... For information on all Focal Press publications visit our website at www.elsevierdirect.com Contents Working with jQTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery Rapidly Building iPhone Apps without ... standards on top of the jQuery framework, it has not been optimized to run on all devices For instance, response time on Windows Phone has not been tested jQTouch is optimized for Apple's iPhone (not ... jQTouch: two d ifferent buttons for the toolbar and one set of buttons you can add to the main screen It is becoming common to include a back button along the left-hand side of your toolbar to send...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:25
... subconscious that changes are needed I think of it as depression of the ego versus depression of the soul Here’s one way of viewing your own depression: If it relates to fundamental questions of ... questions The humbling experience of feeling totally insignificant in a canyon millions of years in the making, sleeping under the light of billions of stars – light which had traveled billions of ... your questions “A world of questions is a world of possibility Questions open our minds, connect us to each other, and shake outmoded paradigms Our orientation should shift from one of answers...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:07
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of Losartan on expression of connexins at the early stage of atherosclerosis in rabbits"
... rate of attack with atherosclerotic plaque compared with normal rats (9) Our study demonstrates an association of the formation of atherosclerosis and the ex- pression and function of gap junction ... communication in the modulation of vasomotor tone Circ Res 1996; 79(4): 631-46 Yeh HI, Lupu F, Dupont E, Severs NJ Upregulation of connexin43 gap junctions between smooth muscle cells after balloon catheter ... changed from contraction type to the conversion type in vitro (8) Cx43 is required for the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque Previous study demonstrated that rats lack of Cx43 expression showed...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39
công ty TOP OF ART
... tranh Top of Art 4.1.4 Tính độc đáo: sản phẩm Top of Art đợc sản xuất với kiểu dáng đẹp logo độc đáo Điều cha công ty thời trang Việt Nam thực triệt để điểm mạnh Top of Art 4.1.5 Lợi ích xã hội: Top ... xa so với thực tế Top of Art nhập thị trờng không đợc thuận lợi nh mong muốn 24 Top of Art - Hãy nhìn thử, bạn thấy Chơng III: Chiến lợc kinh doanh Chiến lợc cấp công ty Top of Art lựa chọn chiến ... Nguyên Tâm với thơng hiệu Foci: Top of Art - Hãy nhìn thử, bạn thấy Với nguồn tài hạn hẹp ban đầu, Top of Art không tự xây dựng đợc dây truyền sản xuất áo Vì vậy, Top of Art dự định liên kết với...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2013, 10:30
Kế hoạch kinh doanh công ty TOP OF ART
... Top of Art 4.1.4 Tính độc đáo: sản phẩm Top of Art sản xuất với kiểu dáng đẹp logo độc đáo Điều chưa công ty thời trang Việt Nam thực triệt để điểm mạnh Top of Art 4.1.5 Lợi ích xã hội: Top of ... đáo, phong cách trẻ trung hợp thời trang Và đặc biệt khác biệt logo hoàn toàn lạ_đây lực cạnh tranh mạnh mẽ Top of Art 22 Top of Art - H·y nh×n thö, b¹n sÏ thÊy 4.1.1 Đối ngoại: Top of Art chủ ... xa so với thực tế Top of Art nhập thị trường không thuận lợi mong muốn 25 Top of Art - H·y nh×n thö, b¹n sÏ thÊy CHƯƠNG III: CHIẾN LƯỢC KINH DOANH Chiến lược cấp công ty Top of Art lựa chọn chiến...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 08:03
Firm-specific Factors Affecting on cost of equity in Vietnam
... The conclusion supports for the purpose of this study only wondering cost of equity at the firm-level From the limitation of the other methods and the advantages of ex-post measures mentioned ... inflation rate However, the major limitation of this method is that the assumption of the historical average of real GDP growth rate as a proxy for long-term corporate profit growth, it is only ... measure of volatility of a specific asset/investment relative to the movement of a market group The conventional approach for estimating beta of an investment is a regression of returns on investment...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2013, 17:41
the age of everything: how science explores the past
... on the throne For example, inscriptions recording the construction of a certain pyramid merely mention a “year of the fifteenth occasion” of a king named Snofru, referring to a series of events ... asymmetric distribution of forces on the top cause the spin axis to change direction with time In particular, the free end of the axis of the top traces out a horizontal circle This motion of the spin ... on the walls of their buildings, the Egyptians constructed some of the most famous and impressive monuments of the ancient world: the Great Pyramids Built of millions of blocks of stone, some weighing...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 14:51
... should be emphasized on the followings: 1) observation on the treatment of high concentration of sludge; 2) investigation of optimal operating condition; 3) extent of improvement of lower molecular ... definition of “solubilization” If biodegradability of samples is used as explanation of solubilization, the definition of this basic standard should be necessary From the view of the change of the ... the function of grind between two disks on the samples However, it seemed no effect on bacteria because of their small size On the other hand, the concentration of MLSS had no effect on the particle...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... vocabulary acquisition Second language (L2) acquisition depends crucially on the development of a strong vocabulary In the second language acquisition (SLA) subdiscipline known as second language vocabulary ... overview of the literature relevant to the study The focus has been on theoretical background of incidental vocabulary acquisition, a brief introduction of CALL, the discussion of the use of the ... Secondly, the introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities The stage was set for a new phase of CALL 1.1.2 Communicative CALL The second phase of CALL was based on...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:01
INTRODUCTION - The Hidden Side of Everything
... like the sheer power of numbers to scrub away layers of confusion and contradiction So the aim of this book is to explore the hidden side of everything This may occasionally be a frustrating ... amount of money can much about it (Messrs Forbes, Huffington, and Golisano already know this, of course.) And what about the other half of the election truism—that the amount of money spent on campaign ... the position of a third person, an impartial observer,” Heilbroner wrote, “and in this way to form a notion of the objective merits of a case.” Consider yourself, then, in the company of a third...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20
đề cương ôn tộp học kỳ I môn hóa 8
... phản ứng b Tính m 9) Trong công nghiệp luyện kim, người ta dùng 44,8 khí cacbon oxit (CO) để khử 148 quặng Manhetit (thành phần Fe3O4) nhiệt độ cao thu 69,6 sắt 70,4 khí cacbondioxit (CO2) a Lập...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2013, 13:11
On angles of repose - bistability and collapse
... of an exact analogy with the problem of random trapping [167], which we outline below Consider a Brownian particle in one dimension, diffusing (with diffusion constant D) among a concentration ... while strongly dilatant ones bounce back 5.5 Another take on bistability As mentioned above, the angle of repose of a sandpile, θr , is the typical inclination of the free surface of a stationary ... this corresponds to a range of values for the measured angle of repose which varies as a function of different configurational histories It is conventional to define this range in terms of another...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
FOCUS ON - pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs
... 14 Don't worry about the broken window I'll get around to it one of these days get out of get out of & gets out of getting out of got out of gotten/got out of Comment [S25]: adj (of persons) ... story out of her go back on go back on & goes back on going back on went back on gone back on go back on p.v When you make a promise, but you not what you promised to do, you go back on your promise ... opposition, Erik went through with his decision to quit his job and start his own business monkey around with monkey around with & monkeys around monkeying around with monkeyed around with monkeyed...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20
A study on intonation of enghlish questions
... attitudinal functions of intonation and English question Chapter is the implication of the study which consists of parts: finding and discussion on using intonation of English question of English students ... questions 13 Intonation 14 3.1 What is intonation ? 14 3.2.The roles of intonation 16 3.3 Intonation language and tone language 19 3.4 Function of intonation ... language and intonation language, functions of intonation and some major intonation features Chapter is intonation in English questions It is divided into parts: intonation in English question and attitudinal...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:52
A study on prepositions of direction and some errors made by vietnamese learners
... background, which consists of preliminary theory of preposition, classification of preposition Chapter II is prepositions of direction, which consist of what are prepositions of direction, analysis ... Chapter II: Prepositions of direction Prepositions of direction 1.1 What are prepositions of directions 14 1.2 List and meanings Analysis of some examples of preposition of direction 14 14 14 17 2.1 ... Prepositions of Direction 2.2.3 Prepositions of Time 2.2.4 Prepositions of Manner 2.2.5 Prepositions of Relation 2.2.6 Prepositions of Purpose 8 8 9 9 11 12 12 13 13 2.2.7 Prepositions of Cause...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53