... segmentation of the objects Furthermore, they are not well adapted to the tracking of small objects 2.3 “Kernel tracking” The last group of methods aims at tracking a region of simple shape (often a ... formal definition of tracked objects and of observations 3.1 Description of the objects Let P denote the set of N pixels of a frame from an input image sequence To each pixel s ∈ P of the image at ... open One of them concerns the design of an unifying energy framework that would allow segmentation and tracking of multiple objects, while precluding the incorrect merging of similar objects getting...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20
... for multiple- camera multiple- object tracking using the PHD …lter 1.3 Organization of thesis Tracking multiple objects in a multiple- camera environment is a challenging task This is because of ... 119 7.9 3D results of tracking multiple people in sequence 120 7.10 3D results of tracking multiple people in sequence 121 Contents List of Tables vi List of Figures vii Introduction ... on the number of objects Thus, it can track a varying number of objects at each time step The idea of the method is based on enumerating all possible hypotheses over the number of most recent...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:08
Báo cáo sinh học: " An advanced Bayesian model for the visual tracking of multiple interacting objects" pptx
... velocity of a tracked object The number of tracked objects Nobj is variable, but it is assumed that entrances and exits of objects in the scene are known This allows to focus on the modeling of object ... interaction interact-1 Simple cross 17 46 0 interact-2 Simple cross 17 72 0 interact-3 Simple cross 18 48 0 interact-4 Simple cross 18 50 0 interact-5 Simple cross 17 123 0 interact-6 Simple cross 16 ... in spite of the high dimensionality The organization of the article is as follows The state of the art is presented in Section The description of the tracking model for interacting objects is...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" An advanced Bayesian model for the visual tracking of multiple interacting objects" pptx
... velocity of a tracked object The number of tracked objects Nobj is variable, but it is assumed that entrances and exits of objects in the scene are known This allows to focus on the modeling of object ... interaction interact-1 Simple cross 17 46 0 interact-2 Simple cross 17 72 0 interact-3 Simple cross 18 48 0 interact-4 Simple cross 18 50 0 interact-5 Simple cross 17 123 0 interact-6 Simple cross 16 ... in spite of the high dimensionality The organization of the article is as follows The state of the art is presented in Section The description of the tracking model for interacting objects is...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo y học: "The counterintuitive effect of multiple injuries in severity scoring: a simple variable improves the predictive ability of NISS" ppt
... Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:26 http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/26 sum of impacts of the individual injuries On the contrary, NISS is the simple sum of the ... authorities, with no official certification by Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine All 3754 cases of the years 2007-2009 were considered for inclusion All of the cases of hospitals ... 3) Table is a practical exemplification of the statistical properties of num_inj reported in table NISS tends to overestimate the risk of death in case of multiple injuries because it does not...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
A Knowledgeable Model: Network of C-Objects
... between attributes of certain objects a relation between the objects A relation will help us deduce some attributes from the others Our network of C -objects will consists of a set of C -objects O = {O1,O2, ... attributes of these C-ojects can have a relation f We will call f a relation between two objects O1 and O2 For example, the value of the attribute a of O is equal to the value of the attribute b of O2 ... problem Network of C -Objects 1.1 C -Objects In many problems we usually meet many different kinds of objects Each object has attributes and internal relations between them Besides, objects can execute...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:13
The simple secrets of successful people
... defiantly offered, “But you don’t understand! I’ve got work coming out of my rear end.” “Have you had a doctor look at that?” Professor Lang asked The rest of us had been caught up in the tension of ... number of advertising agencies, Fred went on to open his own graphics design and photography business He often looks back on the offer to work without pay “I 33 The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful ... undertaking a journey While each of us was heading off in a different direction, Professor Lang hoped we would all reach the same destination The course explored themes of persistence and commitment...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2013, 16:10
... appropriate mechanism to control multiple borrowing to the microfinance clients and also to make more reliable assessment of credit risk of the customers The multiple microfinance agencies are acting ... understanding of why would microfinance clients take out multiple loans Some of the empirical researches attempted to delve into the potential causes and it includes a mismatch between the size of the ... behavior of the person that result into the situation of multiple borrowing The understanding has important implications to design an appropriate mechanism to control multiple borrowing to the microfinance...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:49
The simple economics of easter island a ricardo malthus model of renewable resource use
... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited ... without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited ... without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 11:36
Tài liệu Đề tài " Periodic simple groups of finitary linear transformations " doc
... Classification of nonfinite, linear locally finite simple groups; (iii) Classification of nonlinear, finitary locally finite simple groups; (iv) Description of nonfinitary locally finite simple groups ... quasisimple, h ∈ Gk = g Gk ≤ g G as desired A section of the group X is a quotient of a subgroup That is, for a subgroup A ≤ X and normal subgroup B of A, the group A/B is a section of X We often ... certainly open to proof without CFSG, so that a classification-free proof of Corollary 5.3 should render the results of this paper independent of CFSG We begin with an abbreviated version of [16, Th 4]:...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Models and mechanisms of O-O bond activation by cytochrome P450 A critical assessment of the potential role of multiple active intermediates in oxidative catalysis doc
... critical update of several aspects of the current state of biochemistry relating to the apparently complex machinery of dioxygen activation, which is considered to possibly implicate multiple oxygenating ... of the active species [76] Further support in favour of the idea of the involvement of a high-valent iron-oxene in P450 catalysis came from experiments with metalloporphyrin models [5,6,77] Of ... of the crystal structure of NDO as well as spectroscopic data provide a rationale for the catalytic mechanism of this class of enzymes Naphthalene 1,2dioxygenase is a heterohexamer composed of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification of multiple isoforms of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit in the bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis potx
... incubation of C-subunit isoforms with MgATP did not change their mobility on SDS ⁄ PAGE (not shown) Structural analysis of C-subunit isoforms Characterization of C-subunit isoforms Samples of purified ... presence of a 4480 A B C Fig Separation and identification of PKA C-subunit isoforms from mussel PAM (A) Elution profile of C-subunit from a Mono-S HR ⁄ column A sample (2 mL, 1.5 mg of protein) of C-subunit ... of mussel C-subunit isoforms was estimated from the positions of molecular mass standards and bovine C-subunit (B, C) Western blot analysis of mussel C-subunit isoforms Samples (140– 300 ng of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20
The South African Index of Multiple Deprivation for Children potx
... This contains many of the elements of the model of multiple deprivation used in the SAIMDC: domains of deprivation combined, with appropriate weighting, into a single measure of multiple deprivation ... and adults of all ages) These domains were then combined to form an overall index of multiple deprivation South African Index of Multiple Deprivation for Children Following the release of the PIMD, ... of house, number of durables, type of energy used for cooking), health (type of water access, type of sanitation facilities, accessed health facilities), and employment opportunities (share of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: EmbR, a regulatory protein with ATPase activity, is a substrate of multiple serine⁄threonine kinases and phosphatase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis doc
... monitor phosphorylation of EmbR by mycobacterial lysate, lg of resin-bound EmbR was incubated with 10 lg of whole cell lysate of M tuberculosis in the presence of 15 lCi of [32P]ATP[cP] in 25 mm ... substrate of multiple STPKs If each of the kinases senses its own signal amongst a plethora of environmental cues, as is known for eukaryotic protein kinases, EmbR makes an integrator of the signals ... Dephosphorylation of phosphorylated EmbR decreases its DNA-binding activity towards the promoter region of embCAB genes A total of 0.3 lg of phosphorylated EmbR (P-EmbR), or an increasing amount of dephosphorylated...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo Y học: Cellular stresses profoundly inhibit protein synthesis and modulate the states of phosphorylation of multiple translation factors potx
... recycling of eIF2 to this form [29,30] The activity of eIF2B can be modulated in a variety of ways [29,31] including by its own phosphorylation, and through phosphorylation of the a subunit of its ... eIF4E The total cellular content of eIF4G was not affected by any of these treatments, ruling out the possibility that degradation of eIF4G was the cause of the loss of signal (Fig 3B) Cellular stresses ... phosphorylation state of eEF2, we made use of an antibody that detects eEF2 only when it is phosphorylated at its main site of phosphorylation, Thr56 [36] The basal level of phosphorylation of eEF2 depends...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of multiple species of tenascin-X in human serum doc
... of TNX This suggests that the N-terminus of the 75 kDa Multiple TNX species in human serum A We have previously shown that polyclonal antibodies raised against a C-terminal 100-kDa fragment of ... compilation ª 2007 FEBS 1281 Multiple species of tenascin-X in human serum D F Egging et al TNX fragment is located somewhere in the C-terminus of FNIII repeat 28 or in the N-terminus of repeat 29 The 75 ... The number of TNX species appears to be the same in most individuals (examined in 30 healthy individuals) One abdominal aorta aneurysm patient of a group of 20 showed a TNX species of a different...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Mechanical Translation and the Problem of Multiple Meaning" pdf
... results of the work The physical reason of the assumption about the uncorrelativity of the random force is the shortness of its time of the correlation as compared with the time of the relaxation of ... uncorrelativity of the random force, is the shortness of time of its correlation as compared to the relaxation time of the velocity of the large Brownian particles (high frequency of collisions) ... силы Multiple Meaning SIMULATED MECHANICAL TRANSLATION In the first works on the theory of the Brownian movement (see also ) the values of the velocity of the particle in the various moments of...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20
measuring perimeter of discrete objects
... area, perimeter, moments, of the objects are often of interest, for the tasks of shape analysis, classification, etc • Accurate and precise perimeter estimates of the real objects, based on their ... Department of Mathematics Faculty of Engineering University of Novi Sad, Serbia Slopes and difference of column sums Optimization Local computations Rotations of the plane Length estimation Complete ... perimeter of a discrete object To introduce myself Nataša Sladoje Nataša Sladoje Introduction Main story Area coverage digitization Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics Faculty of Engineering...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:20