjects, the text books, the method of instruction and more All of these have a significant impact on the young person’s motivation ... work alone, nor spend their leisure time alone If they not know how to cooperate with their classmates, their colleagues, and other family members, then they will lose the chance to live happily ... with each other successfully, they may group together to form an enterprise larger than the mere sum of the two The more successful cooperation there is, the better the society develops Thus, cooperation...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:31
Sách Pre Intensive Writing Task 2-Version 2
... DS1 .2: SS2: DS2.1: DS2 .2: Paragraph (Body paragraph 2) TS: SS1: DS1.1: SS2: DS2.1: DS2 .2: ... Sentence 2: The second Advantage | The Second Disadvantage o Developing Sentence 2. 1 o Developing Sentence 2. 2 o (Developing Sentence 2. 3) (Supporting Sentence 3) :The Third Advantage | The Third ... Sentence 2: The Second Supporting idea for the Topic Sentence o Developing Sentence 2. 1 o Developing Sentence 2. 2 o Developing Sentence 2. 3 Supporting Sentence 3 :The Third Supporting idea for the...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 15:20
Writing Task 2 Sample Questions
... change Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences.Others like their lives to stay the same, and they not change their usual habits.Compare these two approaches to life Which ... write at least 25 0 words • You shoul 81 Fatherhood motherhood "Fatherhood ought to be emphasised as much as motherhood The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to ... now There are several reasons for this I will point out a few of them below First o 1 62 People And Customs When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:25
Valle: book 2 of the heku series
... Travis Decisions 20 Emily 36 Chevalier 51 Fighting Back 64 Time 88 Nevada 106 Familiar 120 Bangor 140 Soon 170 Allen 193 Complacency 21 5 Ancients 24 3 Exploring 26 1 Selest 27 4 Moving 29 9 Cavalry 337 ... on the small table by the fire Emily fought against the lurch in her stomach at the thought of gravy, but it was too much and she turned back to the toilet “Emily?” She heard him run into the ... leave so she could take a nap on the floor He was out the door and removed the tray from the room, then returned to her side before she even realized he‟d left 2 “Let me put you to bed,” he said,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:30
Bài 2 Chủ thể QHQT
... trị-xã hội,…) BÀI 2: CHỦ THỂ QHQT KHÁI NIỆM VÀ PHÂN LOẠI CHỦ THỂ QHQT QUỐC GIA 2. 1 Khái niệm Quốc gia 2. 2 Chủ quyền Quốc gia 2. 3 Lợi ích Quốc gia 2. 4 Vai trò chủ thể QHQT quốc gia 2. 1 Khái niệm Quốc ... XX 1909 20 06 IGO 37 24 6 INGO 176 7.306 28 Chủ thể phi quốc gia 3 .2 Công ty Xuyên quốc gia (Transnational Corporation - TNC) • Khái niệm • Phân loại • Quá trình hình thành phát triển 29 3 .2 Công ... nước 22 Phân loại: • Cách 1: dựa lĩnh vực hoạt động chức - TCQT đơn chức (chuyên môn) hoạt động lĩnh vực chuyên môn - TCQT đa chức (chức chung) hoạt động đồng thời nhiều lĩnh vực khác 23 • Cách 2: ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2013, 10:31
Gauss đã giải bài toán 1+2+... như thế nào
... không hợp lệ file bị xóa (violet.vn/uploads/resources/51/3 423 1//Gaussgiibiton1 %20 2 %20 nhthno.doc) Quay trở http://violet.vn ...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2013, 21:51
ga 2 tuan 2(ca the hoa-ktkn)
... phần theo cột dọc Em có nhận xét tên thành phần - HS nhắc lại phép trừ theo cột dọc GV chốt: Khi đặt tính dọc, tên thành phần phép trừ không thay đổi - GV ý: Trong phép trừ 59 – 35 = 24 , 24 hiệu, ... theo tổ - GV nhận xét Bài 2: Tính nhẩm( làm cột 1 ,2) - GV yêu cầu HS đặt tính nhẩm điền kết Hoạt động HS - Hát ĐDDH: Thẻ cài - HS làm bảng 88 - 49 - 64 36 15 44 52 34 20 - HS làm - GV lưu ý HS ... 40, 41, 42, - GV học sinh đếm số từ 40 đến 50 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 - Từ 68 đến 74 Học sinh đếm: 68, 69, 70, - Tròn chục bé 50 71, 72, 73, 74 Bài 2( bỏ e,g) Học sinh nêu: 10, 20 , 30, -...
Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 20:10