statement of cash flows us gaap vs ifrs

Principles of Accounting- Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

Principles of Accounting- Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

... Bình 45 Statement of Cash Sources and Uses Bo Ho Company The statement of cash sources and uses is the precursor of the statement of cash flows; it looks like a “random collection” of plus and minus signs ... results of business activities  The statement of cash flows concerns with the net cash flow generated from business activities 7/17/2006 Nguyễn Tấn Bình 4 Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows ... Discussion on the Statement of Cash Flows  Two items usually shown on the statement of cash flow in the indirect method:  Profits or losses from sales of fixed assets (investing)  Profits...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 17:15

25 577 2
Principles of Accounting- Statement of Cash Flows

Principles of Accounting- Statement of Cash Flows

... Vietnam? 7/17/2006 Nguyn Tn Bỡnh 40 Analysis of the statement of cash flows ã The statement of cash flows shows the firm’s overall business activities over various development stages Nguyen Tan Binh 5 Fulbright ... the industry is slowing down (-2). It has used cash flows from operating to pay back debt and pay dividends (-6). Analysis of the statement of cash flows Company IV 0000Total Net Cash Flows ... to the end of the business period? 7/17/2006 Nguyễn Tấn Bình 6 What is called cash in the statement of cash flows ã Cash, bank deposits, floats, and cash equivalent securities ã Cash equivalent...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 17:15

24 603 2


... to those of the host contract. 26357 bd IFRS US GAAP: 26357 IFRS US GAAP bd 18/9/08 12:21 Page 46 IAS/ IFRS Topic IFRSs US GAAP Comparison of IFRSs and US GAAP 15 IAS 7 Disclosure of cash flows relating ... than 25% of the total fair value of the leased property. 26357 bd IFRS US GAAP: 26357 IFRS US GAAP bd 18/9/08 12:21 Page 20 IAS/ IFRS Topic IFRSs US GAAP Comparison of IFRSs and US GAAP 9 IFRS 3 (2008) Contingent liabilities ... period of no more than five years. 26357 bd IFRS US GAAP: 26357 IFRS US GAAP bd 18/9/08 12:21 Page 25 IAS/ IFRS Topic IFRSs US GAAP Comparison of IFRSs and US GAAP 7 IFRS 2 Recognition of share-based payments...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:30

76 406 0
The Volatility of Capital Flows in South Africa: Some Empirical Observations

The Volatility of Capital Flows in South Africa: Some Empirical Observations

... reduction of US$ 1 billion in the NOFP was typically associated with a decline in spreads of nearly 15 basis points. 2 This means that the cut in the NOFP from its recent peak of US$ 23 billion ... persistence over time. However, in the case of certain large one-off inflows of FDI, such as privatization proceeds, there may be a strong basis to suppose that the inflows will not be reversed. It makes ... until the NOFP had been reduced to an acceptable level. This would have the benefit of establishing a clear timetable for NOFP cuts and help allay concerns that the process of NOFP reduction...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:11

7 411 0
Construction method statement of bored pile

Construction method statement of bored pile

... install at center of the bore hole. The bottom of the tremie pipe will set about 20-30cm from the bottom of the bored hole. The length of the tremie pipe will use 3m, 2m and 1m for adjusting pipe,and ... cover the steel plate at the bored pile Page 6 of 8 Construction method statement of bored pile 1. Flow chart : Page 1 of 8 Preparation work Setting out of pile (Inspect center point) Preliminary ... hole. The level of the bentonite slurry will be kept more than higher of the ground water level to avoid the collapse in the bore hole. The boring work will use the drilling bucket. The speed of the bucket...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 13:28

8 2,2K 44


... 40 Cash flow Statements – VAS 24 vs. IAS 07 (4/4) Area of difference VAS IAS Classificatio n of cash transactions (cont.): Dividends paid are classified as financing activities. Cash flows ... VAS 06 vs. IAS 17 7 The effects of changes in Foreign Exchange rates – VAS 10 vs. IAS 21 8 Construction contract – VAS 15 vs. IAS 11 9 Borrowing costs – VAS 16 vs. IAS 23 10 Cash flow statements ... VAS 24 vs. IAS 07 18 Revenue and Other Income – VAS 14 vs. IAS 18 (1/4) Area of difference VAS IAS Measuremen t of revenue: Silent. When the fair value of consideration in cash or cash equivalent...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

58 3,2K 45
Tài liệu The relation between earnings and cash flows pdf

Tài liệu The relation between earnings and cash flows pdf

... and incorporate forecasts of permanent future cash inflows. This causes earnings to be a relatively better predictor of future cash flows than is current cash flows. It also generates ... and matching of outflows to increase earnings' ability to predict future cash flows so that current earnings is a better predictor of future cash flows than are current cash flows. We provide ... operating cash flow changes while reducing the ability of earnings to predict future cash flows. Earnings' ability to predict future cash flows relative to that of current cash flows is...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

53 513 1
Tài liệu Joint Statement of the Healthcare Coalition on Data Protection doc

Tài liệu Joint Statement of the Healthcare Coalition on Data Protection doc

... Page 6 of 6 29 January 2013 and utilities. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as the Mobile World Congress and Mobile Asia Expo. mHealth is one of the focus areas of the ... concept of consent The Coalition warmly welcomes high visibility of consent in the draft Regulation, and endorses the philosophy that consent is the basis of trust. However the lack of clarity ... profession’s point of view to EU and European policy-making through pro-active cooperation on a wide range of health and healthcare related issues. We believe the best possible quality of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20

6 369 0


... 3.6 Cash pooling Cash pooling is another cash management technique used for optimizing the management of company’s various accounts. It generally refers to the offset of deficits with surpluses, ... of having just about enough, but not too much cash on hand at every point in time (Mramor, 1993, p. 302), as well as to control cash inflows and outflows. For deciding on the amount of cash ... (Brigham, 1999, p. 604); forecasting cash flows, accelerating cash receipts, slowing down disbursements, effective investing of cash surpluses, economical financing of cash shortages (Mramor, 1993,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

103 574 2


... further, including: ã Illustrative nancial statements: Investment funds ã Illustrative nancial statements for interim and annual periods ã IFRS compared to US GAAP • IFRS Handbooks, which include ... assets not within the scope of IFRS 9; and ã other contracts not within the scope of IFRS 9. The IASB discussion on limited amendments to IFRS 9 Business model and cash flows characteristics assessment ... end of the period Compute a present value of the cash flows of the financial liability using the financial liability’s contractual cash flows at that date and a discount rate equal to the sum of: ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

24 867 0
A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children docx

A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children docx

... of the resources available, professionals have an ethical responsibility to practice, to the best of their ability, according to the standards of their profes- sion. Nevertheless, the kinds of ... interest. (2) Teachers use a variety of ways of flexibly grouping children for the purposes of instruction, supporting collaboration among children, and building a sense of community. At various times, children ... listing of principles of child development and learning, such as the above, cannot do justice to the complexity of the phenomena that it attempts to describe and explain. Just as all domains of development...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

22 1K 0