... such conventional systems, power is virtually transmitted in one direction [5] The load demands are more or less predictable based on historical data and most of the intelligent sensing and control ... evaluation and subsequent control action to mitigate faults MPM and its close cousin, Prony Analysis require long computational time with increased number of samples and hence, are often deployed only ... the need for more sensing and control at the distribution level [6] On top of this, conventional power systems also suffer from underinvestment and increasing load demand As a result, the grid...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 17:27
... concrete situations of physical action and socio-cultural practices In integrating conation and affect, cognition is driven by, on the one hand, the agent’s current needs and motivation and, on ... mind are taken to be inherent to cognition On the present conception, perception, categorisation, memory, recognition, attention, emotion, evaluation, and concept use are all examples of cognitive ... actions, the accessibility relation acquires a normative function to the agent The influence of the global context on cognition is strong Tools and artefacts not only enhance and amplify cognition,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Installing IBM Systems Director agents on IBM i and preparing agentless managed systems Version 6.3 ppt
... IBM Systems Director Server on non-Windows systems has SSH, and a successful SSH connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent v IBM Systems Director Server on Windows systems ... SSH connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent v IBM Systems Director Server on Windows systems has DCOM, and a successful DCOM connection exists in both directions ... managed systems command-line interface (smcli) commands, and other commands that can be run directly from the command line, including configuring the database, and starting and stopping IBM Systems...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Editorial Challenges on Complexity and Connectivity in Embedded Systems" docx
... Journal on Embedded Systems to manage the vehicle components heterogeneity and to provide a plug and play support The proposed approach is expected to ease setup, service provisioning, and enable connections ... this concept as a process monitoring and management application The monitoring system can be deployed on an embedded microcontroller, thus depicting a small implementation footprint for presented ... Microcontroller Based Process Monitoring Using Petri-Nets Petri-nets have been previously largely used in the areas of systems modelling and simulation In this article Prickett et al employ this concept...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Real-Time Signal Processing for Multiantenna Systems: Algorithms, Optimization, and Implementation on an Experimental Test-Bed" potx
... performed on bit and frame level as well and can be file-logged on the PC 3.3.6 Synchronization The synchronization between Tx and Rx was realized by two cables, one for the symbol clock and one for ... appropriate solution CONCLUSIONS AND CHALLENGES FOR FUTURE MIMO IMPLEMENTATIONS AND APPLICATIONS A multiantenna experimental test-bed was presented based on a hybrid approach consisting of FPGAs and DSPs ... MIMO systems with/without frequency diversity and adaptive/nonadaptive modulation under real-time transmission and decoding requirements If a bandwidth extension is taken into consideration for...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
Bioinformatics definitions, challenges and impact on health care systems
... proteins and metabolic considerations Also includes differences in developmental stages, tissues and organs Protein Functions Catalysis Transport Nutrition and storage Contraction and mobility ... proteins) Relationship between transcriptome and proteome is complex, due to longevity of mRNA signal, subsequent control of translation to protein, and post translational modifications Functional Genomics ... diverse, and complex life sciences data more understandable and useful NIH Definition cont… Bioinformatics: Research, development, or application of computational tools and approaches for expanding...
Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2015, 10:13
Investigation on identification and control of quantum systems
... equations for closed quantum systems to facilitate the analysis and design of quantum control Derivation of the real-valued equations will be studied based on the discussion on a state identification ... physical and chemical systems can be attained 1.1 Background of Quantum Control Among the applications, a typical one is quantum computation Given the limitations in the existing model of computation, ... Analysis and control of closed quantum systems based on real-valued equations Instead of establishing a completely new theory of quantum control by abandoning the results from the classical control...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:08
Fault analysis on power systems using wavelet transformed transients and artificial intelligence
... protection at B7 and B8 - Backup protection at B6 and B7 - Backup protection at B4 and B5 - Backup protection at B2 and B3 - CBs open at B7 and L7 - CBs open at B6 and B7 - CBs open at B4 and B5 ... HVDC converter controls For TACS, a block diagram representation of control systems is used TACS can be used for the simulation of ?? HVDC converter controls ?? Excitation systems of synchronous ... Physical dimensions of each conductor (both Physical dimensions of each conductor (both inner and outer radii for bus bar and stranded inner and outer radii for bus bar and stranded conductor) f)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:50
In vitro studies on the color stability and masking ability of composite cores and the influence of posts and cores on the shades of all ceramic systems
... function and esthetics 1.1.3 Endodontic Post Systems The endodontic post system is a vital component of a coronal restoration for an endodontically treated tooth It serves as an anchor for the core and ... error, detector nonlinearity, stray light, bandwidth, and the geometrical conditions for both illumination and viewing The effect of bandwidth can be important For example, bandwidths of 20nm ... Introduction 51 4.2 Materials & Methods 52 4.3 Results 57 4.4 Discussion 63 4.5 Conclusions 66 iv Chapter Evaluation of the influence of the color of various post and core systems on the esthetics...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:24
The effects of clay a m e n d m e n t and composting on metal speciation in digested sludge liang qiao
... represents one standard deviation) Metal speciation of digested sludge 953 Table I The effect of factoring in the dilution by red mud addition on total metal content in sludge compost and the metal content ... greater effect on Cr, Pb and Zn speciation than on Cu and Ni speciation More than 80% of Cu is tightly bound to the organic fraction, and red mud addition hardly affects the Cu speciation (ii) Although ... decomposition took place A change in redox condition and solid/solution ratio therefore occurred Red mud has a high pH, cation exchange capacity, AI and Fe oxides and clay minerals and can effectively...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:47
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school
... 1990) which consist of a number of specific and defined questions determined beforehand, and allow some elaboration in questions and answers After the questionnaires and class observations, two interviews ... communication and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction” (Richard and Rodgers, 1986: 165) In conclusion, speaking skill is one ... fluency and accuracy Conclusion Teaching and learning speaking skill at Upper-Secondary Schools are considered problematic In this study with the title “A study on the opportunities for and constraints...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
... Standardization, Metrology, and Quality Control is the pioneer in environmental protection and considered as the main state’s body responsible for providing guidelines, training, consultation and ... relationship between socio-economic development and environmental protection; Conflicts arising in the course of socio-economic development among economic activities, the quality of life and long-term ... international obligations, such as the conventions on climate change, conservation of biodiversity and ozone depletion which were signed by Vietnam; • Details of EIA procedures; 20 • The organization...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32
Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and biofilm on the adsorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in activated sludge
... Carbon/amount of PAC ( mg g-1) adsorption capacity of PAC does not totally due to the adsorption of DOM on PAC 10 AC AC AC AC PAC on P on P on P on P ion ion tion New tion ba ba bat bat incu incu incu ... compared to the new one Figure shows 3,5-DCP concentrations in the PACT and the control reactors during and after the shock loading of 3,5-DCP The peak concentration in the PACT and the control reactors ... glucose concentration of 1000mg l-1 The incubation was defined as incubation from addition of glucose until DOC concentration in the medium was zero For biofilm developed on PAC, the incubation was...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... propionate concentration of 5, 10 and 20 mM For each concentration of acetate or propionate, ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) was added to obtain total nitrogen concentrations of and 11 mM Fermentation ... Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.1, 2005 Effect of nitrogen levels and initial propionate concentrations Continuous illumination The effect of nitrogen levels and initial propionate concentrations ... might be consumed to produce hydrogen and resulted to butyrate and acetate production (Figures 1, 2) Figures and illustrated a reduction of glucose concentration and an increase of acetate and butyrate...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
Theory and design of CNC systems (Học CNC)
... memory and controls the movement of axes The NC system generates instructions for position and velocity control based on the part program and servo motors are controlled based on the instructions ... is, the connection between a CNC system and a variety of sensor and mechanical devices is done via only one communication line For this communication mechanism, a standard communication protocol ... Acceleration/ deceleration Backlash/pitch error compensation Acceleration/ deceleration control V X Z Fitted velocity curve generation X Position control PID control DRV Servo drivers/motor control...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 20:50
Configuring Kerberos and NTP on Ubuntu Server
... completed and you have a basic working configuration In the next section you’ll read how to tune this configuration Configuring the Kerberos Server There are two configuration files involved in configuring ... you need to create a link to the configuration file that contains information on your local time zone You can find these configuration files in C HA P TER 13 C ONF I G U R I N G K E R B E R O S ... server: , which contains generic Kerberos configuration settings, and , in which you’ll find the configuration of the KDC In this section, you’ll first tune these two Kerberos configuration files After...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20