subject verb agreement worksheets doc

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement

... chính. Subject + [ngữ giới từ] + verb Ví duï: The study of languages is very interesting. Singular subject singular verb Several theories on this subject have been proposed. Plural subject plural verb The ... time. Singular subject singular verb The danger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly. Singular subject singular verb The effects of that crime are likely to be devastating. Plural subject plural verb The ... going to a party tonight. Singular subject singular verb Mr. Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight. Singular subject singular verb Lưu ý: - Nếu 2 đồng chủ ngữ nối...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 23:10

6 1,3K 36
subject verb agreement

subject verb agreement

... her hobby. S is a Gerund + Sing. V be be be be 8 8 Now open your books Do Practice1 Subject & Verb Agreement. Student’s book p. 120 THANK YOU THANK YOU Neither you nor Bill ... nothing each somebody someone somethin g every everybody everyone everything S(indefinite pronoun) Sing.V have have call call 4 4 Subject and Verb Agreement Welcome to our class Sing. S + Sing. V Daisy does her homework every day. Peter ... wait. Collective Nouns indicating time, money, and measurements used as a whole are Singular Verb be be be be 7 7 none + of the + Uncount. N + sing.V None of the news is believable. none ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2013, 23:10

16 652 15
Subject - Verb Agreement

Subject - Verb Agreement

... not only SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT General rule : - sing. S + sing. V Ex: The student comes on time. - plural S + plural V Ex: The students come on time. * Nouns followed by sing.Verbs: (S + ... idler. He wasn’t gambler. -> He was neither Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1. Neither of these documents (be) translated into English. 2. To the persons living in happiness, ... United States, The United Nations , The Philippines, Marseilles, Wales… * Nouns followed by plural Verbs:(S + pl.V) people, police, cattle, poultry (gia cầm), clergy (tăng lữ), vermin (sâu bọ),...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 07:10

6 976 12
subject- verb agreement (P)

subject- verb agreement (P)

... Created by Nguyễn Xuân Phú Subject- verb agreement (sự hoà hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ) Theo nguyên tắc chung thì: ã Chủ ngữ số ít...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 19:10

2 1,1K 25
Tài liệu Subject & Verb Agreement pptx

Tài liệu Subject & Verb Agreement pptx

... Party Pl. (B. E.) V. Sing. (as impersonal unit) (Am. E.*) GENERAL RULE: 1. Singular subject + sing. Verb - He is a student. 2. Plural S + Pl. V. - They are students. IRREGULAR CASES 3....

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18

10 602 6
subject-verb agreement

subject-verb agreement

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2015, 23:00

32 285 0


... The committee (decide) how to proceeD. 23. The family (have) a long history. SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT I. Singular verb (Động từ số ít): 1. Hai danh từ cùng chỉ một người, một vật, một thứ: ... news on at five or six? 15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject. 16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days. 17. ... street. 25. One of the students (are, is) late. II. Complete the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject 1. .She and her friends (be) at the fair. 2. The book or the pen (be) in the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2013, 01:25

3 3,5K 213


... very informative. down my street. AS WELL AS I. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. 1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school. 2. Either my mother or my father ... news on at five or six? 15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject. 16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days. 17. ... street. 25. One of the students (are, is) late. II. Complete the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject 1. .She and her friends (be) at the fair. 2. The book or the pen (be) in the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2013, 08:47

3 854 44
The agreement of subject & verb

The agreement of subject & verb

... The Agreement of a Verb The Agreement of a Verb with its Subject with its Subject Sự Hòa Hợp Giữa Chủ Từ và Động Từ Sự Hòa Hợp Giữa Chủ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2013, 01:25

13 767 11


... SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT 1. The picture of the soldiers (bring) __________ back many memories. 2. Anything ... Emilio Sanchez. 26. All the meals (taste)_________ II. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. 1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school. 2. Either my mother or my father...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:28

2 2,4K 179
Subject and Verb Agreement

Subject and Verb Agreement

... the coach Verb: are having If subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the closer subject. Either the actors or the director is at fault. Subjects: actors, director Verb: is ... Where is my subject? ã Most likely, your verb will agree with the first noun to the left of the verb: 1- The Supreme Court judge decides the appropriate penalty. Subject: judge Verb: decides 2- ... Over the ripples glides a small canoe. Subject: a small canoe Verb: glides 2- There was a well-known writer at the meeting. Subject: a well-known writer Verb: was Indefinite pronouns (someone,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:25

8 1,1K 8
Subject and verb agreement

Subject and verb agreement

... candidates. The subject is candidates, a plural noun requiring a plural verb. “Are” is plural. (Is, are) there a doctor in the house? The subject is doctor, a singular noun requiring a plural verb. ... _____________________ 4 SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT Verbs must also follow their leader (the subject) in person and number (singular or plural). I prefer to pay my bills by check. In this sentence, the verb “prefer” ... __________________________________. SHORT STORY: Underline each subject once and verb twice in the following paragraph. If there is an error in subject- verb agreement, write the correct verb. (1) Has you ever taken a walk...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2013, 01:27

5 1,8K 58
Subject and verb agreement

Subject and verb agreement

... SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT I. Singular verb (Động từ số ít): 1. Hai danh từ cùng chỉ một người, một vật, một thứ: ... ấy) Three thousand dollars is a big sum of money. (3000 US$ là một khoản tiền lớn.) II. Plual verb (Động từ số nhiều): 1. Hai danh từ chỉ hai người, hai vật, hai thứ khác nhau: Ex:Water and ... A few books I read are famous. ( m ột số sách tôi đã đọc thì nỗi tiếng) III. Singular or plual verbs (Số nhiều hoặc số ít): 1. The number of + DT số nhiều → Động từ số ít A number of + DT...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2013, 01:25

3 3,8K 121
subject and verb agreement rất chọn lọc

subject and verb agreement rất chọn lọc

... _____________ children’s disease. 50. Food (be) _____________ expensive nowadays. 23 SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT I. Singular verb (Động từ số ít): 1. Danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ đếm được số it. ... people who listen to that music are few. Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. 1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school. 2. Either my mother or my father ... news on at five or six? 15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject. 16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days. 17....

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2013, 08:10

4 2,4K 172

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