some thoughts on rational design

Some Thoughts on Leadership

Some Thoughts on Leadership

... Coaching Workshop Content Conflict Management • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles • Self Evaluation • Situations to use conflict styles and consequences • Confronting Conflict Workshop Content Problem ... try to avoid conflict or seek it • Says whether you are materialistic or idealistic Holistic Communications Conclusions • Communication is a holistic concept; everything we conveys something about ... aware of their weaknesses They only make promises they can follow through on • Honesty: Leaders convey an aura of honesty in both their professional and their personal lives • Trust: Effective...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2016, 00:11

94 123 0
Assignment on elt practice Project A Study on Test Designing.doc

Assignment on elt practice Project A Study on Test Designing.doc

... means of financial limitations, time constraints, ease of administration, scoring and interpretation of scores A test constructor has to take into considerations how long the test will take, what ... 25 Part Conclusion The projext consists of parts In part I, two items are mentioned: Reasons for choosing the topic and description of teaching and learning English at Trung Vuong Secondary School ... specification Grid: Focus Language Language elements skills Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Writing Reading Listening Response/ Item type Input questions: Syllable stress questions 10 questions: -...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:40

28 534 3
Some studies on a probabilistic framework for finding object-oriented information in unstructured data

Some studies on a probabilistic framework for finding object-oriented information in unstructured data

... search In the second section, we focus on object search, its concepts and some examples of realworld We then give the challenges to the research community in the field and some conclusions 1.1 Web-page ... Definition 2: An object query is defined by a conjunction of n attribute constraint Q = (c1 ^ c2 ^ … ^ cn) Some constraints would be constant when the user does not care about the attributes Each constraint ... Information Extraction Systems and Text Information Retrieval Systems Each solution based on its approach with different advantages, however, they also have some shortcomings Information Extraction...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:04

51 394 0
Some Hints On English Grammar

Some Hints On English Grammar

... subordinating conjunction but - coordinating conjunction yet - coordinating conjunction 10 and - coordinating conjunction 11 but - coordinating conjunction 12 and - coordinating conjunction (also a second ... subordinating conjunction and - coordinating conjunction Both, and - correlative conjunction when - subordinating conjunction Either, or - correlative conjunction While - subordinating conjunction because ... coordinating conjunction) 13 as if - subordinating conjunction 14 wherever - subordinating conjunction 15 Both, and - correlative conjunction (Also, "and" - coordinating conjunction) INTERJECTIONS [HÔ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2013, 01:26

17 476 0
An analysis of modality in some commentaries on global financial crisis 2008   2009

An analysis of modality in some commentaries on global financial crisis 2008 2009

... definition: Commentary is the writer’s opinion or comment about something Synonyms include opinion, insight, analysis, interpretation, inference, personal response 2.2 General Information of Analyzed ... interpretation facility constrained by their co-text In short, both context and co-text are important in discourse interpretation, but they clearly differ from one another Context is concerned with non-linguistic ... expression of the S's attitude or opinion toward the content of proposition Moreover, that it is obvious all messages choose some degree of modality even if it is only to make a neutral assertion Some...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:07

79 403 4


... clearly irrational because both demand and supply in capital are very high So where is reason? Maybe in environment element: the condition for making deals between two sides These conditions may ... in law and policy implementation in Vietnam today As my point of view, the reason is not only the nonstrict punishment measures to non-obeyers but also the bad designed policy and mechanism These ... corruption and other negative phenomena of both enterprises and state officials The second tendency: short-sighted, non-thoroughly enacted policies and mechanisms, on one hand, lead to inflexible, one-side...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 23:20

6 320 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo "Some results on countably 1 Σ− uniform - extending modules " docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo "Some results on countably 1 Σ− uniform - extending modules " docx

... sum of CS-Modules, Houston J Math 19(1993) 523 [6] N.S Tung, L.V An and T.D Phong, Some results on direct sums of uniform modules, Contributions in Math and Applications, ICMA, Mahidol Uni., ... Pitman, London, 1994 [2] S.H Mohamed and B.J Muller, Continuous and Discrete Modules, London Math Soc Lecture Note Ser Vol 147, ¨ Cambridge University Press, 1990 [3] D.V Huynh and S.T Rizvi, On countably ... dimension by the class countably Σ− uniform extending modules (N) Theorem 2.8 Let R be a ring with finite right uniform dimension such that RR is uniform extending, the following conditions are...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 03:20

6 280 1
Tài liệu Growth, Distribution, and Tax Reform: Thoughts on the Romney Proposal pdf

Tài liệu Growth, Distribution, and Tax Reform: Thoughts on the Romney Proposal pdf

... Looney [2012a] See Cronin [1999] for a thorough discussion of the conventions used by the Treasury to estimate the distributional effects of tax policy 5 revenue collected and its distribution ... tax-exempt interest on state and local bonds Information on the size of the health care exclusion by income class is not reported in the SOI; I base my estimates on information reported in Gruber ... figure is consistent with Diamond’s [2012] analysis, which is the only paper I have seen that embeds the Romney plan in a modern growth model Diamond’s computations are based on the assumption that...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

17 410 0


... oxygen limitations Table Characterization of the different phases of WWTP operation Operational phase Operational reactor phases Start-up Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation 1st sludge ... –240 mV, in response to oxygen concentration along each cycle The ORP provides information about the process regime and can be used to control the duration of the denitrification phase (Demoulin ... multiple biological reactions in non steady-state conditions Biomass retention throughout the introduction of a decanting step and the ease of automation are additional advantages for using SBR...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

22 433 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Staying on message: design principles for controlling nonspecific responses to siRNA pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Staying on message: design principles for controlling nonspecific responses to siRNA pdf

... compilation ª 2010 FEBS 4829 Controlling nonspecific responses to siRNA S Samuel-Abraham and J N Leonard siRNA sequence Backbone chemistry End features Key Fig Design considerations for controlling nonspecific ... of design consideration, and strategies that can be employed to overcome such recognition (red octagons, with interruption of a recognition interaction indicated by red lines) Backbone chemistry ... A or U), and mutational analysis confirmed that this motif is required for activation The consensus is only 16 nucleotides long, because it occurred at various positions along the 19-nucleotide...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:23

9 378 1


... advance some considerations which, as it seems to me, go a certain way towards answering it Perhaps these same considerations throw some light, too, on the further and still more interesting question ... education (of which military drill is only one particular form) is based upon, the existence of this power which the nervous system possesses, of organising conscious actions into more or less unconscious, ... 'primitive weapons'—the weapons of universal savages; but modern science has made a table,[3] and some savages have them and some have not, and some have substitutes of one sort and some have substitutes...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

143 598 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Improving thermostability and catalytic activity of pyranose 2-oxidase from Trametes multicolor by rational and semi-rational design pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Improving thermostability and catalytic activity of pyranose 2-oxidase from Trametes multicolor by rational and semi-rational design pdf

... alternative electron acceptors, including either twoelectron acceptors such as benzoquinones (reaction 3) or one-electron acceptors such as chelated metal ions (e.g the ferricenium ion or radicals), ... C Variant Inactivation constant kin,1 (min)1) Inactivation constant kin,2 (min)1) Half-life s1 (min) Inactivation constant kin (min)1) Half-life s1 (min) Inactivation constant kin (min)1) Half-life ... each monomer consisting of residues 43619, and one FAD molecule per monomer The L537W E542K mutant contains one monomer per asymmetric unit comprising residues 46618 with one FAD and one Mes [2-(Nmorpholino)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

17 438 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Some Comments on Algorithm and Grammar in the Automatic Parsing of Natural Languages" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Some Comments on Algorithm and Grammar in the Automatic Parsing of Natural Languages" ppt

... The design principle for such a parsing program will be the well-known one of functional subroutinization: the program will contain a set of self-contained and interchangeable subroutines designed ... contextual conditions will have to be taken into account in order to bring about the desired modification As can be seen, the argument in favor of the separation of grammar and algorithm is considered ... graduation of contextual conditions is taken into account properly b) Revisions of the rules in such a complex table will not be as simple a matter as it seems, because it will no longer be obvious...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

2 420 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Some Notes on Russian Predicative Infinitives in Automatic Translation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Some Notes on Russian Predicative Infinitives in Automatic Translation" pptx

... However, the risk for confusion, or rather for non-discrimination, between idiomatic and non-idiomatic use may somewhat increase in the case of idiomatic one-word expressions such as, for example, ... Paper 22 in 1961 International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, Proceedings Teddington , Vol 2, London: H M Stationary Office, 1962 (Also submitted ... function, and, hence, (2) its susceptibility to assume a number of secondary (contextual) functions—in short, its "syntactic ambiguity." For some elaboration of this view see our previously mentioned...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

7 458 0
Thoughts on children pot

Thoughts on children pot

... With countless children things soon go wrong, and then later very wrong, because their happy disposition in early childhood has not been treated with consideration and reverence Instead, it has ... sunny disposition, and if it continues, he gradually becomes defiant and unbearable His own personality has not been respected; others have imposed their personality on his No wonder many other ... bitterness and confusion, possibly owing to an excessively strict and pious upbringing ix x One such boy complained that he had had to put up with too much religious instruction On the whole he...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

85 274 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Template-assisted rational design of peptide inhibitors of furin using the lysine fragment of the mung bean trypsin inhibitor pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Template-assisted rational design of peptide inhibitors of furin using the lysine fragment of the mung bean trypsin inhibitor pptx

... for the interaction with the enzyme Conclusions We have demonstrated through a series of incremental modifications to the Lys fragment of MBTI that a potent furin inhibitor can be designed Further ... acid containing 20% acetonitrile The extract was lyophilized to obtain the crude product with Acm groups unremoved Reduction and selective oxidation of disulfide bonds For selective oxidation of ... same topologic structure, containing an active canonical nine-residue loop and a conjugated disulfide loop in M4 or a backbone-cyclized loop in SFTI-1 Temporary inhibition When the synthetic analogs...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

8 332 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "SOME REASON ON CASE RELATIONS" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "SOME REASON ON CASE RELATIONS" potx

... i c a t i o n rules on the stove and causal @ Some conclusions From the questions and lacking one may draw some conclusions: Jim buys are synonymous, The fifth question is connected with " p l ... and ! If one defines case relations by means of semantic p r e d i c a t e s as exp l a i n e d above, one needs in a d d i t i o n least one of these two things: ~ - considers case relations as ... predicates One needs such a synonymy r e l a t i o n at any rate for case relations O b v i o u s l y the different intuitive use of the synonymy is one r e a s o n for the r a t h e r chaotic situation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

4 222 0
Báo cáo " Developing adaptive hypermedia system based on learning design level B with rules for adaptive learning activities " ppt

Báo cáo " Developing adaptive hypermedia system based on learning design level B with rules for adaptive learning activities " ppt

... represent adaptation rules in adaptation component which aforementioned in learning design level B condition elements The first rule describes in section 3.2.4, is presented in condition element as ... Learned) 3.2.4 Adaptation Component In this paper we only focus on adaptation component for learning activities with adaptive activity annotation About adaptive content generation, we presented in ... Adaptation process is based on learner’s knowledge The course had hierarchically structured, it includes some chapters, each chapter has some sections, and subsections Each section/subsection consist...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

12 508 0