... follows: public class CSocketPacket { public System.Net.Sockets .Socket thisSocket; public byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[1024]; } and call BeginReceive as follows: CSocketPacket theSocPkt = new CSocketPacket ... connection, the callback routine is called and you can accept the connection by calling EndAccept. The EndAccept returns a socket object which represents the incoming connection. Here is the code ... m_socListener.Listen (4); // create the call back for any client connections m_socListener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback ( OnClientConnect ),null); cmdListen.Enabled = false; } catch(SocketException se) ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 08:20
... Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets TCP UDP TCP-based sockets bind listen accept close send/recv shutdown close socket connect send/recv shutdown close server client socket c Mani Radhakrishnan ... Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets Socket Programming in C/ C++ c Mani Radhakrishnan and Jon Solworth September 24, 2004 c Mani Radhakrishnan and Jon Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ ... following actions socket: create the socket connect: connect to a server send,recv: (repeated) shutdown close c Mani Radhakrishnan and Jon Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets Contact...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 9 pdf
... minimum field width to n Returns the fill character used Sets the fill character to ch int width() const; int width(int n); int fill() const; int fill(int ch); Manipulator Effects Sets the minimum ... Declaration of cin, cout #include <iomanip> // For manipulators being called // with arguments. #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int number = ' '; cout ... generates octal, decimal, and hexadecimal output. #include <iostream> // Declarations of cin, cout and using namespace std; // manipulators oct, hex, int main() { int number; cout <<...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 20 pdf
... left curved bracket indicates the start of a function block, which contains the state- ments defining what the function does. ᮀ Prototype and Definition In a function definition the function ... settings for program com- pilation. DEFINING FUNCTIONS ■ 175 The following section describes how to program global functions. Chapter 13, Defining Classes, describes the steps for defining member ... of inheritance to create specialized classes without needing to change any existing classes. When implementing a class you must define the capacities of those objects, that is, the member functions,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21
Programming in C# - Anonymous Methods, Par tial Types and Nullable Type pdf
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 10:20
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#
... when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static int Y = A.X ... explicitly or implicitly. b) Static constructors can have accessibility modifiers. e) Static constructors are called when the class is loaded. c) Static constructors cannot be called ... error. c) Incompatible type for ’=’ can’t convert SubClass to SuperClass. b) No constructor matching SuperClass() found in class SuperClass d) Wrong number of arguments in constructor....
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
Question Bank Introduction to .NET and Programming in C#
... is called automatically when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static ... value c) get b) set d) find 100. public class A:B ,C, D{ } The above code represents ______ [0.5] a) multilevel interface c) multiple interface b) hierarchical interface d) multiple inheritance 101. ... False 25. Access Modifiers for variables in C# can be the following (Select all that apply) [1.0] a) Public c) Private b) Protected d) Public protected 26. In C# , an underscore is allowed as an initial...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10
6.087: Practical Programming in C
... some basic code profiling to examine the effects of explicitly declaring variables as registers. Consider the fibonacci sequence generating function fibonacci in prob1 .c, which is reproduced at ... Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.087: Practical Programming in C IAP 2010 Problem Set 3 – Solutions Control flow. Functions. Variable scope. Static and global variables. I/O: printf ... 0 ; } Hint: In order to count words, count the transitions from non-white space to white space characters. 5 main .c: dict .c: dict.h: #include <stdio.h> #include "dict.h"...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07
Tài liệu Programming in C++ docx
... Information http://www.fz-juelich.de/zam/cxx/ ➠ Parallel Programming with C+ + ➠ Forschungszentrum Jülich Local C+ + Information ❑ Official C+ + On-line FAQ http://www.cerfnet.com/~mpcline /C+ +-FAQs-Lite/ Programming in C+ + ... Fortran Boolean (int) boolean logical Character char, wchar_t char character(n) Integer short int integer integer int long int FloatingPoint float real real double Complex ❖ (in C9 9) ❖ complex ❑ Size ... function definitions included in class definitions are automatically inline! ❑ re and im: declared by and belong to calling object (c1 above) ❑ Note: constructor not called for cp! ➠ How about constructors...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 08:15