... the country (Slow Food USA). The picture it paints is attractive: Slow Food is also simply about taking the time to slow down and to enjoy life with family and friends (Slow Food USA).” It is one that women ... Miele, Mara and Jonathan Murdoch 2003. “Fast Food /Slow Food: Standardizing and Differentiating Cultures of Food” in Globalization, Localization and Sustainable Livelihoods, Reidar Almås and Geoffrey Lawrence, eds. (Aldershot, England: Ashgate) pp. ... simultaneously develop all of their common goals, which Slow Food has succinctly identified as “good, clean, and fair food”. To do so, food producers, processors, and marketers must understand these broader connections, and ...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
... collaboration, and we thought we had the time of our life THE INTERACTION OF OCEAN WAVES AND WIND iii I would like to thank Gerbrand Komen, Klaus and Susanne Hasselmann, Mark Donelan and Luigi Cavaleri ... related to the period and wave length of the ocean waves and a much longer time and length scale related to changes due to small effects of non-linearity and the growth of waves by wind Using perturbation ... OCEAN WAVES AND WIND with k the wavenumber and ω the angular frequency Wave number and angular frequency are related to the wave length λ and the frequency f of the wave according to k = 2π/λ and...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:00
steinmetz cp electrical discharges waves and impulses 2nded
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42
Báo cáo y học: "Slow conduction and gap junction remodeling in murine ventricle after chronic alcohol ingestion" potx
... mitochondria, and gap junctions Ultrastructural examination of intercardiomyocyte space (A and B), mitochondria (C and D), and gap junctions (E and F) A, C, and E are from the control mice and B, D, and ... cellularity number and capillary network in the left ventricular myocardium of mice with long-term alcohol ingestion Cellularity (A and B, stained with hematoxyllin) and capillary network (C and D, stained ... cardiomyocyte and the expression and distribution of Cx43 gap junctions, each of which may have distinct contribution to the electrical remodeling, characterized as slow down of conduction and occurrence...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 1 pps
... plane waves propagating in dielectrics, conductors, and birefringent media, (b) guided waves propagating in hollow waveguides, transmission lines, and optical fibers, and (c) propagating waves ... arrays of wires and split-ring resonators, [382] and by transmission line elements [415–417,437,450], and have been shown to exhibit the properties predicted by Veselago When rel < and μrel < 0, ... shows the real and imaginary parts of Eq (1.11.13) for the case of a negative effective oscillator strength f = −1 The normal and anomalous dispersion bands still correspond to the bands where the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 2 potx
... forward and backward waves: Component-wise, these are: Ex± = 2.1 Uniform Plane Waves in Lossless Media (2.1.11) Fig 2.1.1 Forward and backward waves The two special cases corresponding to forward waves ... μ and α = Then, Eqs (2.10.4) become β · β − α · α = β and β · α = Thus, the constant-amplitude and constantphase planes are orthogonal to each other Examples of such waves are the evanescent waves ... c − vb c − va (2.11.1) where fa and fb are the frequencies measured in the rest frames of the source Sa and observer Sb , and va and vb are the velocities of Sa and Sb with respect to the propagation...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 3 ppt
... applications and in the fast and slow light experiments that have been carried out thus far, care has been taken to minimize these effects by operating in frequency bands where α0 , α0 are small and by ... Dispersion and Pulse Spreading 97 ˆ Because F(0, ω − ω0 ) restricts the effective range of integration in Eq (3.5.5) to a narrow band about ω0 , one can expand k(ω) to a Taylor series about ω0 and keep ... 3.2 Front Velocity and Causality 85 3.2 Front Velocity and Causality For a general linear system H(ω)= |H(ω)|e−jφ(ω) , one has the standard concepts of phase delay, group delay, and signal-front...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 4 pdf
... the TE and TM uniform plane wave solutions are given by Eqs (4.6.18) and (4.6.27) We will use these results in Sects 8.10 and 8.12 to discuss reflection and refraction in birefringent media and multilayer ... with wavenumber k+ and backward with k− , and the reverse is true of the E− (z) component The forward-moving component of E+ and the backward-moving component of E− , that is, ER+ and ER− , are (4.3.12) ... permittivity matrix be hermitian and positive-definite, which implies that , , are real, and moreover, > 0, | | ≤ , and > The quantity is proportional to the external magnetic field and reverses sign with...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 5 ppt
... back and forth at the left and right interfaces Expanding Eq (5.4.5) in a partial fraction expansion and then in power series in z−1 gives: ∞ Γ1 (z)= Evaluating this expression for δ = 0.01 and ... reflection and transmission coefficients, also known as the reflectance and transmittance, give the percentage of the incident power that gets reflected and transmitted: 160 Reflection and Transmission ... onto a thick conductor with conductivity σ , and = , μ = μ0 Determine the reflected and transmitted electric and magnetic fields to first-order in ηc /η0 and in the limit of a perfect conductor (ηc...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 6 potx
... field quantities are the voltage and current along the line, for sound waves they are the pressure and particle volume velocity, and for seismic waves, the stress and particle displacement A transmission ... multiband mirrors and (b) longpass and shortpass filters that pass long or short wavelengths, in analogy with lowpass and highpass filters that pass low or high frequencies Example 6.3.4: Multiband ... requirement that the transmission and reflection responses T(z) and Γ(z) be stable and causal transfer functions The order-increasing and order-decreasing recursions Eqs (6.6.19) and (6.6.46) can also be...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 7 potx
... positive-index lossless medium, μ > and > 0, and the right one is lossless with μ < and < 0, and consider a propagating incident wave with kx = nk0 sin θ and kz = nk0 cos θ and assume, for now, that n ... refraction and critical angle of reflection for (a) an air-glass interface and (b) an air-water interface The refractive indices of glass and water at optical frequencies are: nglass = 1.5 and nwater ... determine, because if n = and n = nglass , then sin(θc )= n/n = 1/nglass , and if n = nglass and n = 1, then, sin(θc )= n /n = 1/nglass Thus, θc = θc : θc = asin 1.5 7.5 Maximum Angle and Critical Angle...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 8 pdf
... θH,max = 30o and θB = 34.61o TM TE 0o omnidirectional band f/f0 Fig 8.8.4 TM and TE reflectances for nH = 2, nL = 1.38 20 1.5 40 0 2 60 20 fc0 fc TE and TM bandwidths F1, F2 60 TE and TM bandwidths ... corresponding bandwidth intervals calculated with omniband The indicated intervals are for 0o incidence, for TE and TM, and for the common band Eq (8.8.19) at θa We observe the shifting of the bands towards ... substantial overlap and omnidirectional behavior 0 0.5 TM band TE band At 45o there is a common overlap, but at 80o , the TM band has already moved beyond the 0o band, while the TE band still overlaps...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx
... ≤ 1/2b and therefore, f20 ≤ f01 , so that the two lowest cutoff frequencies are f10 and f20 On the other hand, if a/2 ≤ b ≤ a, then f01 ≤ f20 and the two smallest frequencies are f10 and f01 ... dispersion relationship between ω and β, the group and phase velocities are defined by vgr = dω , dβ vph = ω β (group and phase velocities) (9.7.7) For uniform plane waves and TEM transmission lines, ... with the values quoted in Table 9.6.1 for the C-band and X-band waveguides, WR-159 and WR-90 Example 9.8.2: WR-159 Waveguide Consider the C-band WR-159 air-filled waveguide whose characteristics...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 10 pdf
... (10.14.1) and extracting the real and imaginary parts, we can write r and x in terms of Γ, as follows: x = [ , , , , ] + |ΓL | − |ΓL | The relative phase angle between Γl and ΓL is negative, −2βl, and ... typical cases of series and parallel R–L and series and parallel R–C loads The corresponding ZL (s) and ΓL (s) are shown below, where in all cases ΓR = (R − Z0 )/(R + Z0 ) and the parameter a gives ... graphs, add on each graph the left and right bandedge frequencies corresponding to the two SWR levels of SB = and SB = 1.75 Note the wider bandwidth in the lossy case and for the case having Z0 ≥ R...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 11 doc
... which plots the waves V1 (z, t) and V2 (z, t) as they propagate to and get reflected from their respective loads, and compares them to the uncoupled case V0 (z, t)= V(t − z/v0 ) The waves V1,2 (z, ... = L2 ≡ L0 and C1 = C2 ≡ C0 , so that β1 = β2 = ω L0 C0 ≡ β and Z1 = Z2 = L0 /C0 ≡ Z0 , and speed v0 = 1/ L0 C0 Then, the a, b waves and the matrices F, G take the simpler forms: a= −1 Such matrices, ... ⎥, c=⎢ ⎣ b1 ⎦ b2 t/T Fig 11.2.1 Near- and far-end crosstalk signals on lines and V2 (l, t)= Kf ZLi − Zi , ZLi + Zi Working with the forward and backward waves, we write Eq (11.1.7) as the 4×4...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 12 docx
... Dual-Band Chebyshev Transformers Reflection Response Z0 = 50; ZL = 200; GL = z2g(ZL,Z0); Smax = 1.25; % operating frequency and bandwidth A % attenuation of reflectionless band % given bandedge ... Possible applications are the matching of dual-band antennas operating in the cellular/PCS, GSM/DCS, WLAN, GPS, and ISM bands, and other dual-band RF applications for which the frequency f2 is ... imply that the bandwidths about f1 and f2 are the same: ΔfB = f1R − f1L = f2R − f2L (12.4.29) [f1L,f1R,f2L,f2R] = dualbw(ZL,Z0,r,GB); % bandwidths of dual-band transformer The bandwidth ΔfB is...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 13 potx
... condition Any one of the following criteria are necessary and sufficient for unconditional stability [992]: K K K K K >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 and and and and and |Δ| < B1 > B2 > |S12 S21 | < − |S11 |2 |S12 S21 ... reversible, and we summarize the final relationships below: The left-hand sides represent the power flow into ports and The right-hand sides represent the difference between the power incident on a port and ... will be recognized as the centers and radii of the source and load stability circles: Fig 13.4.1 Input and output equivalent circuits cG = Similarly, the generator and the two-port can be replaced...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 14 ppt
... Green’s function having k = ω/c0 , and V is the right half-space z ≥ 0, and S, the xy-plane Replacing J, ρs in terms of the polarization ∇ and writing ∇ G = −∇ G, and moving ∇ outside the surface ... that: r E = ηH × ˆ, H= η ˆ× E r and |E| =η |H| (14.10.3) We note the similarity to uniform plane waves and emphasize the following properties: {E, H, ˆ} form a right-handed vector system r E is always ... · ∇ )∇ G + k2 J G dV (14.3.10) J × ∇ G dV Here, ρ, J stand for ρ(r ), J(r ) The gradient operator ∇ acts inside the integrands only on G and because that depends on the difference r − r , we can...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 15 ppt
... reflected and a portion of it will be intercepted back at the antenna The uplink and downlink wavelengths are λu = 0.05 m and λd = 0.075 m, corresponding to and GHz The up and down free-space gains and ... G1 and G2 and effective noise temperatures T1 and T2 The cascade combination can be replaced by an equivalent device with gain G1 G2 and effective noise temperature T12 624 15 Transmitting and ... sky and picking up the atmospheric sky noise through its mainlobe and partly through its sidelobes, and also picking up noise from the ground through the rest of its sidelobes Assuming the sky and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 16 pot
... Δθ i=0 where Δθ = π/N and θi = iΔθ, i = 0, 1, , N − These operations are carried out by the functions dipole and dmax For example, the right graph in Fig 16.4.1 and Dmax and ΔΩ were generated ... × I φ δ(ρ − a)δ(z ) ρ dρ dφ dz ˆ The integrations over z and ρ force z = and ρ = a, and therefore, r = a ρ ˆ ˆ Noting that ρ ×φ = ˆ and that the φ -integration contributes a factor of 2π, we ... multiplying and dividing by l, and using the property that the derivative of the unit-step is u (z)= δ(z), we have I(z)= I sin k(l/2 − |z|) cos θ Inserting Fz (θ) into Eq (16.1.7), and canceling...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20