stress marks on english words examples

Review On English Words

Review On English Words

... highlight SYNONYMS 18 1. Preconception 6. Distribution A. Expansion A. Shortage B. Bias B. Allocation C. Function C. Methods D. Disapproval D. Disapproval 2. Steady 7. Fallacious A. Constant A. ... placid C. function D. superficial D. notion SYNONYMS 22 1. intricate 6. picture A. functional A. position B. complex B. zenith C. predominant C. preconception D. inordinate D. illustration 2. disregard ... TESTS ON SYNONYMS SYNONYMS 1 1. widely A. broadly B. abroad C. secretly D. truly 2. autonomous A. independent B. sudden C. international D. abrupt 3. advice A. acclaim B. attention C. suggestion...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:26

10 1K 6
Tran Quy Cap Senior High School TEST ON ENGLISH Class: 10

Tran Quy Cap Senior High School TEST ON ENGLISH Class: 10

... hoped 14. A. calls B. hires C. borrows D. stops 15. A. bone B. gone C. stone D. phone 16. The football match has been postponed …………… the weather conditions. A. due to B. because C. thanks to D. although 17. ... boring 07. He didn’t begin to learn English until 1980. A. It was not until 1980 he learn English. B. It was not 1980 did her learn English. C. It was not until he learned English 1980. D. It was not ... Tran Quy Cap Senior High School TEST ON ENGLISH Class: 10/ Time: 45 minutes 122 Full name : I. Correcting the mistakes 01. We go to the bookshop to buying some English books. A B C D 02. Meat and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 20:07

2 759 5
ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

... Shakespeare lived in Stratford-upon-Avon until he was twenty-one.By that time he was married and had three children.At twenty-one he left Stratford-upon-Avon for London where he joined a theatrical ... time, was William Shakespeare.He was born on April 23,1564 in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon,about seventy-five miles from London.He was the son of a tradesman.When a boy he went to Stratford ... 1613,Shakespeare left London and returned to his native town of Stratford-upon-Avon.Three years later ,on April 23,1616,he died and was buried there.Shakespeare wrote the famous 154 sonnets and numerous...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 21:25

10 975 30
English words song

English words song

... Welcome to English songs: My wife and my dearest son. My wife and my dearest son. ã Saying I love you Saying I love you Is not the words I want to Is not the words I want to hear ... and touch me and touch me Hold me close don't ever let Hold me close don't ever let me go me go More than words is all I ever More than words is all I ever needed you to show needed ... took those words away Then you couldn't make Then you couldn't make things new things new Just by saying I love you Just by saying I love you More than words More than words ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2013, 01:26

7 362 0
Some Hints On English Grammar

Some Hints On English Grammar

... tournament. (declarative) CONJUNCTIONS A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases or clauses. Types of Conjunctions: 1. Coordinating Conjunctions - These conjunctions join words, phrases or clauses ... subordinating conjunction 2. and - coordinating conjunction 3. Both, and - correlative conjunction 4. when - subordinating conjunction 5. Either, or - correlative conjunction 6. While - subordinating conjunction 7. ... conjunction 7. because - subordinating conjunction 8. but - coordinating conjunction 9. yet - coordinating conjunction 10. and - coordinating conjunction 11. but - coordinating conjunction 12....

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2013, 01:26

17 476 0
Tips for getting more English words! - Bí quyết học nhiều từ mới

Tips for getting more English words! - Bí quyết học nhiều từ mới

... active in trying to discover new words. If you com across something you don’t know the English word for, find out what it is! Look it up on the Internet or in a dictionary, then write it down in ... more English Words! BÍ QUYẾT HỌC NHIỀU TỪ MỚI Learn by doing ! The body learns faster than the brain! It’s true : when we do something, we learn faster than by watching or hearing it. Don’t ... do something, we learn faster than by watching or hearing it. Don’t just look and listen for new words. Use them! Speak them. Write them down. Read them. Practice every new word that you learn...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2013, 01:26

2 428 1
English Words M-Z.ppt

English Words M-Z.ppt

... phone piano pickle pie pig piggybank pillar pillow microwave mittens mixer money monkey ... triangle trombone truck trumpet tub tuba turquoise turtle tv watermelon waterskiing weightlifting ... matches meat mechanic medal mermaid metronome microphone microscope shovelling sink six ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 00:10

27 285 1
4000 essential english words 2

4000 essential english words 2

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:09

195 1,2K 5
4000 essential english words 1

4000 essential english words 1

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:13

198 2,3K 5
4000 essential english words 5

4000 essential english words 5

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:15

194 902 0
4000 essential english words 3

4000 essential english words 3

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:18

198 1,2K 0
4000 essential english words 6

4000 essential english words 6

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:20

192 671 1
4000 essential english words 4

4000 essential english words 4

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:22

194 955 1
Bài giảng Test on English 9 unit 6

Bài giảng Test on English 9 unit 6

... book, I… it to you. (find/ give) 12. He has ________ pronunciation. He pronounces words_ ______ (good / well) 13. She speaks________ . I don’t under stand_______ speech (fastly / fast) 14. Tom ... an astronaut. If I (be) an astronaut, I (take) my camera with me. 7-Most people know that oil floats on the water. If you (pour) oil on the water, it (float). 8-If there (not be) oxygen on the ... _____student in his slass. (good) 8-Put the words in brackets in the correct forms to fill in the blanks: a. He got 10 marks in the English test because he speaks English_ __________( fluent) a) and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2013, 04:11

7 1,8K 35