stars and singularities stellar phenomena near a massive black hole

Imaging an Event Horizon: submm-VLBI of a Super Massive Black Hole doc

Imaging an Event Horizon: submm-VLBI of a Super Massive Black Hole doc

... phased array technology to combine all submm apertures on Mauna Kea into a single VLBI station is already underway and will be adapted for use at ALMA and CARMA We emphasize that the path forward ... evolution, galaxy formation and mergers, astrophysical jets, and the nature of space-time A long-standing goal in astrophysics is to observe and image the immediate environment of a black hole with ... Astronomy and Physics They are now believed to reside at the heart of most galaxies, in many X-ray binary systems, and may power gamma-ray bursts: black holes are central to questions of stellar evolution,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

8 422 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Competition-Ba sed Explanation of Syntactic Attachment Preferences and Garden Path Phenomena" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Competition-Ba sed Explanation of Syntactic Attachment Preferences and Garden Path Phenomena" pot

... a2 and a3 for the activation from the V and NP nodes, respectively; this competition draws activation away from al When the network stabilizes, a2 and a3 are highly active and al has become inactive, ... satisfy grammatical constraints, stack node attachments are only activated if no other attachment is available for the XP The flexibility of CBSA allows the stack to activate more than one a- node, ... without an NP complement phrase in its original attachment site If the p-node to which the misattached phrase was originally attached does not have an alternative a- node to activate, reanalysis cannot...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 06:20

8 503 0


... States General Assembly Official Records (UN) Gazette du Palais (France) International Court of Justice International and Comparative Law Quarterly International Legal Materials International Law ... Duties, at 109 Lucan, Pharsalia, trans J D Duff (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1927), at 591–3 On Alexander’s casus belli against Persia, see Michael Austin, ‘Alexander and the Macedonian ... the invasion of Greece a century and a half earlier, and also accusing the present Persian king, Darius, of complicity in the assassination of his father and of aiding rebels against Alexander...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

456 938 7


... that brands are well managed Here is his plaint: “Brands not have to die They can be murdered And the marketing Draculas are draining the very lifeblood away from brands Brands are being bargained, ... stay relevant and few are sustainable Advantages are temporary Increasingly, a company wins not with a single advantage but by layering one advantage on top of another over time The Japanese have ... She added another value: that many women care about social issues and will patronize a company that cares.19 Greg Carpenter and Kent Nakamoto have challenged a core assumption of marketers that...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:33

226 1,4K 7
Báo cáo y học: "Strict glycaemic control in patients hospitalised in a mixed medical and surgical intensive care unit: a randomised clinical trial"

Báo cáo y học: "Strict glycaemic control in patients hospitalised in a mixed medical and surgical intensive care unit: a randomised clinical trial"

... interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript, NS, MB, JT, JV, JV, CA, PA, EV, JCH, AY, WP and CC participated in the study design, data acquisition and drafting of the manuscript All authors read and ... assumed a 25% mortality rate in the control group Statistical analysis Data is presented in absolute numbers and proportions for nominal variables Mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median and interquartile ... between the sampling point and the arterial puncture site before the actual sample was taken or, when an arterial catheter was not available, in capillary blood with the use of a point-of-care glucometre...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35

9 636 0
Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex

Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex

... intratumoral injection of "Star-99" in treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma of nude mice World J Gastroenterol 2003, 9: 701-5 Nandakumar KS, Lakshmi Rao K, Pardhasaradhi BV, Khar A Upregulation of antitumor ... biological parameters in tumorigenesis including cell proliferation and apoptosis [7], and also angiogenesis [8] were assessed in gastric tumors after drug treatment Materials and methods Chemicals and ... treatment groups was analyzed using a two-way statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Dunnett t-test and post-hoc analysis when necessary Results Effect of CKBM treatment on gastric tumor...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:54

9 713 0
Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

... leading in their big mansions… Smoking jackets and cravats, spats and canes, elegant garden parties and martinis… This was a world of so elegantly distant from ours, it was like a voyage to another ... United States Barack Obama who has made a history in American presidency to be the first black to hold the office African American have gained recognizable stand in American society that they ... Egyptian American who was teaching Middle Eastern history at Harvard; Heather, the housemate of Sang and Paul, who was a law student at Boston college and her boyfriend, Kevin was working as a physicist...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

49 785 1
Textile and Apparel Barriers and Rules of Origin in a Post-ATC World

Textile and Apparel Barriers and Rules of Origin in a Post-ATC World

... of all textile and apparel quantitative restraints and associated ETEs as well as duty-free access for all goods in these sectors; it also contains a new and detailed analysis of textile and apparel ... relatively small share of the US textiles and apparel sector in US GDP, and the fact that these sectors are characterized by a higher-than-average labor share in production, allowing reallocation ... times larger than the combined effect of tariffs and quantitative restraints Conclusion This paper has analyzed the effect of textile and apparel import barriers and regulations on U.S welfare and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 16:17

33 498 1
DMF Decomposition and Nitrogen Removal Performance by a Mesh-Filtration Bioreactor under Acidic Conditions

DMF Decomposition and Nitrogen Removal Performance by a Mesh-Filtration Bioreactor under Acidic Conditions

... (2005) Standard method for examination of water and wastewater, 21st ed [16] Japanese Standards Association (1998) Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS K0102 [17] Tarre, S., Beliavski, M., Denekamp, ... of metabolically active bacteria in activated sludge, Microbial Environ., 19, 61- 70 [15] American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environmental Federation, ... nitrification and denitrification at pH than activated sludge, suggesting that acidophilic heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria had become acclimated in the reactor Characterization of the unique bacteria...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 434 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 1

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 1

... that brands are well managed Here is his plaint: “Brands not have to die They can be murdered And the marketing Draculas are draining the very lifeblood away from brands Brands are being bargained, ... such as B-47s or power plants or selling to large national and global accounts Today’s companies increasingly assign national and global account managers to manage their largest customers Account ... votes Great brands are the only route to sustained, above-average profitability And great brands present emotional benefits, not just rational benefits Too many brand managers focus on rational incentives...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

15 605 1
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 10

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 10

... individuals who are early adopters, vocal and curious, and with a large network of acquaintances When a company brings its new product to the attention of such influentials, the influentials carry ... Ram Charan and Noel M Tichy, Every Business Is a Growth Business: How Your Company Can Prosper Year after Year (New York: Times Business/Random House, 1998) 52 Al and Laura Ries, The Fall of Advertising ... successful, 11 value, 86 Brand-customer relationship, 10 Branding, Brand management myopia, 13 Brand manager, role of, 82, 161 Branson, Richard, 10, 12, 187 Braun, 83 Brighthouse, 28 British Airways, 57...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

26 571 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 2

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 2

... having a gun in a knife fight This is true, but today most advantages don’t stay relevant and few are sustainable Advantages are temporary Increasingly, a company wins not with a single advantage ... She added another value: that many women care about social issues and will patronize a company that cares.19 Greg Carpenter and Kent Nakamoto have challenged a core assumption of marketers that ... company will have incorporated a set of advantages that all reinforce each other around a basic idea Wal-Mart, IKEA, and Southwest Airlines have unique sets of practices that enable them to charge...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

20 636 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 3

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 3

... customer as a financial asset that needs to be managed and maximized like any other asset Tom Peters sees customers as an “appreciating asset.” They are the company’s most important asset, and yet ... throughout Germany Each branch was deliberately kept small Each branch manager had one task: to help clients increase their wealth The branch manager did not simply take their deposits and make loans The ... coverage to only high-end jewelers who are spaced geographically and who agree to carry a certain level of inventory, use certain display patterns, and place specific levels of annual local advertising...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

21 567 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 4

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 4

... (ROA), free cash flow, economic value added Financial Marketing 63 (EVA), market capitalization, and cost of capital must be as familiar to them as sales, market share, and gross margins Companies ... fairyland castles, pirate 62 Marketing Insights from A to Z ships, and the like The aim of the experiential marketer is to add drama and entertainment to what otherwise might pass as stale fare ... Pollard, retired chairman of ServiceMaster, had a credo that included “We should treat everybody with dignity and worth.” At a board meeting, coffee was accidentally spilled on the carpet and a...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

20 618 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 5

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 5

... and average profits Where is partners value? Loyal suppliers and distributors can make a company, and disloyal ones can break a company Where is knowledge and intellectual capital value? Patents, ... physical property can be a liability All a company needs is access to physical assets To operate as a lean company may call for decapitalizing—outsourcing activities and shrinking working capital ... achieved Approach • Sales analysis • Market-share analysis • Sales-to-expense ratios • Financial analysis • Market-based scorecard analysis Implementation and Control 79 Prime Responsibility Marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

20 574 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 6

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 6

... offering a loyalty award program A loyalty program may be a good feature as part of a customer relationship management program, but many loyalty schemes not create loyalty They appeal to the ... Management is the task of making trade-offs and juggling contradictions Harvard’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter observed: “The ultimate corporate balancing act: Cut back and grow Trim down and build Accomplish ... has a planning office that scores the various plans before they are approved The office applies such criteria as: • Is the situational analysis fairly complete? • Are the goals reasonable and reachable...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

22 558 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 7

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 7

... the graphical user interface, and the laser printer and yet it was Netscape, Apple, and HewlettPackard that made the money If it takes more than three years to develop a new product, it may not ... to manage outsourcers.” Essentially I was proposing that they become a virtual organization Yet a company may go too far in outsourcing What makes a great company is that it has created a set ... than any paid-for ads 126 New Product Development 127 Ingvard Kamprad, who founded IKEA, added another consideration: A new idea without an affordable price tag is never acceptable.” Space Adventures...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

21 592 0
John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 8

John.Wiley.And.Sons.Marketing.Insights.From.A.To.Z.eBook-LiB - phần 8

... retailer was a chihuahua nipping at the Retailers and Vendors 155 manufacturer’s heels a nuisance, yes, but only a minor irritant; you fed it and it went away Today it’s a pit bull and it wants ... About 50 percent of companies use contract sales forces: manufacturers’ reps, sales agents, and so on Many companies hire outside salespeople to handle more marginal geographical areas and market ... economies in particular, companies need to concentrate their investments in a smaller group of power brands that command a price premium, high loyalty, and a leading market share, and are stretchable...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

20 513 0