tài liệu 12 cb unit 12 test 4

Tài liệu 12 CB UNIT 12 TEST 3

Tài liệu 12 CB UNIT 12 TEST 3

... self 41 a invented b consisted c involved d contained 42 a fleet b submarine c ferry d boat 43 a a b an c the d Ø 44 a please b pleasure c pleasant d pleasantly 45 a with b at c in d for 46 a ... the pure (44 ) _ of being on the water Getting the sailing skills which you need to start sailing your own boat is easy if you just sign up with a sailing school You can learn to sail (45 ) _ ... high level of technical elements (41 ) _ in the sport Whether you choose a small (42 ) _ or a catamaran, whether you choose lake or ocean sailing, there are (43 ) _ number of things you need...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2013, 07:11

3 420 4
Giáo án Anh 12 Cb Unit 8, Test C, 9 (chuẩn)

Giáo án Anh 12 Cb Unit 8, Test C, 9 (chuẩn)

... down homework to at home The 4th period Date: Grade 12 Theme: deserts Unit Writing Time: 45 minutes Lesson plans of grade 12 Nguyen trai upper secondary school 24 Ngời soạn: Giang Lơng Hùng I ... the lessons + to get ready for the 45 minute -test again in the next period - Get the knowledge ready for the coming test UNIT 9: deserts Lesson plans of grade 12 Nguyen trai upper secondary school ... home Lesson plans of grade 12 Nguyen trai upper secondary school Ngời soạn: Giang Lơng Hùng The 4th period Date: Grade 12 Theme: life in the future Unit Writing Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:25

24 617 0
Gián án 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 2

Gián án 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 2

... the world 41 a non b not c no d nor 42 a challenge b keeping c conservation d awareness 43 a produced b discovered c used d formed 44 a supporters b residents c inhabitants d citizens 45 a as b ... with over million (44 ) _ worldwide, working in more (45 ) _ 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects around the world It is a charity, with (46 ) 9% of its funding ... than c to d as to 46 a generally b individually c commercially d approximately 47 a deposits b donations c refunds d loans 48 a destroy b destructive c destruction d destroyed 49 a on b by c with...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:11

3 1,4K 7
Bài soạn 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 3

Bài soạn 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 3

... also suffering 41 a development b endangerment c pollution d contamination 42 a plants b conservations c habitats d organizations 43 a a b an c the d Ø 44 a so b but c if d unless 45 a variety ... not (43 ) _ answer to the global problem Indeed, (44 ) we are able to protect natural areas where endangered species actually live, they have no future Species become endangered for a wide (45 ) ... c extinction d destruction 46 a expressing b showing c disappearing d appearing 47 a benefit b reserve c loss d gone 48 a impact b interest c infection d absorption 49 a needs b populations c...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:11

3 2,8K 22
Bài soạn 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 4

Bài soạn 12 CB UNIT 10 TEST 4

... species into (50) _ 41 a disappeared b reduced c increased d developed 42 a guarded b invested c conserved d threatened 43 a nation b native c national d nationally 44 a prevent b encourage ... stimulate d influence 45 a wild b atmosphere c hole d sky 46 a so b due c as d but 47 a contamination b production c cultivation d generation 48 a derive b vary c remain d protect 49 a at b for c with ... and non- (43 ) _ plants The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (44 ) _ the extinction of the 182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (45 ) _...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:11

3 2K 23
Gián án 12 CB UNIT 11 TEST 4

Gián án 12 CB UNIT 11 TEST 4

... and pick up a book 41 a should b mustn't c needn't d might 42 a durable b portable c changeable d capable 43 a for b with c on d to 44 a disapproved b dull c creative d required 45 a solutions b ... solutions b problems c troubles d difficulties 46 a put b had c walked d run 47 a should b might c need d must 48 a So b Therefore c However d Although 49 a entertainment b tension c machinery d ... anywhere too By reading more books and exposing yourself (43 ) new and more complete information, you will also be able to come up with more (44 ) ideas When you have read so many books on the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:11

3 1,8K 6

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