smart grammar and vocabulary 5 pdf

smart-grammar and vocabulary 6

smart-grammar and vocabulary 6

... arrive at a place and touch the ground land 1 Men and women go here to study _ _ _ _ _ _... tell my mum I sat next to the window and when I looked down I saw the trees, roads and cars They ... one above and ask and answer questions What are you doing on Monday? ~~======~ ­ After school, I'm going shopping- 13 prepositions of movement ~ Look and. .. get to Kelly's Grandma's by ... quite shocked His dog ate his shoes And he's standing in his socks! passen_er flLht _ate 5 0 bo_rd lien Lnd wJI 20 0 ~to1~ J~ LesSoo7 & Read... Past Simple and the Past Progressive 1 Tina /

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:48

106 597 3
Grammar and Vocabulary practice.pdf

Grammar and Vocabulary practice.pdf

... with the Grammar and Vocabulary sections ofthe University of Michigan ECCE. This book consists of 24 units, 6 revision units and 2 practice tests. Each unit is made up of: • Grammar ... confuse and an exercise practising them . • Revision units aud Practice FCE and ECCE Tests The Practice Tests are modelled on the Cambridge FCE Use of English Paper and on the Grammar and ... Test and Key to tests. Grammar & Vocabulary Practice H.Q. Mitchell Published by: MM Publications www.mmpi. co .uk Offices Great Britain - Greece - Poland

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2015, 13:54

201 7,1K 20
Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 5 ppt

Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 5 ppt

... T im e M anner P lace T im e M anner Place T im e M anner P lace T im e M anner Place (Game #5, x 1) R IG H T W R O N G (Game #6, 1 per player) 40 A A n T h e (Game #9, 1 per player) 41 ln ... (Game #12, x 1) Sound Phonic G roup Exam ples Shol't a a cats hats back M edium a a iam, fan, sand Long a a e gate, gam e, snake ai rain, m ail, m aid ay day, play, stay ei/ eigh vein, weight. ... I 4long) (soft) end; l : $ ' 4 ) ! h ' ) ' i q I i) I t . (Game //14; x4) : 45 C O M M O N N O U N P R O P E R N O U N A B ST R A C T N O (Game # 16, x 1) C O L L E C T IV E

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 08:22

10 362 0
Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 7 pdf

Grammar and vocabulary games for children - part 7 pdf

... 23, 1 sheet per 8 players, optional) 59 G R E E N G R O C E R C H E M IST P O ST O FF IC E (Game # 25, x 1) 60 SU P E R M A R K E T N E W SA G E N T (Game # 25, x 1) ' st nd rd1 2 3 Singular ... O M M A C O M M A 5 5 Q UESTIO N Q UESTION M A R K M A R K ? ? E X C LA M A T IO N E X C L A M A T IO N M A R K M A R K ! ! QUO TATIO N Q U OTATIO N M A R K S M A R K S ii 5: ii 99 @ @ @ @ @ ... (Game # 34, x4) 65 R A IL W O F F IC E A Y T IC K E T C IN E M A T IC K E T S P O ST O F F IC E (Game # 35, x 1) 66 ) I B A N K B A K E R B U T C H E R G R E E N G R O C E R (Game # 35, x 1) N O U

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 08:22

10 385 0
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

... like this would happen f You could know beforehand that you couldn't come GRAMMAR SECTION Necessity, duty and advice NECESSITY We use must and mustn't when we decide for ourselves what's necessary: ... don't like having to wear a suit and tie He pretended to have to leave early DUTY AND ADVICE We use should and ought to to express our opinion about what's right and wrong: Drivers ought to be ... mistake, my legs are too fat, I can't cook and my children will (1 6) fail at school and I might as (1 7) go and live in the garden and eat worms.' This, to put it mildly,

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 731 4
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

... hand A bird in hand is worth two in bush They lived from hand to mouth He gained upper hand They walked along hand in hand On other hand, perhaps he was right @ CRAMMAR SECTION Adjectives and ... frozen (13) and pollen distribution enable estimates to be made of average temperatures during certain (14) Some of the most reliable ( 15) comes from the ice-caps of Greenland and Antarctica ... whole truth and nothing but the truth (= about what happened) NOUNS WITHOUT ARTICLES We use uncountable and plural nouns without articles to refer to general ideas and categories: Cars and buses

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

16 525 1
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 1

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 1

... the wall and (1) on to the ground below Another (2) along the length of the prison wall and (3) into the river below A third man (4) a tunnel under the wall of his cell and (5) his ... the shore where paths seem to (1) , where the land (2) and the sea (3).The beach (4)for miles on either side stood there last night (5) sea and al1 those memories came (6) back For a moment ... generally used intransitively in English: He got up, washed and shaved We may use these verbs reflexively for emphasis: He got up and washed himselfand got dressed Other verbs we use in this way include:

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 573 2
smart grammar and vocabulary 5

smart grammar and vocabulary 5

... home to get my mum when I (13) (falL) and (14) (break) my ankle. In the end, Jake ( 15) (call) for an ambulance and they (16) (take) Mario and me to hospital. <'" ~ ... GreenLand (2,130,800km 2 ) New Guinea (7 85, 753 km 2) Borneo (748, 168km 2 ) ~ ~ :2I";:'" big a New Guinea / Borneo New Guinea is bigger than Borneo. b GreenLand / of ... waterfall in Venezuela. It is 979m from the top to he bottom and it is the highest waterfall in the world. It is 655 m higher than he Eiffel Tower in Paris . In fact, Angel Falls...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 02:49

106 691 3
smart grammar and vocabulary 2a

smart grammar and vocabulary 2a


Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:23

81 824 2
smart grammar and vocabulary 2b

smart grammar and vocabulary 2b


Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:25

69 650 2
smart grammar and vocabulary 4a

smart grammar and vocabulary 4a


Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:27

81 661 2

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