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User interface design

User interface design

... face Evaluate design with end-users Analyse and understand user activities âIan Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 16 Slide 35 User analysis  If you don’t understand what the users ... UI design process  UI design is an iterative process involving close liaisons between users and designers.  The 3 core activities in this process are: ã User analysis. Understand what the users ... you have no realistic prospect of designing an effective interface.  User analyses have to be described in terms that users and other designers can understand.  Scenarios where you describe...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:27

17 630 1
Tài liệu User Interface Design: Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design doc

Tài liệu User Interface Design: Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design doc

... information on user interface design, none contains specific descriptions of how a designer transforms the information gathered about users and their work into an effective user interface design. This ... the processes, and the methods vary considerably, the common theme is the building of that bridge between User Requirements and User Interface Design. Some contributors view the design process ... GOOD INTERFACE DESIGN Design is both a product and a process. The product is an artifact designed for a specific purpose, given a set of components, resources, and constraints within which a designer...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

421 577 1
Tài liệu Activity 11.2: Creating an Initial User Interface Design pptx

Tài liệu Activity 11.2: Creating an Initial User Interface Design pptx

... an Initial User Interface Design 97 Exercise 2: Design Feedback and User Assistance (10 minutes) ! Refine the design by adding feedback and user assistance 1. Review the design you ... the user. Write this on the user interface design and identify the controls that will provide the feedback. 3. Identify how user assistance will be implemented. Write this on the user interface ... user interface. The design will be a low fidelity visual representation. First, you will draw the user interface on paper. Next, you will design feedback and user assistance for the interface. ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

4 375 0
10 usability heuristics for user interface design

10 usability heuristics for user interface design

... dùng. 4.Consistency and standards (Nhất quán) Chỉ nên sử dụng một cách thao tác cho cùng một hành động , tình huống ; một cách diễn đạt 9.Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover ... 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design by JAKOB NIELSEN (10 kinh nghiệm về khả năng sử dụng trong thiết kế giao ... dụng cách nói đời thường để hiển thị thông tin một cách tự nhiên và tuần tự. 3 .User control and freedom (Người dùng tự do điều khiển ) Người dùng thường chọn nhầm chức...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 15:32

3 1,3K 8
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design ppt

The Essential Guide to User Interface Design ppt

... to User Interface Design has been the impact of the World Wide Web on interface and screen design. This new edition incorporates an extensive com- pilation of Web interface design guidelines, and ... process. ■■ Understand the rationale and rules for an effective interface design methodology. ■■ Identify the components of graphical and Web interfaces and screens, including windows, menus, and controls. ■■ Design ... clear, easy-to-understand -and- use interfaces and screens for graphical and Web systems. It is the eighth in a long series of books by the author addressing screen and interface design. Over the past...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

888 822 2
user interface design for programmers, 2001

user interface design for programmers, 2001

... A user interface is well designed when the program model conforms to the user model. That's it. Almost all good user interface design comes down to bringing the program model and the user ... interpret their actions. The interface needs to behave in the way they expect it to behave. Thus, the cardinal axiom of all user interface design: A user interface is well designed when the program ... level we think we're designing for users, but no matter how hard we try, we're designing for who we think the user is, and that means, sadly, that we're designing for ourselves....

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 15:41

101 480 0
Practical SharePoint 2010 Branding and Customization docx

Practical SharePoint 2010 Branding and Customization docx

... Practical SharePoint 2010 Branding and Customization cuts through the fluff and discusses accessible, easy-to-understand consulting and processes to create aesthetically pleasing, highly usable branded ... the look and feel and completing the process of branding the platform itself is complex and requires a knowledge of web development, web design techniques, and a familiarity with SharePoint ... you’re branding a public-facing Fortune 500 web site based on SharePoint, Practical SharePoint 2010 Branding and Customization is the only book you'll need to quickly, easily, and efficiently...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

363 237 0
Overview of User Interface Design docx

Overview of User Interface Design docx

... have to correct and enhance the system. I. Concept of User Interface ã The interaction with the computer takes place through the user interface. – In a standard PC, the user interface consists ... . . Design of user interfaces: Example ã Assume that the system is dealing with sales and invoicing. It has a database of customers, products and invoices (Figure 1.1B). – The user interface ... – =>The system has low usability. I. Concept of User Interface ã The user interface is the part of the system that you see, hear and feel (look and feel) – Other parts of the system are hidden...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 07:20

65 584 0
Apress Iphone User Interface Design Projects pptx

Apress Iphone User Interface Design Projects pptx

... excellent taste and insight on good user interface design to several Apress titles: iPhone Games Projects, iPhone Advanced Projects, and now iPhone UI Projects. Download at WoweBook.Com Download ... by Apress. Not only are there more and better apps but there are many more experienced, truly creative developers and designers. And since interface design and usability become more important ... chapters and the stories of how they came to be interesting as both human drama and as well-designed as the iPhone and iPod Touch technology. Happy adventuring, and send us a postcard! Clay Andres...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 08:20

274 583 0
User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 2 docx

User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 2 docx

... them. Therefore,when you design a user interface, you have to understand how the interface works in the operating system for which you’re designing it. If you’re going to write a software interface for ... that allowed the user to connect to bulletin board systems through their modems. Graphical User Interfaces GUIs, of course, have been the standard user interface since the 1990s, and were first ... icons, and in Windows, the position of the taskbar. Windows and other GUI operating systems, as well as Concepts and Issues 31 Figure 2.13 A sample text user interface. Design Improvements and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

31 395 0
User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 3 pptx

User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 3 pptx

... should conduct user and task analysis to gain understanding about your users. User and task analysis is the process of learning about ordinary users by observing them in action (Hackos and Redish, ... computer. ã Reflexive interfaces allow users to define and control the entire system through the user interface, such as changing the command verbiage to suit their needs and expectations. ã Tangible interfaces give ... types of interface models: batch inter- faces, the command-line interface (CLI), and the graphical user interface (GUI). You learned the differences in these three interface models, and vari- ous...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

31 431 0
User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 4 potx

User Interface Design for Mere Mortals PHẦN 4 potx

... about applying interface principles and patterns that adhere to these good design principles in Chapter 7,“Designing a User Interface. ” Are Designers Against Users? Designers and users have fundamentally ... goals apply to user interface design? Cooper and Reimann (2003) applied the four goals to user design as follows, and Ive added a few tips of my own: ã Ethical The user interface design should ... comes to design of any kind ,and that includes user design. For example,designers actu- ally design the product ,and they’re intimately involved with its development. Users, on the other hand, don’t...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

31 325 0