soil water desorption and imbibition tension and pressure techniques

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 7 pot

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 7 pot

... clayey soil qs qs Unstructured clayey soil Unstructured sandy soil − + FIGURE 69.3 Soil water desorption curves for a ‘‘representative’’ unstructured sandy soil, and a representative clayey soil ... DESORPTION AND IMBIBITION Soil water desorption and imbibition curves characterize the relationship between soil volumetric water content, uv [L3 LÀ3 ] (Chapter 72 through Chapter 74), and pore water ... of only the desorption (main drainage) curve and the imbibition (main wetting) curve 69.4.1 APPLICATION OF DESORPTION AND IMBIBITION CURVES The shape and magnitude of desorption and imbibition...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

282 905 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Water balance of a Southern Moravian floodplain forest under natural and modified soil water regimes and its ecological consequences" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Water balance of a Southern Moravian floodplain forest under natural and modified soil water regimes and its ecological consequences" pps

... = Eu + Esoil Figure Soil water retention curve (relation of volumetric soil water content to water potential) in the floodplain forest, southern Moravia applied in modeling the stand water balance ... very flat and no such flow was observed (with exception of flooding water) Items of horizontal and vertical outflows (Oh and Ov) are included in items of soil water and underground water For ... (non-limiting) water supply and under modelled no underground water supply for different weather and soil water storage conditions Underground water: Variable Soil water storage: Weather: Ample...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

15 214 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A generic model of forest canopy conductance dependent on climate, soil water availability and leaf area index" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A generic model of forest canopy conductance dependent on climate, soil water availability and leaf area index" potx

... A., Barataud F., Moyne C., Soil water dynamics in an oak stand I Soil moisture, water potentials and water uptake by roots, Plant and Soil 172 (1995) 17–27 [5] Cienciala E., Lindroth A., Cermak ... is the minimum soil water (i.e lower limit of water availability), WFC is the soil water content at field capacity 2.2 Calculation of canopy conductance Canopy conductance for water vapour (gc, ... conductance temperature and soil water, in stands with high LAI (>6) Then, each other fi function was separately parameterised In order to compare the stands, we calculated a standardised canopy conductance...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

11 360 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "The influence of acid mist upon transpiration, shoot water potential and pressure—volume curves of red spruce seedlings" pot

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "The influence of acid mist upon transpiration, shoot water potential and pressure—volume curves of red spruce seedlings" pot

... Day and night transpiration rates were tree1 s’ 1.19 ± 0.06 mmol (day) and 0.54 ± 0.06 mmol (night) for tree1 s’ whole trees treated with pH 2.5 mist, tree1 s’ and 1.5 ± 0.14 mmol (day) and 0.68 ... Forests, VVetlands and Ac Ecosystems, (Hutchricultural f inson T.C & Meema K.M., eds.), NATO ASI Series, Springer-’Verlag, Berlin, pp 83-99 Kim J.M & Lee-3tadelmann O.Y (1984) Water relations and cell ... Richards G.P & Jarvis P.G (1974) Vertical gradients of water potential and tissue water relations in Sitka spruce trees measured with the pressure chamber J Appl Ecol 11, Stadelmann E.J (1984)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

4 235 0
Control of Dioxins (and other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act and Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites: Two Case Studies in EPA''''s Use of Science potx

Control of Dioxins (and other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act and Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites: Two Case Studies in EPA''''s Use of Science potx

... Pulp and Paper and Lead in Soil at Mining Sites iv Act; Safe Drinking Water Act; Toxic Substances Control Act; Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; and Clean Water Act), and two ... effluent standards under Sec 307(a)(2) (Fogarty 1991) Dioxin from Pulp and Paper and Lead in Soil at Mining Sites but not eliminate exceedances of health-based water standards for dioxins and furans ... Dioxin from Pulp and Paper and Lead in Soil at Mining Sites A Control of Dioxins (and Other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act Background The...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

65 641 0
The relationships of forest and watershed characteristics to soil water retention, storm, runoff, erosion, and wave attenuation in vietnam

The relationships of forest and watershed characteristics to soil water retention, storm, runoff, erosion, and wave attenuation in vietnam

... evapotranspiration and physical properties of soil (Shukla et al., 2003) Soil water retention which is an important soil hydrological property is influenced by soil structure (Fu et al., 2000), soil moisture and ... conducted on forest - water relationships in Vietnam This study intends to improve our understanding of the effects of forests and watershed characteristics on soil water retention and flow regimes, ... relations between water and forestation activities at the watershed and regional scales There have not been enough hydrological studies to fully understand the linkages between forests and water (Phuong...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:22

18 535 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 1,2 pot

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 1,2 pot

... uneven distribution of runoff, soil erosion and high costs of the structure required 10 Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Soils and soil fertility management Soils in the cultivated area ... into the soil Part II ends with Chapter describing ways to reduce evaporation of water from the soil and measures to optimize the use of soil moisture Introduction: why water harvesting and soil ... productive and sustainable The improved water availability and higher yields derived from water harvesting lead to a greater exploitation of soil nutrients Sandy soils not benefit from extra water...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

12 288 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 3,4 ppsx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 3,4 ppsx

... mainly large sand particles (a coarse textured soil) is called a sand type of soil or sandy soil; a soil which consists of mainly medium sized, silt particles (a medium textured soil) is called ... (i) the number and size of the soil pores (texture) and (ii) the soil depth The available water storage capacity is expressed in mm water depth (of stored water) per metre of soil depth, mm/m ... Available water holding capacity Soil type sand sandy loam clay loam clay Available water (mm/m) 55 120 150 135 Table gives typical water holding capacities for the major soil types A loam soil with...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

20 273 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

... 52 150 mm per year and above Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Soil: Slope: Topography: At least 1.5 m deep, preferably m to ensure adequate root development and water storage capacity ... as for contour ridges for crops and stone bunds, see the respective paragraphs Water harvesting techniques - contour systems 47 Water harvesting techniques freestanding systems 6.1 Planting pits ... rehabilitating barren, crusted soils and clay slopes, where infiltration is limited and tillage is difficult These soils are rock hard and usually generate a high amount of runoff The soil does not need...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

29 257 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 7,8 pptx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 7,8 pptx

... broad-bed and furrow system is to increase the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil and that is stored in both bed and furrow It also makes heavy soils more workable by improving drainage and ... average of 750 mm or more) and on black clay soils (vertisols), where water infiltration is very low These soils are deep and have a large water storage capacity Gently sloping land (0.5-3%) is most ... make the beds 68 Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Figure 30 shows a narrow bed and furrow and two variations of a broad-bed and furrow It is clear that the broad-bed and furrow system...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

15 230 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 9 pps

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 9 pps

... Appendix 3) Soil moisture Water held in the soil and available to plants through their root system, also called soil water Soil moisture profile The depth to which water infiltrates into the soil, ... risk of soil erosion is higher on land left fallow, especially on sloping land and where rainfall is heavy It is therefore advisable to mulch land left fallow 80 Water harvesting and soil moisture ... normally dry watercourse Evaporation Process in which water passes from the liquid state into the vapour state 84 Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Floodwater harvesting A water harvesting...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

19 279 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effect of single Quercus ilex trees upon spatial and seasonal changes in soil water content in dehesas of central western Spain" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effect of single Quercus ilex trees upon spatial and seasonal changes in soil water content in dehesas of central western Spain" potx

... 200 cm of soil The depletion of water of the upper 250 cm of soil varied little from April onwards, i.e soil water Soil water content in dehesas 361 DISCUSSION 4.1 Effect of trees on soil water content ... depths, and because higher differences in soil water content values between depths occurred in winter and summer 3.3 Time change in the soil water content profiles Soil recharge beneath and beyond ... measurements and θ Before refilling soil bores, with the extracted soil, where TDRprobes were installed, soil column cylinders were used to determine the soil bulk density Soil columns were cut and weighted...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

10 459 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evapotranspiration of a declining Quercus robur (L.) stand from 1999 to 2001. II. Daily actual evapotranspiration and soil water reserve" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evapotranspiration of a declining Quercus robur (L.) stand from 1999 to 2001. II. Daily actual evapotranspiration and soil water reserve" potx

... estimate canopies water interception, (ii) detail tree (oak and secondary species) and herbaceous water use on a daily basis and (iii) quantify soil water reserve dynamic Intra- and inter-annual ... of soil water reserve (Fig 6) was calculated Total soil water reserve (R, mm) was estimated by the mean of soil volumetric water content measurements (not shown) and was 600 mm out of excess water ... during leaves budding Soil water balance is expressed with the following water balance equation: Ri = Ri-1 + Pi – ETi (2) where Ri is soil water reserve of day i (mm), Ri-1 is soil water reserve of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

9 319 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:" Comparison of soil water-contents as measured with a neutron probe and time domain reflectometry in a " ppsx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:" Comparison of soil water-contents as measured with a neutron probe and time domain reflectometry in a " ppsx

... soil- water contents obtained using a NP and TDR At the same time, the temporal and spatial evolution of the soil- water content was studied at different depths in the research zone MATERIALS AND ... and depth (0–20, 20–40, 40–60 and 60–80 cm); (b) Probe type and range of soil moisture (0.08– 0.14, 0.14–0.21, 0.21–0.28 and 0.28–0.35 cm3 cm–3); (c) Probe type and period (wetting, drying, and ... used, and it is currently displacing other “classic” methods used to measure soil water contents owing its reliability and handling speed [26] The TDR technique is based on measurement of the soil...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

9 353 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Within-crown variation in leaf conductance of Norway spruce: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and plant hydraulic constraints" ppt

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Within-crown variation in leaf conductance of Norway spruce: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and plant hydraulic constraints" ppt

... range of VPD and thus permits comparison of the data independently of specific VPD ranges On the basis of transpiration rates and water potential differences between the soil and leaves, soil- to-leaf ... transpiration rate and leaf water potential within the crown Leaf conductance is one of the factors controlling water transfer through the soil- plant-atmosphere continuum and, thus, it is a key ... variable for understanding water and gas exchange Table I Meteorological data on the study periods in 1997 and 2000 from Jõgeva Meteorological Station of the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

11 402 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Comparative studies of the water relations and the hydraulic characteristics in Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus and A. opalus trees under soil water contrasted conditions Damien Lemoinea, Jean-Paul Peltierb and Gérard" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Comparative studies of the water relations and the hydraulic characteristics in Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus and A. opalus trees under soil water contrasted conditions Damien Lemoinea, Jean-Paul Peltierb and Gérard" pdf

... and figures Leaf water potentials were assessed by a Scholander pressure chamber [15] Predawn leaf water potential (ψwp), was measured at sunrise (4h00 solar time; GMT) Stomatal conductance and ... F excelsior, A pseudoplatanus and A opalus trees 2.2 Water potential, transpiration and stomatal conductance Leaf water potential (ψw), stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration (E) were monitored ... fixed on a plate of an analytical balance and the water flow was induced by forcing distilled water through the leaf with a pressure difference of 0.1 MPa The water flow was determined by measuring...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

10 341 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The influences of age, extractive content and soil water on wood color in oak: the possible genetic determination of wood color" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The influences of age, extractive content and soil water on wood color in oak: the possible genetic determination of wood color" pptx

... color in samples from the Forêt d’Amance as Soil water content and wood color Examination of core samples revealed that the amount of available soil water influenced the color of Q robur but not ... HUNTERLAB simulating the CIE standard illuminant A (corresponding to incandescent light) and an observation angle of 10° The color is represented by the values L*; a*, b*, C* and h* (fig 2) Wood Extractions ... an acetone :water (7:3) solution; twice for hour’s duration and the last time for 15 h Total phenol content was estimated using the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Singleton and Rossi 1965) and expressed...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

7 252 0
CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

... Group, LLC Cyanide in Water and Soil contamination in water and soil This book presents current scientific understanding and engineering approaches for managing water and soil contamination with ... and is the joint holder of three patents related to water and soil treatment He has extensive research and consulting experience with cyanide management and treatment in soils, wastewaters, and ... subsurface waters; water and wastewater treatment; in situ and ex situ soil treatment; hazardous waste site remediation; abandoned mine drainage remediation; and river and watershed restoration...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

25 704 1
CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 2 pdf

CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 2 pdf

... commercial and medicinal uses (Chapter 4) 2.4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS • Cyanide is present in gas, liquid, and solid forms in water and soil systems • Many different species of cyanide occur in water and ... chloride and cyanogen bromide are disinfection by-products formed in water and wastewater treatment [5,6] HCN is present in wastewater discharges and leachates from certain industrial waste sites, and ... Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2(s), … FIGURE 2.1 Forms and species of cyanide in water and soil and metal–cyanate complexes, and cyanogen halides Aqueous free cyanide is the sum of hydrogen cyanide, HCN, and its deprotonated...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

9 1K 0
CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 4 pdf

CYANIDE in WATER and SOIL: Chemistry, Risk, and Management - Chapter 4 pdf

... contamination of soil and groundwater, as discussed in more detail in Chapter 27 4.2.4 MUNICIPAL WASTE AND SLUDGE INCINERATION In areas where land-disposal of municipal wastewater treatment sludge ... operations follow More details and discussions of these operations are presented in Chapter 26 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 52 Cyanide in Water and Soil 4.2.1 COKING AND GASIFICATION OF COAL ... 1993 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Cyanide in Water and Soil 46 Wastewater NH3 Recycle NH3 Fractionator Waste-Heat Boiler NH3 / Water NH3 Feed Air Feed Reactor Steam NH3 Absorber Diammonium...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

15 508 0

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