strategies to improve pullout strength of the pedicle screw

Strategies to improve bussiness performance of the highlands

Strategies to improve bussiness performance of the highlands

... This is the reason that I choose the topic of ? ?Strategies to improve business performance of the Highlands” for my thesis 1.2 Objectives of thesis The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate ... competitors and create its place in the marketplace The purpose of this study is to learn about the business strategies of specific businesses based on the study of Highlands To evaluate strategies, ... Board has approved the thesis STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE BUSSINESS PERFORMANCE OF THE HIGHLANDS published by Mr Pham Khac Hieu in the Master Program of Graduate School of Department of Business Administration

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 17:31

85 33 0
Some strategies to improve listening skills for the first year students at faculty of english hanoi open university

Some strategies to improve listening skills for the first year students at faculty of english hanoi open university

... Therefore, the author decided to choose the topic “Some strategies to improve listening skills for the first-year students at the Faculty of English, Hanoi Open University” as the subject for the graduation ... reading skill of scanning This is where students often get into trouble They try to catch everything, often taking the time to mentally translate it into translate their mother tongue This word-byword ... suggestions that they could use in learning to improve their listening-skills and extend their abilities to listen effectively in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes Scope of the Study

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2023, 14:24

59 0 0
A study on the effectiveness of using debate technique to improve speaking skills of the tenth - grade students at Dong Anh high school

A study on the effectiveness of using debate technique to improve speaking skills of the tenth - grade students at Dong Anh high school

... further studies can extend the number of participant in order to confirm the generalization of the research results The second limitation that is worthwhile to note is due to the shortage of ... raise their voice in front of the class Identifying that, the teacher paid more attention to them, even pointed them to present their own ideas 36 sometimes After lessons these students began to ... THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING DEBATE TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS OF THE TENTH-GRADE STUDENTS AT DONG ANH HIGH SCHOOL SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2017, 16:46

59 771 6
Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at thai nguyen college of economics and technology

Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at thai nguyen college of economics and technology

... skills of students at TNCET Aims of the thesis The aims of the study are:  To investigate the reading strategies and equipping students with these reading strategies to improve students‟ ability of ...  To examine how efficiently the reading strategies are used in reading classes Significance of the thesis The findings of the thesis will be useful not only to the researcher, but also to the ... for the aim of the thesis which is to use reading strategies to improve reading comprehension skills of students at TNCET II.1.1.Definitions of reading The act of reading is not easily understood

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:05

44 12 0
Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at thai nguyen college of economics and technology

Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at thai nguyen college of economics and technology

... skills of students at TNCET Aims of the thesis The aims of the study are:  To investigate the reading strategies and equipping students with these reading strategies to improve students‟ ability of ...  To examine how efficiently the reading strategies are used in reading classes Significance of the thesis The findings of the thesis will be useful not only to the researcher, but also to the ... for the aim of the thesis which is to use reading strategies to improve reading comprehension skills of students at TNCET II.1.1.Definitions of reading The act of reading is not easily understood

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 14:43

48 7 0
Using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry

Using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry

... in the post-test, their mean score increased to 6.1 The improvement of students’ speaking skill was recorded with the mean score of 6.9 The result shows that there are some improvements on the ... Objectives of the study Scope of the study .2 Significance of the study .2 Method of the study Organization of the study PART ... interviews The research was conducted in two cycles Each cycle consisted of three meetings The study showed the improvements of the students’ scoring and performance In the pre-test, the mean score

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:02

73 36 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) using group work to improve speaking skills of the first year students at hanoi university of industry

... in the post-test, their mean score increased to 6.1 The improvement of students’ speaking skill was recorded with the mean score of 6.9 The result shows that there are some improvements on the ... Objectives of the study Scope of the study Significance of the study Method of the study Organization of the study PART ... interviews The research was conducted in two cycles Each cycle consisted of three meetings The study showed the improvements of the students’ scoring and performance In the pre-test, the mean score

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 09:04

73 44 0
Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

... related to preserve the environment - By the end of the lesson Ss are able to: + Pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns related to the topic the environment + Use some key words of the topic the ... to read the instructions and look at the photo Elicit some - Sts work descriptions of the photo from the individually to the class by asking: Where are the task as required people in the photo? ... going to create - Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the previous sentence (the effect) becoming if clause and (the cause) of the next sentence - Go around the class to give offer

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2021, 15:37

115 28 0
Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

... related to preserve the environment - By the end of the lesson Ss are able to: + Pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns related to the topic the environment + Use some key words of the topic the ... to read the instructions and look at the photo Elicit some - Sts work descriptions of the photo from the individually to the class by asking: Where are the task as required people in the photo? ... going to create - Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the previous sentence (the effect) becoming if clause and (the cause) of the next sentence - Go around the class to give offer

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2021, 16:28

115 31 0
Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

... related to preserve the environment - By the end of the lesson Ss are able to: + Pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns related to the topic the environment + Use some key words of the topic the ... to read the instructions and look at the photo Elicit some - Sts work descriptions of the photo from the individually to the class by asking: Where are the task as required people in the photo? ... going to create - Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the previous sentence (the effect) becoming if clause and (the cause) of the next sentence - Go around the class to give offer

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2021, 08:13

115 13 0
Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

Using group work to improve speaking skills of the 10th grade students at yen phong 2 high school in bac ninh province

... related to preserve the environment - By the end of the lesson Ss are able to: + Pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns related to the topic the environment + Use some key words of the topic the ... to read the instructions and look at the photo Elicit some - Sts work descriptions of the photo from the individually to the class by asking: Where are the task as required people in the photo? ... going to create - Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the previous sentence (the effect) becoming if clause and (the cause) of the next sentence - Go around the class to give offer

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2021, 11:58

115 13 0
A study on using group work activities to improve speaking skills of the second year non  english major students at a university in hanoi

A study on using group work activities to improve speaking skills of the second year non english major students at a university in hanoi

... number of scores is the sum of the frequencies or number of scores up to the interval containing the median fw is the frequency or number of scores within the interval containing the median i is the ... than the median, and half the numbers have values that are less than the median C • The Formula: Where: Mdn is the median L is the lower limit of the interval containing the median N is the total ... Framework of Reference for Languages) The first language of these students is their mother tongue, Vietnamese They are of various cultural background and come from different regions of Vietnam They

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 09:28

115 13 0
How to improve reading comprehension of the 10th form students at le hong phong high school

How to improve reading comprehension of the 10th form students at le hong phong high school

... overview of the rest of the paper The rest of the paper consists of four chapters as follows: Chapter (Review of literature) provides the theoretical background of the study The focus of this ... have the habit of writing on the topics relevant to the reading text and discussing on the topics in groups These techniques seem to be difficult for these students to apply Summarizing the text ... 100% of the teachers mainly share their teaching experience with their colleagues Using the internet is another way which is used by most of the teachers to improve their teaching (75%) 50% of the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:44

41 1,3K 6
Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Technology = Chiến lược đọc nhằm cải thiện kỹ năng đọc h

Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension of students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Technology = Chiến lược đọc nhằm cải thiện kỹ năng đọc h

... skills of students at TNCET Aims of the thesis The aims of the study are:  To investigate the reading strategies and equipping students with these reading strategies to improve students‟ ability of ...  To examine how efficiently the reading strategies are used in reading classes Significance of the thesis The findings of the thesis will be useful not only to the researcher, but also to the ... for the aim of the thesis which is to use reading strategies to improve reading comprehension skills of students at TNCET II.1.1.Definitions of reading The act of reading is not easily understood...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:01

44 586 1


... in their approach to inspection than they were at the time of the study Professionalization of the Inspectorate, thus, is an urgent need of the present day in order to give a new turn to the ... that the role of inspection in Britain is to monitor the standards, quality, efficiency, and ethos of the schools and to inform the government and the general public on these matters Further to ... indicators of the performance of an educational institution (benchmarks) and to report back to the educational institutions to enable them plan improvement strategies; (2) To supervise the implementation...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 11:38

115 335 0
Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth year students of english in vinh university

Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth year students of english in vinh university

... however, the gestures of everyday conversation tend to be too small and often too low to use in front of a large audience Presenters need to scale their gestures to the size of the room The most ... allowing the listener time to process the message The other elements of facial expression can convey the feelings of the presenter, anything from passion for the subject, to depth of concern for the ... Organization of the Study The organization of the study consists of three parts: Part A: Introduction – presents the rationale, the aims, the scope, the methods and the organization of the study...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33

57 1,3K 7
Development of supplementary materials to improve reading skills for the first year english majors at military science academy

Development of supplementary materials to improve reading skills for the first year english majors at military science academy

... 15% c inadequate to improve reading skills: 40% d monotonous: 30% 40% > + ) $ $ B a various: 13% 13% 29% b useful: 12% 12% c inadequate to improve reading skills: 46% d monotonous: 29% 46% &; ... c difficult: 10% d relevant: 25% e others: 10% 25% 40% 10% ) > 23% ) 0% 9% a interesting: 9% b boring: 48% c difficult: 20% d relevant: 23% 20% )&> 48% e others: 0% ) A , ) / / * 9A!R< 9A?R

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:39

67 643 0
Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

... are expected to accrue one-third of the total benefits, with government benefits exceeding the cost of the program.111 FISCAL BENEFITS TO STATES AND THE NATION The economic benefits of preschool ... investing in the education of America’s youngest learners has emerged as one of the most promising ways to help strengthen the future economic and fiscal position of our states and nation As the United ... expected to continue to live in the state where they went to preschool Furthermore, when the students reach their prime working years, 65 to 75 percent will likely continue to live in the same state...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

74 608 0