summary of the one minute manager book

The One Minute Manager

The One Minute Manager

... Johnson – THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER 8 Contents The Search The One Minute Manager The First Secret: One Minute Goals One Minute Goals: Summary The Second Secret: One Minute Praisings One Minute ... Pasteur THE VALUE OF PATIENCE, The Story of the Wright Brothers THE VALUE OF KINDNESS, The Story of Elizabeth Fry THE VALUE OF HUMOR, The Story of Will Rogers THE VALUE OF COURAGE, The Story of ... toward the One Minute Manager s office, he kept thinking about the simplicity of One Minute Management. All three of the secrets made sense One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 13:15

72 501 0
Tài liệu The One Minute Manager ppt

Tài liệu The One Minute Manager ppt

... Pasteur THE VALUE OF PATIENCE, The Story of the Wright Brothers THE VALUE OF KINDNESS, The Story of Elizabeth Fry THE VALUE OF HUMOR, The Story of Will Rogers THE VALUE OF COURAGE, The Story of ... SHARING, The Story of the Mayo Brothers THE VALUE OF HONESTY, The Story of Confucius THE VALUE OF UNDERSTANDING, The Story of Margaret Mead THE VALUE OF FANTASY, The Story of Hans Christian ... THE VALUE OF CURIOSITY, The Story of Christopher Columbus THE VALUE OF IMAGINATION, The Story of Charles Dickens THE VALUE OF SAVING, The Story of Benjamin Franklin THE VALUE OF SHARING, The...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

64 429 0
The one minute manager

The one minute manager

... on the other end of the phone. 51 Why One Minute Goals Work “YOU want to know why One Minute Goals work,” the manager said. “Fine.” He got up and began to pace slowly around the ... do either of the first two (and I am continually amazed at the number of managers who won‟t spend the money to hire a winner or take the time to train someone to become a winner), then there ... handed the young man a sheet of paper. “Those are the names, positions and phone numbers of the six people who report to me,” the One Minute Manager explained. “Which ones should I talk to?” the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 13:25

96 436 1
The Female Brain is one of the most-talked-about books of the year. ppt

The Female Brain is one of the most-talked-about books of the year. ppt

... irth of the F emale B rain glanced at their mothers’ faces. They frequently touched the forbid- den toy cow, even though their mothers shouted, “No!” The one- year- old boys, driven by their ... omnipresent, pervasive, sustaining mist of life; energizing; father and mother of testos - terone and estrogen, nicknamed the mother hormone,” the Zeus and Hera of hormones; robustly present in youth, ... imagine, then, the negative impact on a little girl’s developing sense of self of the unresponsive, flat face of a depressed mother—or even one that’s had too many Botox injections. The lack of facial...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

302 491 1
Tài liệu Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit docx

Tài liệu Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit docx

... and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit 20 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE AND THE HEALTH OF THE PUBLIC In addressing the issue of involving ... publication, Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the 2009 Summit, provides an account of the discussion and presentations of the two-and-a-half day summit in Washington, ... NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 14:20

245 409 0
Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

... slotting fees (Bloom et al.). Summary of Economic Arguments Any characterization of the competitive effects of slot- ting fees must be clear as to the source of the fees—whether they are offered by suppliers ... either on the num- ber of voters or on the volume of product marketed) from the producers who will be subject to its provi- sions. Depending upon the provisions of the order, the agreement of ... tools to address the imbalance of power in the produce in- dustry? Unfortunately, there have been few systematic studies of their performance. Central was the grandfa- ther of the breed of cooperatives...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20

48 389 0
Reliability and Intensity of the Six-Minute Walk Test in Healthy Elderly Subjects docx

Reliability and Intensity of the Six-Minute Walk Test in Healthy Elderly Subjects docx

... higher during the tests performed in the afternoon (P Ͻ 0.001). The intensity of the 6-MWT corresponded to 79.6 Ϯ 4.5% of the V ˙ O 2max , 85.8 Ϯ 2.5% of the HR max , and 78.0 Ϯ 6.3% of the HR reserve . ... observed until the end of the test (Table 4). The 6-MWT intensity corresponded to 79.6 Ϯ 4.5% of the V ˙ O 2max , 85.8 Ϯ 2.5% of the HR max , and 78.0 Ϯ 6.3% of the HR reserve . The 6-MWT V ˙ O 2 was ... reliability of the 6-MWT only from the third test, concerning the distance, walking speed, V ˙ O 2 , and % of the V ˙ O 2max . Otherwise, HR and % of the HR max are lower during the tests performed in the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

6 581 0
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 3: Books 10-13

The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 3: Books 10-13

... to the square on B, so is the square on C to the square on D, . while the ratio of the square on A tel the square on B is duplicate of the ratio of A to B, and the ratio of the square on C to the square on ... Archimedes ( On the Sphere and Cylinder, Preface), wh9 says in another place (Quadrature of the Parabola, Preface) that the first of the two, and the theorem that circles are to one another as the squares ... in the duplicate ratio of their corre- sponding sides; [VI. 20, Por.J and the ratio of the square on C to the square on D is duplicate of the ratio of C to D, for between two square numbers there is one mean proportional number, and the square number has...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:27

558 412 0
The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple: 500 Tips for Getting Your Life in Order

The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple: 500 Tips for Getting Your Life in Order

... helped me along the way, especially the following people: My colleagues in the National Association of Professional Organizers, for putting the professional in organizing. Everyone at Storey Publishing ... and music. Continue the party next Saturday at the next house. Consider hiring professional help. Find a local professional organizer through the National Association of Professional Organizers ( ... off your list and move on to the next one. Resist the urge to get creative with your organizing systems. It just makes the job harder. Channel your creativity into other areas. Keep track of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:18

227 624 0
Summary of the Co-Chairs Joint Meeting of the CTF and SCF Trust Fund Committees docx

Summary of the Co-Chairs Joint Meeting of the CTF and SCF Trust Fund Committees docx

... and other relevant lessons learned; 6 management structure: the Trustee as manager of the financial assets of CIF, the Administrative Unit as the coordinator of the CIF network, and the ... of the CIF Annual Report, so as to keep the committees informed of the variety of instruments that are being used together with a brief analysis of lessons learned and the context in which they ... discussion of issues related to timing, criteria, and modalities for consideration of the expansion of the number of CIF partner agencies. PROGRESS REPORT ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE OPERATIONS OF THE...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:21

6 404 0
Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

... togetherwithanexamination of keyuncertaintiesandlimitations;andaseries of conclusionsandinsightsgainedfrom the analysis.ItisimportanttorecallthatthisRIA restson the analysisdonein2008;nonewairqualitymodelingorotherassessments werecompletedexceptthoseoutlinedabove. The supplementincludesapresentation of the benefitsandcosts of attainingvarious alternativeozoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsin the year2020.Theseestimates onlyincludeareasassumedtomeet the currentstandardby2020.Theydonotinclude the costsorbenefits of attaining the alternatestandardsin the SanJoaquinValleyandSouthCoast airbasinsinCalifornia,becauseweexpectthatnonattainmentdesignationsunder the CleanAir Actfortheseareaswouldplacethemincategoriesaffordedextratimebeyond2020toattain the ozoneNAAQS. InTableS1.1below, the individualrowestimatesreflect the differentstudiesavailableto describe the relationship of ozoneexposuretoprematuremortality.Thesemonetizedbenefits includereducedhealtheffectsfromreducedexposuretoozone,reducedhealtheffectsfrom reducedexposuretoPM 2.5 ,andimprovementsinvisibility. The rangeswithineachrowreflect twoPMmortalitystudies(i.e.PopeandLaden). Rangesin the totalcostscolumnreflectdifferentassumptionsabout the extrapolation of costsasdiscussedinChapter5 of the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIA. The lowend of the range of netbenefitsisconstructedbysubtracting the highestcostfrom the lowestbenefit,while the highend of the rangeisconstructedbysubtracting the lowestcostfrom the highestbenefit. The presentation of the netbenefitestimatesrepresents the widestpossiblerangefromthis analysis. TableS1.2presents the estimate of totalozoneandPM 2.5 ‐relatedprematuremortalities andmorbiditiesavoidednationwidein2020asaresult of thisregulation.  ... $47,000 a Estimatesareroundedtotwosignificantfigures.Assuch,totalswillnotsumdowncolumns.  S.2.4.4 Summary of TotalCosts   TableS2.9presentsa summary of the totalnationalcosts of attaining the 0.055ppm and the 0.060ppmalternativestandardsin2020.This summary includes the engineeringcosts of the modeledcontrolstrategy(presentedin the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIAChapter5 4 ), the additionalsupplementalcontrols,aswellas the extrapolatedcosts.ConsistentwithOMB CircularA‐4,costsarepresentedata7%discountrate.  7 The midrangeestimateconsists of usinganMvalue of 0.24for the estimation of the averagecostperton of controlbygeographicarea.Foracompletelisting of averagecostpertonbygeographicareaseeAppendixS2a. ... Section4containssupplementalevaluation of aseparatesecondaryozoneNAAQSin the range of 7to15ppm‐hr,aswellasalessstringent of 21ppm‐hr.This supplementalprovidesanexplanation of the extremedifficulty of quantifying the costsandbenefits of asecondarystandardatthistime. S1.1Results of Benefit‐CostAnalysis ThisupdatedRIAconsists of multipleanalyses,includinganassessment of the nature andsources of ambientozone;estimates of currentandfutureemissions of relevant ozoneprecursors;airqualityanalyses of baselineandalternativecontrolstrategies; illustrativecontrolstrategiestoattain the standardalternativesinfutureyears; estimates of the incrementalcostsandbenefits of attaining the alternativestandards, S1‐1 Summary of the updatedRegulatoryImpactAnalysis(RIA)for the Reconsideration of the 2008OzoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandard(NAAQS) OnSeptember16,2009,EPAcommittedtoreconsidering the ozoneNAAQSstandard promulgatedinMarch2008. The ozoneNAAQSwillbeselectedfrom the proposedrange of 0.060to0.070ppm,basedonthisreconsideration of the evidenceavailableat the time the last standardwasset.Today’sproposedrulealsoincludesaseparatesecondaryNAAQS,forwhich thisRIAprovidesonlyqualitativeanalysisdueto the limitednature of availableEPAguidance forattainingthisstandard Thissupplementto the RIAcontainsanupdatedillustrativeanalysis of the potential costsandhumanhealthandwelfarebenefits of nationallyattaininga newprimaryozone standard. The basisforthisupdatedeconomicanalysisis the RIApublishedinMarch2008with afewsignificantchanges.Thesechangesreflect the morestringentrange of optionsbeing proposedby the Administrator.Italsoreflectssomesignificantmethodologicalimprovements toairpollutionbenefitsestimation,whichEPAhasadoptedsince the ozonestandardwaslast promulgated.Thesesignificantchangesinclude the following: ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

89 333 0
Summary of the PERN Cybersminar Air Pollution and Health Linkages doc

Summary of the PERN Cybersminar Air Pollution and Health Linkages doc

... combination), house design (e.g. the size and construction materials of the house, the arrangement of rooms, and the number of windows), and stove-use Summary of the PERN Cybersminar Air Pollution ... but also of the characteristics of outdoor air pollution, including the contribution of various sources and the size distribution of particulate matter (PM). ã Epidemiologic studies of the effects ... in the north will benefit from access to greater quantities of low-sulfur coal, whereas the lack of low-sulfur coal in the South will significantly increase the cost of emissions control. Other...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

7 384 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Summary of the primer on tumor immunology and the biological therapy of cancer" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Summary of the primer on tumor immunology and the biological therapy of cancer" ppt

... initiation of down- stream signaling processes. The ligation of VEGFR-2 by the majority of VEGF isoforms triggers the proliferation, migration and survival of endothelial cells, which in tumors form the ... within the major histocompatibility com- plex (MHC) presented by APCs; the second is the binding of costimulatory ligands, expressed on APC, to receptors on the T cells. The discovery of multiple ... that influence the course of T cell activation has increased our appreciation of the complexity of the T cell response. CD28 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) are the critical costimulatory...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

5 516 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "The iSBTc/SITC primer on tumor immunology and biological therapy of cancer: a summary of the 2010 program" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: "The iSBTc/SITC primer on tumor immunology and biological therapy of cancer: a summary of the 2010 program" doc

... and/or the interaction of these responses. Dr. Margolin provided an overview of the cytokine GM-CSF, noting that it was one of first cytokines to be used in immunotherapy, not only because of its ... conclusion, the 2010 Primer on Tumor Immunol- ogy and Biological Therap y of Cancer™ provided a comprehensive overview of the principles of immunol- ogy, with the aim of advancing the understanding ... IL-13. In summary, DC sub sets elicit distinct immune responses. DCs have functional plasticity at the level of the receptor–thenatureoftheresponseofagivenDC Balwit et al. Journal of Translational...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

15 602 0