... couple of locals nursed their beers while they played a game of pool in a haze of smoke on the other side of the bar The only other customer sat a few stools down from the first man After a while they ... Chapter 50 Hiding the Goods with Steganography Overview of Steganography 51 52 The Growth of Steganography Steganography in Use Flaws of Steganography Variations on Stego Trojan Horses Covert Channels ... back to the three core standards of network security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability There is a reason that these standards have stood the test of time: They represent the most...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:10
... standardize the C++ language between the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) committees The purpose of this effort, in the words of the ... 30887-6 andy 2.22.96 CH01 LP#3 The Parts of a C++ Program 19 Week Day 2 The Parts of a C++ Program C++ programs consist of objects, functions, variables, and other component parts Most of this ... insertion operator The first value is the string “Here is 5: “ Note the space after the colon, which is part of the string Next the value is passed to the insertion operator, and then the newline character...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
... New Yorker helped illuminate the ethics and controversies of the use of neuromarketing in law enforcement, as did Jeffrey Rosen’s article The Brain on the Stand” from the March 11, 2007, New York ... chapter on the human senses, I am grateful to the staff of one of my companies, BRAND sense agency, as well as to the executives of Firmenich for their contributions and support In the July 10, ... consultancies The CEO and chairman of the LINDSTROM Company, and chairman of the BRAND sense agency and BUYOLOGY INC., Lindstrom advises the top executives of companies including the McDonald’s Corporation,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20
Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? pdf
... another file The file in front is the only one visible in Windows Explorer or via the dir command In fact, the only telltale sign is that the date-time stamp of the visible file changes to the ... 03:00 AM and the size is 114,688 bytes We then the type command to place the notepad.exe executable behind the calc-ads.exe file (notice the colon between the filenames) This creates the ADS Note ... money for the authors in one way or another For additional information on that report, visit http://www.pandasoftware.com/about_panda/press_room/Quarterly+PandaLabs+Report.htm The old ploy of “hide...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? doc
... another file The file in front is the only one visible in Windows Explorer or via the dir command In fact, the only telltale sign is that the date-time stamp of the visible file changes to the ... 03:00 AM and the size is 114,688 bytes We then the type command to place the notepad.exe executable behind the calc-ads.exe file (notice the colon between the filenames) This creates the ADS Note ... money for the authors in one way or another For additional information on that report, visit http://www.pandasoftware.com/about_panda/press_room/Quarterly+PandaLabs+Report.htm The old ploy of “hide...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu WHAT’S NEW IN OFFICE 2013 pptx
... rarely the fault of the software, and almost always due to the unimaginative content and the ability (or lack of! ) of the speaker Making presentations more compelling is a challenge that Microsoft ... either of these two versions In addition, a further package, Office 2013 Professional is available, which adds Publisher 2013 and Access 2013 There are also four versions of Office 365, Microsoft’s ... of Microsoft Office for the majority of users (and Microsoft!) is Word The new version of the world’s favourite word processing tool is pleasingly familiar, despite the Metro trappings, and comes...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20
What’s Trending in Display for Publishers? pdf
... notable, and it has mostly been at the expense of traditional ad sizes like the 468 x 60 banner and 120 x 600 skyscraper Of interest is the growth of larger “premium” formats, which offer advertisers ... lucrative part of a publisher’s ad inventory, partly because it offers creative opportunities that attract brand advertisers, and partly due to tremendous viewer demand We’re excited about the growth ... most sellers and buyers have the 300 x 250 medium rectangle posted a 12% increase over the leaderboard standardized their offered inventory to reflect the most popular ad sizes One and an 18% increase...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
What’s New in VMware vCloud™ Director 1.5 pot
... create and occupies very little space on the disk In Figure 3, the writes go to the new delta disk, which grows to accommodate the writes Reads, on the other hand, traverse up the chain until the ... consumption of resources in the cloud It enables deployment and management of virtualized workloads in private, public, and hybrid clouds The VMware vCloud API enables the upload and download of vApps ... investments and database skill sets and to reduce the cost of building and operating the cloud For a list of supported database versions, refer to the vCloud Director Installation and Configuration...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20
WHAt’s NeW iN Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 pdf
... works like and with other Microsoft technologies such as Microsoft Office and SharePoint, and with other business software you may already use All of this improves your margins and enhances the bottom ... solutions Visual Updating of Client to Office 2010: The Action Pane—redesigned and renamed the Ribbon and improvements to FastTabs and FactBoxes add to the ease -of- use of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 ... New and unique charting and visualization capabilities allow users to see, understand, and act on data from across the business and display compelling KPIs in the Role Center About Microsoft...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
Your Guide To What's New In Mountain Lion
... open the document, rather than finding the file you want to edit in the Finder and then opening the application with the file In fact, the only way to view iCloud files in the Finder is through the ... switch between the compact mode and an expanded mode by clicking on the icon in the bottom left hand corner of the window (a box with an arrow in it) The expanded mode shows all the different ... style and location Mountain Lion has taken the Notification Center from iOS and integrated it right into the heart of the operating system You can find it hiding behind the right side of the screen;...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 20:34
What's New In Photoshop CS6: Your Ultimate Overview
... blur, and gives you more control over the size of the focus and its shape The shape of the focal area can be changed from elliptic to rectangular: Tip: you can drag one of the four feather handles ... combinations (like the Command key instead of Ctrl, and Option instead of Alt) Ok Let’s see what’s new! We’ll start with some tips and tricks 2 Tips and Tricks 2.1 Quickly Change the Appearance of Photoshop ... focus now, so I will drag the pin lower and I will rotate it a little by dragging the rotation handle Then I will narrow the feather lines and the focus lines: Note: the Tilt-Shift widget has...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:18
What's New In Office 2013: Your Unofficial Overview
... Presentations Microsoft Outlook - Redesigned The Secret Weapon: OneNote Office 2013 and SkyDrive The Rest of Microsoft Office 10 Microsoft Office 2013 – Should You Upgrade Or Not? Appendix MakeUseOf Introduction ... versions of Microsoft Office 2013 1.4 Different Flavours of Office 2013 In addition to the Windows RT version of Office 2013, there are other packages available, suitable for different types of users ... either of these two versions In addition, a further package, Office 2013 Professional is available, which adds Publisher 2013 and Access 2013 There are also four versions of Office 365, Microsoft’s...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 23:47
Joomla 3.0 có gì mới ? (what''''s new in joomla 3.0) potx
... file, bảng liệu (bản ghi) không sử dụng đến 15 Nâng cấp Smart Search (tìm kiếm thông minh) 16 Nâng cấp tiêu chuẩn hóa code 17 Unit testing in the CMS (kiểm thử đơn vị cho mã nguồn lõi - nhằm đảm bảo ... item for menu module 20 Cho phép SEF plug-in thêm canonical url vào phần head 21 Version 12.2 of the Joomla Platform ... thử đơn vị cho mã nguồn lõi - nhằm đảm bảo chất lượng mã nguồn lõi) 18 Updated system tests in the CMS (cập nhật kiểm thử hệ thống cho mã nguồn - đảm bảo chất lượng toàn hệ thống mã nguồn) 19...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20
What’s New in Forage Equipment? docx
... understand and use the biology and physics of forage drying properly, not only does the hay dry faster and have less chance of being rained on, but the total digestible nutrients (TDN) of the harvested ... through the waxy cuticle of the stem Understanding these principles will allow us to develop management practices in the field that maximize drying rate and TDN of the harvested forage The first ... than rakes which move the hay across the ground However, one should examine the cost of mergers and compare to the value of the product obtained Baling The newest thing on the market for balers...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20
what''s new in crm customer service
... 2014 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Microsoft, Excel, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Dynamics, Outlook, and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies All other trademarks ... much time they have left to resolve a case You must be a system customizer to add the timer control to the screen that agents see when they work on a case help agents verify the level of support ... property in any Microsoft product You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes The videos and eBooks might be in English only Also, if you click the links, you may be...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 14:48
... greater than or equal to 0.12 seconds, and sinus rhythm, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) with or without an ICD is indicated for the treatment of New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional ... Pathophysiology of heart failure, illustrated by Venn diagram 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy* in Patients With Severe Systolic Heart Failure ... or without an ICD is reasonable for the treatment of NYHA functional Class III or ambulatory Class IV heart failure symptoms on optimal recommended medical therapy I IIaIIb III For patients with...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2015, 17:36
What’s in a Name
... such, if they should whisper Of morning and the moor, They bear no other errand, And I, no other prayer.” —Emily Dickinson, The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson The more I study religions the more ... police with affection, and called them “Bobbies.” But in Ireland (then a part of the British Empire), the English police were regarded as an invading force, and the local name for them was more contemptuous—“Peelers.” ... our hands we went to the dam near his house I sat there uneasily, holding the rod with the line dipped in the still water of the reservoir A while later there was a tug and I promptly handed...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 16:20
Tài liệu HealthCareReform,What’sinIt? Small Business pdf
... 2014, and allows businesses of up to 100 employees to participate.a (Sections 1304 and 1311) The result is the creation of a health insurance pool of small businesses, their employees and the self-employed ... fully operational and for the pooling and risk spreading aspects of them to take effect The Congressional Budget Office estimates that with the law’s small business tax credits, the average premiums ... communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "What''''s in a Semantic Network?" pptx
... However, these two sentences have not captured the form of the network, and furthermore, not doing so is problematic to the design of a retriever The subtype and type links have been built into the ... wetl as the content of the network By introducing two predicates, TYPE and SUBTYPE, we capture the meaning of the type and subtype links TYPE(~O is true iff the individual i is a member of the type ... instances I1 and 12 of T agree on all their respective rc!~ then they are equal If I1 and I2 have a role where their values are not equal, then I I and I2 are not equal If we finally add the assumption...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20