... learners need to listen too Find out what your learners need to listen too Teach learners the strategies needed to control they input they get Teach learners the strategies needed to control they ... learners listen to recording of themselves Let learners listen to recording of themselves Teaching Writing Teaching Writing Ask learners to produce a variety of text types Ask learners to produce ... listening Use listening for pleasure too Use listening for pleasure too Show learners they don’t have to understand every word Show learners they don’t have to understand every word Let learners...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:28
english to University 1
... political bosses and law enforces 85. The test administrator ordered we not to open our books until he told us to do so. english to university I. Circle the word whose bold part is differently ... decimals 58. According to the passage, mathematical operations include: _______. a. to add, subtract, multiply and divide b. to square, cube, or raise to any other power c. to take a square, cube, ... to keep the secret. A. promised B. cursed C. vowed D. swore 34. Mountaineers climb Mount Everest must make reservations to do so, often up to seven years in advance. A. want to B. they want to...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 11:10
HNT- english to University 2
... He is rumoured to be rich but stringy 74 I don’t want to keep in touch with them any more A Not any longer I want to keep in touch with them B Not at more I want to keep in touch with them ... science fiction stories V. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATON 66. Tom has the ability to be a professional musician, but he's too lazy to practice. A. He is able to practice music lessons professionally ... the storm. a). The storm made them not to climb up the mountain. b). The storm prevented them from climbing up the mountain. c). The storm made them could not climb up the mountain. d). The storm...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 11:10
English to Vietnamese
... thanhả ề ượ to n payment khu v c thông tin trênự m ng đi n tạ ệ ử website ki m to n viênể auditor ki m to n, ki m traể ể audit kinh nghi p t nhân doệ ư m t ng i làm chộ ườ ủ sole proprietor L lãi profit lãi ... nhị assets tài s nả audit ki m to n, ki m traể ể audit division phân b ki m to nộ ể auditor ki m to n viênể B bad debts các món n khó đòiợ balance ngân kho n đ i chi u, k tả ố ế ế to n bank statement b ... ng đ nươ ơ petitioner, applicant ng i gi s sách k to nườ ữ ổ ế bookkeeper ng i giúp khai thuườ ế tax preparer English to Vietnamese A according to our records d a theo tài li u c aự ệ ủ chúng tôi account tr...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 06:15
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 20:37
Using eliciting question as a technique to teach english to 11th form pupils
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Segmentation for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation" ppt
... attached to the word. So syArp +P:1S recombines to syArty (’my car’) 2. Letter Ambiguity: The character ’Y’ (Alf mqSwrp) is normalized to ’y’. In the recom- bination step we need to be able to decide whether ... techniques. We also report on the use of Factored Translation Models for English- to- Arabic translation. 1 Introduction Arabic has a complex morphology compared to English. Words are inflected for gender, ... source benefits the performance of Arabic -to -English SMT. The use of similar techniques for English- to- Arabic SMT requires recombination of the target side into valid surface forms, which is not a...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Limited-Domain English to Japanese Medical Speech Translator Built Using REGULUS 2" doc
... relates to elliptical utterances. These are very important due to the one-way character of the interaction: instead of being able to ask a WH-question (“What does the pain feel like?”), the doctor ... un- changed, but where necessary the form was revised to make it more appropriate to a spoken dialogue. When we felt that it would be difficult to remem- ber what the canonical form of a question ... regard to the transfer component, we have had two main problems to solve. Firstly, it is well- known that translation from English to Japanese re- quires major reorganisation of the syntactic form. Word-order...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntactic Phrase Reordering for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Tranfor slation" pptx
... successfully applied to German -to- English and Chinese -to -English SMT (Collins et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007). In this paper, we propose the use of a similar approach for English- to- Arabic SMT. Unlike ... Mor- phological segmentation has been shown to benefit Arabic -to -English (Habash and Sadat, 2006) and English- to- Arabic (Badr et al., 2008) translation, although the gains tend to decrease with increas- ing ... one reading. These factors adversely affect the performance of Arabic -to -English SMT, espe- cially in the English- to- Arabic direction. Simple pattern matching is not enough to per- form morphological...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntax-to-Morphology Mapping in Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation from English to Turkish" ppt
... of the factors. We aligned our training sets using only the root factor to conflate statistics from different forms of the same root. The rest of the factors are then automatically assumed to be aligned, ... possible way to address is to use longer distance constraints on the morphological tag factors, to see if we can select them better. 3.2.3 Experiments with higher-order language models Factored phrase-based ... but rather eliminate certain English function words as tokens in the text and fold them into complex syn- tactic tags. That is, no transformations reorder the English SVO order to Turkish SOV, 17 for...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
A study on rhyming slang in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese.
... and/or thus to enable the speaker or his auditor or both to endure, to 'carry on'. 10. To speak or write down to an inferior, or to amuse a superior public; or merely to be on a colloquial ... the old when they hear the youngers use slang to talk to each others .So ,It isn‟t too surprise for us to know that students aren‟t allowed to use slang to talk with their teachers , especcially ... REFERENCES In English 1. Ayto, John. 2002. The Oxford Dictionary of Rhyming Slang. Oxford University Press. 2. B. Winona (2007) , The history of slang 39 the young.However,due to the limitation...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:21
A dictionnary of slang in english docx
... around Verb. To mess about, to idle away time, to waste time. The about may be substituted by around. E.g."There was no time for fucking about, we had to get to the airport to catch our ... big up Verb. To praise, to acclaim. Also to big oneself up or to big it up. [Orig W.I.] big white telephone Noun. The toilet (not the room). Usually combined with various terms to express the ... the courage to complete a task. Derog. bottom burp Noun. Wind from the anus, a 'fart'. Also abbreviated to botty burp. [1980s] bottom feeder Noun. A despicable person. bottomless pit...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Determining the placement of German verbs in English–to–German SMT" ppt
... in order to move the German verbs into the posi- tions corresponding to the positions of the English verbs. Subsequently, the reordered German sen- tences are translated into English leading to better translation ... translation directions German -to- English and English- to- German, but translation improvement was obtained only for the German- to -English direction. This may be due to miss- ing information about ... specific to English to German. For instance, the same problem occurs when translating German into English. If, for ex- 732 References Eugene Charniak and Mark Johnson. 2005. Coarse- to- fine n-best...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) pot
... technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other ... more attention to the form of the final written product than to the prewriting (and rewriting) process. Moreover, requiring student writers to find a topic to fit a pattern ... responding to writing. The instructor who guides and responds to writing must know the subject matter well enough to explain it, field questions, and respond to content...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
... spread of English teaching in the years after the war led to the position that is now true: that the English language no longer belongs numerically to speakers of English as a mother tongue, ... orientation towards the data and the purposes they intend the corpora to serve, namely as a sophisticated tool for analysing learner language so as to support them in their attempts to approximate to ... addition to English learnt by speakers from the Expanding Circle (see footnote 1), the uses of English internationally include speakers of English as a native language (ENL) / English as a mother tongue...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:21