society of automotive engineers sae j533 standard flares for tubing

Tài liệu Cabling Standard - (Private) - State of Virginia - IT Resource Management Standard ppt

Tài liệu Cabling Standard - (Private) - State of Virginia - IT Resource Management Standard ppt

... establishment of statewide standards for the efficient exchange of electronic information and technology, ii Networking, Telecommunications and COV ITRM Standard NET2001-01.1 Cabling Standard ... promulgating policies, standards, and guidelines for managing information technology in the Commonwealth. ã Developing statewide standards for the efficient exchange of electronic information and ... Agencies Responsible for: ã Cooperating with the Secretary of Technology, the Department of Information Technology, and the Department of Technology Planning in the performance of their powers...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20

17 712 0
Tài liệu Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2013 pdf

Tài liệu Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2013 pdf

... of `3,00,000/- or `4,00,000/- (for training imparted abroad) on non-judicial stamp paper of `1500/- to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 (four) years after successful completion of ... The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), 10 years for PWD-General, 13 years for PWD-OBC and 15 years for PWD-SC/ST candidates. Relaxation in ... with not less than 65% marks in aggregate for general and 55% of marks for SC/ST/PWD category taking average of all the Semesters/Years, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

5 223 0
Treatment of Tuberculosis - American Thoracic Society, CDC, and Infectious Diseases Society of America doc

Treatment of Tuberculosis - American Thoracic Society, CDC, and Infectious Diseases Society of America doc

... months for a total of 9 months. 5.6. Definition of Completion of Therapy Treatment for a defined duration without accounting for the number of doses taken can result in undertreatment. There- fore, ... system for the strength of treatment recommendations based on quality of evidence* Strength of the recommendation A. Preferred; should generally be offered B. Alternative; acceptable to offer C. Offer ... INH for a total of 4 months, or (3) RIF and PZA for a total of 2 months. Because of reports of an increased rate of hepatotoxic- ity with the RIF–PZA regimen, it should be reserved for patients...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

88 598 0
Recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America docx

Recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America docx

... and analysis of epi- demiologic and other data ã Development of policies and procedures and of a plan for controlling TB, on the basis of the assessment of the problem ã Assurance of diagnostic, ... infectiousness of a person on treatment for TB should always be individualized on the basis of 1) the extent of illness; 2) the presence of cavitary pulmonary disease; 3) the degree of positivity of sputum ... Rec- ommendations for the Control and Prevention of Tuberculosis) were rated for their strength by use of a letter grade and for the quality of the evidence on which they were based by use of a Roman...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

84 847 0
Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers doc

Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers doc

... 1.00 N OTE: m is the number of degrees of freedom in the numerator of F; n is the number of degrees of freedom in the denominator of F. Values for F are in the body of the table. G is the probability ... East. A LI M. SADEGH, Editor, is Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The City College of the City University of New York. He is also Director of the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and ... neglected. Standard Time Prior to 1883, each city of the United States had its own time, which was determined by the time of passage of the sun across the local meridian. A system of standard time...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

60 721 0
Immunization Programs for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

Immunization Programs for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... Health Of cials Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine Canadian Paediatric Society Infectious Diseases Society of ... Task Force on Community Preventive Services reviewed the evidence of effectiveness of assessment of immunization coverage levels at provider of ces, coupled with feedback to the provider of their ... a policy review of the childhood and ad- olescent immunization schedule or of recommendations for administration of routine childhood vaccines. Executive sum- maries of each of the committee’s...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

24 468 0
From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor - Lost in Transition: An American Society of Clinical Oncology and Institute of Medicine Symposium pot

From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor - Lost in Transition: An American Society of Clinical Oncology and Institute of Medicine Symposium pot

... ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; ESMO, European Society of Medical Oncology; CCO, Cancer Care Ontario; NCCN, National Comprehensive Cancer Network; ASCRS, American Society of Colorectal ... free flow of information, the need for transparency, and the anticipation of needs are really important. Vital also is cooperation among clinicians, again, because of the fragmentation of our system. Committee ... of the day will provide continuing food for thought and ideas for actions in support of cancer survivorship in the years to come. Maria Hewitt and Patricia A. Ganz PLENARY SESSION 41 tions for...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21

196 280 0
Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2013 docx

Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2013 docx

... of `3,00,000/- or `4,00,000/- (for training imparted abroad) on non-judicial stamp paper of `1500/- to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 (four) years after successful completion of ... separate fee for applying for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainees(GETs) in the above disciplines in NALCO. The e-mail id entered in the online application form must remain valid for one year. ... the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar only. Important Dates: 1 Commencement of online submission GATE application for GATE-2013 01.09.2012* 2 Last date for online submission of GATE application...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

5 222 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Development and Use of a Gold-Standard DataSet for Subjectivity Classifications" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: " Development and Use of a Gold-Standard DataSet for Subjectivity Classifications" pdf

... 3: Tests for Patterns of Agreement accounted for a large proportion of our interla- beler error" (Jurafsky et al., 1997). In step 6, as in step 3, there is strong evi- dence of relative ... case study of ana- lyzing and improving manual tagging that is applicable to any tagging task. We perform a statistical analysis that provides information that complements the information ... revision of the cod- ing manual, resulting in improved Kappa scores, and they serve as a gold standard for developing a probabilistic classifier. Using bias-corrected tags as gold-standard...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 354 0
Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

... TableS2.9presentsasummary of thetotalnationalcosts of attainingthe0.055ppm andthe0.060ppmalternativestandardsin2020.Thissummaryincludestheengineeringcosts of themodeledcontrolstrategy(presentedinthe2008OzoneNAAQSRIAChapter5 4 ),the additionalsupplementalcontrols,aswellastheextrapolatedcosts.ConsistentwithOMB CircularA‐4,costsarepresentedata7%discountrate.  7 Themidrangeestimateconsists of usinganMvalue of 0.24 for theestimation of theaveragecostperton of controlbygeographicarea. For acompletelisting of averagecostpertonbygeographicareaseeAppendixS2a. ... Section4containssupplementalevaluation of aseparatesecondaryozoneNAAQSin therange of 7to15ppm‐hr,aswellasalessstringent of 21ppm‐hr.This supplementalprovidesanexplanation of theextremedifficulty of quantifyingthe costsandbenefits of asecondary standard atthistime. S1.1Results of Benefit‐CostAnalysis ThisupdatedRIAconsists of multipleanalyses,includinganassessment of thenature andsources of ambientozone;estimates of currentandfutureemissions of relevant ozoneprecursors;airqualityanalyses of baselineandalternativecontrolstrategies; illustrativecontrolstrategiestoattainthe standard alternativesinfutureyears; estimates of theincrementalcostsandbenefits of attainingthealternativestandards, S1‐1 Summary of theupdatedRegulatoryImpactAnalysis(RIA) for theReconsideration of the 2008OzoneNationalAmbientAirQuality Standard (NAAQS) OnSeptember16,2009,EPAcommittedtoreconsideringtheozoneNAAQS standard promulgatedinMarch2008.TheozoneNAAQSwillbeselectedfromtheproposedrange of 0.060to0.070ppm,basedonthisreconsideration of theevidenceavailableatthetimethelast standard wasset.Today’sproposedrulealsoincludesaseparatesecondaryNAAQS, for which thisRIAprovidesonlyqualitativeanalysisduetothelimitednature of availableEPAguidance for attainingthis standard  ThissupplementtotheRIAcontainsanupdatedillustrativeanalysis of thepotential costsandhumanhealthandwelfarebenefits of nationallyattaininga newprimaryozone standard. Thebasis for thisupdatedeconomicanalysisistheRIApublishedinMarch2008with afewsignificantchanges.Thesechangesreflectthemorestringentrange of optionsbeing proposedbytheAdministrator.Italsoreflectssomesignificantmethodologicalimprovements toairpollutionbenefitsestimation,whichEPAhasadoptedsincetheozone standard waslast promulgated.Thesesignificantchangesincludethefollowing:  ... InMarch2008,theAdministratorloweredtheprimaryozoneNAAQSfrom0.084 ppmto0.075ppm.TheRIAwhichaccompaniedthatruleanalyzedalessstringent alternative standard of 0.079ppm,andtwomorestringentstandards of 0.065and 0.070ppm.ThisRIAsupplementpresentsananalysis of threealternativestandards withintheproposedrange:0.060,0.065and0.070ppm.Becausetoday’sproposed ruleisareconsideration,eachalternative standard iscomparedagainsttheprior standard of 0.084ppm.PerExecutiveOrder12866andtheguidelines of OMB CircularA‐4,thisRegulatoryImpactAnalysis(RIA)alsopresentsanalyses of two alternativestandards,0.075ppmand0.055ppm.Itisimportanttonotethatasthe stringency of thestandardsincreases,webelievethattheuncertaintyinthe estimates of thecostsandbenefitsalso increases.Thisisexplainedinmoredetailin sections2and3 of thissupplement. ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

89 333 0
The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... Group has proposed standards for interpretation of pediatric chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia [ 166]. These standards include reporting of film quality, classification of specific findings, ... Swanson 13 1 Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Rady Children's Hospital of San Diego, San Diego, California; 2 Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah ... Council of the PIDS, and the Board of Directors of the IDSA before dissemination. Guidelines and Conflict of Interest All members of the expert panel complied with the IDSA policy on conflicts of interest...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific docx

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific docx

... Washington, District of Columbia. 47. Berliner Jahrbuch, Berlin, Germany. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held immediately after the meeting of the Society, the officers of the Society for the ensuing ... ceptance of the gift by the Society, Mr. Donohoe’s name be placed on the roll of Life-Members; that the Donohoe Fund for the maintenance of the Comet Medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific ... custody of the records; they shall have the custody of all other prope rty of the Society, excepting the money thereof; they shall give timely notice 3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 15:20

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... include the cost of repair information in the price of the vehicle. Note N4 The question of the easiness of payment is crucial in the frame of a professional activity: if the use of a credit ... requests for information, including a request for information from the E SC1-D2 Autorepair Requirements Specification OASIS Technical Committee - Format of Automotive Repair Information ... Specification OASIS Technical Committee - Format of Automotive Repair Information Page 7 Ref. Requirement Priority historical information in hard copy format or (for example) a large PDF file, it...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

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