some special problems with nonlinear regression analysis

báo cáo hóa học: " Sign-changing solutions for some nonlinear problems with strong resonance" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Sign-changing solutions for some nonlinear problems with strong resonance" pot

... Fortunato, D: Abstract critical point theorems and applications to some nonlinear problems with strong resonance at infinity Nonlinear Anal 7, 981–1012 (1983) doi:10.1016/0362-546X(83)90115-3 ... theory with applications to differential equations CBMS Reg Cof Ser Math 65 (1986) doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-18 Cite this article as: Qian: Sign-changing solutions for some nonlinear problems with ... problems with resonance Nonlinear Anal 28, 419–441 (1997) doi:10.1016/0362-546X(95)00167-T Li, SJ, Liu, JQ: Computations of critical groups at degenerate ciritical point and applications to nonlinear...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

9 277 0
QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

... Tracking with Nonlinear Actuator 2.2.3 Disturbance Rejection with Nonlinear Actuator 2.2.4 Reference Tracking and Disturbance Rejection with Nonlinear Sensor 2.2.5 Closed Loop LPNI Systems with Nonlinear ... Mathews, and W.W Seifert, Nonlinear servomechanisms with random inputs,” Dyn Ana Control Lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1953 [1.46] R.C Booton, “The analysis of nonlinear systems with random inputs,” IRE ... rejection problems, but from the point of view of design; both wide and narrow sense design problems are considered (problems P2 and P3) Chapter addresses the issues of performance recovery (problems...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

300 640 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Existence of positive solutions for fourth-order semipositone multi-point boundary value problems with a sign-changing nonlinear term" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Existence of positive solutions for fourth-order semipositone multi-point boundary value problems with a sign-changing nonlinear term" docx

... to a broader class of nonlinear boundary value problems in a general Banach spaces When the nonlinearity is negative, such kinds of the problems are called semipositone problems, which occur ... Feng, W: On a m-point nonlinear boundary value problem Nonlinear Anal 30(6), 5369–5374 (1997) [2] Feng, W, Webb, JRL: Solvability of a m-point boundary value problems with nonlinear growth J Math ... one positive solution for nonlinear fourth-order semipositone multi-point boundary value problems The interesting point is that the nonlinear term f not only involve with the first-order and the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

25 221 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On Initial Boundary Value Problems with Equivalued Surface for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations Fengquan Li" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On Initial Boundary Value Problems with Equivalued Surface for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations Fengquan Li" potx

... degenerate elliptic-parabolic problems, ” Journal of Differential Equations, vol 156, no 1, pp 93–121, 1999 13 E Zeidler, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications Part 2B: Nonlinear Monotone Operators, ... vol 177, pp 143–172, 1999 11 D Blanchard and F Murat, “Renormalised solutions of nonlinear parabolic problems with L1 data: existence and uniqueness,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ... no 3-4, pp 217–237, 1981 15 J Filo and J Kaˇ ur, “Local existence of general nonlinear parabolic systems,” Nonlinear Analysis: c Theory, Methods & Applications, vol 24, no 11, pp 1597–1618, 1995...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

23 294 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Existence and Multiple Solutions for Nonlinear Second-Order Discrete Problems with Minimum and Maximum" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Existence and Multiple Solutions for Nonlinear Second-Order Discrete Problems with Minimum and Maximum" ppt

... with nonlinear functional boundary conditions,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol 42, no 3–5, pp 593–601, 2001 R Ma, Nonlinear discrete Sturm-Liouville problems at resonance,” Nonlinear ... order nonlinear problems with maximum and minimum,” e Mathematische Nachrichten, vol 192, no 1, pp 225–237, 1998 S Stanˇ k, “Multiplicity results for functional boundary value problems, ” Nonlinear ... equations with nonlinear boundary conditions Our ideas arise from 1, In 1993, Brykalov discussed the existence of two different solutions to the nonlinear differential equation with nonlinear...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 11:20

16 233 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence of Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problems of Nonlinear Functional Difference Equation with p-Laplacian Operator" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence of Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problems of Nonlinear Functional Difference Equation with p-Laplacian Operator" doc

... “Boundary value problems for functionaldifferential equations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 199, no 1, pp 213–230, 1996 [10] D J Guo, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Shandong ... problems for differential equations with deviating arguments,” Aequationes Mathematicae, vol 4, no 1-2, pp 176–190, 1970 [3] G B Gustafson and K Schmitt, “Nonzero solutions of boundary value problems ... positive fixed point y2 of operator Ψ with y2 ∈ K ∩ (ΩR1 \ Ωr1 ) Consequently, x1 = y1 + x or x2 = y2 + x is a positive solution of BVP (1.6) 8 Boundary Value Problems Proof of Theorem 2.4 Assume...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

12 491 0


... introduced and studied some new iterative algorithms for solving a class of nonlinear variational inequalities with multivalued mappings in Hilbert spaces, and gave some convergence analysis of iterative ... 2 On multivalued nonlinear variational inclusion problems perturbed iterative algorithms for some nonlinear variational inclusions in Hilbert space or Banach ... the resolvent operators associated with (A,η)-accretive mappings due to Lan et al., to study a new class of multivalued nonlinear variational inclusion problems with (A,η)-accretive mappings in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

12 243 0


... Semilinear problems with bounded nonlinear term and we proceed as before to show that Aw0 = λw0 = f x,w0 (2.53) The proof is complete References [1] [2] E M Landesman and A C Lazer, Nonlinear ... (A), N , N(A), and N are finite dimensional, and D = M ⊕ N = M ⊕ N (2.12) Semilinear problems with bounded nonlinear term It is easily verified that the functional G(u) := (Au,u) − Ω F(x,u)dx (2.13) ... a.e in Ω It now follows from (2.27) that (Au,h) = f (x,u),h , h ∈ D, (2.33) Semilinear problems with bounded nonlinear term showing that (2.10) indeed has a solution Assume now that m1 = B0 Let...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

8 122 0


... different with the results obtained by the plane strain problem model The variation stress was rather smooth without concentration of stress The modelisation of axisymmetric problem with each ... M4 and M5 Table2 Comparison of displacement at mid-point of the beam with formulation of shear stiffness matrix [Ks] computed with 1-Gauss point and 2-Gauss point rule of mesh M2 (tolerance εD ... stiffness matrix [Ks] because it may lead to “locking” phenomenon with 2-point Gauss-Legendre rule formulation PLANE STRAIN AND AXISYMMETRIC PROBLEMS IN SOLID MECHANICS APPLICATIONS 4.1 Problem description:...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 10:21

8 471 0
Theory & Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis P2

Theory & Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis P2

... directly Sometimes working with resistances is preferable to conductances Then from R , = # G, = l/(G, G , G, **.), + + + R, = I/R, + 1/R2 + 1/R, + * * An important check on calculations with this ... any number of parallel resistors with a total conductance G, and with a current I , entering the parallel combination, the current I , through one of the resistors with conductance G, is This is ... transistor radio from a junked car with a 6-V battery to a new car with a 12-V battery What is the resistance of the resistor that should be connected in series with the radio to limit the current,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

20 327 0
Theory & Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis P1

Theory & Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis P1

... analysis with, it is hoped, less effort and more understanding Since this book begins with the analysis of dc resistive circuits and continues to that of ac circuits, as the popular circuit analysis ... books on circuit analysis and two on the digital computer He has been teaching courses in electric circuit analysis since 1959 Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of BASIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Copyright ... outline of theory and problems of basic circuit analysis ’ John O’Malley 2nd ed p c.m (Schaum’s outline series) Includes index ISBN 0-07-047824-4 Electric circuits Electric circuit analysis I Title...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

30 408 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

... yesterday use up too much of today.” 216 C O M M O N U S AG E E R RO R S Here are some specific kinds of proper nouns, with examples, that require capital letters Names of particular persons, real ... your heart? —Robert Browning, “Andrea del Sarto” 220 C O M M O N U S AG E E R RO R S Lesson 27 Problems with Spelling You are more likely to misspell common words than uncommon ones That happens ... recommend boundary every lightning resistance break exception maintenance rhythm continued PROBLEMS WITH SPELLING 221 says straight though until scene studying thought weird secretary success...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

17 603 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

... make the verb agree with its subject The following discussion centers on these aspects of verbs The lesson ends with a review of some verb pairs that are especially troublesome Using the Correct ... everywhere, nowhere, somewhere My Spanish book must be somewheres around here ⁄ PROBLEMS WITH MODIFIERS 191 Don’t say this here or that there to describe a noun This here cake was made without eggs Don’t ... iiiiiii x A tree (with green leaves) stands at the front gate Some people would mistakenly write stand in the belief that leaves is the subject It is not Expressions like with, together with, according...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

22 633 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

... indirect OBJECT Go with Maura and him (not he) to the flea market Say: Go with Maura Go with him Go with Maura and him (not he) Maura and him form a compound OBJECT of the preposition with Note the ... singular His her with or is singular Even though everybody “sounds” plural, it isn’t The use of their with everybody—or with any other word on the list—is incorrect in formal English With either ... singular verb, wants, agrees with the nearer subject, she, which is also singular Some indefinite pronouns usually require a plural verb: several, many, both, some, few ii x m i Some were not invited...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 604 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

... sentence with a subordinate clause beginning with unless Unless Daria cleaned her room, she wasn’t allowed to have a television in it Write a simple sentence with a compound subject PROBLEMS WITH ... object, car, like a verb.) PROBLEMS WITH SENTENCE STRUCTURE 161 A gerund cannot make a complete sentence without a true verb NOT A SENTENCE: Winning the soccer match with a penalty kick SENTENCE: ... complete sentences NO VERB: Raquel, along with a friend of hers from Dallas COMPLETE SENTENCE: Raquel arrived, along with a friend of hers from Dallas PROBLEMS WITH SENTENCE STRUCTURE 155 NO VERB:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 763 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis with Principal Component Analysis" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis with Principal Component Analysis" ppt

... statistical latent class model: (1) select a document with probability (2) pick a latent class with probability and (3) generate a word with probability , where r ut ( &  ( sr & q  & q PLSA ... obtained after training was well correlated with accuracy, then one could train several PLSA models, each with a different initialization, and select the model with the largest likelihood as the best ... Tipping and Bishop (1999) give a probabilistic interpretation of principal component analysis that is formulated within a maximum-likelihood framework based on a specific form of Gaussian latent variable...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

8 588 1
MEASURE and INTEGRATION Problems with Solutions

MEASURE and INTEGRATION Problems with Solutions

... and Integration 109 10 Lp Spaces 121 11 Integration on Product Measure Space 141 12 Some More Real Analysis Problems 151 www.MathVn.com3 - Math Vietnam - Anh Quang Le, PhD CONTENTS ... An for some n And so Ac ∈ An ( since An is an algebra) Thus, Ac ∈ A (iii) Suppose A, B ∈ A We shall show A ∪ B ∈ A Since {An } is increasing, i.e., A1 ⊂ A2 ⊂ and A, B ∈ n∈N An , there is some ... Clearly, X ∈ B (ii) If A ∈ B then A ∈ σ(CA ) for some countable family CA ⊂ σ(C) Then Ac ∈ σ(CA ), so Ac ∈ B (iii) Suppose {An }n∈N ⊂ B Then An ∈ σ(CAn ) for some countable family CAn ⊂ C Let E = n∈N...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 19:32

158 1,2K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining a Statistical Language Model with Logistic Regression to Predict the Lexical and Syntactic Difficulty of Texts for FFL" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining a Statistical Language Model with Logistic Regression to Predict the Lexical and Syntactic Difficulty of Texts for FFL" potx

... French, with children as its target texts Later, they improved the combination of their various lexical and grammatical features using regression methods (Heilman et al., 2008) We also found regression ... form with its lemma Such a view seems highly questionable for the majority of regular forms In order to settle this issue, we trained three language models: one with lemmas (LM1), another with ... particular regression technique: multiple linear regression for interval data; a popular cumulative logit model called proportional odds for ordinal data; and multinomial logistic regression...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

9 514 0
corporate social responsibility – csr  some theoretical problems and demand for managing changes related to csr in vietnam.

corporate social responsibility – csr some theoretical problems and demand for managing changes related to csr in vietnam.

... long periods without treatment (Huyndai Vinashin, Vedan, Miwon) 4.6.2 Some theoretical problems and demand for changing the ways that the government manages In general, there are some problems that ... CSR issues FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS In this part of the study, we will take some examples of some typical enterprises which received CSR Award 2009 by VCCI in collaboration with MPI, MOLISA, the Ministry ... conveniences for Vietnam corporations to learn from them Although there is still some problems in implementing CSR in Vietnam, with the aim of learning from other countries, Vietnam corporations will...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

66 704 3
Báo cáo khoa học: "What to do when lexicalization fails: parsing German with suffix analysis and smoothing" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "What to do when lexicalization fails: parsing German with suffix analysis and smoothing" doc

... thought of as a LHS token with an ordered list of tokens on the RHS, then an LP/ID rule can be thought of as a LHS token with a multiset of tokens on the RHS together with some constraints on the ... results with the best model from Section Rather, we re-do each modification in Section with both search strategies (Viterbi and beam) in the unsmoothed case, and with all three smoothing algorithms with ... 71.5 72.4 72.7 72.6 73.1 Table 2: Effect of re-annotation and suffix analysis with Markov rules bracket scores (Magerman, 1995), with the brackets labeled by syntactic categories but not grammatical...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 05:20

8 454 0