... address of FLASH '0x20000', End address of FLASH '0xF00000', Start address of EEPROM (use if no EEPROM on your device) '0xF00400', End address of EEPROM '0x200000', Start address of User ... End address of User ID '0x300000', Start address of Config Bits '0x30000E', End address of Config Bits '0x3FFFFE', Start address of Device Id '0x400000', End address of Device Id '0xFFE0', ... facilitates porting the software to other operating system platforms, such as Linux®, or Macintosh® As of this writing, the software is known to compile and work on Linux No testing has been done...
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:55
tìm hiểu mplab ide v8.56
... hiệu hóa tất dấu trang Properties: Mở hộp thoại Options Editor c) View: Dưới mục menu trình đơn View Dưới mục trình đơn menu View Bất kỳ mục không áp dụng lựa chọn thiết bị bị vô hiệu Lựa chọn ... giá trị qua menu View Tìm hiểu MPLAB IDE v8.56 GVHD: Mã Duy Khanh Để xem giá trị ghi PIC ta chọn View -> File registers xuất cửa sổ hình sau: Để xem giá trị ghi SFR ta chọn View -> Special Function ... ;======================================================= TITLE "Mach test LED_1" LIST P16F877A #INCLUDE "P16F877A.inc" CONFIG _CP_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF &_HS_OSC ;======================================================= Các bạn thấy có...
Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 09:58
... Table of Contents Part A - The Approach Testing Part A Source Part B – Using Multiple Partners Testing Part B Source Part C – Writing to File Testing Part C Source Part D – Sending JMS Messages Testing ... development and testing of XML schema documents Chapter provides you an overview of the Intelligent Event Processor (IEP) module and the IEP Service Engine that can be acquired from the OpenESB software ... book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning There are three...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 2 ppsx
... developed with closed interfaces using closed protocols This, of course, is fine for the system developer, but makes system integration very difficult This closed and proprietary nature of enterprise ... exist in one of a set of predefined states This is called the Service Engine life cycle • • • • Started Stopped Shutdown Uninstalled The figure below gives an overview of the life cycle of Service ... advantage of being completely managed from the NetBeans run-time environment [ 24 ] Chapter NetBeans Projects NetBeans add-ons are pieces of software that extend the functionality of the base...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 5 docx
... Display the partner view at 100% Zoom into the partner view window Zoom out from the partner view window Toggle display of partner links Toggle display of messages Refactoring of WSDL Entities To ... a powerful way of manually editing WSDL documents If you prefer editing WSDL files graphically, then the WSDL view provides both a hierarchical tree view and a column based view of the WSDL file ... WSDL Document wizard allowing all of the details of the new port type to be specified [ 127 ] WSDL Editor The final view in the WSDL editor is the Partner view This view allows messages and the interactions...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 6 potx
... NetBeans, you will see that NetBeans provides different views of the XSD file • Source View • Schema View • Design View [ 146 ] Chapter The Source view provides a raw XML syntax highlighting editor ... automatically update the XML displayed within the Source View Let's take each of these views in turn and discuss the features of each Source View The Source view provides the standard XML editing facilities ... provided as part of the NetBeans Enterprise Pack and show how this can be used to aid in the development and testing of XML Schema documents We will start by providing an overview of XML schemas...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 7 ppsx
... snapshot of the current state of a relation Distinct Enables removal of duplicate events in a relation Intersect Enables definition of relation intersection Minus Enables definition of difference ... lots of functionality to enable you to catch specific error cases, for example: • Input values are outside of specific ranges • Boolean operations return false • Processing is performed outside of ... Stream Enables definition of monitoring event deletion from a relation Insert Stream Enables monitoring of event insertion to a relation Relation Stream Enables monitoring of event deletion from...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 9 pdf
... that our business process interacts with, to form an effective orchestration From the point of view of our business process, the airline company's web services are the partner services In our ... Module to add the BPEL module project Part A - The Approach The last section provided an overview of NetBeans capabilities for creating business processes and composite applications In the coming ... service assemblies having at least one JBI module can be deployed to the BPEL engine of the server For the purpose of this sample, we'll create a Composite Application that has BPEL module deployed...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
Building SOA-Based Composite Applications Using NetBeans IDE 6 phần 10 docx
... applying 156 Design view 147 Design view, elements 153 Design view, entities creating 151 Design view, features 150-153 Design view, Find Usages tool 153 Schema view 147 Schema view, entities creating ... testing 251, 252 mails, sending 262-266 multiple web services, testing 239 multiple web services, using 231-239 notification messages, testing 266 web service, creating 226-229 web service, testing ... Various parts of this sample showed you how to work each of the binding components and introduced branching and flow in business processes The last part of the example showed the usage of intelligent...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21
ngôn ngữ lập trình mplab c18
... func() { static int x = 0; // x is initialized only once across three calls of func() printf("%d\n", x); // outputs the value of x x = x + 1; } int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { func(); // ... lưu nhớ ram truy cập Tới lại xuất khái niệm nhớ cập Để hiểu rõ khái niệm bạn đọc PICmicro™ Mid -Range MCU Family Reference Manual Có thể download Sự mở rộng C18 C18 hỗ trợ cấu trúc nặc danh bên...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 23:22
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications
... difficult The main hurdles involve its extensive set of libraries and frameworks, each of which adds a wide range of capabilities to Java The parts of the Java platform that are crucial for building ... seamlessly integrate with view technologies The view abstraction offered by Spring Web MVC and integration with view technologies is unparalleled and uses the Servlet API to hide view rendering details ... object-creation code that is of no concern to other parts of the application Hiding concerns in software engineering to increase flexibility and robustness of a design is called separation of concerns It’s...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:55
Tài liệu về Stack Applications
... , closing ) Checks the brackets are matched or not Pre Post Return opening and closing is one of the brackets: (, [, {, ), ], } Return TRUE if both opening and closing are paired off, ... (symbol) of: (cont.) Operator: If the priority of the new operator is higher than the priority of the operator at the top of stackObj, push it into stackObj Otherwise, all operator at the top of stackObj, ... Two of 92 solutions of Eight Queens Problem What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 36 We will see a lot of interesting problems involved backtracking and usage of Stack...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 12:07
NetBeans IDE 6.1 Java Editor
... n GUI Builder n Profiler n ToDo Tasks n JavaScript n Versioning NetBeans DZone Community NetBeans Blogs NetBeans Profile n Eclipse Profile n Emacs Profile n NetBeans 5.5 Profile n URL http://www.netbeans.org/community/news/newsletter/ ... lines right above the current selection Press Alt instead of Ctrl and it is moved instead of copied Press Down instead of Up and the lines of code will be copied below the current selection, as ... Overview, continued Fonts & Colors Keymap Sets the fonts and colors for syntax, highlighting, annotations, and diff viewer Sets the keyboard profile to be used throughout the IDE By default, profiles...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 10:28
Applications of the DFT
... originating from any of several sources, including the analog electronics, or the ocean itself Above 70 hertz, the white noise rapidly decreases in amplitude This is a result of the roll-off of the antialias ... zeros don't change the shape of the spectrum, they only provide more samples in the frequency domain In spite of this very close sampling, the ability to separate closely spaced peaks would be ... width of the peak) and spectral leakage (the amplitude of the tails) To explore the theoretical aspects of this in more detail, imagine an infinitely long discrete sine wave at a frequency of 0.1...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:49
Tài liệu đào tạo của Caterpila về kiểu động cơ C15 ,C18,C27,C32
... injection capability lobe profile varies depending on HP rating Areas of higher roller contact Primary area of roller markings (similar to Tier II) Tier – one main area of heavy roller contact Tier ... Variable injection timing Controls quantity of fuel Optimizes fuel pressure Transient control for both speeds and loads Camshaft Changes •Revised profile on the injector lobe •Difficult to see ... rejection in the C15 and maintains same heat rejection in the C18 C15 / C18 ACERT * kW of heat rejection per kW of engine power—jacket water C15 / C18 Fuel Efficiency EPA Tier Tier Tier Engine C18...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 08:36
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering
... fluctuations in term of the period of the oscillation, but some discrepancies could be still observed in terms of the oscillation’s amplitude In order to increase the range of applicability of the model ... surface profile with conditions of Exp-2…………….79 Figure 6.11 Steady water surface profile with conditions of Exp-5…………….80 Figure 6.12 Steady water surface profile with conditions of Exp-6…………….80 ... plot of water surface in 2D simulation of Exp-1 …………….95 Figure 6.35 Carpet plot of water surface in 2D simulation of Exp-2…………… 95 Figure 6.36 Carpet plot of water surface in 2D simulation of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35
... book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning There are three ... And it's wonderful when what is good from the business point of view is also good from a human point of view, because the business profits are more or less proportional to customers' satisfaction ... element and add a text node to it oLiOrange = document.createElement("li"); oOrange = document.createTextNode("Orange"); oLiOrange.appendChild(oOrange); // create the third element and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:19
Tìm hiểu lập trình Web Applications/Native Applications trên IOS
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 16:14