southeast asian bulletin of mathematics

The-beauty-of-mathematics (Ve dep cua Toan hoc)

The-beauty-of-mathematics (Ve dep cua Toan hoc)

... the beauty of mathematics, and of God, the sum of all wonders. The Beauty of Ma thematics Wonderful World But: A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% THEN, look how far the love of God will ... that: While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will Get you there, It’s the Love of God that will put you over the top! Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help Answer...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2013, 05:11

12 422 0
Asian Journal of Food and Agro-Industry potx

Asian Journal of Food and Agro-Industry potx

... education on the benefits of going organic and for the growing market of organic retail sales. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from Department of Food Science and ... Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Bogor Agricultural University), Region Government of Bogor, Central Government of Bogor, and BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia). ... multi-theoretical framework of consumer decision making. British Food Journal. 104: 624-642. As. J. Food Ag-Ind. 2009, Special Issue, S363-S367 Asian Journal of Food and Agro-Industry...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

5 521 0
Sources in the Development of Mathematics pot

Sources in the Development of Mathematics pot

... role in the mathematics of today. Consider the conjectures of Langlands, including that of Shimura-Taniyama, leading to Wiles’s proof of Fermat’s last theorem. Drawing on the original work of mathematicians ... exposition of Sources in the Development of Mathematics The discovery of infinite products by Wallis and infinite series by Newton marked the beginning of the modern mathematical era. The use of series ... practical support of my efforts to become a mathematician. I dedicate this book to their memory. 2.2 Johann Faulhaber and Sums of Powers 19 as professor of mathematics at Basel, in spite of a salary...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

996 6K 0


... head of the Laboratory for Modeling in Solid Mechanics. Professor Manzhirov is also head of a branch of the Department of Applied Mathematics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, professor ... professor of mathematics at Moscow State University of Engineering and Computer Science, vice-chairman of Mathematics and Mechanics Expert Council of the Higher Certification Committee of the Russian Federation, ... scientist in the fi elds of mechanics and applied mathematics, integral equations, and their applications. After graduating with honors from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Rostov State...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20

1.5K 1.9K 1
Đề tài "Annals of Mathematics Lehmer’s problem for polynomials with odd coefficients " pptx

Đề tài "Annals of Mathematics Lehmer’s problem for polynomials with odd coefficients " pptx

... M. J. MOSSINGHOFF We remark that a pure hill-climbing method would omit the resetting of b k−1 to 0 at the end of Step 3 and would terminate as soon as none of the adjustments of Steps 2 or 3 ... of Mahler’s measure,” where this research began. LEHMER’S PROBLEM FOR POLYNOMIALS WITH ODD COEFFICIENTS 365 The root α 1 of A 1 (x) in the proof of Theorem 6.2 is the smallest known measure of ... that between two consecutive zeros of a n (t)in(0, 1/2) there exists exactly one zero of p n (t), with two exceptions corresponding to the absence of a zero of p n (t)att =1/3 and the extra zero...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

21 405 0


... eigenvalues of A then f(λ 1 ), . . . , f(λ n ) are eigenvalues of f(A), where f(·) is a polynomial. • the rank of a symmetric matrix is the number of non-zero eigenvalues it contains. • the rank of any ... the rank of any matrix A is equal to the number of non-zero eigenvalues of A  A. • if we define the trace of a square matrix of order n as the sum of the n elements on its principal diagonal tr(A) ... function, p is the price of output, l,k are the amount of labor and capital employed by the firm (in units of output), w is the real wage and r is the real rental price of capital. The firm takes...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:20

116 232 0
The history of mathematics

The history of mathematics

... day Cambridge hosts a Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, but Oxford’s equivalent is the Savilian Professor of Geometry. And unless it should be thought that the association of mathematics with prediction ... Arnold THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Michael Hoskin THE HISTORY OF LIFE Michael Benton THE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS Jacqueline Stedall THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE William Bynum THE HISTORY OF TIME Leofranc Holford-Strevens HIV/AIDS ... a little to redress the masculine bias of most depictions of the history of mathematics; it can, however, pay more than lip service to the mathematics of continents other than Europe; and it...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:57

117 807 3
Fundamentals of Mathematics I ppt

Fundamentals of Mathematics I ppt

... an element of the set of positive integers because it will occur on the list eventually. Using the language of sets, we say that 0 is an element of the non-negative integers but 0 is not an element of ... property of addition 2. commutative property of multiplication 3. distributive property 4. associative property of addition 5. commutative property of addition 6. associative property of multiplication 7. ... places. Commutative Property of Addition: a + b = b + a Commutative Property of Multiplication: a · b = b · a We know 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 because of the commutative property of addition. Similarly, 5...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20

83 409 0
Stefan Bilaniuk Department of Mathematics Trent pot

Stefan Bilaniuk Department of Mathematics Trent pot

... a way of defining logical implication that does not rely on any notion of truth, but only on manipulating sequences of formulas, namely formal proofs or deductions. (Of course, any way of defining ... be the set of sentences of L = including • every sentence τ of Th(C), i.e. such that C |= τ,and •¬c r = c s for every pair of real numbers r and s such that r = s. Every finite subset of Σ is satisfiable. ... Definitions 6.4 and 6.5; the proof is similar in form to the proof of Proposition 2.9. 6.14. Use Definitions 6.4 and 6.5; the proof is similar in form to the proof for Problem 2.10. vi PREFACE not...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 18:20

166 217 0
A quarterly bulletin of the IEEE computer society technical committee on Database engineering (VOL. 8) ppt

A quarterly bulletin of the IEEE computer society technical committee on Database engineering (VOL. 8) ppt

... ~ whose address Is Attributes (specific telephone ntm~wers) : ~ tele~~ Is distance from ~ in (specific kinds of food) whose kind of food Is (specific reviews) whose review is address (specific qualities of foods) whose quality of food is telephone (specific prices) whose price Is kind of foød (specific credit cardss) whose credit cards are review (specific number> whose distance from Ut in miles is quality of food with a minimum slice size of price - withgridon credit cards Co~par isons ° ; with horizontal gild between - with vertica! rid greater than with (n> divisions less than greater than or equal to less than or equal to equal to E’=v~t EI’i Ci—r~r~i~rrJ:, Restart Refresh Rubout Exit System Save Input Retrieve Input Delete Inputs Play Input Show Input Show Parse Tree Execute Save Output Find restaurants whose distance from ut in miles is less than H.5 Mor~ Above NAME: Sari lliq’JEl LOCAT I ON: 2330 14. North Loop TELEPHONE: 459—41 21 LII STANCE_FROM_UT: 0. r.i ND OF Foot’: ME~I CAN F:EVJ E1.J: . . . piari.~ f a’.jor iteE. ‘:‘r th~ r~ier~u. . . fr ieridly SerViCE’. —— Te~:as Ilorithly ~—LOC:: 2500. V—LOC: 2500. OLIALIT, OF FUOLI: GOOD PRI ... and “where.” The Do-specialist replaces the predicate DO (from the verb “do”) with a more specific verb chosen from those acquired for a domain. Although “do” does not appear as the main verb very often in the database query task , the translators deduce its implied presence in some queries—for instance in such comparative questions as “What countries cover more area than Peru Ldoes~?”. The comparative specialist examines the two arguments of a comparison to determine whether the comparison to be made is between two attribute values (e.g., Jack’s height and seven feet) or between an entity and some value (e.g., Jack and seven feet). In the latter case, TEAM tries to identify the appropriate attribute of the entity (e.g., Jack’s height). 2.3.4 Database Schema The translation from logical form to SODA query requires knowing the exact structure of the target database and the manner in which the predicates appearing in the logical form are associated with the relations in the database. This information is provided by the database schema, which includes the following information8: • Definition of sorts in terms of database relations (subject) or fields (and field value for sorts derived from feature fields). 8The schema translator also uses certain information in the conceptual schema, including taxonomic information in the sort hierarchy and delineation information associated with nonsort predicates. — 18 — Figure 5: Acquiring the Virtual Relations PKCONT and HEMIC window for questions and answers. When the DBE uses the mouse to select one of the items from the three menus, a set of questions appears in the question-answering area at the bottom of the display, to which he can then respond. One of the general principles of acquisition is evident from this display, namely, that the acqui sition is centered upon the relations and fields in the database, because this is the information most familiar to the DBE. The answers to each question can affect the lexicon, the conceptual schema, and the database schema. The DBE need not be aware of exactly why TEAM poses the questions it does—all he has to do is answer them correctly. Even the entries displayed in the word menu owe their presence to questions about the database. The DBE volunteers entries to this menu only in the case of verb acquisition, to supply an adjective corresponding to some noun already in TEAM’s lexicon, or to enter a synonym for some lexicon-resident word. The DBE is assumed not to have any knowledge of formal linguistics or of natural-language processing methods. He is assumed, however, to know some general facts about English—for example, what proper nouns, verbs, plurals, and tense are, but nothing more detailed than that. If more sophisticated linguistic information is required, as in the case of verb acquisition, TEAM proceeds by asking questions about sample sentences, allowing the DBE to rely on his intuition as a native speaker, and extracting the information it needs from his responses. Virtual relations are specified iconically. The left side of Figure 5 shows the acquisi tion of a virtual relation that identifies the continent (PKCONT-CONTINENT, derived from WORLDC-CONTINENT) of a peak (PKCONT-NAME, from PEAK-NAME) by performing a database join on the PEAK-COUNTRY and WORLDC-CONTINENT fields. Similarly, the right side of Figure 5 shows the acquisition of the virtual relation that encodes the hemisphere (HEMIC-HEMI) of a country (HEMIC.NAME) by joining on the WORLDC-CONTINENT and CONT-NAME fields. If he wishes, the DBE can change previous answers. Incremental updates are possible because most of the methods for updating the various TEAM structures (lexicon, schemata) were devised to undo the effects of previous answers before the effects of new answers could be asserted. Help information is always available to assist the DBE when he is unsure how to answer a question. Selecting the question text with the mouse produces a more elaborate description of the information TEAM is trying to elicit, usually accompanied by pertinent examples. Finally, the acquisition component keeps track of what information remains to be supplied before TEAM has the minimum it needs to handle queries. The DBE does not have to determine himself how much information is sufficient; all he has to do is to perceive that no acquisition window indicates remaining unanswered questions. Of course, the DBE can always provide information beyond the minimum—for example, by supplying additional verbs, derived adjectives, or synonyms. — 20 —

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20

84 306 0

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