structural welding code steel aws d1 1

Giới thiệu qui chuẩn AWS d1 1, 2015

Giới thiệu qui chuẩn AWS d1 1, 2015

... 70º 60º 45º 70º 60º 45º Loại A +10 & nhỏ +8& nhỏ Loại B +11 +9 Loại C +12 +10 +13 +11 +4& nhỏ +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +7& nhỏ +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +9& nhỏ +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +1& nhỏ +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +4& nhỏ ... REFLECTOR R ACCUMULATED REFLECTOR >10 0% DAC 50% ~10 0% DAC >10 0% DAC 50% ~10 0% DAC < 12 20 12 24 14 22 14 28 16 24 16 32 18 27 18 36 20 10 29 20 40 22 11 31 22 44 24 12 33 24 48 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ... +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +4& nhỏ +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +6& nhỏ +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 -2& nhỏ -1 +1 +2 +3 +1& nhỏ +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +3& nhỏ +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 AWS D1. 1- đánh giá Loại A (Bất liên tục lớn) Bất kỳ thị thuộc loại

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2019, 09:26

58 4,3K 29
Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structural Steel Buildings phần 1 pdf

Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structural Steel Buildings phần 1 pdf

... BRACING OF LOW RISE STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1 .1 Types of Systems 1 1.2 Current State of the Art 1 1.3 Common Fallacies 2 1. 4 Use of This Guide 2 PART 1 DETERMINATION OF ... 8 4 .1 Columns 10 4.2 Column Bases 11 4.2 .1 Fracture of the Fillet Weld Connecting the Column to the Base Plate 11 4.2.2 Bending Failure of the Base Plate 13 4.2.3 Rupture of Anchor Rods 15 4.2.4 ... Steel Design Guide Series Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structural Steel Buildings Steel Design Guide Series Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structured Steel Buildings James

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20

10 398 0
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

... Iz ,1 = Iz,2 = EN 19 93 -1- 2:2005 (E) O3 d1 d1 O3 O4 O2 O2 d2 d2 O1 O1 Opening O4 Flame section elevation 1) Beam perpendicular to wall 2) Beam parallel to wall O3 d1 O3 d1 O4 O2 d2 h z d2 O1 O1 Flame ... The Structural Eurocode programme comprises the following standards generally consisting of a number of Parts: EN 19 90 EN 19 91 EN 19 92 EN 19 93 EN 19 94 EN 19 95 EN 19 96 EN 19 97 EN 19 98 EN 19 99 ... 19 96 EN 19 97 EN 19 98 EN 19 99 Eurocode 0: Eurocode 1: Eurocode 2: Eurocode 3: Eurocode 4: Eurocode 5: Eurocode 6: Eurocode 7: Eurocode 8: Eurocode 9: Basis of Structural Design Actions on structures

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:34

84 723 6
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.5: Cấu kiện tấm (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 5 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.5: Plated structural elements)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.5: Cấu kiện tấm (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 5 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.5: Plated structural elements)

... STANDARD BS EN 19 93 -1- 5:2006 Part 1- 5: Plated structural elements The European Standard EN 19 93 -1- 5:2006 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 12 &23[...]...EN 19 93 -1- 5: ... equation (4 .14 ) may be modified as follows: EN 19 93 -1- 5: 2006 (E) NOTE 1: hw see Figure 5 .1 and for kτ see 5. 3(3) NOTE 2: The National Annex will define η The value η = 1, 20 is ... value η = 1, 20 is recommended for steel grades up to and including S460 For higher steel grades η = 1, 00 is recommended 5. 2 Design resistance (1) For unstiffened or stiffened webs

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:33

56 387 3
Explanatory Materials to Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005-Hong Kong Build

Explanatory Materials to Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005-Hong Kong Build

... works E17.2 STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT SURVEY Clause 17 .2 of the Code is self explanatory E17.2 .1 Original materials Clause 17 .2 .1 of the Code is self explanatory E17.2.2 Appraisal report Structural ... described in clause D1. 1 of the Code 16 5 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use E .D1. 1 Abstracted essential requirements for structural steel The essentials ... specifying such steels Otherwise, clause D .1. 2 of the Code is self-explanatory E .D1. 3 Design strength for high strength steels Clause D .1. 3 of the Code is self-explanatory E .D1. 4 Quality control

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2018, 09:04

171 258 0
Steel Bridge Construction-1 docx

Steel Bridge Construction-1 docx

... buildings, each 10 0 × 15 0 m (328 × 492 ft) in plan and 37 m (12 1 ft) high with a 10 m (33 ft) deep space-frame roof. Each building contained about 2450 tons of structural steelwork. The ... section … in a steel. .. suspension bridge, Maryland Each cable consists of 61 helicaltype bridge strands, 55 of 1- 11/ 16 in (43 mm) and 6 of 29/32 in (23 mm) diameter Strands 1, 2, and 3 were ... Effort 45 .10 Considerations Governing Construction Engineering Practices 45 .11 Camber Considerations 45 .12 Two General Approaches to Fabrication and Erection of Bridge Steelwork 45 .13 Example

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 12:20

32 430 0
Inspection Evaluation And Repair Of Steel structures Part 1 docx

Inspection Evaluation And Repair Of Steel structures Part 1 docx

... HYDRAULIC STEEL STRUCTURES Subject Paragraph Page Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose 1- 1 1- 1 Applicability 1- 2 1- 1 Distribution 1- 3 1- 1 References 1- 4 1- 1 Background 1- 5 1- 1 Mandatory ... 11 10-2-3 51, 31 March 19 94. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY EM 11 10-2-6054 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CECW-ED Washington, DC 20 314 -10 00 Manual No. 11 10-2-6054 1 December 20 01 Engineering ... (PDF). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY EM 11 10-2-6054 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CECW-ED Washington, DC 20 314 -10 00 Manual No. 11 10-2-6054 1 December 20 01 Engineering and Design INSPECTION,

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 11:20

10 424 0
Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing and Soldering Part 1 pps

Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing and Soldering Part 1 pps

... cm2/s 91 0. 91 14 0 .14 42 0.42 7 0.09 46 0.46 15 0 .15 19 0 .18 8 11 4 1. 14 17 0 .17 ... 0 .16 3 0.697 0.689 0.22 0.258 0.234 239 12 9 460 12 9 10 25 276 440 268 244 13 1 13 8 247 ... .12 0 .12 0 .12 0 .11 0 .11 0 .11 16 15 .1 15 .5 24 26 37 0.039 0.036 0.037 0.057 0 .062 0.088 4 .1 3.8 3.9 6.7 7.3 10 0.0 41 0.038 0.039 0 .067 0.073 0 .10 0.296 460 0.304 460 0. 319 419 ... ZIRCONIUM 7. 31 22.5 7.87 11 .36 1. 74 10 .22 8.902 8.57 12 .02 21. 45 19 .84 12 .44 2.33 10 .49 0.9 712 16 .6 7.2984 4.507 19 .3 19 .07 6 .1 7 .13 3 6.489 0.264 0. 813 0.284 0. 410 0 .063

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

160 553 0
Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations 2009 Part 1 pot

Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations 2009 Part 1 pot

... considerations about motion measurements 14 .11 Force transducers 14 .12 Summary References 15 Signal conditioning and data acquisition 15 .1 15.2 15 .3 15 .4 15 .5 15 .6 15 .7 15 .8 Introduction Signals and noise ... experimental modal analysis 10 .5 Summary and comments References 11 Probability and statistics: preliminaries to random vibrations 11 .1 Introduction 11 .2 The concept of probability 11 .3 Random variables, ... density functions 11 .4 Descriptors of random variable behaviour 11 .5 More than one random variable 11 .6 Some useful results: Chebyshev’s inequality and the central limit theorem 11 .7 A few final

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20

45 282 0
Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Steel Structures Part 1 docx

Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Steel Structures Part 1 docx

... HYDRAULIC STEEL STRUCTURES Subject Paragraph Page Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose 1- 1 1- 1 Applicability 1- 2 1- 1 Distribution 1- 3 1- 1 References 1- 4 1- 1 Background 1- 5 1- 1 Mandatory ... 11 10-2-3 51, 31 March 19 94. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY EM 11 10-2-6054 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CECW-ED Washington, DC 20 314 -10 00 Manual No. 11 10-2-6054 1 December 20 01 Engineering ... (PDF). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY EM 11 10-2-6054 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CECW-ED Washington, DC 20 314 -10 00 Manual No. 11 10-2-6054 1 December 20 01 Engineering and Design INSPECTION,

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:20

14 303 0
Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures Episode 1 docx

Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures Episode 1 docx

... jethltrasonic device for surface preparation References 13 3 13 6 13 8 14 4 14 9 15 0 15 1 15 2 15 4 15 5 15 7 15 9 16 0 16 9 17 6 18 1 18 3 Appendix 19 9 Index 203 viii List of Symbols and Abbreviations ... 45 46 47 55 59 63 66 73 77 78 84 87 94 11 3 11 4 11 4 12 1 12 6 vi Contents 5.5 Embedded abrasive particles 5.6 Wettability of steel substrates 5.7 Roughness and profile of substrates ... Andreas W., 19 59- Hydroblasting and coating of steel structures 1. Water jet cutting 2.Stee1, Structural - Cleaning 3.Building, Iron and steel - Cleaning 1. Title 620 .1? ??06 ISBN 18 5 617 395X

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

16 191 0


... .11 A1 .12 A1 .13 A1 .14 A1 .15 A1 .16 A1 .17 A1 .18 A1 .19 A1 .19 A1 .19 A1.20 A1. 21 A1.22 A2 .1. 1 A2 .1. 1 A2 .1. 1 A2 .1. 1 A2 .1. 1 A2 .1. 2 A2 .1. 2 A2 .1. 2 A2 .1. 2 A2 .1. 2 Table Name ... of STEELestimator allows the user to define their own coding structure that best fits their needs AISC Table A1 .1 A1 .1 A1.2 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A1.7 A1.8 A1.8 A1.9 A1 .10 A1 .11 A1 .12 ... DETAILS 12 STEP 2 - CREATE A NEW PROJECT 12 STEP 3 - PROJECT INFORMATION 12 STEP 4 - CREATE ZONE 12 STEP 5 - TAKEOFF USING FORMS 12 STEP 6 - VIEWING DATA 13 STEP 7 - REPORTING 13 TERMS 14 IS THE

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 23:27

31 220 0
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.3: Quy định chung, thép cán nguội (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 3 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.3: Supplement rules for coldformed member and sheeting(

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.3: Quy định chung, thép cán nguội (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 3 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.3: Supplement rules for coldformed member and sheeting(

... BRITISH STANDARD Eurocode — Design of steel structures — Part 1- 3: General rules — Supplementary rules for cold-formed members and sheeting The European Standard EN 19 93 -1- 3:2006 has the status ... Standard EN 19 93 -1- 3:2006 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91. 010 .30 ```,,`,`````,,`,,``,`,,,,,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 12 &23

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:36

134 515 9
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.4: Thép không gỉ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 4 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.4: Stainless steel)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.4: Thép không gỉ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 4 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.4: Stainless steel)

... EN 19 93 -1- 4: 2006 (E) Table A .1: Suggested grades of stainless steel for atmospheric applications Steel grade Rural to EN Low Mid 10 088 1. 4003 YI X 1. 4 016 1. 43 01 1.4 311 Y Y 1. 45 41 1.4 318 1. 4362 ... BS EN 19 93 -1- 4:2006 Part 1- 4: General rules — Supplementary rules for stainless steels The European Standard EN 19 93 -1- 4:2006 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91. 040. 01; 91. 080 .10 12 &23 ... Mid 10 088 1. 4003 YI X 1. 4 016 1. 43 01 1.4 311 Y Y 1. 45 41 1.4 318 1. 4362 1. 44 01 1.4404 O O 1. 4406 1. 45 71 1.4439 1. 4462 O O 1. 4529 1. 4539 Corrosion conditions: High Type of environment and corrosion

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:30

38 502 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.6: Cường độ và ổn đinh kết cấu tấm vỏ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.6: Strength and stability of shell structure)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.6: Cường độ và ổn đinh kết cấu tấm vỏ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.6: Strength and stability of shell structure)

... STANDARD BS EN 19 93 -1- 6:2007 Part 1- 6: Strength and Stability of Shell Structures The European Standard EN 19 93 -1- 6:2007 has the status of a British Standard ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 12 &23[...]... ... obtained from EN 19 93 -1- 5 Annex C for carbon steels and EN 19 93 -1- 4 Annex C for stainless steels (4) The material properties apply to temperatures not exceeding 15 0°C NOTE: The national ... design yield strength fyd (3) Where net section...EN 19 93 -1- 6: 2007 (E) 1. 3.4 Stress resultants and stresses in a shell 1. 3.4 .1 membrane stress resultants The membrane stress resultants

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:36

98 542 4
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.7: Kết cấu tấm vỏ chịu lực ngoài mặt phẳng (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 7 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.7: Plated structure subjected to out of plane loading)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.7: Kết cấu tấm vỏ chịu lực ngoài mặt phẳng (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 7 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.7: Plated structure subjected to out of plane loading)

... 23 0 ,13 99 0 , 17 29 0 , 17 56 0 ,16 24 0 ,15 05 0 ,14 12 0 ,11 44 0 ,14 25 0 ,14 25 0 ,13 00 0 ,11 86 0 ,11 02 0 ,12 24 0 ,15 12 0 ,14 88 0 ,13 68 0 ,12 48 0 ,11 52 0 ,10 78 0 ,13 20 0 ,12 87 ... ,11 66 0 ,10 45 0,0968 0 ,15 48 0 ,19 26 0,20 47 0 ,19 78 0 ,18 92 0 ,18 23 0 ,13 99 0 , 17 29 0 , 17 56 0 ,16 24 0 ,15 05 0 ,14 12 0 ,11 44 0 ,14 25 0 ,14 25 0 ,13 00 0 ,11 86 0 ,11 02 0 ,12 ... 0 ,16 64 1, 92 1, 70 0,2 × 0,2 0 ,16 16 1, 51 1, 29 0,3 × 0,3 0 ,15 28 1, 22 1, 01 0,2 × 0,3 0 ,15 77 1, 39 1, 09 0,2 × 0,4 0 ,15 32 1, 29 0,953 0 ,1 × 0 ,1 0 , 17 95 1, 97 1,

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:40

40 539 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.8: Thiết kế liên kết (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 8 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.8: Design of joints)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.8: Thiết kế liên kết (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 8 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.8: Design of joints)

... BS EN 19 93 -1- 8:2005 BRITISH STANDARD Incorporating Corrigenda Nos and Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1- 8: Design of joints The European Standard EN 19 93 -1- 8:2005 has the ... moment in member i (i = 0, 1, 2 or 3); Mip,i,Ed is the design value... Spacing p1,0 Spacing p1,i Spacing p2 1) 5) 2,4d0 The smaller of 14 t or 200 mm The smaller of 14 t or 200 mm The smaller ... of 14 t or 200 mm Steel not exposed to the weather or other corrosive influences Structures made from steels conforming to EN 10 025-5 Steel used unprotected The larger of 8t or 12

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:44

138 971 7
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.9: Độ mỏi (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 9 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.9: Fatigue)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.9: Độ mỏi (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 9 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.9: Fatigue)

... type / KT type Chords 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 Verticals 1, 0 2,2 1, 0 2,0 Diagonals 1, 5 1, 6 1, 3 1, 4 NOTE For the definition of joint types see EN 19 93 -1- 8 (1) Stresses should be ... 19 93 -1- 5 NOTE 1 For guidance see EN 19 93 -2 to EN 19 93 -6 NOTE 2 The National Annex may give limitations... : 2005 (E) Shear stress range ∆τR [N/mm²] 10 00 1 m=5 10 0 1 10 0 ... [N/mm²] 10 00 1 m=5 10 0 1 10 0 80 2 10 1, 0E+ 04 1 Detail category ∆τC 1, 0E+ 05 1, 0E+ 06 2 1, 0E+ 07 1, 0E+ 08 Endurance, number of cycles N 1, 0E+ 09 2 Cut-off limit ∆τL Figure

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:50

40 422 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.10: Độ dẻo của vật liệu (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 10 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.10: Material toughness and through thickness properties)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.10: Độ dẻo của vật liệu (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 10 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.10: Material toughness and through thickness properties)

... 3DUWV (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1   (XURFRGH  (XURFRGH  (XURFRGH  (XURFRGH... RU E\ HQGRUVHPHQW DW WKH ODWHVW E\ 1RYHPEHU ... ```,,`,`````,,`,,``,`,,,,,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - blank (8523( $1 67 $1' $5' (1  12 50( (8523e (11 ( (8523b,6&+( 12 50 0D\  ,&6  6XSHUVHGHV (19  ,QFRUSRUDWLQJ &RUULJHQGXP 'HFHPEHU ... DD ENV 19 93 -1- 1 :19 92, which is withdrawn NOTE Corrigendum No implements CEN Corrigendum December 2005, which adds P after the clause number and replaces should with shall in 2 .1( 3) The structural

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:53

22 476 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.11: Cấu kiện chịu kéo (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 11 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.11: Design structure with tension component)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.11: Cấu kiện chịu kéo (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 11 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.11: Design structure with tension component)

... specifications NOTE 1: For steel see EN1993- 1- 1 and EN1993- 1- 4 NOTE 2: For wires see EN 10 264, Part 1 to Part 4 NOTE 3: For ropes see EN 12 385, Part 4 and Part 10 NOTE 4: For ... relevant cable removed 2.3.7 (1) 10 Fatigue loads For fatigue loads see EN 19 91 (2.4) ```,,`,`````,,`,,``,`,,,,,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Ed = k Ed2 - Ed1 EN 19 93 -1- 11 : 2006 (E) ... Appropriate ... Relevant standard Proof strength Fk A EN 10 13 8 -1 F0,1k *) B EN 10 264 F0,2k C EN 10 13 8 -1 F0,1k... effects ∆L2 additional length of wrap Figure 6 .1: Bedding of a strand/rope over a saddle

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:58

38 477 4

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