smart grammar and vocabulary full 1 4

Smart grammar and vocabulary pdf

Smart grammar and vocabulary pdf

... Look and write can or can’t Tom and Sally swim ride a bike 3 \¢ 4 Lyn Z1 viite a Read and match 1 Can Lucy cook? 2 Can the dog swim? 3 Can you ride a bike? 4 Can Tom paint? 5 Can Terry and Kim ... Lesson 14 Ø9 | @ Read and write in, on, at 1 hes Jill cleans her bedroom the weekend ; 2 He brushes his teeth the morning &# 34; | ack 3 vi Joanna and Karen study seven o'clock | 1L, 4 George ... father sleep at 11 :00 at night? Do your friends study every day? Trang 33 Present Simple (months and seasons) @> Which month is first? Number (1- 12) and discuss Then, listen and check 3 February...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21

81 3,7K 19
Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 4 docx

Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 4 docx

... the dishes. 17 ) The cat licked its sore paw. 18 ) There were oysters and cheese on the table; l had the oysters. 19 ) Do the exercise on fractions 1 .42 ) and then write your essay. 20) 1 heard Mrs. ... shoiIllki. 1 ' get up and stand inside the correct circle. A ny players who are too slow to fit 777* ,11 )1 the circle gain a penalty point, but can keep playing. Play for ten rounds and fu llll ... being clever (Phrase) 10 ) where nobody would find them (Clause) 1 1) with a sausage on top tphrasel l2) he put a sausage on top (Clause) 13 ) whom 1 met yesterday (Clause) 14 ) with an evil grin...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 08:22

10 394 0
treasures grammar and writing handbook grade 4 phần 1 ppt

treasures grammar and writing handbook grade 4 phần 1 ppt

... Sentences 14 2 Nouns 14 4 Verbs 14 8 Pronouns 15 0 Adjectives 15 2 Adverbs 15 3 Combining Sentences 15 4 Negatives 15 5 Prepositions 15 6 Mechanics 15 6 Abbreviations 15 9 Capitalization 16 4 Punctuation 16 9 Italics ... Descriptions 13 0 Leads and Endings 13 1 Organization 13 2 Writing Dialogue 13 3 Outlining 13 4 Writing Forms 13 4 Poem 13 5 Business Letter 13 6 Humorous Play 13 7 Editorial Grammar 13 8 Grammar and Usage 13 8 ... 11 2 Prewrite 11 4 Research and Inquiry 11 6 Draft 11 8 Revise 12 2 Proofread/Edit 12 4 Publish 12 6 Writing Rubric 4 Contents Writing 12 8 Composition 12 8 Main Idea and Supporting Details 12 9 Writing...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

28 514 1
Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 1

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 1

... Reason SECTION Result and Purpose Concession clauses SECTION 10 8 SECTION Agreeing or not 11 0 11 4 Entry test 11 4 OVERVIEW 11 5 SECTION I Adjective structures; adjective or adverb? 11 6 SECTION Inversion ... reiative clauses 18 4 SECTION I SECTION 18 6 SECTION 19 0 Vocabulary 19 2 SECTION Exam practice 1 1 94 SECTION Unit twelve 19 6 Vocabulary SECTION A SECTION Reference words Problems and solutions Ernp ... Hartson, 13 .12 .97 (passage o n global warming, page 13 3); Newsweek 23 .11 .19 87 (passage o n twins, page 15 1); Quartet Books, from Sudan by N Worral (19 80) (passage, page 15 3); Secker and Warburg,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2022, 22:05

122 6 0
grammar and vocabulary 2 autorecovered 1

grammar and vocabulary 2 autorecovered 1

... promotional tactics to increase interest and sales The phrase &# 34; get rid of&# 34; in this context is a colloquial way of saying &# 34; sell&# 34; or &# 34; dispose of&# 34; the remaining tickets SALES the ... left behind. In this context, &# 34; picked up&# 34; means &# 34; noticed&# 34; or &# 34; realized.&# 34; Here's the relevant part of the conversation for clarity: &# 34; Sure, I'm not as fit as I should ... know, and of course, I'm delighted Let me get it and you can see for yourself.&# 34; FCE 41 You hear a radio advertisement for a museum What period does thespecial exhibition deal with? A the 19 40 s...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2024, 11:51

270 0 0
Family and friends plus 1 grammar and vocabulary builder

Family and friends plus 1 grammar and vocabulary builder

... sister 1 I'm 7and my sister’s 12 She's my _older sister 2 My brother's 4 and I’m 11 He’s my 3 My sister's 11 and I’m 14 She's my 4 'm9 and my brother's 13 He’s my 44 Unit 6 My family Trang 46 / ... Trang 33 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice Jessica Finnis Trang 35Circle the correct words 3 This is a paper clip [| 3 (10 2 /40 0) Look and write 35 Unit 1 This is This isn't Trang 37[ Grammar ... got/haven'tgot Havewe/theygot 2 Unit 10 Trang 5 41 Dolphins are smooth 2 Rhinos are 3 Leopards are ‘ 4 Koalas are Ỉ | 54 Unit 11 The zoo / Adjectives Trang 55| Grammar Practice Circle the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2024, 21:02

73 0 0
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

... hand A bird in hand is worth two in bush They lived from hand to mouth He gained upper hand They walked along hand in hand On other hand, perhaps he was right @ CRAMMAR SECTION Adjectives and ... of frozen (13 ) and pollen distribution enable estimates to be made of average temperatures during certain ( 14 ) Some of the most reliable (15 ) comes from the ice-caps of Greenland and Antarctica ... in any way EXAMPLE: Going to and fro with al1 the cases is what I can't stand about holidays toing It's al1 the toing and froing with al1 the cases that I can't stand about holidays a I think...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

16 525 1
Ptackova Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2011, 1:4 doc

Ptackova Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2011, 1:4 doc

... deinen Zelten Das neue China Page 10 of 11 Ptackova Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2 011 , 1: 4 /1/ 1 /4 Page 11 of 11 Gruschke, A 2006 Tibet Nomaden ... grasslands of Amdo Development and Change 34 Yeh, E 2005 Green governmentality and pastoralism in western China: ‘Converting pastures to grasslands’ Nomadic peoples 9 (1) doi :10 .11 86/20 41 - 713 6 -1- 4 ... of 11 Ptackova Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2 011 , 1: 4 /1/ 1 /4 randomly from a hat Many nomads still can read neither Tibetan nor Chinese and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

11 402 0
smart grammar and vocabulary 5

smart grammar and vocabulary 5

... he (8) (faLL) and (9) (sprain) his wrist It (10 ) (be) quite bad so I (11 ) (go) for heLp I (12 ) _ _ _ _ _ (run) home to get my mum when I (13 ) (falL) and ( 14 ) In the end, Jake (15 ) (16 )

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 02:49

106 691 3
smart-grammar and vocabulary 6

smart-grammar and vocabulary 6

... 42 16 Smart Time 17 Revision • 46 18 Smart Skills (listening & Speaking) 48 19 Infinitive • 52 • • 24 ~ 44 20 too ... column lcel and or 55? gLa_es C 10 :1 dark romantic gLasses animaL guard statue cameL b or bb? chu_y Look at the words in bold Listen and circle the lcel sounds in red and the 10 :1 sounds tI \ ... 17 Smart Time 20 Revision .• .• • .• 22 Smart Skills (Reading & Writing) 10 Present Perfect Simple (ever, never, before) 28 11 Present...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:48

106 597 3
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

... on hose-pipes in al1 gardens now looks virtually (13 ) and the supply of general household water may very ( 14 ) have to be rationed in some areas The Government will, in al1 (15 ), issue an official ... mean the recipient will feel under any (1 3) to take it in the same way In al1 (1 4) you will be met by hurt eyes, slumped shoulders and a sad face And when it comes to being on the receiving ... distant remote 1far distinct possibility that 1' 11 be able to help after all j There will almost inevitably probably certainly inconceivably be some teething troubles initially @ Write full sentences...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 732 4
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 1

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 1

... sent me an 'I'm sorry' card; sent her flowers e She said '1 do' in 19 92; said '1 do' too f She said, 'You go your way and 1' 11 go mine,' in 19 98; said 'OK' @ For each of the sentences below, write ... point on the shore where paths seem to (1) , where the land (2) and the sea (3).The beach (4) for miles on either side stood there last night (5)sea and al1 those memories came (6) back For a ... d done EXPRESSING KNOWLEDGE A N D BELIEF have a mere 10 11 12 of German a smattering b knowledge c acquaintance d command have al1 the information need at my a toenails b fingertips...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 573 2
Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 1 potx

Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 1 potx

... es ved I SBN :978 -1 847 535795 E di i Br t s t on: ii h Pri ed i The U nied St es ofA m er ca nt n: t at i Publ s i her:Lul com u D edi ed t m y grandp arent , cat o s Er nestand M ari Vi , e ... Booksand W e ie Ac i tes her bst tvii ! Int oducton r i Thi ltl book pr des t s ite ovi eacher and hom es schoolng par s w ih an i ent t as ort ent of f actvii t hel t s m un i tes o p each and ... eac s s o actse vocabul y and ls eni com pr ar i t ng ehensi w ih t r ESL s ude s A l of t on t hei t nt l he gam es r r t chidr t ls en and conce r e ca ef l on w or and equie he l en o i t nt...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 08:22

10 422 2
Longman-Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency (2)

Longman-Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency (2)

... anywhere, etc 11 4 OVERVIEW SECTION SECTION 11 4 SECTION I Adjective structures; adjective or adverb? 11 6 SECTION Inversion after negative adverbs Making comparisons 11 8 Vocabulary 12 0 Vocabulary ... life-threatening fire can be (1 4) upon to add millions to the ratings A major wedding can find half of Britain sitting (1 5) to the screen! It's al1 very strange 10 11 12 13 14 15 A jailed A arrested ... Hartson, 13 .12 .97 (passage o n global warming, page 13 3); Newsweek 23 .11 .19 87 (passage o n twins, page 15 1); Quartet Books, from Sudan by N Worral (19 80) (passage, page 15 3); Secker and Warburg,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:51

288 1,8K 23

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