simple program in c language using array

Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

... branch instruction BRA instruction The BRA (BRanch Always) instruction is called "unconditional branch instruction" Executing this instruction results in branching to the specified address Branching ... Samples Subtracts the R0L from the R1L, changing the CCR CMP.B R0L,R1L Conditional branch instruction Subtracts H'12 (18 in decimal notation) from the R0L, CMP.B #H'12,R0L changing the CCR Conditional ... branches to the symbol ABC Instruction ABC: Instruction BGT instruction The BGT (Branch Greater Than) instruction is one type of conditional branch instruction It compares data as a "signed binary...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20

24 534 0
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp  Using the Web Services Enhancements

Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp Using the Web Services Enhancements

... implementing industry-standard Web service specifications, including WS-Security: A wide-ranging specification that integrates a set of popular security technologies, including digital signing and encryption ... 390 1c0 1_final.qxd 6/30/04 2:52 PM Page Introducing Service-Oriented Architecture Services provide flexible binding: Services fully describe themselves using the WSDL contract This information includes ... with excellent preparation for working with Indigo in the future This chapter contains the following: • Overview of Indigo architecture, including the Indigo service layer, the Indigo connector,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:59

336 842 2
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt

... source relative to the microphones A further complicating factor is that source directionality is frequency-dependant, with sources typically becoming increasingly directional with frequency We ... [9] S T Birchfield and R Gangishetty, “Acoustic localization by interaural level difference,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP ’05), ... of talkers using a finite number of remote microphones Under such conditions, it may be found that the classical approach of concentrating the microphones in a closely spaced array causes many...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 332 0
vnz  1126   you can program in c++   a programmers introduction (2006)

vnz 1126 you can program in c++ a programmers introduction (2006)

...  x c  định c c  sở  thích c a  họ Dựa  vào  cookies  trên  máy  tính  khách  hàng  và  biết c c  lịch  sử   URL c c  trang  web  khách  đã  xem Nhà đất Tin t c tài chánh Nhà tái c p vốn Vùng ...  dán  vào c c  trang  chính  trên  website c a  bạn ü  Tách  danh  sách  khách  mua  hàng  ra  khỏi  danh  sách  tất c c c  khách  hàng 80% khách  bỏ c c   giỏ  hàng   Google Confidential ... c c  trang  chính  Bạn  dùng c c  danh  sách;  ho c  lập  danh  sách  tuỳ  chỉnh  tiếp  thị  lại  (loai  trừ  khách  đã   mua  hàng)  Tạo  một  chiến  dịch  hiển  thị  mới  cho  danh  sách...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2014, 22:33

391 220 0
Functions _ Program Components in C++

Functions _ Program Components in C++

... times #include 4 using std::cout; using std::endl;7 #include using std::setw; #include // contains function prototype for rand int main() { int frequency1 = 0; int ... fig03_10.cpp // Craps #include using std::cout; using std::endl; // contains function prototypes for functions srand and rand #include #include // contains prototype ... std::endl; #include using std::setw; // contains prototypes for functions srand and rand #include // main function begins program execution int main() { unsigned seed; cout

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 08:20

36 335 0
Tài liệu Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 docx

Tài liệu Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 docx

... PublishContacts(Contact[] contacts) { // This publish method just writes them to the console window foreach(Contact c in contacts) Console.WriteLine("Contact Id: {0} Contact: {1}", c. Id, c. Name); } ... }) ToArray(); LINQDev.Common.Contact.PublishContacts(contacts); To convert the ArrayList of Employee objects to an array of Contact objects, I first cast the ArrayList of ... Rattz_789- 3C0 Page 10 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:29 PM 10 CHAPTER ■ HELLO LINQ namespace LINQDev.Common { public class Contact { public int Id; public string Name; public static void PublishContacts(Contact[]...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 03:20

626 3,1K 4
Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C Sharp 2008 docx

Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C Sharp 2008 docx

... PublishContacts(Contact[] contacts) { // This publish method just writes them to the console window foreach(Contact c in contacts) Console.WriteLine("Contact Id: {0} Contact: {1}", c. Id, c. Name); } ... }) ToArray(); LINQDev.Common.Contact.PublishContacts(contacts); To convert the ArrayList of Employee objects to an array of Contact objects, I first cast the ArrayList of ... Rattz_789- 3C0 Page 10 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:29 PM 10 CHAPTER ■ HELLO LINQ namespace LINQDev.Common { public class Contact { public int Id; public string Name; public static void PublishContacts(Contact[]...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

624 7,5K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Historical Change in Language Using Monte Carlo Techniques" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Historical Change in Language Using Monte Carlo Techniques" potx

... of language through time, both on an individual and a group basis Conceivably, logical inconsistencies in a theoretical model, in the choice of stochastic rules, or in parameter values might cause ... must be considered analytic is the use of grammars of reconstructed languages for predicting the languages upon which the reconstructions were based Certainly the pitfalls of circular reasoning are ... The linguistic drift has direction In other words, only those individual variations embody it or carry it which move in a certain direction, just as only certain wave movements in the bay outline...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

16 336 0
Hanly, koffman   problem solving and program design in c

Hanly, koffman problem solving and program design in c

... Forensic science Computer science Computer forensics • Law enforcement Mathematics Cryptology Computer science Computer science Mechanical engineering Mechatronics Electrical engineering Section ... Electrical Engineering degree with a Computer Science degree The computer engineering curriculum includes courses on the theories, principles, and practices of traditional electrical engineering ... use in mobile internet devices (Intel Corporation Pressroom Photo Archives) computer chip (microprocessor chip) a silicon chip containing the circuitry for a computer processor Using today’s technology,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:08

921 2,8K 1
Jim ledin   embedded control systems in c and c++  an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

Jim ledin embedded control systems in c and c++ an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

... past, mechanical or electrical hardware components performed most control functions in technological systems When hardware solutions were insufficient, continuous human participation in the control ... more intuitive in the continuous-time domain than in the discrete-time domain For these reasons, the design techniques covered in this book will be based in the continuous-time domain In Chapter ... satisfactory Controller performance specifications can be stated in both the time domain and in the frequency domain Time domain specifications usually relate to performance in response to a step change...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:09

268 2,4K 0
Kruse, ryba   data structures and program design in c++ 2000

Kruse, ryba data structures and program design in c++ 2000

... be compiled The same input file thus automatically produces both typeset program listings and compiled program code In this way, the reader gains increased confidence in the accuracy of the computer ... place on an unbounded rectangular grid in which each cell can either be occupied by an organism or not Occupied cells are called alive; unoccupied cells are called dead Which cells are alive changes ... programming errors often occur not within a function but in the interface between functions, in 32 Chapter • Programming Principles misunderstanding of the exact conditions and standards of information...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:10

734 10,2K 0
Financial Applications Using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ pdf

Financial Applications Using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ pdf

... Financial Applications Using Excel Add -in Development in C/ C++ Second Edition of Excel Add -in Development in C/ C++ Steve Dalton Financial Applications using Excel Add -in Development in C/ C++ ... Accessing Excel functionality using COM/OLE automation using C+ + 9.5.1 Initialising and un-initialising COM 9.5.2 Getting Excel to recalculate worksheets using COM 9.5.3 Calling user-defined commands ... commands using COM 9.5.4 Calling user-defined functions using COM 9.5.5 Calling XLM functions using COM 9.5.6 Calling worksheet functions using COM 9.6 Maintaining large data structures within the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:21

587 4,7K 0


... PREFACE This document is intended to introduce pointers to beginning programmers in the C programming language Over several years of reading and contributing to various conferences on C including ... proper circumstances In Program 1.1 of Chapter I cast the pointers to integers into void pointers to make them compatible with the %p conversion specification In later chapters other casts will ... end result is a string in that it is an array of characters terminated with a nul character By definition, in C, a string is an array of characters terminated with the nul character Be aware that...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 01:21

53 379 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Kidney function of HIV-infected children in Lagos, Nigeria: using Filler’s serum cystatin C-based formula" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Kidney function of HIV-infected children in Lagos, Nigeria: using Filler’s serum cystatin C-based formula" docx

... 0.006b WAZ score where 1/cystatin C is the reciprocal of the concentration of serum cystatin C in mg/l Advanced HIV disease was defined clinically as WHO Clinical Stage disease or Clinical Stage ... systemic steroids within the past one week Data collection After informed consent, relevant clinical and demographic data were obtained by interviewing each caregiver and physically examining each child ... cystatin C, using kits manufactured by BioVendor Laboratorni medicina a.s, Czech Republic The intraassay co-efficient of variation (CV) for the quality controls (QC)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

8 370 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Detection and Separation of Speech Events in Meeting Recordings Using a Microphone Array" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Detection and Separation of Speech Events in Meeting Recordings Using a Microphone Array" docx

... (closed LM) in word accuracy compared with the single-microphone recording REFERENCES [1] D C Moore and I A McCowan, “Microphone array speech recognition: experiments on overlapping speech in ... dominant in the current C, and the noise is effectively reduced since block, Rn the characteristics of noise used in the beamformer perfectly match those of the current block The characteristics ... and I McCowan, “Clustering and segmenting speakers and their locations in meetings,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP ’04),...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

8 469 0
Building CMS E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 - Chương 2 pps

Building CMS E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 - Chương 2 pps

... Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 GVHD: Dương Ng c Long Nam – Page 23 Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# ... CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency(themesDirPath); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("SiteThemes", themes, dep); return themes; } } } } 25 Thêm namespace cho Directory CacheDependency using System.IO;//Directory ... KimSoft.UI.Controls GVHD: Dương Ng c Long Nam – Page 18 Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 22 Tạo thư m c App_Code:  Right-click project...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

25 430 1
Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005.Chương 3 docx

Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005.Chương 3 docx

... in itemsToRemove) BizObject.Cache.Remove(itemToRemove); } } } 15 Thêm vào namespace sau: using using using using System.Web.Caching;//Cach System.Security.Principal;//IPrincipal System.Collections.Generic;//List ... Page Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 // Trả Cache protected static Cache Cache { get { return HttpContext.Current.Cache; } } //Lấy ... (abstract class) /// public abstract class DataAccess { //Thu c tính chuỗi kết nối private string _connectionString = ""; protected string ConnectionString { get { return _connectionString;...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

11 440 0
Designation: C 563 – 96 - Optimum SO3 in Hydraulic Cement Using 24-h Compressive Strength1 pdf

Designation: C 563 – 96 - Optimum SO3 in Hydraulic Cement Using 24-h Compressive Strength1 pdf

... Calculate and record the strength of specimens as described in the section on Calculation in Test Method C 109 9.1.1 Calculate the indicated optimum SO3 content as follows: G @a/~a b!# c d c/ 2 where: ... hydraulic cement; calcium sulfate; cement; C 563 compressive strength; gypsum; hydraulic cement; optimum sulfate content (of cement); portland cement; strength (of cement); sulfate content (of cement) ... mixing water that is 30 % by mass of cement plus calcium sulfate for all types of hydraulic cement, except for Type III cement where the amount shall be 36 % 6.3.2 Mix mechanically in accordance...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 23:20

3 226 0