soa governance in action rest and ws architectures

Tài liệu SOA Governance in Action doc

Tài liệu SOA Governance in Action doc

... 92 4.2 Following existing standards and definitions 95 Including an existing XML schema in a WSDL 95 ■ Using an existing XML schema in a REST resource 98 ■ Using a REST- based search definition 99 4.3 ... coverage and have a predefined minimal level of quality. 16 CHAPTER 1 Introducing SOA governance if everything is running according to the policies that have been defined, and finally management ... ARCHITECTURES JOS DIRKSEN MANNING SHELTER ISLAND SOA Governance in Action 15Requirements of an SOA governance solution ■ Introducing governance processes that...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20

312 726 0
SOA Governance in Action docx

SOA Governance in Action docx

... existing tools and technologies 235 SOA Governance in Action REST AND WS- * A RCHITECTURES JOS DIRKSEN MANNING S HELTER I SLAND 10 CHAPTER 1 Introducing SOA governance What you see in both ... defined time. Let’s look a bit closer at these three points. We’ll start by looking at how such a solution should help you in creating and maintaining your policies. 1.4.1 Creating and maintaining ... an introduction to SOA Governance. It includes a simple explanation of SOA and an explanation of governance. In this chapter you’ll see why SOA Governance is important and what problems SOA governance...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

312 740 0
National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

... hướng công khai, minh bạch tạo thuận lợi cho người dân, doanh nghiệp; + Bộ máy hành chính hoạt động hiệu quả hơn (do tinh gọn hơn, cơ cấu bên trong phân định rõ hơn, công khai, minh bạch hơn, quyền ... lần thứ XI từ năm 2010. - Hiến pháp 1992 đã quy định việc chuyển đổi nền kinh tế từ tập trung quan liêu bao cấp sang kinh tế thị trường định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa 14 III – Những đề xuất, ... được lắng nghe, tham khảo những ý kiến, kinh nghiệm và chia sẻ từ phía các bạn để từ góc độ của mình chúng tôi có thể nghiên cứu, chắt lọc những ý tưởng, kinh nghiệm tốt, phù hợp với hoàn cảnh...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:05

17 587 1
Tài liệu iPhone and iPad in Action: Introduction to SDK Development docx

Tài liệu iPhone and iPad in Action: Introduction to SDK Development docx

... 35 3 Using Xcode 36 3.1 Introducing Xcode 36 The anatomy of Xcode 37 ■ Compiling and executing in Xcode 38 3.2 Creating a first iPhone project in Xcode: Hello, World! 39 Understanding main.m ... Data: actions, preferences, and files 139 8.1 Accepting user actions 140 8.2 Maintaining user preferences 141 Creating your own preferences 142 Using the system settings 147 8.3 Opening files ... no standard for cut and paste, a ubiquitous feature for any computer produced in the last couple of decades. In addition to resulting in some changes to existing interfaces, the input interface...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 20:20

433 6,1K 2
Tài liệu SOA Governance: The key to successful SOA adoption in your organization doc

Tài liệu SOA Governance: The key to successful SOA adoption in your organization doc

... adoption of SOA within an enterprise. Chapter 2 will introduce you to the beginning of Advasco's SOA journey, and their initial experiences building and consuming services. In Chapter 3, ... begin the story of Advasco and describe the beginning of their SOA journey, which falls into the latter. Through their initial experiences you will learn about the role of SOA governance within ... typical project governance efforts. Beginning the SOA Journey Spencer walked in through the main doors of Advasco, a leading nancial conglomerate, on Monday morning knowing it was going to be a...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 09:20

229 1,7K 0
Scholarships for Master Programmes in Public Policy and Good Governance at Universities in Germany pot

Scholarships for Master Programmes in Public Policy and Good Governance at Universities in Germany pot

... practice-oriented approach is reflected in the use of case studies and in the integration of practitioners into teaching and research, as well as in a mandatory internship and a project- oriented Master’s ... political and social sciences and law. Graduates will also be well prepared to be employed in national and international administration as well as in multinational and global business companies ... requirements of the professional world and in order to be able to offer interesting internships and contacts, the institute continuou- sly extends its network. The Institute of Political Science at...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

28 355 0
Erlang and OTP in Action potx

Erlang and OTP in Action potx

... Erlang and OTP in action! You probably know already that Erlang is a programming language and as such it is pretty interesting in itself—but our focus here will be on the practical and the in action , ... is running  memory() – print memory usage information Please try out a few of these right now, for example listing or changing the current directory, printing the history, and printing the ... double-quoted string)  ls() and ls(Dir) – print a directory listing  pwd() – print working directory (current directory)  q() – quit (shorthand for init:stop())  i() – print information about...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

397 2,4K 0
swt and jface in action, 2005

swt and jface in action, 2005

... processing in JFace 62 Understanding actions and contributions 63 ■ Creating Action classes 65 ■ Implementing contributions in an ApplicationWindow 66 ■ Interfacing with contributions 69 Exploring ... title By combining introductions, overviews, and how-to examples, the In Action books are designed to help learning and remembering. According to research in cogni- tive science, the things people ... play, and, interestingly, retelling of what is being learned. People understand and remember new things, which is to say they master them, only after actively explor- ing them. Humans learn in action. ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 15:41

496 729 0
Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

... both for action and for processes within the FIRAs. The capacity for independent rule making was an add-on to the investigatory and complaint-handling power, and fell to be processed in the same ... central policy initiatives. 11 And along these lines, in those regulatory areas in which we do find significant and sustained interest in developing centralized policy, such as those relating to social ... SOEs and ministries, and in a context within which the undertaking and the ministry were both to remain of central importance to the governance of the sectors concerned. It is unsurprising that...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

400 363 0
Patterns In Action 2.0

Patterns In Action 2.0

... architectures. In addition to managing business objects and processing the standard business logic, every interface method in the Faỗade validates the incoming arguments, authorizes the action for ... logged-on user, and handles and coordinates database transactions possibly covering numerous business object changes. Everything that goes in or leaves the faỗade must be checked and validated ... Their shopping carts can be managed by removing items and changing quantities. In the shopping cart, shipping costs are computed based on the shipping method selected. A separate administrative...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 14:40

66 544 0