... incidents to patients and families is a crucial part of the institution’s response to adverse events. Open, honest communication is essential to maintaining and restoring trust, and to providing ... implemented a policy to simply to have doctors admit mistakes and apologize. Since implementation, the average time to resolve com- plaints has decreased from 1000 to 300 days, attorney fees have ... Management, April 2001, 20pp. Popp, Pamela L., “How To And Not To Disclose Medical Errors to Patients,” Managed Care, 11 (10) October 2002, p.52–3. Porto, Grena G., “The Risk Manager’s Role in Disclosure...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: From meiosis to postmeiotic events: Alignment and recognition of homologous chromosomes in meiosis ppt
... recognition proteins are linked to cytoskeletal motor proteins to tether homologous chromosomes. In Schiz. pombe, we recently uncovered a novel phe- nomenon relating noncoding RNA to homologous chromosome ... From meiosis to post- meiotic events: Homologous recombination is obliga- tory but flexible. FEBS J 277, 571–589. 2 Kagawa W & Kurumizaka H (2009) From meiosis to postmeiotic events: Uncovering ... nucleoskeleton to the cytoskeleton. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7, 782–788. 29 MacQueen AJ, Phillips CM, Bhalla N, Weiser P, Villeneuve AM & Dernburg AF (2005) Chromosome sites play dual roles to establish...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: From meiosis to postmeiotic events: Homologous recombination is obligatory but flexible doc
... age are reduced spore viability and failure to enter the meiotic program, in part due to the inability to express the Ime1 master transcription factor and increased chromosome mis-segregation ... female oocytes can compensate for the DMC1 deficiency to undergo crossing over and complete gametogenesis will be interesting to determine. To pur- sue high-throughput approaches in humans for ... infer- tile patients needs to be obtained. Distribution and control of meiotic recombination events Distribution of DSBs, NCOs and COs In recent years, the cartography of recombination events in several...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: From meiosis to postmeiotic events: The secrets of histone disappearance potx
... involved in histone replacement. To better tackle this issue, one has to know whether histones are evicted through competition with TPs and Prms, or degraded on chromatin prior to the assembly of ... histones become degraded by chromatin-bound proteases or the ubiqu- itin–proteasome system. It is also important to deter- mine whether histone proteolysis concerns nucleosomal histones or histones ... nucleosomes Hyperacetylation Histone replacement by basic proteins Histone variants TPs - Prms Histone proteolysis Fig. 1. The secrets of histone disappearance in elongating spermatids. (A) Extensive incorporation of histone...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "Using Medical Emergency Teams to detect preventable adverse events"
... (interquartile range 2 to 12.5 days) before the call. Of the 65 calls received, 23 were considered to be adverse events (35%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 25% to 48%) and 16 were considered to be preventable ... patients with preventable adverse events (88%, 95% CI 64% to 97%). The other two preventable adverse events were considered adverse drug events. We assessed factors associated with preventable ... Preventable adverse events were further classified as to their subtype. Consent We did not obtain patient or provider consent as part of the protocol. We argued successfully to our Research Ethics Board...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Tài liệu Making the Most of Attaching Mouse Events to Movie Clips pptx
... few things: • To cause a movie clip to be treated as a button, simply attach a mouse event to it. Under most circumstances, you cannot attach both mouse events and clip events to a single instance. ... this lesson) to set a movie clip instance to react to both mouse and clip events. • When a movie clip instance is assigned mouse events so that Flash recognizes it as a button, it retains ... Attaching Mouse Events to Movie Clips Movie clip instances can also have attached mouse events (as shown in the preceding exercise). To make the most of this powerful capability, you need to be aware...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17
Tài liệu Guidance to assist organisers of Small Events docx
... www.tpmw.love‐media.co.uk/files/99.pdf . 43. TourismNetworkNorthEast–Festivalsand Events Toolkit www.tourismnortheast.co.uk/pages/information‐sheets . 44. WalesTouristBoardFestivaland Events Toolkitwww.timelineforevents.co.uk/ .Containsa ... arrangements to stop unauthorised persons gainin g access to or interfering with equipmentetcwhentheeventisopen to thepublic. 13 Consider, whether stewards may need to ... 21 7WHAT TO EXPECTFROMINSPECTORS Inspectorswillalwayscarryidentificationwhichwilltellyouwhotheyareandwhat theirpowersare.Ifyouareinanydoubtabouttheidentityofsomeonewhoclaims to beaninspector,ask to seetheirwrittenauthoritydocuments. Healthandsafety ThelawisenforcedbyinspectorsfromboththeHealthandSafetyExecutive(HSE)andbyinspectors fromyourlocalauthority.InDorsetsomeinspectorsholdflexiblewarrants...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A multi-staged approach to identifying complex events in textual data" ppt
... layoff. A second concern is thus to enable end users to interpret facts and events through automated context assessment. The route we have taken towards this end is to model the domain of corporate ... reciprocal stock exchanges. In other words, complex events are often composed of multiple facets beyond the basic event itself. One of our concerns is therefore to enable end users to access complex events through ... training Because we had no existing methods to address financial events or relations, we took this oppor- tunity to develop a trainable approach. Recent work has begun to address relation and event extraction...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
Greener Events A guide to reducing the environmental impacts of conferences and seminars potx
... facilities is helping to reduce the need to travel for small meetings. However for conferences and seminars, where there is a specific need to gather many delegates and speakers together in one ... GREENER EVENTS CHECKLIST within this guide can be discussed with the venue manager during the early negotiations in the course of planning the event. Key Factors The four key factors to consider ... ‘Green Tourism Business Scheme’ includes a green audit. To maximise access to information whilst reducing environmental impacts, consider recording (audio, video, or video linked to slides)...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
the events leading up to the international style of architecture being used in america
... side. It is thirty-eight stories high. The tinted-glass and bronze 'I-beams' give the building its character. The 'I-beams' were attached to mullions to emphasize the height ... phenomena that architects had to deal with. The first problem was the incorporating mix of decorative elements from different architectural periods that had little or no relation to the building's ... 'Functionalists' as they were known, emigrated to the U.S. The Functionalists included Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and others. The term 'International Style' was used to describe the American form of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:54
Báo cáo khoa học: " Linking Events and Relations to Timestamps" pptx
... immediately. BOW TIME TOK saturday TOK last TERM TOK cairo TERM TOK in TERM TOK office TERM TOK attorney general TERM TOK outside EVENT TOK demonstrate BOP TIME TOK NNP TOK JJ TERM TOK NNP TERM TOK IN TERM TOK NN TERM TOK NNP TERM TOK ADV EVENT TOK VBD Figure ... it to link the fluent CEO of (Steve Jobs, Apple) to time duration “15 years”. Similarly we expect it to link the event “death” to the time expression “October”. We do not take a strong “ontological” ... (Doddington et al., 2004) tasks. Temporal relations are part of this, but to a lesser extent. The primary research effort in event temporality has gone into ordering events with respect to one another...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning to Temporally Order Medical Events in Clinical Text" ppt
... e2 e1.start e1.start; e2.start e1.stop e1.stop; e2.stop e2.start e2.stop e1 overlaps with e2 e1 starts e2 e1.start e1.start; e2.start e2.start e1.stop e1.stop e2.stop e2.stop e2 during e1 e2 finishes ... e1.start e2.start e2.start e2.stop e1.stop; e2.stop e1.stop Table 1: Allen’s temporal relations between medical events can be realized by ordering the starts and stops 2 Related Work The Timebank ... the past history of the patient prior 71 to colostomy. We only know about paresis.start rel- ative to other MEs and may not be able determine paresis.stop. For recurring and continuous events like...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " A critical assessment for the value of markers to gate-out undesired events in HLA-peptide multimer staining protocols" pot
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
o cáo hóa học:" A critical assessment for the value of markers to gate-out undesired events in HLA-peptide multimer staining protocols" pot
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo toán học: " A new approach to investigate the interactions between sediment transport and ecotoxicological processes during flood events" ppt
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
báo cáo hóa học: " TCP NCE: A unified solution for non-congestion events to improve the performance of TCP over wireless networks" docx
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20