Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:51
153 The role of marketing activities to bankcard and actual state of Ngân hàng nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn (AgriBank) cards
... responsible and good repute. The merchant has a written agreement with the acquirer to accept the bankcards as a payment and to abide by the terms of the agreement. 1.2.2. Transaction process ... nationwide…Agribank is also regarded by Banknet and international card organization as the bank which handle customers’ complaint quickly and on time. 7 The ICO usually require that the merchant ... of 12 months. The growth of total profit showed that the Department has continuously made an effort to diversify the variety of services to meet and satisfy better customers’ needs and demands. 2.2.3....
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 12:13
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets (bản Tiếng Việt)
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 11:42
The economics of money banking and financial markets 9th edition frederic s mishkin
Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2013, 14:20
Tài liệu The Centrality of Money, Credit, and Financial Intermediation in Marx’s Crisis Theory: An Interpretation of Marx’s Methodology pptx
... intensification of them, are unavoidable. 57 At the end of his treatment of the “Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall” in Part Three of Volume Three of Capital Marx links the rupture of the ... develop. The real significance of the separation of money into MMV and MMC (or the recognition of the passage of time between the decision to produce and the sale of the product) for monetary and ... production and circulation. 26 failure to comprehend the existence and significance of the theoretical articulation of the laws and tendencies of the rate of profit deduced from the sphere of production...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu THE THEORY OF MONEY AND CREDIT - New edition, enlarged with an essay on Monetary Reconstruction docx
... Factors in the Theory of the Value of Money The Objective Exchange-Value of Money The Problems Involved in the Theory of the Value of Money 97 100 102 CHAPTER II THE DETERMINANTS OF THE OBJECTIVE EXCHANGE- VALUE, OR PURCHASING POWER, OF MONEY (1) The Element of Continuity in the Objective Exchange- Value of Money Đ ... Exchange-Value of Money 123 (II) Fluctuations in the Objective Exchange-Value of Money evoked by Changes in the Ratio between the Supply of Money and the Demand for it Đ 6 The Quantity Theory 124 Đ 7 The Stock of Money and the Demand for Money 13 1 Đ 8 The Consequences of an Increase in the Quantity of Money ... to the more abstract parts of the theory of the value of money. Professor von Mises shares with Marshall and one or two others the merit of having assimilated the treatment of this theory to the general...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu the supply oF money – banK behaViour and the implications For monetary analysis doc
... originates in the behaviour of the central bank and banks. A common distinction made in this respect is the supply of “outside money provided by the central bank – consisting of banknotes and banks’ ... policy by adjusting the level of outside money. The volume of broad money supplied to the economy is then simply determined as a multiple of the monetary base, depending on the size of the money ... money. 4 By contrast, in the context of increased uncertainty regarding the strength of the balance sheets of their counterparties in the interbank markets and in the face of concerns regarding their...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of deletion of the DNase I hypersensitive sites on the transcription of chicken Ig-b gene and on the maintenance of active chromatin state in the Ig-b locus docx
... acetylation of H3 and H4 histones, and the remaining DHSs in the deleted cells were examined to determine the roles of these DHSs on the transcription of Ig-b gene and on the mainten- ance of the active ... levels of b-globin mRNA. However, both the acetylation state of the promoter region of the active b-globin gene [19] and the DNase I general sensitivity in the b-globin locus are the same as the ... )13 kb in the Na channel gene and the other at +13 kb downstream of the GH gene, have Fig. 6. H3 and H4 acetylation of the Ig- b locus in the region II dele- tion cells. The acetylation of wild...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
the importance and impacts of costing method on the process of managerial decision making
... CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH AND METHODLOGY 3.1. Aims of the project One of questions that the author wondered from the beginning of this thesis is whether any connections between the managerial decision ... increase the number of the ending inventories as well as the profit of the organizations as mentioned above. This not only can be considered as a strategy of the new comers to attract the investments ... method while it can deal with the conflicts of interests between them and their companies. Other managers think that if they use another type of costing methods to reduce and allocate costs more...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20
the importance and impacts ofcosting method on the process of managerial decision making
... necessary to the company. Since the roles of cost accounting are more and more important to the company, and their impacts take an essential role in choosing decision of manager, the viewpoint of this ... markets, they build creative and dynamic environment in the company, the treatment policy and appropriate training, and professional sale system. The Board of Directors of the company is always work ... understand about importance and impact of cost accounting method on decision-making process of managers. The chapter 4 will introduce about Ha Tinh Medical Materials Company, and then from the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20
The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises doc
... I The Nature of Money I.1 The Function of Money I.2 On the Measurement of Value I.3 The Various Kinds of Money I.4 Money and the State I.5 Money as an Economic Good I.6 The Enemies of Money ... Part II The Value of Money II.7 The Concept of the Value of Money II.8 The Determinants of the Objective Exchange Value, or Purchasing Power, of Money II.9 The Problem of the Existence of Local ... governments and banks -of- issue. Dependence of the value of money on the production of gold does at least mean its independence of the politics of the hour The dissociation of the currencies...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20
LAWYERS AND REGULATION The Politics of the Administrative Process doc
... account of the varieties of institutional form and the nature of the policy area, but the unique features of the American system com- pound the problem and beg the question of the significance of the ... to which the law is open to debate and creativity. The process of finding and resolving gaps in the law in both rulemaking and enforcement involves recreating the regulatory process for the future, ... as tools that structure the process. Beyond these themes and the theory-building that other data in this book suggests, changes in the regulatory regimes at the national and international levels...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20
... on the one hand, the subjectivization of the aesthetic object and, on the other, the specialization of aesthetics in issues of aesthetics of art. Namely, art, just like the beautiful and the ... isolation of the work of art as is the case with an “ivory tower”, but in its creative and re-creative effort of the constitution of aesthetic values by the means that are not aesthetic: the aesthetic ... as about the experiential nature of the aesthetic. 1 RISE OF THE AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE AND THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION ALEKSANDAR ČUČKOVIĆ Faculty of Economics, University of Novi...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Working PaPer SerieS no 967 / november 2008: Central bank miSPerCePtions and the role of money in interest rate rules pptx
... sticks to the original estimate of the intercept, γ 0 , in the money demand equation and never considers the possibility of a structural shift. The lower three panels plot the same series for the case ... ECB Central Banking Confer- ence, The Role of Money: Money and Monetary Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Christiano, L. J. and Rostagno, M. (2001). Money growth monitoring and the Taylor rule. NBER ... shocks and noise terms when changes in trend velocity occur. The upper three panels show the inflation rate, π,andthefiltered measure of adjusted money growth, μ f , for the case that the central bank...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20
Chapter 2Communicating Over the Network the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Ex potx
... successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Explain the advantages of using a layered model to 2 Explain the advantages of using a layered model ... network functionality. Describe the role of each layer in two recognized network models: The TCP/IP model and the OSI model. Describe the importance of addressing and naming schemes in network ... interconnect the LANs at the different locations. Voice and data on separate networks or converged networks Using Layered Protocols Intermediary Devices and their Role on the Network Processes...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 12:20